Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 72: The Best Cold Shower Ever

Laz eventually made it back to his place and switched off the ignition. After popping down the kickstand, he got off and then helped Kennedy down. He wasn't really sure what to feel as things seemed a bit too surreal. He would be lying to say that he didn't have some expectations over Kennedy wanting to stay, but he still felt like there was something wrong with it. This didn't seem like her normal self.

It was already past 11 and the entire place was quiet, not that many people stayed there in the first place.

Kennedy just looked around but didn't say anything. Her bag was slung over her shoulder while she held her jacket closed to ward off the cold night. As Laz grabbed his stuff out of the bags, he carelessly glanced her way and froze.

Kennedy was looking up at the moon while being illuminated by one of the half working lot lamps. The cold air was enough to to make her breath visible while everything but her seemed to be shrouded in the spreading darkness. She was truly shining like some sort of angel. It was so beautiful that it seemed as though the earth had stood in place for that moment. To Laz, such a contrast was almost like a direct shot to his soul.

Of course, such things were destined to end. Kennedy turned towards Laz with a curious look on her face as though wondering why he wasn't going a bit faster. Laz could almost see the annoyance in her eyes and he chuckled to himself and started walking for the stairs. As he made it to his door and unlocked it, he stepped back to welcome her in. The dingy and dated apartment wasn't something that a guy would normally think about bringing a girl to, unless it was maybe a hooker. But for whatever reason, Laz didn't really feel awkward about it.

He didn't feel as though he needed to pretend when he was around Kennedy. It was a somewhat refreshing feeling.

Looking around at the small place, Kennedy couldn't help but comment,

"It's a bit small..."

"That's not really something a guy wants to hear," Laz couldn't help but joke.

"A real man wouldn't feel insecure hearing that," Kennedy quickly retorted.

"Then he must be rich and know she just wants his money," Laz shot back while taking off his shoes. He didn't really have anywhere for the two of them to sit so looking at the one lounge chair in the living room, Laz just went to the kitchen.

"Coffee?" Sadly, it was the one thing he had to offer.

"Sure. Uh.." Kennedy trailed off.

"What's up?" Laz asked, filling up the water and taking out a filter.

"Can I take a shower?"

Laz coughed a little and almost dropped the coffee grounds.

"Sure, there are towels in the small closet in the bath room," Laz indicated. The only reason he had extras was because they were already here. He would just rotate them every so often so that none of them would sit around and collect dust.

"I only have guys shampoo and stuff though, ' Laz apologized.

"That's ok, I brought some," Kennedy replied while lifting up her bag. She made her way to the bathroom and closed the door. Although Laz seemed a bit indifferent, he was closely paying attention at this point. He then heard the familiar click and knew she had locked the door. Although he wouldn't have peeked in anyway, he had wondered if she was going to say it was alright to do so by not locking it. Turns out, it wasn't ok.

Laz didn't do much else other than start the coffee and grab out two cups. Once he heard the water start though, he bolted into the bedroom and quickly looked around.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck.... where are they.." Laz muttered to himself as he searched around like a crazy man..

Finally, on the overhead shelf in the closet, he found them. Although he had no desire to take them, he still ended up with them that day and couldn't help but feel thankful to those two grandpas of his.

That's right, it was the magic box of condoms that they had stuck him with that day. He was now glad for their foresight as he didn't want to be the guy stuck with one and only have himself to blame. Sure, oral was great and all... but that only went so far. Besides, he had already been blue balled once today. Twice in the same day would definitely have him weeping.

Of course, there was also the basic fact that he was still a virgin. Even though he had had a hot and heavy time with Jade, it ended up mostly satisfying her while he didn't even get to cum once. He wasn't bitter... but he was definitely bitter.

He quickly threw the box into the drawer on the nightstand and started looking around for clothes. He was still dressed in his blood stained clothes and felt that he would need a shower as well. Looking around, he quickly found a pair of shorts and a shirt to wear before starting to take off his own clothes.

When he was just down to his boxers, he heard the water shut off and before long, Kennedy came out while wearing a white tank top and some tight fitted black booty shorts. In Laz's opinion, although a woman wearing nothing was sexy, a woman wearing the right clothes was far more tempting. In this case, she was absolutely more seductive than had she been naked.

