Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 74: A Strange Encounter

The roller coaster ride of a night finally came to an end. It was unknown when the bike finally left, but there was no sign of it the next day. Even less was known about the thoughts of the one who rode it, but some things can only be imagined.

"Hey big boy..."

Laz moaned... not wanting to get up.

"How's about you get up and give me a little attention before you get going, I'm lonely..."

"God damn it.." Laz muttered.

"BABY!?! Come on, I need it, right now."

"I swear to god I'm going to smash that phone when I find it." Laz finally rolled over to see two eyes staring at him. For whatever reason, he only now noticed that they seemed hazel colored.




"I promise I won't move. I just want you to make me feel good. Come on, you played with me all last night. Time to get in a little more action before you have to go."

"You want me to leave you and your phone to have some alone time?" Said the sexy, golden haired girl with a bit of an evil smile on her face. It would be worth it to note that nothing really changed by the time they went to sleep. In fact, Laz's arm was still under Kennedy at this moment, pressed against her bare side as she had turned over to look at him. The soft, jigglyness was also present, suggesting that currently, her breasts were still resting on his forearm. He could even feel a slight poke into his chest indicating just how close she was to him.

Laz froze up like an iceberg.

Laughing, Kennedy turned over and pressed the dismiss button then set his phone on his ŀap before sitting up. Although she still had those tight, black booty shorts on, they had dipped down a bit to show the rather plump curve of her ass. She had also managed to get enough of the covers with her to cover up her intoxicating bosom. With the warm sunlight drifting in through the aged curtains, the scene was both stimulating and yet still PG at the same time.

The iceberg didn't do anything other than lay there, even when the sultry golden haired beauty stood up with her back to him, grabbed her discarded tank top and put it on then grabbed her bag and made for the bath room. As she was about to close the door, she popped her head out.

"How about some fresh coffee, big boy?"

Laz finally had a reaction, more than one actually. As he stood up, he figure out he was still pretty much naked and made to find some clothes before going to the kitchen. He wasn't embarrassed, but felt that after everything that had happened last night, the big sister like girl was back. He didn't think it was a good idea to walk around with his thing hanging out in this situation.

After starting the coffee, Laz turned around to once again find a completely different woman standing there. She had on some fairly tight blue jeans and a long sleeved gray sweater over a white short sleeved shirt. Her hair was also done up in a simple pony tail. The entire ensemble was much different than anything he had ever seen her in. She looked rather comfortable and natural this way. Of course, due to this contrast, Laz spent a bit to much time gawking at her.

"You done?"

"Hmm? Oh..." Laz finally shook himself out of it.

Although he didn't notice it, Kennedy was a bit red in the face. She pulled out her phone and didn't say anything else, just going through her messages. Laz felt a bit awkward but decided he would just clean up the kitchen a bit. Of course, as there wasn't much to clean up besides their cups from last night, he was mostly just moving things around for no reason..

Kennedy couldn't help but giggle to herself.

When the coffee was finally done, Kennedy poured herself a cup using the now clean mug, put on her jacket and shoes and without saying anything, walked out. Laz, dumbfounded, walked to the door that had just closed and all of the sudden, felt his phone vibrate. Pulling it out of his pocket, he was finally able to relax.

:Thank you:

It might have been a very simple and short message, but it conveyed a lot. It wasn't that Kennedy was being short with him or even giving him the cold shoulder, it was more like she needed time. Neither of them had expected last night and although you could say that it had drawn them closer, it doesn't mean that everything would just be ok like that. They both had feelings to sort out.

Laz just sat there, sipping his coffee as he drifted off into his thoughts. He had learned a ton from his fight, had a crazy encounter with that would be killer Jade and had a... moment with Kennedy? He wasn't even sure how to describe it.

He felt that maybe, she would be a bit better after this. He was glad she seemed to return to her usual self.

Now Jade on the other hand... he couldn't help but to shudder just thinking about it. A woman who could kill on someone else's order was not something he wanted to deal with, especially when he thought about what happened between them. He didn't once think that it was over. Fortunately, she had no idea who he was so it would be really hard for her to find him. He was only able to calm himself down after thinking like this.

Since he didn't want to deal with either of the two old perverts, Laz decided today that he would go to his special spot, the abandoned playground out behind the shack. He felt like being in the house wasn't what he needed to clear his head.

