Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 73: The Smile Which Hides The Pain

It's not hard to guess that both Laz and Kennedy had the same idea right now. Their relationship could only be described as a bit weird though. It started with Laz being forced to work with Kennedy and Kennedy being forced to work with Laz. Up until now, Laz still didn't understand Kennedy. She was attractive, seemed popular and had connections but seemed to be driven by something that was unknown to him. Even when they had gotten to know each other a bit and were driven a little closer due to the secret of their abilities and their highly illegal activities, it still seemed like she acted more like a sister and was never romantically interested in this young man.

And that was pretty much the truth, until it wasn't.

Trying to understand a girl's heart can be as complicated as trying to understand the secret of the cosmos and far more frustrating. But the thing that most guys, Laz included, forget is that there is always a reason. You may not agree with it and it may not make sense to you, but there is always a reason.

But reason has a way of flying out the window when raging teenage hormones take over and this was one such a time.

In the darkness of night, two bodies were melding closer and closer as they continued to kiss. Laz's hands refused to stay inactive as he finally succeeded in fondling Kennedy's massive mounds. Even though had grown a bit taller than her recently thanks to his powers, he still couldn't grip all of her enormous breasts with his hands. There was simply too much there.

He could feel his body heating up as they struggled underneath the sheets. His blood boiled as they passionately kissed while their hands freely roamed each other's bodies. Strangely, Laz's eyes never took on the red color that normally appeared when he got worked up. They remained their deep blue color without a hint of anything else as though reflecting his peaceful soul. In the end, although Kennedy ended up on top, she had also managed to lose her white tank top while he had lost his shirt. The view was enough to instantly take Laz's breath away. Despite being huge, they seemed to defy gravity thanks in part to her youth. The tender, small pink nippŀes stuck out as though screaming of her desire and Laz responded in kind, becoming harder and harder.

Laz sat up as Kennedy arched herself backwards, giving Laz free reign to attack those sweet feed bags with his tongue and mouth. Following instinct, he licked and sucked like a man possessed while constantly running his hands up and down her back, giving her a constant caress. Despite his lack of experience, he didn't lack knowledge. Laz wanted Kennedy to be relaxed and knew the best way to do that was to make sure he was focusing on all of her and not just a single part of her.

Kennedy couldn't help but let out a moan of pŀeasure at both Laz's mouth action and his hand movements. Running her nails along his back, Kennedy wasn't neglecting to enjoy his well toned body either. It wasn't like every guy was ripped the same way he was, especially at their age. All of the sudden, Kennedy felt something poking her from underneath. Reaching down, he slipped her hands inside his shorts and couldn't help but feel astonished.

'There is no way he was that big,' she thought to herself.

Sliding backwards, she pulled away from Laz who suddenly wore an expression of a puppy who had lost it's favorite toy. Looking at his face in the faint moonlight, Kennedy couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

Laz, just to go along with it, put on a bit of a pouting face, or at least what he thought was a pouting face. It actually made him look like he had eaten something sour and was suffering for it. Kennedy couldn't help but laugh even harder.

Once she finally calmed down, she gave Laz a somewhat seductive smile and crawling over to him, she reached out, gripped his shorts tightly and yanked them down. His rock solid member suddenly shot up and almost hit her in the face.

Laz had never been egotistical by nature, but after what happened with Jade, he did feel a bit sure of himself. As he wondered what Kennedy's reaction would be, he just waited while she stared at his rather massive penis. The silence that followed actually went on for while, long enough where Laz started to get a bit uncomfortable.

"Kennedy?" Laz asked. The word had actually seemed a bit weird coming out from his mouth as it occurred to him that he didn't actually say her name to her that often.

Looking at the face that was still pointed down and slightly covered by her hair, Laz finally noticed a few glistening teardrops escape her face and hit the bed. Looking down, he noticed they weren't the first ones she had shed. They were just the first ones he had noticed.

Freezing up, Laz was suddenly at a loss. 'What the...?' Was the question that started stampeding through his mind like a herd of wild buffalo. Kennedy didn't look up but continued to drop tear after tear. She started shaking only a moment later.

Laz, startled, shocked, afraid, and a bunch of other emotions, finally stopped hesitating and slid in close. He gently wrapped her in his arms and pulled her to his chest where she kept shaking. Be it either instinctively or on purpose, Kennedy wrapped her arms around him and buried herself in his chest and let loose, crying while muffling her voice against his skin.

Laz lost track of time as he sat there until he finally felt her body go limp. As such, he laid down while bringing her with him.

