Delayed Transfer

Chapter 47

The next day,  Mark texted Sam after he was done with his breakfast and workout, reminding him to bring all the laptops and hard drive to him tomorrow since he was planning to Replicate all the gadgets and keep a copy on the First Floor of the Dungeon for safe keeping.  Of course he would return the original to Sam so he could continue with the download. After a minute Sam replied back and said that he would comply. 

Mark then checked his weight and it remained at 150 pounds.  He guessed that it would now be stable at 150 pounds since that’s the ideal weight of his 5 foot 7 inches body.  He thought that it was only possible because of the physical stats that he had on the System Interface and the MP that was circulating on his body. 

He then thought, “What if I don’t exercise and gorge myself, will I become fat again?” but Mark knew that it was just a passing thought because he wouldn’t risk it.  He liked his body right now and he liked how good he felt and looked. 

Mark was planning to go down to the Eight Floor of the Dungeon when he received a call from an unknown number.  He answered it.

“Hello. Is this Mr. Mark Baker?  My name is Manuel Hernandez and I’m the agent assigned to you by Mr. Donald Dren.  This is regarding your request to purchase a house and car in Ventura.  Do you have the time today?” 

“Yes, I do.  Where do you wanna meet?” Mark said, excited on the prospect of getting a brand new house and car.

“I’ll go ahead and pick you up in front of your apartment after 10 minutes.  Will that be okay?”  The agent asked.

Mark said that it would be fine and ended the call.  He wore one of his best casual dress that was arranged by Melissa since he wanted to look good while looking at his potential homes.  He knew that he would only stay at that house for one year but he wanted to live a good life during that year before he transmigrate since he didn’t know what type of life he would have on the next world.

After exactly 10 minutes, he heard a knock on his door.  When Mark answered it, he saw a good looking young man who unfortunately was taller than him by several inches.  Manuel Hernandez was around 6 feet tall, a mix of white and Hispanic since he actually had blonde hair, although he wasn’t sure if it was dyed.   He looked around Mark’s age or maybe a couple of years older.

“Good Morning, Mr. Baker! I’m Manuel.   Are you ready sir to check your new home?” Manuel asked with a smile.

“Yes.  What do you mean my new home? How many are we gonna look at?”  Mark asked while they were walking towards a nice black Lamborghini car.

"That’s a really nice car.” Mark said to Manuel.  Manuel just smiled and opened the passenger seat for him. 

After around 20 minutes, they arrived at a good neighborhood.  Manuel then stopped at a nice looking two story house.  The house looked very modern with its designed geared towards young people.  Manuel parked the Lamborghini in front of the house and invited Mark inside.

Mark toured the house while Manuel was giving its detailed description.  He said that it’s a three bedroom house with bathroom to each of the room.  It had a nice good looking, modern big kitchen with complete kitchen appliances.  The living room had a tasteful design with complete furniture.  It had a good looking dining room just beside the kitchen and its table was very sleek and modern.  Unfortunately for Mark, he didn’t know anything about interior design so he didn’t really understand what Manuel was saying about the rooms.  All he knew was that everything looked modern and sleek.  The three bedrooms were different with each other and it even had an office room.  Surprisingly, it also had a very nice secluded backyard with a Jacuzzi. 

Mark really liked the house but knew that the house was probably more that he could afford with the 3 million dollars that he had right now and he was well aware that Manuel knew his budget since he was an agent from Donald Dren.  Maybe after curing a few more rich guys, he could afford this house.

“So how much is it Manuel?” He asked the agent directly.

“Actually Mr. Baker, this house is already yours if you want it including the car outside.  You would only need to sign the papers and it would be official.  Mr. Dren said that if you have any questions, you may call him directly.” Manuel said, still smiling his professional agent smile.

Mark frowned and dialed his phone to call Donald Dren.  Manuel moved a few feet away to give him privacy

“Hello, Mr. Dren.  This is Mark.”

“Ahh, hello Mark.  Since your calling now, it means that you saw the house and car.  So how are they?  Do you like them? Oh and please call me Donny.”  Mark could actually feel Donald smiling over the phone.

“Yes I saw them and they are beautiful.  But what did the agent said that its mine if I wanted it.  You already paid me for Elizabeth’s case.”

“I know. Did you know that after you left, my brother and I both went to get a full body  up.  The doctors were amazed!  They said that we were in perfect health and all ailments that we have been suffering because of hard work and age were gone and I feel it! I feel good, Mark.  I don’t have the energy of  20 year old but I don’t have any aches and pain of an old man. I look healthy and I feel healthy. Do you know how good that felt, Mark?  So not only the house and car a payment from both my brother and I,  I also would like to maintain a connection to you.  You can cure people Mark.  Who wouldn’t want to be friends with you?”

Mark  thought that it was perfectly reasonable.  He thanked Donald for the house and car and reminded him that he could call anytime if he needed anything. 

After the call ended , Mark called Manuel and said that he was ready to sign the papers.  Manuel brought out the paper from the bag that he was carrying and let Mark signed it.  After that, he told Mark that if he needed anything at all, he could call him since he was personally assigned by Mr. Dren since he was the best agent in the company right now.   Mark then asked Manuel if he could help sell his car that he bought earlier and used for just a day.  Manuel said that he would be happy to.  They then went back to Mark’s apartment so he could get his things and immediately move to the new house.  This time, it was Mark who was driving the Lamborghini.

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