Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 74 – Preparations and Additional Forces

"-and so, we will be going to Dragon Valley to clear out all the invading monsters, both in the surrounding territory and Dragon Valley itself."

Looking over the rest of the Familia, the girls are wearing similar expressions of both worry and excitement.

Well, it'll be a long ass road trip, taking two to three months of travel alone, so I can get the hesitation.

I mean, I don't think they've left Orario as a Familia... ever.

"As it's an emergency request, we'll be starting our preparation tomorrow and hope to leave in the next five days. So be sure to bring anything you would need for up to six months, any questions?" Lyra asks the girls.

Neze then raises her hand.

"Yeah, I have one. Who's going to stay here?" She asks.

"No one. The entire Familia, including the kids and Mother, will be joining us." Lyra responds.

While I'd rather not take the kids closer to an area infested with monsters, we were very, very strong.

Besides, this was also going to be a family vacation, where the kids and I could finally see this world for all its glory past the walls of the dungeon city.

"Then who is going to take care of the mansion!?" Neze shouts.

"Ganesha Familia offered to not only guard our home but also refill the magic stones, so upkeep and security won't be a problem." I add.

With that, the girls collectively calm down, most of them nodding in acceptance, though there is still some hesitation.

Alise then stands atop the table giving me a wonderful view of her ample thighs and ass.

Mmm... nice.

"We named ourselves the Familia of Justice because we fought to protect the innocent! Protect those who couldn't protect themselves! Staying here in Orario, not only have we gained strength, but we've also quelled the unrest that plagued this city on our arrival! Now, with innocents crying out in fear, we'll be there to answer them! Who's with me!?"


That's her charisma.

Glancing around the room I see that everyone has only excited smiles now, their confusion and hesitation washed away by Lyra's reassurances and their captain's speech.

Although, Alea and Leo just looked confused, Stella and Ellie wore expressions of... fear?

Why would they be scared?

Ah, it might be from the stories of Dragon Valley that I had read to them.

A place where monsters roam, and one of the three unexplored areas in this world.

I'll have to calm them down on the journey.

They already know how strong we are, but I don't think they've seen us kill any monsters in person, maybe after that, they'll calm down.

Anyway, according to Lyra, we'd be taking horses to transport our carts, and the girls who had experience with that would be handling it, but that still left some 'guard' positions that needed filling.

A position I offered to take.

After all, I'd always found horseriding cool, not that I tried it.

And especially in a fantasy world like this one...

Mhm, a man's romance indeed.

Anyway, if any monsters attack our caravan, I'll be able to deal with them, not only protecting the Familia but also reassuring the girls.


Now it was just planning time...

Well, with the School District meeting us there, we'd only need to bring enough provisions for the journey there, so the logistics won't be too bad.

But that kind of stuff is for Lyra and Lili to deal with anyway.

----- Alea POV -----

Settling under the sheets, I think back to the 'Familia meeting' that had happened earlier today.

It seemed we'd be going on a road trip, to 'Dragon Valley'.


Initially, I was confused, but after putting us to bed, Papa told us we'd be able to see the world and do a bunch of fun things.

Things like swimming! 

Crossing grand mountains! 

Running through great plains on horseback!

Well, that last one was more for Papa than all of us, but when he said it with so much enthusiasm, I couldn't help but get excited too.

If everything went well, we might also swing by a few villages that the Familia was from, including Mama Alise's.

Though it was too bad we couldn't go to Mama Ryuu's forest, apparently they would be very angry about her marrying a Human, no less two of them.

But, anyway, I could tell Leo was similarly excited about our upcoming adventure, as were the rest of the Familia.

...All except for Stella and Ellie.

Sitting up, I crawled over our shared large mattress until I was in front of the two.

"Ellie, Stella. Up!"

Shaking their bodies, the two eventually open their eyes.

"Grk! What is it, Alea? If you disturbed my sleep for something trivial there will be hell to pay." Eleanor says with her usual dramatics.

"Huam~ Don't be so mean, Ellie. Alea's you're cute sister too, right?" Stella says.

"Mhm! And this cute sister wants to know why you two seemed so scared about our adventure!" I ask.

Feeling some movement beside me, I see that Leo has rolled over to us, his body completely wrapped in a blanket, like a burrito.

"I was wondering the same thing. I know monsters are there, but they go into the dungeon all the time and you two don't get scared. What gives?" He says.

Ellie then sits up.

"It is not simply some 'monster' that we're scared of. The strongest monster in existence is sealed there, the One-Eyed Black Dragon." She says with a scowl.

Wait, that scary thing is there?

"Y-You mean the one that wiped out the Zeus and Hera Familias?" I ask.

"That very same one. If monsters are escaping Dragon Valley, it means that the barrier is deteriorating. I just hope it doesn't fall when we're anywhere near it." Eleanor says with a grimace.

