Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 75 – Horseriding and Departure

----- Leo POV -----

It's been three days since our Familia started preparing for our expedition, though my parents were calling it a 'vacation' and 'family bonding trip', so I didn't really know what to expect.

I mean, it's a place called 'Dragon Valley', so I doubt it'll be all sunshine and rainbows.

And besides, I didn't have the best experience of long trips as an infant.

But it should be fine, any bandits that come around would get absolutely destroyed by any one of the girls, so there's no need to be scared.

But maybe I'll stay away from any cliffs.

Anyway, with horses being the mode of transportation, either by carriage or riding them directly, some members of the Familia were getting some practice in equestrianism.

Namely, my birth mother, Mama Ryuu.


...And my father.

"Jeez, he's a natural, eh?"

Hearing the words of Buhnd, the Dwarven stable master, I looked over to Papa who was riding across the field with ease, hair dancing in the wind.

As Buhnd had said, he was a natural.

While I wasn't a master by any means, riding a horse was one of the skills I needed as king, so I knew it wasn't as easy as it seemed.

"Yep, your dad's really something! Your mother on the other hand..." Buhnd then says.

Following his gaze, I see my beautiful golden-haired mother flailing helplessly on her saddle.

"C-Calm yourself, noble steed! S-Slow dow- Kya!"


Mama Ryuu, the renowned Gale and one of the strongest in Orario, was terrible at horseriding.

Honestly, I was pretty surprised.

Not only does her fighting style focus on balance and flexibility, but she is also an Elf, a race known for their mage combat on horseback.

Although, since she left her homeland at 11, I guess she never learned.

Either way compared to Papa...

"This is so fun~!"

Did you really have to stand on its back?


Anyways... there was a distinct difference in talent.

But Papa is just like that.

I still shiver at how he diced that target into numerous parts with one swing of the sword.

What did he call it?

'Sword saint technique'?


----- 2 Days Earlier -----

"Papa... H-How did you do that?" I ask, voice shaking in awe.

"Well, how do I explain it?" He responds.

Papa then scratches his head after sheathing his sword, trying to formulate an answer.

"It's confusing. Basically a mix of technique and... intent? Yeah, I guess intent. Hmm... the pinnacle of technique, intent, and... practice?" He says with some confusion.

It seems Papa was having a hard time describing it.

Pinching his brow, he shakes his head before continuing.

"Anyways, it's really confusing, even to me. I'll teach you it when you're older though. Or at least try to... but don't worry! I'll be better at it then!"

He finishes his words by rustling my hair.

----- 2 Days Later -----

Yeah... confusing.

But as he said, it was something I could worry about in the future, unfortunately.

"Hoo~ That never gets old."

Hopping down from his horse, Papa then passes the reigns to Buhnd before walking over to me.

Shoulder-length silver hair, glimmering slightly under the sun, piercing blue eyes, and a handsome face with ample youth and femininity.

I seemed to have forgotten, but my father was only 19 and had me at 17, so he has grown quite a bit, both mentally and physically, in my short time in this world

I seemed to have forgotten, but my father was only 19 and had me at 17, so he has grown quite a bit, both mentally and physically, in my short time in this world.

Puberty has treated him pretty well, huh?

I thank you for the good genes, Papa.

"Hey, Leo. Where are your sisters at?" He asks.

I then point over to the stable, where Eleanor and Stella were watching Mama Alise and Alea ride a horse, calmly strutting around the pen, Alea's face alit in her charming natural curiosity.

"I see." He responds.


Hearing a short exclamation, we both turned our heads over to Mama Ryuu, who was still having trouble controlling her horse as it sped across the plain.

Before we could comment on it, Mama Ryuu jumped off the saddle, flipping in the air before deftly landing on the ground.

An incredible display of that balance and flexibility I thought of before... but there was one issue.

The horse was still galloping into the distance.

"Haa... I'll be right back."

With the reassuring words of my father, his form becomes a blur as he races over to the escaping horse, running fast enough to leave a whirlwind in his wake.

Seriously, the power system here is too insane.

----- Sirius POV - 1 Day Later -----

The preparations were complete.

In front of me on the training ground, carriages were lined up in a row, some filled with supplies while a few were mostly empty in order to transport the Familia.

There were also horses to pull said carriages, as well as a few for members to ride separately, both for security and for replacements of the carriage-drawing horses for any accidents.

Wouldn't want to be stranded, after all.

There was also the fact that riding horses was pretty fun, really giving off the 'knight' feel.

A feeling that Alise agreed with, while Ryuu on the other hand... well, let's just say she did not.


Hearing my name being called, I look over my shoulder to see Lefiya and Ais making their way over, a large pack strapped to each of their backs.

"Did you two say your goodbyes?" I ask.

They both nod their heads while Lefiya shivers slightly.

"Yes, Loki was... reluctant."

Well, that does seem in line with that lecherous Goddess.

