Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 70 – Teacher and Student

"So, Lefiya. You know how to control your mind, right?" I ask.

"O-Of course! It's necessary for controlling the power of magic, after all!" She responds.

"Good. Now, I want you to circulate your mind throughout your body. Imagine that it's your blood. Can you do that?" I ask.

Nodding her head, Lefiya then closes her eyes and concentrates.

Yeah... she shouldn't need that much focus just to circulate her mind, but it's a start.

"Okay, stop for a second." I say.

"D-Did I do something wrong?"

"No, not at all. Anyways, the first step for your training will be to make circulating your mind something second nature. Once you get a good handle on it, we'll try walking while doing it. So for now, just focus on circulating your mind. Understanding what works to make it easier and making it as easy as breathing, okay?"


Leaving her with that, I then turn to Ais, who was watching on in slight interest.

"Now for you, we have four things we can work on." I say holding up four fingers.


Excited, are we?

Well, that thirst to get stronger is one of them.

"One, you're using your wind enchantment poorly. It's a wonderful and powerful magic. But the power has blinded you from its true potential."

Her slightly upturned lips turn down in a frown as she nods hesitantly.

"Second, while you are great at fighting monsters, you're ability in human combat is lacking, severely. While you are an adventurer that focuses on the dungeon, as one of the few first-class adventurers in Orario you should learn how to defend yourself."

Another nod.

"Third, you need to learn how to control your strength."

Her golden eyes widen.

"But why? Is being strong... not good?" She asks.

"Not always. Not only do you easily tire out if you're going full power all the time, there's also... know what? It would be better to just show you. Strike me with your sword."

Raising her eyebrow, she does as I say and swings down with her wooden sabre.


And not just simple brute strength, but rather a technique that focuses on amplifying her speed and strength.

Make no mistake, Ais Wallenstein is extremely skilled in swordplay.

...But she could be better.

Raising my own sword, I loosen my grip just as our blades clash, giving way to her sword as my own rides up her blade until it reaches Ais' neck.

A silence permeates the training ground as the Sword Princess is left with wide eyes.

"Do you understand now? Your constant pursuit of 'strength' made you blind to technique." I say calmly.

"I-I see."

Lowering my sword, I continue.

"Well, we can work on that later. Now fourth, and the most important in my opinion, is your mentality."

She tilts her head to the side, her long golden-blonde hair falling over her shoulder.

"Why do you seek strength so zealously, Ais Wallenstein?"

Gritting her teeth, she then tilts her head down, her hair covering her face from view.

"-ill it." She says in a hushed whisper.

"Huh? What was that?" I ask.

Raising her head, she looks at me with a cold expression, her face more devoid of emotion than I'd ever seen before.

"To kill the One-Eyed Blad Dragon."


That's... quite the goal.

And quite the glare too.

This... is gonna be difficult, isn't it?

"That's a lofty goal. Can you tell me why? Did it kill your parents or something?" I ask.

Seeing her flinch, it seems I've hit the nail on the head.

"Here, let's sit down first." I say.

Reluctantly following me, Ais then sits down next to me under the tree.

"So, the Black Dragon killed your parents, huh?" I say.

"Father." Ais corrects.


Raising her head from between her legs, she looks at Lefiya who is still circulating her mind, sweat pouring down her face from concentration.

What an earnest Elf.

"It killed Father, but it took Mother. I want to free her and kill the Dragon."

So it's not purely revenge, huh?

That's... better, marginally so.

But I've never heard of the Black Dragon kidnapping anyone.

I wonder what the full story is.

But still.

"You know, Ais. I've learned many things from being a father."

Hesitantly, I place my hand atop her head, which she luckily doesn't try to shake off.

Good, I should bestow her some knowledge, older brother style.

"But something that I know is that your father wouldn't want you to chase after revenge like this. He would want you to live happily."


"And as for your mother."

Turning her head to face me, I see that her eyes are becoming watery.

Ah, I must've brought up some traumatic memories.

Sorry, Ais.

"Let's save her together okay?"

Her eyes widen in surprise, golden pupils shining in... excitement? Realization?

I can't really tell with her.

"I was already planning on killing that big bad monster, so when we're both ready, we can complete the final great quest together. So for now, try to focus on something else other than getting stronger. Find a reason to live as your parents would want. You don't have to give up on being stronger, definitely not, but find something else, okay? Who knows, it even might make you more powerful. I know my kids did for me." I say with a smile.


Her eyes squint shut as I lightly rustle her hair.

"Good. Now, let's work on your wind magic. Just like Lefiya, we'll start at the basics and build up, alright?"


Well, nothing was completely solved, but I can already tell the 'darkness' plaguing her heart has become a bit more... bright.