Oh, now that's a scary thought.

"So that big bad monster is sealed there? Troublesome."

Pff! Leo!

Making such a serious face while wrapped up like that!

"Well that's the gist of it, I guess that bitch couldn't make a good barrier after all. Some higher god she is..." Eleanor grumbles.

Umm, I guess she has quite a grudge against someone, huh?

"U-Umm, Ellie... who is this, uhh, 'bitch' you're talking about?" I ask.

Narrowing her eyes, Ellie answers my question.

"The previous Goddess of my sister and I, Hera." She responds.


That's quite a thing to call the Goddess you once served.

"After we lost against that calamity, she used her arcanum to seal it so it couldn't continue to wreak havoc on the world." She further explains.

Ah, that makes sense...

Wait! It doesn't make sense at all!

"Aren't Gods unable to use their arcanum down here? That's like the one rule they have to follow, right?" I exclaim.

"Yes, most Gods can't, and even when they do it's very restrictive. Only higher Gods can do it, and they can't have more than a few children bearing their falna at the time. They must remain still near the barrier, constantly 'praying' to maintain it. Now that I think about it, she might've just gotten lazy, the old hag." Eleanor says.

"I-Is that so...?" 

Stella then elaborates further.

"It's what Ouranos has done ever since the Gods descended, maintaining his 'prayer' to keep the monsters in the dungeon." She says with a small smile.

I see...

Well, with my questions answered, I'm going to bed.

While I crawl over to my pillow, I hear Leo speak up behind me.

"Hmm... but what does it mean to be a 'higher God' and what do the 'prayers' mean?" He asks.

"I don't know, brother. That's a matter concerning the Gods. Ask Astraea if you're so curious."


Smiling at their teasing, I rest my head against my pillow, hoping for sweet dreams just as Papa had.

----- Finn POV -----

As soon as 'Dragon Valley' was mentioned by the guild, I knew that there would be trouble on the horizon, even without the help of my thumb.

That trouble being a certain blonde-haired girl.

Leaning back into my chair, I hear the knock I had been waiting for all night.

"Finn? Can I... talk to you about something?"

Haa... sometimes I hated being right.

"Yes, come on in, Ais." I say.

The door opens to reveal the girl in question, along with Lefiya, who was hesitantly standing behind her.

Yes... there was this possibility too.

"Well? What did you two want to talk about?" I ask, even though I already know.

Walking up to the front of my desk, Ais' face, which had recently shown so much more emotion, stares at me with her past stoic look.

"I want to go to Dragon Valley. With Sirius and his Familia."

And there was her familiar bluntness.

"A-Ais!? T-That's a little too soon, don't you think?" Lefiya says.

"It's alright, Lefiya. And? What are you here for?" I ask.

Averting her eyes and fiddling with the trim of her dress, she answers.

"W-Well, Ais is an airhead, right?" She says.

"Hmph!" Ais responds with a huff.

Sorry, Ais, she's got you there.

"S-So if she's going with them, she would need someone to keep her safe and in line. Someone like me!" She says with a determined smile.

Yeah, you aren't fooling anyone here.

"I don't quite understand..." I ask.

No, I perfectly understand.

"Just what are you asking of me, Lefiya?"

Letting out a sigh, she looks up to meet my eyes, her blue gems shining honestly.

"Umm, could I go with Sirius- no! With the Astraea Familia to Dragon Valley?"

Maybe a little too honest there, Lefiya.

"Alright, I hear your requests. Now..."

Leaning forward onto my elbows, I narrow my eyes into a light glare.

"Why should I approve such a thing?" I ask.

Ais' lips curve down into a small frown.

I'm sorry Ais, but I can't let you two go without a reason, both for myself and the Familia.

"Finn... you know why..." She says.

Haa... I do.

And you had gotten so much closer to overcoming your past.

Maybe this could be some sort of closure?

Or it may set ablaze a new fire of motivation.

Whether that flame is destructive like the little girl from before, or one that calmly grows at its own pace is up to her... and Sirius I suppose.

Looking over at Lefiya, I nod at her to say her piece.

"U-Uhh, training under Sirius... I've learned so much! I... don't want to stop training, I want to be stronger!" She says.

Ah... I like that look.

And it's true, even I and Riveria have been astounded at her progress.

While her stats were growing at an increased rate, it was the growth of her skills in magic manipulation and concurrent chanting that was amazing.

And she was right, it would be unfortunate to stop such progress.

"Haa... alright. I'll allow you two to join the Astraea Familia on their quest if they accept of course. But you two will be the ones to inform Loki." I say.

They both shiver at the thought.

Even for a simple week-long expedition, Loki becomes extremely... touchy, with the girls.

Even I can't predict what she'll do for an estimated five-month trip.

Not even mentioning that these two were her favourites to, well, show her affection with.

Well, that's their problem.

And with those two having stayed at their current level for a couple of years...

