Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 71 – Banquet of Gods and Training

"So? How do I look, Sirius~"

"Wonderful, Alise." I reply.

"A-And me, husband?" Ryuu asks tentatively.

"As beautiful as always. Though it pales in comparison to the surprise you wore last night~" I tease.

"S-Shut it!"

Smirking at her embarrassed demeanour, I lean forward and gently hold her chin, lifting it to plant my lips on hers.

Mmm... that sweet taste... It's addicting.

Though I got more than my fill last night, so I'll hold myself back.

Planting a soft kiss on her nose, I separate from Ryuu, whose glassy eyes and flushed cheeks are making her look very... alluring.

"At least we'll be getting another use for the dresses we got." Alise says.

"It was good timing to hold the Banquet." Ryuu says, recovered from her dazed state.

Good timing indeed.

Alise was dressed in a white bodycon dress with red highlights, which fit snugly to her body and showed off all of her curves... very good indeed.


Ah, right.

I've gotten better at hiding my, ahem, pure thoughts from my face, but it seems my wife was just too stunning.

As for Ryuu, she was wearing her newly purchased black skirt dress with gold accents.

Man... black looks really good on her.

Perfect for my sexy Elf.

As for why we were dressed so formally?

Well, we were going to a 'Banquet of Gods' tonight.

Apparently, they held one two years ago, but with Ryuu and Alise both pregnant, we decided to skip it.

But we were going to this one.

And since I was now a first-class adventurer, I was also dressed in my formal clothes for the occasion.

A classic suit, one that I got specially made so I can easily move around in it and so I didn't get too hot.

"With everyone here now, let's get going." Mother Astraea says with a smile

With that, our group of seven, with Celty not wanting to join us, started our journey.

As we continued walking through the cobbled streets, I decided to ask Mother Astraea about something that was on my mind.

"Hey, so for this banquet, is it really only first-class adventurers and their God?" I ask.

I mean, that doesn't make much sense.

There are only Freya, Loki, us, and Ganesha Familias with multiple first-class adventurers.

Then there's Hephaestus with Tsubaki as their lone level 5...

Yeah, that's not a lot of people.

It's looking like it'll be a lame banquet.

"No, the 'first-class adventurer' requirement is only for exploration-type Familias. Leading Familias in other sectors, like Hermes for information and magic tools, Goibniu for smithing, Demeter for agriculture, and Dian Cecht for potions, are also invited along with some of their children." She responds.

Oh. Well, that's better.

I wonder if I can ask Hermes how the Xenos are doing, as in the ones they've saved outside Orario.

Making our way through the city, we eventually come across the Apollo Familia home, the location of tonight's party.

While they weren't technically 'invited', as they only had one level 3 as an exploration Familia, Apollo offered to host it, the eccentric God that he is.

Although Astraea doesn't like him that much, as back in Tenkai he constantly tried to woo the virgin Goddess to no avail.

Hearing about the God, while I was initially worried about his habit of setting his sights on beautiful people and stopping at nothing to attain them, he also knows his place and would never make a move against our Familia.


While killing Gods was illegal, I didn't want to have to test if I was allowed to torture them.

Entering through the front door, the lavish assortment of wine, drinks, and food enters my view with the sound of a harp playing softly in the background.

With the nearby people turning their heads our way, I quickly spot a familiar group of eight.

"Astraea Familia. We were wondering when you would be showing up." Finn says in greeting.

Alise then walks forward to greet her fellow captain.

"Good to see you! But I'm surprised that Bete would come to something like this!" She says.

"Tsk. Not like I had much choice." The mutt- ahem, Bete responds.

"Ah! That makes more sense!" Alise says.

The two captains sharing a chuckle, I notice Riveria walking toward me.

"Sirius, I must thank you for your training, especially that of Lefiya. She's already showed off her progress. If you all need anything of equal value from us, please don't hesitate to ask." She says with a slight bow.

