Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 71: Can I Stay With You Tonight? (party End)

Laz was running and yet wobbling at the same time. The massive, unreleased boner that he had did not help for quick movement. He would have never guessed that this is how the party would end. In fact, he was still having a hard time believing that such a porno like scene would take place. Sure, as a young man, he had always dreamed about these types of things, but it was only ever that since he had never been close to girls. As such, he was a little absent minded even though he was running as fast as he comfortably could.

He had pulled his mask back on after he had gotten outside, but there was no helping the blood and juice covered wet clothes so he just stopped thinking about it. The main reason was because it was of super importance that he get out while he still could. With various thoughts running through the haze that was his brain, he kept up the speed until he made it to the parking lot where he saw Kennedy pacing back and forth in front of the bike. Her sexy blue dress swayed in the wind around her beautiful legs while she seemed to huddle a bit inside of her jacket to ward off the somewhat chilly night air. It was almost dark with the last bit of sunlight sinking below the horizon.

Truly it was a picture that almost didn't belong in this world when she stopped and noticing Laz, smiled. It hit Laz like a freight train that while he was messing around in the bathroom, this girl was almost sick with worry while waiting for him. The last distracting thoughts finally vanished from his mind as he came in close, taking the keys she held out for him while switching his mask for his helmet as she put hers on as well. She didn't say a word but just grabbed on tightly as soon as they were both on the bike, as though afraid he would run off again.

He could feel her warm breath on his neck as he started up the bike, popped the clutch and with a loud rev, headed for the gate.

Back in the bathroom, the erotic, naked figure on the floor started stirring, moving around a bit before finally standing up. As she looked in the mirror, she almost didn't recognize herself.

Jade had had a good life since she became an assassin. Prior to that, her life was hell. She was beaten by her mom for being too pretty, was silent and picked on a lot at school because the other girls that were jealous, and was considered the crown jewel of girls on the guy's "Wanna Bang" list. The reason for that was because she made herself out to be a lesbian. In truth, it was just a way to get guys to leave her alone. Even though things were bad, she had one friend that made it all worth it. Her name was Gia. She was her best friend and as far as everyone else was concerned, her girlfriend.

Gia and Jade spent all of their time together throughout their years in grade school, right up into the first days of high school. But after one incident, Jade would never see Gia again.

Jade's mom was a raging alcoholic who seemed to only ever go from one bad relationship to another. The reason she was always so pissed at her daughter was because she had more than one boyfriend who had commented on the budding little flower that was Jade. They actually all ended up being more interested in her than they were in her mom, something her mom hated to her very bones.

Then one day, one of her boyfriends ended up saying something about Jade that made her mom ecstatic. He mentioned that he knew of a few friends that would pay good money for a young piece of ass like that. Although he made the comment in passing, it caught Jade's mom's interest and got her asking him some questions.

She even found out that they would even double the money for another girl. This kind of easy money didn't come by often so Jade's mom hatched a plot with her boyfriend to let his friends have both Jade and Gia.

As the girls were spending the night at Jade's place, Jade's mom ended up leaving for the night to hit the bar as she put it. Since this kind of behavior was normal, Jade was just glad she was gone.

Little did she suspect that her mom had given the keys to her boyfriend so that he could let his friends in. Of course, in the interest of making sure that things went smoothly, he had told her that he had to be there too.

And so, as the two girls were laying down for bed, five men rushed into the room and gagged and blindfolded both girls before separating them into different rooms. Gia ended up in Jade's mom's room while Jade was tied down to her own bed and stripped. She was freaking out as she didn't know what was happening.

The boyfriend and his four friends ended up wasting some time to set up camera's and as fate would have it, the camera they tried to set up in Jade's room had some issues. Because of that, she ended up laying there, tied to her bed while she heard muffled screams, groaning, sobbing and cries of encouragement coming from her mom's room.

Keeping calm and knowing that she had to do something, she made her thrashing around a bit more exaggerated and ended up kicking over her nightstand. While her attackers, all two of them since one had went over to join in on the other room's fun, were swearing at the camera and telling her to stop moving, she found a pair of scissors with her foot, brought them up to her hands and used them to cut her bindings silently. Then, she lifted the blindfold up slowly to see if she was noticed and saw both men gathered underneath a desk lamp, trying to change out the battery.