My apologies, you two.

"Ah, you're here, just in time too!"

Alise then walks over, dressed in brown shorts and a blue shirt with Crimson Order sheathed on her hip.

With monsters being rare near Orario and bandits unlikely to try to face the Astraea Familia, we were unlikely to face any combat for the first few days, so almost everyone was dressed in their casual clothes.

"So, you ready for an adventure?" She then says with her face set in a playful smirk.

"Yes! C- umm, uhh..." Hearing Lefiya's hesitance slash confusion, Alise helps her out.

"You can call me Captain or Alise, whatever feels best. Anyway, you two will be in that carriage over there."

She then points to one of the transport carriages, specifically the one where Mother Astraea, Ryuu, and my kids would be in, as well as me and Alise whenever we aren't 'guarding' the group.

"So, you ready?" I hear from my side.

Breaking me out of my thoughts, I notice Alise resting her head on my shoulder as my two students make their way toward the carriage.

"Yep, completely ready." I respond.

I won't say something stupid like 'I just hope nothing happens'.

That would just be asking for trouble, and with this being an anime world, I wouldn't be surprised if it had an actual effect on fate.

But honestly, with our collective strength, we really should be okay.

This is supposed to be a vacation after all.

"Hmm, should I say a speech or something?" Alise then asks.

"Uhh, I don't know. I mean, it would be pretty anticlimactic to hype everyone up only for today to be travelling. But then again, it is the start of a big quest. It's your call." I say, to which Alise responds with a nod.

Eventually, everyone gathered around the carriages, and with everything being packed and checked over by the diligent Lyra... we were ready.


With Alise's words laced with her experienced charisma, the slight chatter stops as everyone focuses on my redheaded wife.

Glancing over, I see that all four of my children are watching with rapt attention too.

Ah, this is the first time they've seen Alise in her 'captain mode', isn't it?

Well, prepare to be amazed, my dear children.

While nowhere near Finn in terms of strategy, if it comes to pure, charismatic leadership, Alise is definitely the Pallum captain's match.

"Today, we start our new adventure to distant lands. I'll keep my words short-"

The eyes concentrating on Alise narrow as everyone straightens their backs, unconsciously taken in by her intensity.

My wife is quite amazing, huh?

"This quest is not to explore the unknown, nor to gather materials. This time, it's to save those in need. To enact justice, just as our Familia prides itself on! So..."

Scanning her emerald eyes across the gathered girls, Alise's small smirk transforms into a wide smile.

"Are you ready?" She asks.

"Yes!" "Damn right!"

Voices of approval resound through the Familia as Alise rests her hands on her hips while chuckling.

"Well, that serious stuff can wait for Dragon Valley, for the journey there, let's have some fun!"

And with that, everyone either mounts their horse or sits in a carriage, with myself doing the former.

As we make our way down the street, while there is no farewell parade or anything, many of the passing civilians bid us farewell with many well wishes.

Passing through the gate, I can't help but feel my pulse accelerate in excitement.

After all, our quest to Dragon Valley had begun in earnest.

----- Alea POV -----

With our little caravan galloping down the road, I couldn't help but marvel at the surrounding scenery.

A vast plain, though this time filled with vibrant green rather than the golden farmland of the Demeter Familia.

The land dipped and rose with the rolling hills as the wind brushed across the lengthened grass, creating waves across the field.

And if the beautiful hills weren't enough, far in the distance I could see a large mountain range, standing tall enough to pierce the clouds dotting the blue sky.

A perfect view, and paired with the gentle breeze that reached into our carriage, I was in an extremely comfortable situation.

"Alea, are you asleep?"

Hearing Mama Ryuu's words, I realized I had unconsciously started closing my eyes.

Shaking my head, I look around to see that all three of my siblings are napping, heads resting on the same pillow that is Mama Ryuu's thigh.

I can't blame them, those things are dangerous.

I hope I get her genetics on that front.

"Well, we're not stopping for a while, so you can rest if you wish."

Mama Ryuu then returns to reading her book while her free hand gently caresses the colourful hair of the toddlers on her lap.

"Ah~ If only all carriages were like this one~" Lefiya says while stretching her arms.

She was a funny girl.

A mix of innocence, arrogance, and good-natured kindness, she basically is a kindhearted tsundere.

...Then there's also the fact she has a crush on my dad, but that's not my problem.

"Mmm. Comfy." Ais, the natural airhead, then says.

But I can't help but agree.

If the carriage carrying people could be summed up in two words, it would be comfy and homey.

There was a small table in the center, along with a basket full of toys, food, and books for everyone to enjoy.

And then there was the fact that the floor was basically one big mattress, with pillows and blankets strewn about.

For all intents and purposes, it was a medieval-age RV, but even comfier.

And it seems that everyone enjoyed it.

Well, at least I hope so, since this was where we would be sleeping instead of tents.