Stepping out of the apartment, he noticed his grandpa's truck was gone and couldn't help but wonder if he decided not to be home for a reason.

As he walked down the familiar path, he expanded his senses out to take in the whole of nature. It was a pretty warm day considering the time of the year. Laz took his time as he absorbed the sunlight while circulating his energy. After the fight last night, he was now doing this as though it was a normal part of himself, almost as instinctual as breathing. As he got closer and closer to the park, he felt his energy going faster and faster, as though he was drawing in even more energy. It was a wonderful feeling.

Coming into the area, he only now figured out that he had pretty much never been here during the day. Looking at the large flower with his eyes and his sense, he noticed it wasn't spilling out energy as much as it did at night but was instead drawing it in, as though it was drawing power from the air due to the sun being out. Although he felt this was strange, he also felt like everything about this place was strange so maybe it made sense in that way.

He took his seat at the normal spot on the stone bench, crossed his legs and just let the energy from the flower and the icy blue pond circle around him. Clearing his mind, Laz focused on just the feeling of the energy around him. He felt like after everything that happened, his mind was suddenly clear.

He couldn't help but think back to last night when he felt that dam in his body burst. It was similar but different to when he had collapsed after meeting the crazed female demon. One was like a small trickle of water had opened in his body while last night was like someone had turned on a faucet.

The difference couldn't be measure in terms of one plus one. If he had to put it into words, he felt like he had leveled up. But how crazy a thought would that be?

As Laz sat there lost in his thoughts, a black colored, fur covered muzzle was moving in the grass a ways off. It was sniffing in the direction of where Laz was sitting. The animal finally opened it's eyes, revealing a pair of icy blue eyes, a few shades lighter than Laz's deep blue eyes. The animal seemed fairly small, at only around two feet in length, indicating that it was probably really young. But the eyes seemed very clear and focused as they stared at the young man who was sitting with his eyes closed. The animal stood up and sniffing a few more times, made it's way cautiously towards Laz.

Laz, who was absorbed in his own world, failed to notice as the animal snuck closer and closer. When it had finally cleared the grass, it could finally be seen that it was a really small wolf. The weird part about the animal was that it's fur was completely black as though it was twisting the light around it. Even while standing in the sun, there was almost no shimmer of light on it's fur to indicate that any other color was present.

The small wolf moved very slowly, keeping it's body low. It seemed like it didn't want the human to notice it. If one were to look at it from afar, they would think that it was getting ready to attack him. But there was no aggressiveness in it's movements.

As the little wolf got closer and closer, Laz finally woke up from his thoughts. As per normal, he spread out his sense to observe the pond and flower more while he circulated his energy. He soon noticed the small wolf that was sneaking up to him.

Just based on it's energy fluctuations, Laz could tell it wasn't being aggressive and hence he wasn't startled. He just stayed still and let it approach him, curious as to what it was doing. He was watching it closely when he took another look at it's energy. He was quite amazed by this.

The little wolf had a rather abundant amount of energy in it's body, so much so that it was comparable to someone like Kennedy. It wasn't anywhere near Laz, but for such a small body, he wasn't really sure what to make of it.

The wolf finally got close to Laz and started to sniff him. Laz, in turn, didn't do anything other than cycle his energy through his body as though he didn't notice this small, fuzzy intruder.

The wolf, after a few more sniffs, finally stopped as though it had come to a decision. It walked it's way around him and stood in front of the small bench as though it was waiting for Laz. Laz had seen all of this, but he couldn't understand what it was doing. Since it wasn't moving away and instead had sat itself down, Laz felt that he should at least open his eyes and let the animal know that he knew it was here.

Even after Laz opened his eyes and looked at it, the wolf didn't move and instead was looking back at him. It almost looked like the two of them were having a staring contest. Laz thought the animal would move away after he opened his eyes, but it would seem he was wrong. Laz was debating making some noise to shoo the wolf away when the wolf finally stood up and walked closer to Laz, coming up on the bench before it crawled under Laz's arm.

It then curled up in his ŀap like it was perfectly natural and closed it eyes, as though it was going back to sleep.

"Really? Since when did I become everyone's favorite sleeping spot?" Laz asked out loud. He would never hear an answer though.

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