Like black turning to dark grey.

I just hope she can eventually turn it into a shining white.

----- 7 Hours Later -----

"Thanks for coming over, God Takemikazuchi."

"No worries, you are paying me more than fairly. And please, call me Take. Everyone close to me calls me that anyway." The God responds.


Standing in the training ground for what would be the third time today, I take a few light swings of my practice sword.

"So? Sensei. What's on the menu for today?" I ask.

"Well, I'm unsure of your current capabilities, so for now, just go through your usual routine. Do you know how to control your strength?" He says.

I can't help but smirk.

"I know very well. Do you want me to train with no stats?" I ask.

"You can do that? Well... if you please." He says, gesturing at me to continue.

With that, I began going through my training, specifically the ones where I simulated combat against either a human opponent or a monster from the dungeon.

My 'battle' finished, I rest the sword on my shoulder and turn back to the martial art God, sweat dripping down my entire body.

"Haa, H-How, haa, was that?"

His eyes sharpened in concentration, the God brings his hand to his chin.

"Mortals... they're really scary, aren't they?"

"Sorry?" I ask.

"Nothing. Just thinking to myself. As for your capabilities... they're advanced. Really advanced." He says.

"Yeah. And I've found I've hit a wall with technique, hence why I came to you." I say.

"Well, we can still work on your martial arts that have been neglected for your sword skills. The dual sword style that you briefly showed also needs some training. As for your sword... I'm not sure how much I can help you. Unless you can do 'that'."

Yeah, I haven't trained in pure martial arts, well... ever.

Only the training to build my instincts could count, and after that, it was simply moulding what I knew from sword training into my body, well, without a sword.

So at least he could help me with hand-to-hand.

"Umm, what is 'that' that you mentioned?" I ask.

"Hmm, how to describe it? With your skill and level, you probably know that you can do some interesting techniques with the sword. Ranged attacks, slashing thousands of times in a second, stuff like that." He says.

"Uh, yeah. I think I know what you mean." 

The pure power bullshit, right?

"Well currently, you can do that with a mix of technique and power born from your falna. But you see, in ancient times before us Gods had descended, there were those who could do such things, without a falna of course. They were often called 'Sword Saints', with the most famous example being the Mercenary King, or the Sword Champion, Albert Waldstein." He says.

"Albert Waldstein... like from the story?" I ask.

"Yes, the story of Dungeon Oratoria. That was quite an interesting tale to oversee." He says with a smile.

"Wait, that actually happened!?" I ask.

"Why of course! Legends of the past like that were the reason we Gods came down to Genkai. To be a part of such a heroic tale... it would excite even us. But others, like myself, came for other reasons. You see, for some, just to live as a mortal is a blessing in itself."


Maybe I'll ask Mother Astraea why she came down to Genkai when I get the chance.

"Anyways. So, you'll train me to make me strong without a falna? Like Albert Waldstein?" I ask excitedly.

"I hope I can. One needs the correct amount of talent, determination, and the mysterious trait that even Gods cannot distinguish." He says seriously.

I have the talent, and I'd be damned if I don't have the determination.

Holding my breath for the final key, he continues.

"That being the trait of a hero."



Something like that? Really?

Truly a fantasy world.

"You look disappointed." He says.

I am disappointed.

"You're imagining it." I respond quickly.

"Uhm, if you're sure... Anyways, let's start with some basic hand-to-hand forms for today."

"Alright. Please teach me well, Sensei!"

So today, not only have I begun my path as a teacher, but also as a student once again.

----- Freya POV -----

"Ahn~! Your soul... It's shining so brightly! Haa, you're making it hard to resist."

Looking over the city from my floor in Babel, I use my Discerning Eye to see the familiar whitish-gold soul that has intrigued me ever since I saw it in person.

Sirius Lovion.

A household name in Orario, not only being one of the few level 6's in the city, but also the fastest one to do so, gaining his first level up in half a year.

While that was interesting and all, I was most intrigued by two things.

One, he was immune, or at least resistant, to all charm, even that of a Goddess of beauty like Ishtar.

And even my passive charm.

The charm that causes even gods to fawn over me with the slightest shake of my hips, the charm that assures that I will never find true love save for my fated Odr.

Two, was his soul.

An interesting blend of two pure colours I had never seen before, and if that wasn't enough to intrigue me, his soul seemed to shine brighter every day.

Especially now, as he receives training from that Far East God.

But that's not all, he even spreads his brightness to others.

When Ryuu and Alise had their children, their souls shined like twin north stars in the night sky.

A sight like no other.

And even today, that gold-coloured soul of the Sword Princess was enhanced, and the murky, disgusting black was washed away, if only slightly.