"It's my pleasure, Riveria. Lefiya is great to have around." I say with a smile.

The earnest Elf was cute in her own way, like a silly little sister.

And watching her interactions with Ais was funny too.

"Mhm, she was quite sad she couldn't join us." Riveria responds.

"Haha, yeah, but I think it was more about not spending a night with Ais looking like that rather than not seeing me."

Looking over her shoulder, we both spare a glance at Ais who is dressed in a strapless green dress.

Rare for the girl who is always adamant about being in her armour.

"Indeed. It was rare for Ais to so easily change into formal wear. I guess I also have you to thank for that." She says.

"Nah, she's just growing up." I respond.

Suddenly, the sound of music changed into a waltz while Ryuu shyly tugged at my sleeve.

"Husband, can we... share a dance?" She asks.

Even though she's given birth to our children, Ryuu still retains a bit of her shy innocence, which shines in moments like this.

It's one of the things I love most about her.

Smiling at her, I hold out my hand while bowing in a dramatic manner.

"If you please, my lady."

Bringing her gloved hand to cover her mouth, she gently places her other hand atop my own.

"Fufu, I would be honoured."

Since we had exactly zero knowledge of dancing, we decided to simply hold onto each other and rock side to side in time with the music.

It was... nice.


Especially when her head rested under my chin, giving me a deep inhale of her naturally floral scent.

Or maybe it's shampoo?

Who cares.

Eventually, with the song coming to an end, we join the rest of our Familia, with Alise giving us both a smile.


We, uh, kind of ditched her, didn't we?

"Sorry Alise, would you like to dance with Ryuu for the next song?" I ask.

"Damn right, I would! But don't feel bad, someone had to stay behind. Unless... do you want to try a threeway?" She asks with a snicker.

Phrasing, Alise!

"Ah, so this is the famed Celestial Sword."

Turning around to the new voice, we all widen our eyes slightly at the Goddess' entrance.


It was very rare for her to attend a party like this one, so we were all surprised at the sight of the beautiful Goddess.

Though I had already seen her once before from the Ishtar incident.

And while she was certainly stunning, I only had eyes for two women in my life.

"It's nice to meet you, Lady Freya." I say with a smile.

Looking behind her, I see that Ottar is staring at us with a strange intensity, almost like Ais was when we first met.


And I guess the rest of her Familia didn't attend, huh?

Damn, I really wanted Allen to meet Bete.

That would be quite a sight to see.

With the next song starting, this time a slow song with a harp, Freya then extended her hand to me.

"Would you care to dance?" She asks.


Uhh, what?

Looking over to Alise and Ryuu for their thoughts, I see their eyes widen in surprise before giving me a hesitant nod.

"It would be my pleasure." I respond.

While there was nothing too intimate about a dance, it was still... odd.

Now for what reason would the Goddess of love and beauty want to dance with me?

Taking her hand, I rest my palm against her hip, careful to not do anything that would make Ottar my enemy.

While Freya was taller than both of my wives, she was still shorter than my chin, so there was no awkwardness in our position.

"You don't know how to dance, do you?" She asks with a teasing smirk.

"Uh, no... can't say I do Lady Freya." I respond.

"No need for such formality. You even called Riveria by only her name." She says.

"Unfortunately Riveria did not have a certain Boaz that would attack me for any impoliteness given to her." I say with a strained smile.

Turning my head to the side, I notice Ottar is glaring at me.

Please stop, it's scary.

"Fufufu, there's no need to be afraid of him for something so simple. Allen on the other hand... well, he's certainly a character." Freya says.

"Definitely. I almost wish he was here so I could introduce him to Bete." I respond.

"Fufufu, well, regrettably I would not want to start a war with the Loki Familia. Even if that meeting would be amusing."

Weird... I would think Freya, the 'Queen of Orario', would be a bit different than this.

An untouchable jewel.

But no, she just seemed... normal.

Although I did feel a very slight mental, well, how to put it... pull towards her, which was quite odd.

