Crimson Instinct

Chapter 45: Questioning

*Xin Lei*

My heart raced in my chest as I felt General Song trying to peek inside the car. I sensed his piercing gaze looking in our direction. Though we were in our disguises, I was still quite nervous. I thought it would still be safe if Bai Li ducked down.

I heard that General Song was quite sharp, and he and Bai Li have known each other for years, so I didn't want to take the risk, at least in front of him.

But thankfully, the turn came at the right time, and I quickly drove the other way.

The slogans and cheers were on full swing, and they were slowly diminishing as we went farther away.

I heaved a sigh of relief.

Bai Li asked, "Did the General see us?"

I was driving a little slower so that I could type. "It was a close call. Our gazes met for just a second, but I quickly looked away."

"He could have still recognized you since your face is also pasted in black and white. He is sharp. We should get away as quickly as possible. How much more time until we reach the Dalong river?"

I typed. "Ten minutes."


We reached the spot where we Liao Chuntao was last seen. There was a bus stop near the river and a little farther away there was Xueying hot pot restaurant.

Bai Li said, "The car stopped around here when Liao Chuntao got in, so let's ask in the hot pot restaurant. And we need to be indirect about what we want to know. We are not the police, so nobody would say anything."

Bai Li had a point. People other than law enforcement would unnecessarily garner attention if they pried in the case.

"And by the way, we had lunch, but I guess we would have to stuff our stomachs with some hot pot too. My mistake. We should have eaten here."

I frowned.

A small bell attached to the restaurant door rang as we three stepped inside.

There stood a middle-aged man behind the counter, wearing his white chef apron. I assumed him to be the owner of this restaurant.

"Yes, young lads!" He said with a bright grin. "What kind of hotpot would you like? Would you prefer the spicy Sichuan hotpot or a seafood one? Or how about Yunnan hot pot? You will love the mushrooms!"

Bai Li looked over at his direction and said, "Let the lady here decide."

The owner looked at him a little perplexed, though. It was the same as Fu Biyu looked at him when we first met. The owner seemed to realize it that Bai Li couldn't see finally.

"Ah, how gentleman you are!" he nodded in appreciation.

Then he slid the menu card towards me and explained all the items.

Well, I was full of MC D's cheese-burger, but I got no choice.

The owner asked, "Are you two new in the district? I never saw you around here."

Bai Li said, "Yes. We are tourists. We are actually heading to the Natural Park in Langfang. I heard that it's a beautiful place."

"Oh, it is! It is a beautiful and gigantic park indeed," he sighed, "but I heard that some major incident took place over there a few days back. I think that a little girl disappeared, and the investigation is going on."

I feigned to look shocked and widened my eyes.

The owner sadly shook his head. "Yes, it's true. I feel pity for her mother. I hope that she is found soon."

Bai Li probed. "There must be some rumors, right? About any conspiracy? Theories?"

"The cops have arrested her father, so I heard. I cannot believe what this world has come to now. Daughters aren't safe in their own homes."

I typed. "But his crime isn't proven yet."

The owner was surprised, perhaps, to see me talk with the help of my phone.

"Well, that's true, but the cops have some evidence against him, so I think it's only a matter of time before that father is put behind bars. He should be punished! We think that maybe he thought that this was a good chance to lay his dirty hands on the little girl since they were away from home."

The owner was clearly agitated and furious.

I typed. "You think he had designs on his own daughter?"

The owner snorted. "What else would it be? There are many men who hide their true selves from this world. They act normal on the outside but are disgusting beasts on the inside."

I was sure that this was one of those wild theories. Because we met Fu Ting, I can say with confidence that he wasn't anything like that.

"Ah, did you decide on the hotpot?"

I smiled and pointed at the Sichuan one.

Bai Li looked solemn. "That's sad, indeed. I heard that a woman's dead body was also found in Langfang."

He was hyped up now. "Yes. Poor woman. She was found in an alley. I heard that she was beaten very badly. Don't know what is happening in Langfang. And do you know what? I had seen just the same woman one night standing near the bus stop."

This was it. Bai Li had efficiently maneuvered the conversation in Liao Chuntao's direction.

People liked to share stories, especially more when they were a part of it.

We both looked very interested in knowing further. I typed. "Really? What did you see?"

He was now completely into storytelling mode.

"Well, she seemed like a white-collar worker. She had worn an office suit. It was late around 9.15 PM when she stepped out of a cab. I know because I was serving a customer and then I saw the cab through the window. I thought she might be a customer coming here. But she didn't. She was then standing at the bus stop."

Bai Li casually asked, "Then?"

"Then, at 9.45 PM, I went outside to close my shop shutter. At that time, she was still there. I was wondering why she didn't get on any bus. It was hot outside, so I thought to offer her to sit in my restaurant, but just then, a car stopped in front of her."

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