The thought of such a soul, of such a man intrigues me so.

And how much I want him for myself... the urge- no, the need can only be silenced knowing that Astraea's Familia can match up to mine now.

Unfortunately, I cannot simply throw my Familia out of their position for a selfish need, I made that wretched promise after all.

...But even then, for some inexplicable reason, even without the hindrance of the Familia of Justice, I do not feel the want to rip apart their family.

I... don't want to see Alise and Ryuu sad, for some peculiar reason.

How strange.

Did you make me like this, Sirius?

Could you possibly be my Odr?

Well, even if you were, it's not like I could do anything about it.

Haa, well, I guess this is the burden of being 'queen', huh?

To have the possibility of my true love, so close yet so far.

"Lady Freya."

"Hmm? Yes, Ottar?"

I respond without turning to the voice.

"The guild has announced that for this new year celebration, there will be a 'Banquet of Gods', and all first-class adventurers and their Gods are invited. Should I decline the invitation on your behalf?"

Hmm, 'first-class adventurers', huh?

Perhaps... I can use this to confirm a few things.

How much he can resist my charm, if he's truly my love, these weird feelings I have towards his wives...

"Accept the invitation." I say with no hesitation.

"Lady Freya?" Ottar says in confusion.

"None of the other children need to go if they don't wish to, but I would like to have you there, Ottar." I say.

"Of course, my Lady."

----- Lefiya POV - 5 Days Later -----

"Now that you two can circulate your mind quite well, I want you two to just simply walk. One step at a time, as slowly as you need to. Maintain that circulation of mind and aim to do it without thought, focusing on walking."

Following Sirius' words, I let the river of my mind and magic power flow through my body as I shakily take a step forward.

I... did it!

Well, this wasn't really that much, but still.

I took a step while doing such an intense magic control exercise, one that would normally require deep meditation near a sacred tree!

Sirius Lovion, my teacher...

He was truly a genius.

I had heard from Ais the level of his swordplay, but that doesn't really interest me.

I thought he was a great magic swordsman and would give me some tips to start my journey to concurrent chanting, to finally protecting myself.

But he blew my expectations out of the water.

Even this relatively simple exercise, at least for him, that requires my complete focus and effort, is something he casually surpasses without a thought.

I had no doubt he was the greatest at magic control in Orario, at least on the move.

And as for pure magic control, the only one I could think of to surpass him would be Riveria.

But even then, how much of her skill is from experience rather than actual skill?

I didn't want to think about it.

But to grow this much in this time... I had definitely made the right choice to ask for training.

Even if he had asked me for compensation, it would be worth it.

Taking a few more steps, I soon lose control of my magic power from a simple slip-up, likely due to my mental exhaustion, making me drop to the ground.

Looking to my side, I see that Ais is in a similar state of fatigue, having stopped a few steps before me.

For not being a mage, she was doing exceedingly well in her training.

"Nice job! Here."

I feel my tiredness get washed away as Sirius' healing magic works its way into my body.

Both of us rising to our feet, he then tosses us a water bottle each, which we eagerly gulp down.

"You two are making damn good progress, especially you, Lefiya." He says with a smile.

"Haa, it doesn't feel like much though. I can only take a few steps and I'm not even casting magic." I respond with a sigh.

"Oh, did I not explain that? Haha, silly me! You see, when you cast magic, you only lightly push along the mind as your chant does a lot of the work for you. Compared to what you two are doing now, which is actively moving your mind, that's easy-peasy." He explains.

"Easy-peasy!" His daughter off to the side adds on.

"Exactly, Alea!"

Turning back to us, he flashes his usual confident smile.

"So~? Want to see your progress?" He asks.

"Yes!" I respond excitedly while Ais gives him a nod.

"Alright. Ais, don't do anything yet, we'll be moving on to your next section of training with your wind and you'll see the results then. Lefiya, cast Arcs Ray while walking." He says.

W-While walking!?

"A-Are you sure I can do it?" I ask hesitantly.

"Hmm? Why are you doubting yourself? Just try it out. I'll protect you if you lose control of your magic."

Before, promising to protect someone else from an Ignis Fatuus would be laughed off as a joke.

But with Sirius...

Well, if anyone could do it, it'd be him.

"Oh, and no staff." He says.

What!? Why!?

Haa... fine.

I'll do it.

To get stronger.

"Unleashed streak of light, bow limbs of the holy tree."

I take a step forward as my mind flows freely, faster and stronger than I'd ever felt before.

This control... without a staff? And while walking?

I-I guess I did grow, huh?

Now more confident, I continue the chant.

"You are an expert of the bow. Shoot, sniper of fairies."