She walked over silently, scissors in hand and before they knew what had happened, Jade stabbed one repeatedly in the back of the neck before grabbing a metal fountain pen that Gia had given her for a gift and stabbing the other man in the throat as he turned around.

Jade, scared out of her mind, quickly went and grabbed her cell phone and called police to ask for help. They dispatcher on the line told her to wait where she was, lock the door and help would be there soon. She was not to, under any circumstance, try to save her friend as that would only make things worse.

Like a frightened bunny, Jade quickly went underneath her bed and tried her best to hide, but she couldn't stop the sounds coming from the other room due to the thin walls.

She had to stop herself from going over their several times as she heard her best friend's muffled screams and groans of pain again and again.

It seemed like a drum was beating in her head, louder and louder and louder as her thoughts started going darker.

She wanted to stop them..

She wanted to hurt them.

She wanted to kill them.

"Hold her up and spread that ass. We are popping all of cherries tonight boys."

Jade snapped. She ran out from under the bed, got to the kitchen where she grabbed two of the largest knives in the butcher's block and ran straight into the bedroom. Everything after that was a total blur.

When the cops finally came, they found the mother's room covered in blood while Jade was cradling her best friend to her chest. The three bodies had been badly mutilated with even their dicks having been cut off and shoved in the men's mouths.

In the other room, the man stabbed in the throat had died while the man stabbed in the back of the neck was still alive. It also happened to be the boyfriend.

After everything was done and the truth came out, Jade's mom and boyfriend were arrested while the others had all died. Jade thought it was over, but the damage that was done couldn't be undone.

Not a week after that horrible night, Gia slit her wrists, killing herself.

Jade, heartbroken and almost beyond repair, ended up walking to a bridge overlooking a deep ravine. She didn't really know how she had gotten there or what she had planned on doing, but she still ended up sitting on the railing as though thinking about leaning forward. She thought that she wanted to die, but life wasn't done with her yet.

An expensive black Mercedes pulled up to where jade was sitting and a woman in a trench coat stepped out. She walked over to where Jade was sitting, leaned against the railing and lit a cigarette before turning over and looking at Jade.

Jade just looked back.

After the strange woman smoked it down to the filter and flicked it over the bridge, she finally spoke.

"Want a job were you can kill as many bastards as you like in whatever way you would like?"

"Yes," Jade responded without the slightest bit of hesitation.

"Come with me." The strange woman in the trench coat walked back to the car and got back in the drivers seat while Jade walked over and got in as well.

That was when Jade's life and revenge had really begun.

She never wanted to be at the mercy of a man again, and yet that was just what had happened. Even worse, she was the one who had started it.

Jade quickly fixed her hair, put on her previously discarded dress, and grabbed her heels before trying to get out.

Of course, Laz had jammed the lock when he first came in so getting out through the door was going to be a problem. Thinking quickly, Jade quickly made her way to the window and instead of running to the front, she went to the house garage.

Grabbing a radioed helmet, she quickly got a set of keys and went over to one of the many sport bikes that lined the wall of the garage. Sitting down, she put on the helmet and started the bike, hooking into the radio at the same time. On the line, she ended up hearing a gate guard asking permission to let people leave but not getting much of a response.

"What's the situation at the front gate?" Jade asked, having a pretty good idea what was happening.

"Mam, a guest and guard want to leave early, is that a problem?"

"No. Once you see the garage open, let them pass. I will be following them." Jade responded in a voice that was sweet sounding and yet as cold as ice.

She quickly made her way to the door and hitting a button on the wall, the door started to rise.

Laz and Kennedy were starting to get nervous while waiting at the gate when the man finally came back out from the guard house and said they were all set. The gate started to lift and Laz, thanking whatever god wanted to listen for a smooth getaway, revved the bike hard and took off down the road. When he got far enough ahead, a purple super sport bike shot out of the gate as well, following him discreetly from behind.

As Laz's nerves finally relaxed a bit, he felt Kennedy knock on his helmet. Laz tilted his head back as a sign he was listening while Kennedy got closer to his ear. Although it was a bit windy, he wasn't so bad that Kennedy needed to shout.

Instead, in a timid and yet still somewhat loud voice, Kennedy asked,

"Can I stay with you tonight?"


The bike started jerking as Laz almost lost control.

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