Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 75: Visitor

Laz didn't move as the little wolf made itself comfortable on him. Although he wasn't sure it was such a good idea, he couldn't deny the tiny wolf was rather cute. If he were being honest though, Laz was confused. He didn't know much about wolves, but there were a few things that he was aware of. First off, wolves didn't live around here, at least not anymore. They could be found further up north in Canada, but finding them in New York would be very weird. Second, wolves are pack animals, so even if there was some around here, there should be more than one.

But, he had been proven wrong it seemed. Laz's next thoughts were how long was this little pup here? He hadn't been here many times, but he didn't notice it before. Of course, small animals out in this rural area was a common occurrence. Deer would be the largest thing seen, with woodchucks, rabbits and foxes coming in next before getting to the really small animals. If you were super unlucky, you might come across some coyotes, but that was about it.

But to find an actual wolf is far from normal. Laz had some doubts for a bit about if it actually was a wolf, but it looked far more like a wolf than a dog so he just put the doubts to rest.

His next thoughts questioned as to why this little wolf would suddenly become friendly with him. That was the really confusing question. Wild animals would normally be either aggressive or skiddish around humans. Unless this little wolf was used to humans, this didn't make sense.

Sometimes, the more questions you have, the less likely you are to find answers. After a while, Laz just gave up.

He felt like he was full again after circulating his energy on the stone bench in between the two natural wonders so he felt like there was no point in staying there anymore.

As he got up, Laz moved the now sleeping wolf and set it on the bench. He still had his sense active as he felt like studying the energy flow of the two different energies was beneficial while he absorbed them. As he moved, he saw the energy shift as it flowed with him while still being drawn inside. He knew from experience that it would do that until he stopped the circulation. When he finally did, he looked at the wolf again, wondering if he should tell it goodbye or something. That's when he noticed a very interesting fact.

They energy continued to circulate around the little wolf as it slept. The only difference was that it was a lot less as opposed to when Laz did it. Laz was a bit surprised and got a bit closer to observe. That's when he figured out that it was being drawn into the wolf, the same way he drew it in. The wolf was actually absorbing the energy.

Although Laz didn't really understand everything that was happening as of late, he did figure out that the energy was what allowed his body to grow and change. As such, he knew that absorbing it and using it was the best way to get stronger. It was like working out. The more you did, the stronger you would become and the more you could keep working out.

And from the looks of it, the wolf was also rather special.

For whatever reason, Laz leaned forward a bit and nudged the wolf. It took a couple of pokes before the little thing woke up with a yawn. Looking at Laz with it's big, icy blue eyes, it tilted it's head a bit. Laz couldn't help but think that it was asking him what he wanted. It looked so close to being a human like gesture that Laz just blanked for a moment.

The little wolf then tilted it's head the other way as though asking a bit impatiently to hurry it up. Laz, a bit less surprised this time just decided to come right out with it.

"I'm going to get going home. Are you going to stay here or did you want to come with?"

Laz wasn't really sure why he was asking this, but for some reason, probably having to due with the animal's friendly nature and their shared energy link, Laz felt like having the little thing around wouldn't be a bad thing.

The wolf didn't do anything but stare at him. Then it seemed to look around at the surrounding rusted out playground, especially the flower and small pond before turning back towards Laz.

"Yeah, you can come back whenever you want, I just live a short walk away." Laz seemed to know what it was asking just by it's gestures.

The wolf then got up and stretched a bit before jumping down and looked up at Laz as though saying 'alright, get a move on.'

Laz just chuckled to himself as he began walking back towards his apartment.

As he exited the wooded area, he saw the Shack and had a brief moment of wondering if pets were allowed, but it's not like anyone was really around to care and he knew his grandpa would tell him yes anyway.

Walking up the stairs, Laz unlocked the door and turned around to find the wolf lightly jumping up the stairs as though the stairs that were as tall as it was posed no problem. When it finally got to the top of the stairs, he walked into the apartment first and looked around before looking back as Laz.

"It's not much, but it's clean, quiet and all mine.".

The little wolf seemed to accept his reasoning before walking the length of the apartment. Being that it was a bit small, it didn't take long. Then, before Laz could say anything, the little wolf jump up on his bed, laid it self down and closed it's eyes as though it had found it's new resting spot.

Laz couldn't help but wonder if he had just gained his first freeloader. Walking back, Laz sat down on the bed next to the small animal and decided he needed to explain things.

"Alright, well... I didn't really think this through," Laz said out loud, which was true. He didn't have anything with which to take care of the animal and didn't really know what to do with it.

As a young man who needed help, he of course turned to the internet and then made a few plans.

"Alright, first we need to get you washed... Let's see.." Laz said as he looked up how to wash a dog.

While Laz was in the middle of figuring out if he could use his shampoo on the tiny wolf, a girl had walked up to the drive that led to the parking lot of the Shack and was looking at the building with a bit of curiosity and a bit of worry. Her dark red hair with pink tips blew a bit in the cold wind as she pulled her fleece jacket tighter around herself.

She whispered a few encouraging words to herself as she walked down the cracked driveway and came to the back of the building. Pulling out her phone, she looked up something really quick and check the apartment numbers before locating her target.

She walked up the stairs and before she could stop herself, knocked on the door.

The knock came as a bit of a shock to Laz who was trying to bring the small wolf into the bathroom while the small wolf was using a shocking amount of strength to fight him. It wasn't nearly as strong as he was, but Laz was also trying his best to not hurt it either.

Once they heard the knock, both stopped with their rather violent struggle and just looked at each other before turning to look at the door. The small wolf even raised it's paw to tap on Laz's face when he didn't say anything after a moment.

"Uh, who is it?" Laz didn't get visitors without calls or a text message first, so he was somewhat surprised.

"Uh... it's Malene?... from your class?"

'Why the hell would she be here?' was just the first of many questions Laz had.

"What do you want?" was what he finally managed to ask.

"Umm... Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Fine. I'm listening." Laz wasn't going to bother opening the door. So far, his impression of this girl had already gone from bad to worse and he wanted nothing to do with her. She had interjected herself on him several times for no apparent reason and now she wanted to talk? Was this just another excuse to warn him or something similar?

"Can I come in?"

Laz really wanted to say no and was going to until the small wolf in his arms used it's paw to push his face towards the door and then jump out of his arms and land back on the bed. It then just looked at him and shook it's head in the direction of the door. Laz might have been stupefied by this level of intelligence and gesture before, but he was starting to understand that this wolf was way more than meets the eye.

"Fine." Laz said and walked over to open up the door.

Opening it, he saw that it was exactly the girl that he didn't want to meet again. But for whatever reason she was now here.

He made a gesture with his hand to ask he in and as she walked in, he closed the door rather roughly. She didn't do anything other than look around for a minute as though taking the scene of the somewhat run down apartment in.

"Uh, are your parents here?" She asked in a rather embarrassed manner.

"Nope," he replied quickly as he moved to sit down on one of the two counter stools before pulling out the other one for her.

"Where are they?"

"No idea. What do you want?"

She seemed a bit nervous as she took off her shoes and walked over to sit down. She wasn't dressed as fashionably today in only some jeans and a beige colored sweater. Of course, if Laz had any eye for clothes, he would have noticed that they were name brand and obviously not cheap.

He could tell she had something to say but didn't know where to start and even more so, didn't really want to be here. As such, he somehow got a bad feeling.

"I uh.. I..."

"You what?" Laz was starting to feel even more annoyed by the fact that she just couldn't say it.

"I need your help," she said somewhat shyly.

'Yeah, I really shouldn't have opened the door,' Laz thought to himself.

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