Crimson Instinct

Chapter 46: The younger sister

*Xin Lei*

It was just like how Lin Zihao told us. A car had stopped in front of Liao Chuntao.

Bai Li asked, "Oh? A car?"

"Yes. There was a man, I think. But I didn't get a nice feeling. The windows of the car were tinted in black. And you know that isn't allowed anymore. They should be transparent."

I typed. "I guess he would have come out and apologized to her for making her wait."

"No. He didn't come out of his car at all."

Bai Li said, "He didn't? That is so rude."

"Isn't it? I thought the same! It was so hot outside and she waited for half an hour but he didn't even have the basic courtesy. He simply rolled down the window and rested his arm on it. The hand definitely looked masculine. The woman bent towards him and talked a little. Then she turned and walked around the other side, opened the door to the passenger seat, and sat inside. Then the man drove the car away."

It matched with the footage photos that Lin Zhihao had shown us.

Bai Li leaned in and had a curious expression on his face. "I see, I see. Do you think perhaps that man murdered her?"

I was really impressed with Bai Li's questioning style. He was totally pulling the owner in the story.

The owner was also deep in thought, "Possibly. But the woman looked really happy when she met him."

I typed. "He could be her boyfriend..."

The owner nodded. "It is my speculation too. She seemed excited when she got out of the cab. She was smiling too, when she was talking to that man. Hmph! Never trust a man who uses tinted glasses for windows. These days relationships are so fickle."

I twitched my eyebrow.

Bai Li also kept silent about that comment. He said, "Right. But you are so sharp. You must have definitely seen something."

The owner sighed. "Not much. They were still a little far away to see anything clearly. Although I do remember that he wore a watch because it was shining a little under the light of the lamp post."

I typed. "Oh? These days silver plated watches are quite popular. It must be that!"

He frowned. "Really? I am behind the trend. I can't say if it was gold or silver. The yellow streetlight was making it look like that it could be copper or gold, but it could be silver shade too."

I sighed.

Bai Li said, "Wow. You are an eye witness. The cops must have questioned you a lot, right?"

He seemed annoyed now.

"Don't even ask! I have been brought in for questioning so many times. I say the same thing over and over again. Especially those two officers from Dongcheng. And then that woman too!"

Was he talking about Tian Song and Dong Deming? But wait. Woman? Who?

Bai Li asked, "Eh? Which woman?"

"She said that she is the dead woman's younger sister. I don't remember her name, though."

Wait..what was her name again? Liao... Huifang right?

I typed. "I really wonder was her sister doing here...I mean the cops are doing their job."

The owner looked troubled. "The cops are investigating but she still came here. She always asks the same question whether I remember something about that man or not. But I already said about the watch, and I don't know anything else. And now this is the nth time that I am telling you everything. But I feel bad for her. She seemed heartbroken by her sister's death. That said, I should go back to make your hotpot."

He left for the kitchen.

Bai Li said, "First, the black tinted windows and then the man doesn't come out. He is cautious not to let anybody see him."

I agreed.

I typed. "What about Liao Huifang?"

"I guess she isn't much satisfied with the cop's progress in the case. So she is investigating it herself. But she is reckless. If she gets too nosy, our dear friends hiding in the dark will not like it much. And they will have to add her in the 'kill-list' like you and me."

What Bai Li said was true.

I typed. "If we can find her, then we can get to know more about Liao Chuntao."

He nodded. "Right. I hope we find her before they do."

Fifteen minutes later, the owner made all the preparations of the hotpot at the table. Frankly, I had no space in my stomach, but Bai Li and I could only put up with it.

As we dug in our second lunch for the day, from the corner of my eye, I saw that same teenage boy wearing the red tee and jeans, standing at the bus stop. He seemed nervous but happy too.

First, he was at Mc D's and now here. I guess he went there for lunch just like us.

Then I saw a girl wearing a red dress approaching him. Her back was to me. She had worn a scarf around her head. She had long, black hair down until her waist and her skin was fair. She was a little bit taller than the boy.

The boy seemed really excited to meet her. He had a wide grin on his face as they started talking. I guess they had decided on wearing the same color dress today.

I felt happy for him, as well.

Ah, teenage crush...I chuckled and shook my head.

I went back to having lunch.


We finished our lunch and headed outside towards our car in the parking lot.


"Stop," came a voice from behind us.

I stiffened.

I had heard that voice before, from Dongcheng police headquarters.

We slowly turned and found the man standing.

Yes, I was right.

It was Tian Song.

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