Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 76 – Melen and Poseidon Familia

"Everyone! We're here!" I hear from the carriage behind me.

Calming my still-unnamed steed, the caravan slows down as the city of Melen bustles in the distance.

While not nearly as grand as Orario, nor having those giant walls, there was still a checkpoint to get into the city.

Now... I don't think they'd appreciate a bunch of carriages rolling through the streets, so we'll have to find a place to camp first.

Well, as all tough Familia-related things go...

"Hey, so what's the plan?" I ask the pink-haired Pallum.

Leave it to Lyra!

Hopping onto the top of the carriage, Lyra overlooks the surroundings with her usual analytical glare before responding to my question.

"...Near the forest. We'll set up camp near the forest. Hasn't rained in a while, so we should have no issues with mud."

She then jumps down and takes the reins once again before expertly steering off the road, the rest of the caravan following her lead.

As I ride up next to Lyra, Alise joins on the other side of her.

"So, Lyra, what's the plan for today?" Alise says with a wide smile.

My redheaded wife had a lot of fun today, galloping across the plains with glee on our way here, for nearly the entire day.

She even went so far that I had to heal her horse with Aqua Corona to revitalize its stamina.

Yeah... I think she found a new favourite hobby.

I guess we'll be adding a stable to the Stardust Garden soon enough.

Not that I mind, I've also come to enjoy horseriding.

"Hmm... I'll head into the town to get supplies. I always enjoy being a new customer, after all. Hehehe." Lyra says with a crazed grin.

Oh, merchants of Melen, you poor souls.

The only reason Lyra hasn't bankrupted anyone yet in Orario is due to them knowing her bartering ways.

If it's fresh blood...

Haa, well, at least she can't get too much with our current storage space.

Clearing my throat, I continue the conversation.

"Alright. Take some girls with you, the rest of us will set up the camp."

Not that there's much to set up as we're using the carriages as tents... but whatever.

"We'll probably visit the city before sundown. This is also a way for us to see the world, after all." I finish with a shrug.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I got some deals to make! Oh, wait."

Lyra then takes out a map.

"Where's that beach again?"

"Ah, over here, or somewhere around there."

I then point to the coast just a little bit north of where we are now.

Apparently, going to beaches isn't much of a fun pastime here, even with the Gods giving the 'divine knowledge' of swimsuits, though that also may be due to the availability of them

And seeing the available designs, the intentions of those perverts are quite obvious.

Well, at least Mother Astraea isn't like that.

My daughters are in good hands.

"Neat. So just past this forest, no? I hope there's a trail." Lyra says.

"There will be." I respond.

I really hope there is.

And if there isn't, I can just cut a path.

No issues there, right?

"Well, aren't you confident? Anyway, see ya!" 

With a smirk, Lyra then takes her leave, presumably stopping at a carriage to recruit some assistants.

And by assistants, I mean bag carriers.

I hope they have some fun.

Now... hopefully these trees are dry enough for a good fire.

----- Leo POV - 2 Hours Later -----

Melen was... an interesting place, that's for sure.

In my first life as Grey, I had spent all my time either in the orphanage, in the ring, or on my 'throne', with no time to visit any coastal cities.

In my second life as Arthur, there were only small fishing villages due to the lack of naval technology and the ocean monsters.

So this was my first time in a situation like this.

A bustling market full of fresh fish with the salty ocean's scent permeating the air.

It was odd, yes, but I could definitely see the appeal of such a place.

I suppose new experiences like these are a large reason my father decided to bring us along on their quest.

It... kind of reminds me of the good days as 'Note'.

Adventuring with Jasmine, clearing dungeons, collecting cores and training my sword technique...

The good days before the war and Asuras screwed everything up.

Actually, I should stop reminiscing about the 'good old days', lest my sisters call me an old man once again.

I know it's mostly teasing... but it does do some heavy damage to the soul.

"Hmm... lemon is supposed to go well with fish... Is there any citrus around here sweetie?" Papa asks Mama Ryuu.

"There should be some fruits at the market, it's said an unbalanced diet causes illness." She responds.

"Ah yeah, that's called 'scurvy' where I'm from."

After learning more of the language and listening to Papa's day-to-day life, I realized that Alea was right in that he was not originally from this world and that my Mamas knew the whole story, not that they told us.