When they return, we might be getting a new level 6 and level 4 within our midst.

"Go on then. I heard they are starting their preparations tomorrow." I say with a smile.

As they scramble out of the room, closing the door behind them, I can only hope they live up to my expectations.

Now... how much will I have to change the plans for the next expedition?

----- Ais POV - 1 Day Later -----

Slowly walking up to the Stardust Garden, home of the Astraea Familia, I hesitantly reach up to the front door before knocking.

Looking around, I can see that their training ground is already filled with multiple carts and boxes of supplies, with a few members pacing about.

It seems that Finn was correct that they'd be starting preparations today.

"A-Ais, should we knock again?"

Tilting my head, I ponder over Lefiya's words.

While they might be busy, it would be best to get this over with now so they don't have to change plans last minute.

"Mmm... maybe."

Just as I raise my arm once again, the door opens to reveal Sirius along with his wife Alise Lovell, yet another person that was stronger than me.

Another goal to overcome in order to save Mother.

"Ais? Lefiya? What're you two doing here?" Sirius asks.

Knowing that he appreciates my, well, bluntness, I respond.

"Lefiya and I want to join your quest. We have permission from Finn."

I then hand him the sealed letter Finn told me to give to him, which he takes while maintaining his somewhat shocked expression.

"What!? That shrewd guy would just let you two go like that!?" Alise asks.

"W-Well now, Alise. The letter might explain more. Nevertheless, I would never imagine he would let you two go for such a long time. Especially Ais..."

Was it truly that shocking?

It's just a long joint expedition, no?

And I had already spent most of my time with Sirius from training these past months anyway.

"Well, let's talk inside. I'm sure Lyra would want to know about this. Oh, and did you tell Loki about this?"

Both Lefiya and I simultaneously flinch, remembering the violations that occurred under our patron Goddess' touch.

"Y-Yes, she knows. She... knows..."

My Elven comrade's words trail off as her eyes become dull from the memories of last night.

Poor Lefiya.

"Ah... well, that's good! You two haven't met most of the Familia or Mother Astraea yet, right? We'll show you around after the talk with Lyra."

Following Sirius, while Alise splits off to do... something, Lefiya and I both look around the home in wonder.

While much smaller than Twilight Manor, it was much more... homey, with an obvious focus on comfort rather than organization and efficiency.

I suppose that's a benefit of a smaller Familia. 

Though, with the Astraea Familia's strength and influence, it's hard to call them a simple 'small Familia'.

Knocking on the door, Sirius then leads us into what looks to be an office, much like Finn's.

"Sword Princess and Thousand Elf... what's going on here, Sirius?" Lyra asks.

"Ah, they want to join our expedition to Dragon Valley. They already have permission from their captain and God."

Sirius responds before leaning against the wall and opening the letter.

"Huh... I wouldn't expect Finn to allow something like this... Well, whatever, it doesn't change much. Do you two know how to ride horses?" Lyra asks us.

I shake my head.

Although Father had a horse, he never took me to ride it as I was too scared.

"U-Umm, I took a lesson in the School District, but it was only for leading carriages, not horseriding itself." Lefiya says.

The pink-haired girl, Lyra, breaks out into a grin.

"That's perfect. You'll be leading the transport carriage, switching with Noin whenever you can." She says.


"Don't worry Lefiya, I'll introduce you to her. She's very nice." Sirius says.

"A-Ah, okay..."

With Lefiya averting her eyes from Sirius, he then turns to me.

"The letter said you could stay here or at the Twilight Manor until we leave. What would you prefer?" He asks.

Hmm... although going back to Loki is a bit scary, there was still Tiona, Tione, and Riveria I hadn't told about our departure.

"We'll stay at the Twilight Manor." I say.

"Alright just be sure to come early on the day of. Let's go, I'll introduce you two to the Familia."

As Sirius turns to leave, I pull on his sleeve to stop him.

"Hm? What is it?"

"What else was in the letter?" I ask.

Although it didn't seem too important, I was curious.

"Ah, nothing much. It just said to watch out for you two, continue training, and make sure you don't do anything stupid in Dragon Valley... You won't be doing anything stupid, will you?"

Averting my eyes from his serious gaze, I shake my head.

"N-No, teacher." I respond.

"Damn brat. Well, did you need anything else Lyra?" Sirius then says.

"Nah, I'll just add a few more provisions to the list. Either way, I doubt we'll be needing all of it, but just as a precaution." Lyra says.

"Sure thing." Sirius responds.

So... I guess that's it?

Me and Lefiya are joining their expedition now?

That was surprisingly... easy.

Sirius then turns to us.

"Now, the others are mostly outside packing things, except for Ryuu. Let's go say hi."

"Okay!" Lefiya responds.

"Mmm." And I do the same.

Mother... I'll be there soon, so just hold on a little longer.

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