As Kennedy left the bathroom, she saw Laz standing there in his boxer shorts and nothing else with some clothes in his hand. She was suddenly stiff and felt like she couldn't move. Although she had seen him shirtless, at the time it was noisy and there was a lot going on. He was also a ways away and wearing a mask. As such, it was hard to imagine the two images actually being the same person. But right now, he stood before her with very little covering him. The bloodstains were still all over his body which served as a sharp contrast to his somewhat white skin, but none of it could hide the well toned muscles he possessed. His body looked firm and solid, but not overly bulky while his abs were extra well defined. In addition, because he had just taken off his pants, his boxers were somewhat pulled down as though just a bit lower and she would have seen everything.

As Laz was mostly just thinking about cleaning himself off at this moment and how good she looked, he failed to notice the image he was presenting to her. As he walked by, her she actually reached out for a quick moment and touched the tattoo on his chest. The blood red moon behind the dead tree seemed almost alive against his pale skin and held a somewhat fatal attraction to her. It looked so real that she couldn't stop herself. Along with the contact with his skin, she felt like electricity flowed through her finger tip and she jumped a little in surprise. It was also this action that allowed Laz to realize something else: she wasn't wearing a bra.

They both looked up at this moment and gazed into each others eyes, as though captivated by one another. It was a moment of long silence before Kennedy finally broke the moment.

"Is the coffee ready?"

"Yeah. I just need to get cleaned up. Feel free to pour a cup," Laz said as he took off quickly to the bath room. As he closed the door, he walked over to the mirror and took a good look at himself. He discovered he was a bit flush and tried to settle down his overactive blood and slowly expanding boner. He almost wanted to whack one off to get it to settle down, but decided against it as there wasn't a lot of time. Soon though it didn't matter. He was a bit light headed as the bathroom still smelled gloriously like Kennedy and he was almost entranced as he kept breathing in her scent. He also wasn't paying much attention as he started up the water and jumped in.

That's when he felt the freezing water hit his skin

"YEEEOOOUUUCCHHH," he practically screamed.

"Are you ok?" Kennedy knocked on the door quickly.

"Yeah. I'm find. Just bumped a sore spot," Laz lied through his teeth. In truth, his body had long since healed from any wound he had gotten. The reason for his yelp was due to the shockingly cold water. Turns out Kennedy had drained the hot water tank so he had no choice but to quickly clean himself off with the freezing water. Despite this happening occasionally, he actually felt the water wasn't that bad after being surprised at first. It was cold, but it didn't feel as uncomfortable as he thought it would.

He quickly got out, got dried off and put on his clothes. Walking out of the bathroom, he immediately got handed a cup of coffee. He couldn't help but enjoy this feeling of not being alone.

"I used all the hot water, didn't I?" Kennedy asked a bit apologetically.

"No, no. It was still warm. No worries," Laz laughed it off as he took a sip.

Kennedy swooped in close and touched the skin on his face.

"Oh my god, your freezing!" She exclaimed, putting down her coffee. She made him set down his coffee and turning off the lights, dragged him into the bed room before throwing him down on the bed.

She quickly slid next to him and covered them both with blankets while snuggling up close to him. Although Laz might had started off a bit chilly, he wasn't nearly as uncomfortable as his cold skin made him seem. To Kennedy though, she felt like he was just acting tough. Besides the cold shower, he had also endured a beating and had just been covered with blood a few minutes ago. Despite zoning out after seeing him, she started to feel really guilty about the entire evening.

She ended up being fine and as far as things seemed on the surface, everything went off without a hitch. But the truth was that Laz ended up suffering the most and to top it off, he even had to take a cold shower. As a result, she ended up just doing the first thing she could think of which was trying to use a bit of body heat to warm him up.

It was a good idea in theory, but now they were both wrapped up together with their bodies pressing tightly together.

Under the covers, Kennedy, who had originally been embracing Laz somewhat clumsily while she was trying to warm him finally figured out the situation. They both somewhat embarrassingly looked up at the same time and couldn't help but locking eyes. She could feel his warm breath on her face while he was drowning in the smell of her body's scent from whatever she had used to clean with.

It only took a moment before they both leaned in close to each other, closed their eyes and gently joined their lips. They were both clumsy, Laz due to lack of experience and Kennedy due to her quick heartbeat and nervousness. Sure, she had kissed other guys before and had even been told that she was good at it. But this felt entirely different.

She was finally able to calm herself down enough to take the lead a bit. Laz was surprised because before he knew it, her tongue had enter his mouth as she slid closer into his embrace. Laz, although inexperienced, quickly picked up the skills and the hot wet mouth battle went back and forth for a long time before either thought to stop long enough to breath.

Unknown to them, outside on the street, a super sport bike was parked while a woman in way too little clothing stood there, silently watching the window that had just gone dark.

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