A natural airhead... a girl with a crush on Papa... tight sleeping quarters...

It's a disaster waiting to happen!

Okay, calm down, we can fix this.

Hmm... what if me and my siblings lined up to separate the two groups?

Like a 'great wall of toddler'.

Yes! You're a genius, Alea!

"Umm, Ms. Ryuu-" Lefiya asks.

"Just Ryuu is fine." Mama Ryuu responds.

"Oh, okay. Sirius mentioned stopping near Melen today, what exactly is that for?" Lefiya asks.

Mama Ryuu then sweeps her golden hair over her shoulder, spreading the faint scent of flowers into the air.

"Ah, well, we'll be getting some fish, both to eat tonight and to store for later. Tomorrow we'll also be visiting the beach before continuing the journey, though I don't know exactly where."

Ais' back straightens at the word 'beach'.

Weird, is she... scared of water?

No, it can't be.

She's the level 5 Sword Princess known throughout Orario for her strength at the tender age of 15, diving into the dungeon and exploring the unknown since she was 7.

No way she's scared of some water.

"Is that why Lyra told us to bring swimsuits?" Lefiya then asks.

Mama Ryuu nods her head in response.

"But Mama, what about us?" I ask.

"Don't worry. We bought swimsuits for you four, along with some for Alise and me." Mama Ryuu responds with a smile.

Oh, my Mamas in a swimsuit... that will be quite the sight.

But then again, all the girls here are insanely attractive.

...I hope Papa can control himself.

Oh shoot, that reminds me, I'll need to learn how to swim again, won't I?

And I'll have to do so with this damn toddler body... but then again, I'm getting better at swordsmanship, and I'm getting stronger and more coordinated, so I should be fine... 


Well, let's just hope I don't drown.

"Um, so Ms.- I mean Ryuu. What forest are you from?"

Mama Ryuu's eyebrows furrow into a frown at Lefiya's question.

I know Mama Ryuu doesn't like her homeland... but it's that bad, huh?

I wonder why though, did she have bad parents or something?

"Haa... my homeland... is the forest of Ryumilua." She responds.

Lefiya's eyes widen at this.

"Ryuu... Ryumilua... e-excuse my curiosity, but were you perhaps..."

"Yes, my family was one that cared for and protected the sacred tree. While I did receive training for such, I left before I had any duties." Mama Ryuu responds with a light huff.

"Wow..." Lefiya exclaims.

"It's nothing to be proud of."

Mama Ryuu's face returns to a frown with a hint of... sadness?

But why did Lefiya say 'wow'?

Is it that amazing?

Mama Ryuu looks over to my face before sighing.

"I suppose I should tell you about your heritage, or at least a little of it." She then says.

Oh, I guess my confusion was easy to spot.

"Every Elven forest has a 'sacred tree' that is filled with magic power. The leaves, branches, and fruit give immense medicinal benefits and serve as wonderful materials for magic-related weapons."

Mama Ryuu then looks over to her wooden sword that is resting against the wall before continuing.

"So, they are very important to the forest, and the family that watches over them is equally important. Essentially being royalty, or something close to it."

Oh, so that's why Lefiya was surprised.

My Mama was, or is, pretty important, huh?

"Then Papa isn't lying when he calls you his 'Fairy Princess'?" I say with excitement.

"I-I suppose not..."

Her voice is barely louder than a whisper, Mama's snow-white cheeks turn rosy as she averts her eyes toward the passing scenery.

Hehe, Mama's so cute when she's embarrassed.

But wait, does this mean I'm also a princess?

Or something close to it.

Huh, thoughts for later. For now though...


It's time for a nap.


The journey is starting in earnest!

Since I've seen the same thing being asked across the platforms I post on, I'll answer it now.

This is not nearing the end, not at all.

This trip serves three purposes.

1. Build some of the world that's been neglected outside Orario.

2. Leave the security of Orario weak so that Enyo and Evilus can make their plans similar to canon without being stopped by the Astraea Familia.

3. To make Lefiya and Ais stronger than canon so that when the final battle does happen, they actually are able to do something.

-Explanations done-

Now that that's out of the way, I want to say a quick thanks to everyone who's commented, well, ever on my stories, but especially in the past few weeks.

I read every comment across all four platforms, or at least try to, mostly in order to answer any questions or see any corrections that need making, so I see all the support and thank you greatly.

Between uni, finding a co-op, and getting engaged, life has been... hectic. And writing my two stories has been tough. Not writing itself, mind you, going through two years of uni with labs and weekly learning journals, I can bullshit out 2000 words an hour, easily.

But these stories are not simple bullshit, they're passion projects, ones that need me to think deeply about connected events, character behaviours, and so on. So it's definitely been hard, and seeing the comments, whether it be a simple thanks, eager review, or contemplation of the future events, all make this payless, well... hobby worth it. Or at least somewhat so.

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