I wonder if he'll ever tell us about his past... but then again, existential things like 'other worlds' and 'reincarnation' are not topics meant for normal children.

Well, not like we're 'normal children' by any stretch of the word.

Much like in my past life, either my parents' love had clouded their judgment, or they were simply inexperienced with children, but they seemed to think nothing much of us four.

I hope that continues.

Hearing my parents reject me once again...

Yeah, let's not think about that.

I am Leo Lovion! Son of two of the strongest people in the world! And I will not be held back by past trauma!

As we pass another section of houses, we come across a pier, or... a dock?

Don't really know the difference.

Anyway, past the wooden platform jutting into the open ocean, I'm greeted by quite a beautiful sight.

Rolling waves of crystal blue water shimmering from the sun's reflection... the distant ships calmly bobbing up and down... and the clear sky meeting the vast ocean on the horizon.

How elegant.

And from what I'd heard, we'd be experiencing these beautiful waters tomorrow at a beach.


"There we go. Markets are nice and all, but where better to buy it than from the source?" Mama Alise says with a smirk while crossing her arms.

Following her gaze, I notice a group of five young men, hauling ropes and baskets of fish from their boat.

Noticing our presence, one of them widens their eyes in surprise before settling into a calmer smile and walking over.

The man in question has medium-length brown hair tied in the back of his head, reminiscent of Papa's haircut, and he's also... shirtless.


Well, other than that, I could feel a certain 'presence' from the man.

A familiar one that I've only felt with two women.

Well, one woman, and one pervert.

So this is a God, huh? 

"Hey there! What can I do for such... strong adventurers as yourselves?" The man says with a kind smile.

Unless this guy is some God of deception, he seems to be genuine.

"Ah, nothing much! We're just looking for some fish for dinner, and where better to go to than the people just getting off their boat!" Mama Alise responds.

From her cheerful hum and bouncing feet, I can tell she's happy her strength was recognized even out here, away from Orario.

And here I thought Elves were supposed to be prideful.

As they continue to talk, I find out that he is Njord, God of the Njord Familia, which is a Familia focused on fishing and seafaring.

And with the importance of such things in Melen, it is the leading Familia in the city.

Anyways, his kind personality quickly endeared him to my parents as they eventually struck a deal, with Papa hauling a basket of various fish while Njord himself instructed Alise how to prepare them.

As for us... well.

"Hiyaa! Omph!"

"Haa... Sister." Ellie says with a hint of disappointment.

Attempting to cast a lure into the water, Stella had a little tumble, only to be caught by Mama Ryuu.

"Be careful, Stella. That's meant for adults, you know?" Mama Ryuu says sternly.

Getting a nod from the embarrassed red-haired girl, Mama Ryuu pats down her dress before continuing.

"How about we attempt the next one together." Mama Ryuu says.


With another nod, with a little more confidence this time, Stella grips the rod with determination clear in her eyes.

"On three Mama! One! Two! Thr-"

"Ready to go?"


Startled at our father's interruption, Stella once again trips over her own feet only to be caught by Mama Ryuu's arms, the woman herself barely holding back a chuckle.

"Ahem. Husband, it was rude to interrupt our activity." She says, sending a playful glare at Papa.

"Aw, sorry sweeties. Well, we're gonna take these back and prepare, you guys can follow us after if you want."

Papa then starts walking back, with Ellie grabbing his hand and Alise following behind, the three make their way back to the camp.

Guess I'm stuck with my two other sisters then.

"I did it!"

"Nice job, Stella!" Alea says with excitement.

Ignoring their antics, I look over at the few shops across the street.

Hmm... I wonder if I can get a souvenir or something.

Though I'll need to ask Mama Ryuu for some money.

...She did bring money, right?

----- Sirius POV - 1 Day Later -----

After our first night sleeping in the modified carriage, I had to say, my idea was absolutely stellar.

And it seemed everyone else agreed as there was a joyful air as the sun rose on our little camp.

Though for a certain brunette Elf, it seemed her sleep had been a little too joyful, as she was currently wrapped around Ais much like a koala.

Luckily, Ais didn't seem to mind, her face set in her usual stoic straight-lined smile, although the ends of her lips were slightly curved upward.