"This is nearing your fourth year in Orario, is it not? And to think you're already a level 6... simply astounding." She then says.

"Thank you... Freya. But it's all thanks to my Familia's support. Kaguya is quite the teacher after all." I respond.

Her lips curl slightly at me not using 'Lady' before she stares into my eyes.

"And? Would you ever consider changing Familias?"

The 'mental pull' I felt increases drastically as I see her violet pupils turn a murky silver.

Yeah... never mind.

She's definitely not normal.

"Never. I have a family now, after all." I respond sternly.

Her eyes returning to their usual violet, they then widen in surprise as her cheeks flush red.

"Is that so..."

Lost in a daze for a moment, her lips then curve into a wide smile, happiness radiating off her face as the song comes to an end.

"Well, thank you for the dance, Sirius. I hope you don't mind if I take one with your wives?" She asks.

"If they accept, I don't mind."

"Wonderful. Well then, perhaps we can share another dance before this banquet ends."

She then walks up to Ryuu, who looks at me in confusion.

Is she asking if it's alright?

Giving her a nod, I then feel a nudge from Alise.

"So? How was your dance with the Goddess of beauty? Having second thoughts about getting hitched with us?" She asks teasingly.

"Never. And besides, she just asked Ryuu to dance and will likely do the same for you."

Looking at Ryuu being led by the lightly taller Freya, Alise has her mouth widen in surprise.

"Oh. Damn." 

Quite eloquent, my wife is.

"What, you excited~" I ask, returning her teasing grin from before.

"I guess. Ever since arriving here, I've only seen her in person once or twice." She says.

"Interesting. Anyway, that solves our three-people dilemma. So? Want to dance?" I ask.

"Of course!"

The night continues with me meeting with the various top figures of Orario.

Even Airmid, who's carved a path for herself as one of the two best healers in Orario came over, mostly to ask how Haru was doing.

I guess she misses her old dungeon partner.

I also had a small talk with Hermes, who seemed weirdly interested in me, about the Xenos and was happy to learn that his Familia had rescued most if not all of them which had been sold outside Orario.

So that's good.

And as I expected, Freya shared a dance with both of my wives.

While there were no issues, after their dances with the Goddess of love they were very... well...


They were very horny.

So much so, that we had to take our leave as they were beginning to grind against me a little too eagerly in public.

So, I decided to take them to a hotel room to relieve their... urges.

In short, it was one of the most exciting nights we had ever had, with their stamina and 'need' allowing us to try a lot of things.

Suffice it to say, I paid quite a big cleaning fee before we made our way back home in the dead of night.

Overall, it was an interesting night, to say the least.

----- Freya POV -----

Now back on my throne in Babel, I look over the nightlit city while lazily swirling the glass of wine in my hand.

"You seem quite happy, Lady Freya." Ottar says at my side.

"Of course, Ottar. I had an interesting night, after all." I respond.

Interesting indeed.

I was able to confirm a few things.

First, Sirius was completely immune to my charm.

Both my passive and active.

Haa, just the thought of his pure feelings within such a close range to me causes my heart to race.

And then there were his wives.

With them, I felt... happy.

Like how Sirius makes me, but a little different.

An interesting feeling, one I've never felt before.

'Friendship', perhaps?

'Syr' bleeding into 'Freya'?


But there was something else quite amazing about those two.

They could resist my charm.

Not completely, like Sirius, but enough where my passive charm didn't affect them, and my active charm wouldn't make them like putty in my hands as it does with others.

Hmm... I wonder why.

While Magic Resistance can resist charm with enough willpower, it still shouldn't be to this level.

Perhaps this too is because of Sirius?

Well, it still affected them enough to put them in a state of heat, but I doubt the three were complaining about it too much.

Speaking of that...

Using my Discerning Eye, I search through the land below for the three souls that have been at the forefront of my mind.

Finding them, I quickly turn on my mirror, only to witness them in the middle of the act of love.


And quite the act at that.