The mind circulates my core before shooting through my arms, which I raise toward my target.

"Penetrate, arrow of absolute accuracy!"

Arcs Ray!

The mind races to the tip of my fingers before forming the familiar projectile of light, it then fires toward the archery target in the distance, quickly reaching it and obliterating it with an explosion of dirt and wood.


I-I did that!?

"See? What'd I tell you?"

Looking over at my teacher, I can't help but smile in joy.

But this feeling of happiness pales in comparison to when I look over at Ais, a small smile formed on the usually stoic face of the Sword Princess.

"Well done, Lefiya." Ais says.

Ah, I can feel the tears running down my cheeks.

Now, I wouldn't be a burden to my dear teammates.

Now, I could call myself a Loki Familia member with pride.

"T-Thank you, Ais!"

Thank you, for always protecting me.

But from now on, I'll be the one to protect you!

"Yes, yes. Very good job. But you're training's far from over. You think walking that slow is any better than standing still?" Sirius says with a smirk.

Ah, right.

I still had a lot more training to do.

"What's next, teacher?" I ask.

"Ow, doesn't 'teacher' make me sound old? I'm only 19..." Sirius laments.

"But you're our teacher, teacher." Ais adds with a smile.

D-Did Ais just make a joke?

No... she's probably just that natural of an airhead.

"Haa, whatever. You wanted to be a magic swordsman, right?" He asks me.

"Y-Yes!" I respond.

"Well, we'll continue practicing that mind circulation while walking until the point you can run. Then, we'll slowly add more things you need to use your brain for. Like jumping, dodging, and all that. Only after you can do those things, you'll hopefully be circulating mind as second nature. Then we can move on to martial arts and general combat to add on to it. Alright?"


"Okay. Take a small break and then keep doing those walking exercises." He says while walking over to Ais.


Yes. This is my path.

To become stronger.

----- Sirius POV -----

"Alright, with her dealt with, now we can move on to your next training. Sound good, Ais?" I ask.


"Okay, so to start, activate your magic."

"Mmm. Tempest."

Her body then gets engulfed in a gale. 

So this is her famous enchant-type magic, Ariel.

But, it feels... weird.

Weird like mine.

It's powerful, extremely powerful.

Enough to push her into the realm of a low-level 6.

In fact, it feels stronger than Alise's Agaris Alvesynth, at least from what I remember of my wife as a level 5.

Well, still.

No matter the power, her usage of it was still quite... childish.

As an avid enchant magic user, I will never let such great magic be wasted of its full potential!

"Alright, how does it feel?" I ask.

"It feels... better. Closer."

Well, at least my magic control exercises did their job.

"Now, what exactly can you do with it?"

She then tilts her head to the side.

"I... just use it? I put it in my sword when I swing, I make a wall when I defend..."


Haa, this might become more troublesome than I thought.

"Look, Ais. I think you're looking at your magic as simply, well, your magic. It's not. For enchant types especially, it's an extension of your body and soul. Body because it's meant to be used in conjunction with it, and soul because it was gifted by your falna, the thing that is measured by your soul." I explain.

Seeing her eyebrows still furrowed, I try to think of a way to make my point.

"Haa. What I want you to do by the end of our training, at least to some level, is have innate control over your wind. Much like this."

I then take control of my mind, changing it to stellar magic before releasing it from my fingertips, the small balls dancing around my body before shooting off toward the demolished archery target, further decimating the poor thing.


Hehe, thank you, Alea.

While I have this much control due to Magia Imperium, with enough practice, anyone with an enchant magic like ours could do this.

And seeing the sparkle in Ais' eyes, she's more than ready to try.

"So? Are you ready for some more training?"



For those worried about Sirius taking 'Bell's place' in regards to Ais, calm down, he won't.

To Ais, Sirius will be a mentor/older brother figure. He is essentially calming down her 'black flame'(of revenge), teaching her to control it and opening her up to the idea of changing that black flame or removing it.

Bell will still be Ais' 'hero', in that he will be the one to change Ais' black flame just as canon is setting it up to be.

So, in short: 

Sirius is like a more emotionally in-touch Riveria to Ais, while Bell will still be as special to Ais as he is in canon, if not more so now that Ais actively seeks to change her black flame and gain allies rather than killing the OEBD alone.

Also, this mentorship of Lefiya and Ais, while good for their emotional growth, I am doing mostly for their growth power-wise, mostly Ais' power growth.

To have them ready to fight the OEBD, they need to be stronger when canon arrives unless they want a sudden power increase. So instead of pulling some bullshit deus-ex machina stuff, I'm gonna have them just be stronger and more skilled than in canon.

Thanks for reading!

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