In fact, the only one to take mental damage from the display was Lefiya herself, her face perpetually set in a red blush the entire morning.

Well, Ais is too much of a natural airhead to ever make the first move, if she even knows what attraction is.

So fight on, Lefiya!

Currently, we were slowly making our way down the road alongside the forest bordering the sea.

"Still no path?" I ask Lyra.

We had been searching for quite a while, and at this point, I was ready to channel my inner lumberjack and make a path of my own.

Luckily, the sound of horses clopping and rolling wooden wheels did wonders to calm down my impatience.

But still!

"Not that I can see with Eagle Vision. Still can't believe I'm using such an awesome commanding skill for something like this." Lyra says with a click of her tongue.

At least it doesn't take too much concentration.

"Wait." Lyra then says, her voice laced with seriousness.

"What is it?" Alise asks, riding up next to Lyra opposite me.

Narrowing her eyes, Lyra takes a moment before responding.

"We've got visitors."

Hearing the seriousness of her voice, I know the 'visitors' she's talking about are not common folk.

But there is also no malice in her voice, just... apprehension.

Expanding my senses, I could feel what she was talking about.

A fairly large group, all extremely strong for people outside Orario.

And was that a level 6!?

Holy shit!

Was this some Familia that was kicked out of Orario or something?


"Well, let's go say hello." I say with a small smile.

Well, even if they have a level 6, we have four, and while I don't like to brag, I'm not your run-of-the-mill level 6 either.

With Alise and I riding forward to greet them, the group soon comes into view, a few of their members primed for combat with their weapons held in anticipation.

But standing in the front, was a tall bearded man, looking to be in his 40s with sculpted muscles and a large greatsword sheathed across his back.

That was the level 6.

Even with us both being on the same level, he still held a confident smile, with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

Is he cocky?

No... one can't get to that level with too much overconfidence.

Maybe he's like me where he can hit above his level?

Or maybe he simply knows we have no ill will.

Well, let's find out, shall we?

"Hey there, fellow travellers!" 

I immediately cringe at my greeting.

...Why am I the way that I am?

The level 6's eyebrows arching upward in amusement, he responds in kind.

"Nice to meet you! I'm known as the Knight of Knights, captain of my little Familia here. The Poseidon Familia."

Both Alise and I recoil in shock.

The Poseidon Familia.

They were a major help in the fight against the Leviathan some 15 or so years ago, after which they had all but disappeared into the ocean, vowing to kill every sea monster in the world.

A noble goal, but one I would not want our Familia to partake in.

I like my solid ground and fresh vegetables very much, thanks.

Knowing that they weren't a threat, I got off my horse and walked up to the man, having to look up slightly to meet his eyes.

Totally not jealous of his height, not at all!

Reaching out, his hand clasps mine with a firm grip.

"Well met. We are the Astraea Familia from Orario, on a quest regarding Dragons Valley. This is our lovely captain, and my wife, Alise."

Was the wife part necessary?

No, probably not.

But I felt like doing it anyway.

"Nice to meet the famous Knight of Knights! As my man here said, I'm the level 6 captain of the Astraea Familia, the pure and perfect Alise Lovell!"

This... 'Knight of Knights', whom I should ask what his actual name is, smirks at her words in a way I could barely recognize.

Specifically when she said 'level 6'.

With Lyra noting that they were not a threat, the rest of the Familia come closer as we continue talking.

According to 'Knight', as that's what I decided to call the man after he laughed off my question as to his name, his Familia was continuing their quest to kill all sea monsters and had simply stopped by Melen to resupply and check on the Leviathan seal.

Thinking he might be able to solve our little problem, I decided to ask the guy for some help.

"So, do you guys know of a good beach near here? From what I heard, there was a good one near the Leviathan seal..."

"Ah! That one! Yup, beautiful sands and good privacy. I can definitely show you guys the way. Only in return for a little something..." The somewhat familiar smirk returns.

"W-What would you need?" I ask.

His smirk grows.


I finally know where I recognize that smirk from.

"Your two level 6's... Alise and Ryuu I believe..."

It's like the one I sometimes wear!

A battle-hungry one!

"I challenge them to a duel!"

Haa... fucking shit.

I hate being right.

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