Crimson Instinct

Chapter 47: Civil escort


Rodey was pacing back and forth in the base. He got a call from Neal a while ago that everything was going on as planned with Chu Jie.

That was good news.

But everything was not going well in regards to catching Xin Nianzu.

Rodey knew that he had no money. And he would need it to buy even a loaf of bread or a single shirt. So, he was keeping an eye on whether he was withdrawing any money from his or Xin Lei's bank account. Their accounts were tapped. But it was negative. No transactions.

He knew Xin Nianzu was smart and would not risk doing that, but Rodey was cautious.

There was one other thing.

It was not so easy to check his son Xin Zhen's account. He was in the Intelligence Service, and they have their accounts tightly secured from hacking, on the whole, another level. It wasn't easy to get into their database.

That was a loose end. He could use his son's account. As far as he knew, Xin Zhen wasn't in contact. But anything was possible. If he couldn't track him with the money trail, then he would have to find a different way to catch Xin Nianzu.

He also personally checked the footage from hotels, and found a man with a similar build as him, renting a room. He was looking different, but Rodey was sure that it was him.

But Xin Nianzu had already escaped by then.


Tomorrow was Fu Ting's preliminary hearing. If Xin Nianzu appeared in the court, and if he managed to bail him out, then the court would order to restart Fu Meili's investigation for finding the real culprit.

And he couldn't let that happen.

The boss would not like it. And he knew the consequences if he failed this time.

Rodey narrowed his eyes.

There was one way. And he had to act sooner.

*Xin Lei*, ---

Bai Li and I slowly turned. Cocoa was on guard, fully alert. We were in our disguises, but how did Tian Song recognize us?

Tian Song wasn't holding any gun in his hand. I shifted my gaze to look around and found the police car. But apart from him, I saw no other officers.

"Nice to meet you again, new traffic police recruit officers."

He said that with a deadpan expression on his face. There was no mocking or sneering in his tone, but I still felt the taunt directed at us.

Considering our deadlock situation, I didn't find his joke funny at all.

Bai Li turned his head in his direction and said, "I think there is a misunderstanding."

"Not at all. Your disguise is perfect. Though how I recognized you is none of your concern. And it's not because of the dog."

Silence. This was not good.

Bai Li said, "Nice to meet you too. Isn't it such pleasant weather? Shouldn't you be patrolling the streets of Dongcheng?"

I had no comment.

Tian Song was quiet for a beat. He stared at us and said, "Let's not waste time. I have to take you somewhere."

"Like jail?"


I frowned. If not back to Dongcheng police headquarters, then where?

Tian Song said, "I cannot answer any more questions. I am just told to bring you with me. There is somebody who wants to meet you."

I felt his gaze linger at me for a second more.

I frowned.

Bai Li asked, "Did you slip the evidence in Xin Lei's pocket?"

Tian Song glanced at Bai Li.

"No comment."


"Did you manipulate the evidence in Fu Ting's room and that worker too to shut her mouth who saw Fu Ting entering his room when Fu Meili was kidnapped?"

"No comment."

"Are you taking us to meet your boss?"

"No comment."

Oh, come on! Why is his tape stuck at only those two words!

He said, "I cannot answer your questions, but I must say I am impressed with how you escaped from the headquarters. I planned to take you to meet the person in question when we take you in our custody, but I couldn't."

"Thanks for the appreciation. But if you cannot help us with my questions, then we cannot help you either."

"I have to take you to meet him."

"What a nice escort service. But tell whoever that person is to come himself. Why should three people take the effort to meet him, taking the time out of their busy schedules? Vice versa is more logical and efficient."

"Let's be civil. Don't force me to take out my gun."

"And now we are really scared."

Tian Song seemed unaffected. "Let's go now. She will drive the car. You and the dog will sit with me in the passenger seat."

Did we really have no way out?

"They are not going with you," came a stern voice.

Who said that?

Bai Li whispered as he cursed. "Great. Here is another pain in the ass."

I froze when I saw the man who was stepping out of the military jeep. Around five to six army officers surrounded the area.

The man looked in his early fifties with an air of presence and command. He was wearing an army uniform with many badges pinned on his shirt. I saw the shoulder insignia that confirmed his rank in the army.

General Song Xiaosheng and the one who holds the highest rank in the military.

Also, the one whom I thought we missed him in that rally. Guess he somehow saw Cocoa? Or found Bai Li hiding?

The other army officers stood straight in position.

General Song walked his way to us. Tian Song silently looked at him.

General Song carefully sized Bai Li and narrowed his eyes. "It's been hardly a few days, Bai Li, but you have already got yourself in deep trouble."

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