Originally, she was facing towards Laz, but as they laid down, she turned away to face away from him but still slid in close to the point that her entire body was touching his. He was still naked while she just had that pair of black booty shorts on, but he had lost the initial fire for the moment as he was more concerned with her. As such, Laz wrapped his arms around her and held her even closer.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"It's ok," he whispered back as he held her..

"You know... there is so much I've never told you."

Laz didn't respond with words, but instead just tightened his arms once as though encouraging her with his actions.

"I want to kill someone, that's why I need the money," Kennedy said, her voice growing a bit stronger.

"Five years ago, my mom met someone. My dad died when I was still a baby, so I don't remember him. My mom ended up with a bit of money because of that, but she wasted it on boyfriend after boyfriend. In the end, she got a job and was working like a normal person when she met him. His name was Roger and they dated for over a year before they agreed to move in together. He was always really nice to me and we got along well. I didn't know what it was like having a dad but for the first time, I felt like Roger really was my dad. It was great."

Kennedy was speaking a bit fast, but Laz could feel the coldness in her voice. It felt like she was mocking her younger self with her words.

"One day, my mom had to go out of town and left him with me. She was gone for maybe an hour when he told me to follow him upstairs. He took me into their bedroom and asked me if I wanted him to be my dad. I was really happy since I had always wanted to have a dad like the other kids and I told him yes. He said then that i had to be a good girl and do what he told me to and asked me to undress. Since I didn't know any better, I did. I then did everything he asked me to do as he raped me repeatedly, all the while saying that we would now be a family. He made me promise not to tell my mom though as it was going to be a surprise."

Laz could feel Kennedy start shaking again as she told her story to this point. He didn't know if it was because she was afraid, scared or embarrassed. Either way, Laz just held on tight as if he could comfort her with the warmth from his body. Her next words are what shocked him the most.

"He left the next day after my mom came back saying he was called away on business and wouldn't be back for a while. My mom didn't think anything of it and I just thought this was part of the surprise for her. It was a surprise though, for both of us."

"He never came back and my mom couldn't get a hold of him. At first, she just made excuses to herself about why she couldn't call or text him. Finally, over two weeks after he had left, she found out that he had won the lottery and figured out that he was never coming back."

"That's right, that fucking bastard had actually won the lottery even before she had left on her business trip. When she told me that he wasn't coming back, I couldn't help but tell her she was wrong. He was coming back. He promised. It was going to be a surprise so don't worry. She didn't try to fight me about it since she thought I was just in denial. After over a month passed though, she finally sat me down to explain once and for all that he was a horrible person and wasn't coming back. He had abandoned us, just like that."

Kennedy was once again shedding tears at this point but she kept going.

"This time though, I yelled at her. I was still hanging on to his promise that we were going to be a family and that if he wasn't coming back, it was because of something she did. I started blaming her like it was her fault if he wasn't coming back and told her that I was a good girl and did everything he told me to. I then started telling her all the good things I did for him as though I was proud of myself. I didn't understand it when she started crying."

Kennedy turned over to face Laz and was actually smiling. In the pale moon light, Laz could only see an endlessly broken and sad smile. It looked almost no different than the smile he had seen her wear numerous times before.

"We went to the police, tried to bring up charges and eventually found someone who would represent us. My mom used all the money she had left to bring the whole thing to trial and you know what happened? He didn't even show up and his lawyer convinced the judge that we were just gold diggers. There was no evidence at this point since so much time had passed and there was no way to prove it. In the end, the whole case was thrown out. My mom was devastated and started to break. Everything went downhill from there."

"In the end, we ended up here. Once I was old enough, I wanted to find a way to get back at him. Once I gained this power, this speed of mine, I saw a chance. I just need to money to actually go and find him. Then, when I do, I will kill him myself."

At this point, Kennedy brought her hands up to Laz's face and brought him close.

"I hate guys. All guys. They are all the same. But then I met you. I didn't like you, but I also found I didn't hate you. And time after time, you didn't question me but just did what I asked and went along with it. I know you must have your own reasons, but for the first time in my life, I found that there was someone I could actually rely on."

"I.. I... I want you, but I can't do it. I don't want to feel good. Not yet. Not until he is in a hole, six feet under. Then, when I am finally free and can let go of this hate, then... we can.." Kennedy looked up into Laz's eyes as though she was asking for forgiveness and pleading him to stay with her at the same time.

Laz's mind was a bit jumbled with this whole revelation, but he finally felt like things were a bit clearer. He wanted to say something, but nothing really came to mind. Instead, Laz just leaned forward, brought up her quivering lips and gave her a soft kiss. He didn't know if this was the right answer, or what would happen in the future, but for now, this seemed like the right thing to do.

After that, Kennedy didn't say anything else. She just snuggled into his warm embrace as they both fell asleep.

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