Haa, this swelling pressure, this overflowing heat...

"Ottar. You can leave me now." I say sternly

"Of course, Lady Freya."

As he closes the door, I make my way onto my bed before undressing myself.

Seeing the three ignited in their passion, their souls shining in lust, I lower my hands towards my already soaking-wet folds.

An interesting night indeed.

----- Sirius POV - 2 Days Later -----

Slapping away Take's strike, I use his forward momentum to flip him over my shoulder, his back falling helplessly onto the ground.


I did it.

I finally fucking did it.

"Haa, jeez man, haa, you really are the God of martial arts, huh? Here, want some water?" I ask.

"Ah, yes please."

Passing him a bottle, we both sit down and drink our respective waters, sweat glistening on both of our bodies.

"I can't believe we've been training so long, and I've only beaten you once." I say.

"Don't belittle yourself, Sirius. Beating me, even once, without stats and pure hand-to-hand technique is quite a feat. Especially considering how far behind your hand-to-hand is compared to your sword." He says reassuringly.

"Eh, if you're sure."

Falling into a comfortable silence as we both even our breathing, not using my healing magic due to Take's advice to be 'natural', whatever that means.

Soon, Take then stands up, dusting off his robes before picking up two wooden swords.

"Now, with your body having enough technique without a weapon, let's build your technique with it." He says.

"So... swordplay?" I ask.

"Yes, swordplay. The swordplay of heroes!" he says with an excited smile.

Please don't call it that.

"You already have a good sword style to go by, and in terms of regular mortals you're basically at the peak of technique. So this training will be tough." Take says.

"I wouldn't have come to a God if it was so easy to grow past this point." I respond.


Catching the wooden sword that he tossed to me, Take then begins his instruction.

"The basis of these techniques is using the latent magic power in the air. Not your mind." He begins.

Using the magic power in the air?

I nod at him to continue.

"You've heard of the magic Elves had developed to use without a falna, no? It's using the same principle. Instead of using rituals and chants like them, you must use your body to connect with the world. While the heroes of old often had spirits to aid in this, they could also use the latent mana by themselves as well."

That sounds... complicated.

And abstract.

I guess this is the pinnacle of the reality-defying powers that I've only begun to delve into.

While most of my techniques and my growth have been based on realistic phenomena and applying my knowledge in various ways, I suppose this will be a more 'feel don't think' approach, as much as I hate that approach.

Nodding my head, he continues.

"Now, set yourself in the stance you're most comfortable with and simply..."

Oh? Is there an actual teachable technique here?

"Feel it."


Should've never gotten my hopes up.

"Is there a problem, Sirius?" He asks.

"No. It's fine. Comfortable stance, right? Then try to connect with the magic power in the air?" I ask.

"Precisely. Luckily, having a falna doesn't affect this. Just be sure to not enhance yourself with stats or mind by accident."

"Got it." I respond.

Now, if I can get this technique, I'd probably be as strong as a level 1 or maybe even level 2 without my falna.

Adding my current status to that...


That definitely gets my blood pumping.

"And this is only the first step?" I ask.

"Yes. The heroes of old built their entire technique like this, so it will likely take a while for you to do this. Then again, they never had a status to start with. So I have no clue how this will turn out." He says with a shrug.

Great. Just great.

Haa... well.

Let's get started.

Breathe in, raise the sword.

The grip on my sword held firm yet loose.

Right leg pushed forward, slightly bent at the knee.

Breathe out, swing down.

Rotate my wrist, twist my hips, and extend my arms.

A fluid motion to take complete control of the potential energy of my body.

Blade held straight, the path cutting through the air with absolute precision.

An absolute transfer of energy to power.

The tip of the sword whistles as the air trembles before the blade halts.

A perfect overhead swing.

"I still can't believe it. Truly a wonderful technique."

With the motivational words of Take inciting me further, and the sun's heat bearing down on my bare back, I continue the repetitive movements long into the day.

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