Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 72 – 2 Months and Ais’ Birthday

"-Falling like rain, burn away the savages."

Blocking my relatively gentle sword attack with her staff, Lefiya then leaps away and sends out her magic.

This one is Fusillade Fallarica, no?

A fire element, wide area attack magic.

But that was before her magic control training with me.

Now, after these past two months of training, she can control her magic enough to concentrate on one opponent.

Which is currently me.

But this is how I've been getting some training of my own during this time.

Raising my wooden sword, I thrust into the core of the magic, the fire quickly dissipating into nothingness as a result.


Yes, thanks to the fantasy 'sword saint' training I've been doing with Take, along with my Magic Sense development ability, I can now cancel magic like that.

As I call it, anime bullshit.

Although it needs to be in somewhat of a controlled environment like this one to work so well.

Normally I'd just dodge.

I then swing down, a small gale erupting from my sword tip that blows Lefiya to the ground, a soft 'ack!' of pain could be heard shortly followed by a thump.

One down.

Feeling a mental pull, I follow my instincts and duck, just barely dodging a wind blade sent my way by Ais.

"Nice job, you two." I say.

It wasn't sarcastic either.

In these two months, not only has Ais gotten more use out of her wind magic, Ariel, but she can also control her strength enough to spar with a level 1 without killing them.

Future Loki Familia members should make me a statue.

Staying close to the ground, I leap towards Ais with my sword held at my side.

Right as I land in front of her, I twist while sending out my blade like a whip, which she promptly blocks.

Yep, she's also gotten better at fighting other people during this time.

But still... not nearly enough to beat me.

I then twist my sword around hers before flicking upward, disarming the blonde, before resting the blunted blade against her neck.

"I win."

Well, her human combat still needs some work, but again, a great improvement from when we started.

Seeing her face set in a pout, I give her a tentative pat on the head.

"Don't look so down, you two did good. So good, in fact, that I think it's about time you try out everything you've learned in the dungeon." I say with a smile.

Both of their eyes light up at that.

Well, makes sense. 

With the training with me and the subsequent practice at home, they've rarely gone into the dungeon during that time, only heading out for Familia-related quests.

Well, I hadn't gone nearly as much either, but I still tried to go every other day, both to supply my wealth and my stat growth.

"Well, you two can get changed at home and meet me in front of the dungeon in an hour, okay?" I say.

"Yes!" Lefiya responds, now back to her feet.

"Mmm!" Ais as well.

"Wait. Before that, could I see your latest status?" I ask.

"Sure, have them right here."

Lefiya then passes me a pair of papers before joining Ais on their walk home.

Usually, the status of an adventurer was a closely regarded secret, only seen by the captain of their Familia, so someone from another Familia seeing it was absurd.

But Finn had allowed them to reveal parts of their status, mainly their stats and magic, so I could give them the most efficient training and know what they needed to work on.

I guess the Pallum trusts me quite a bit, huh?

Well, with the training and the expeditions beforehand, it's not like there were any surprises.


Name: Lefiya Viridis
Level: 3

Strength: I76
Endurance: H124
Dexterity: H182
Agility: G205
Magic: A897
Mage: G
Abnormal Resistance: I


Arcs Ray - Fires a blast that can change trajectory to home in on the target. Can explode before contact by chanting 'Alio'.

Fusillade Fallarica - Fire element, wide-area attack magic.

Elf Ring - Allows the user to use any magic used by an Elf, as long as the chant and effects of said magic are known. Uses mind both for this magic activation and the magic that is used.


Name: Ais Wallenstein
Level: 5

Strength: E487
Endurance: E453
Dexterity: B785
Agility: B763
Magic: A823
Hunter: G
Abnormal Resistance: G
Swordsman: H
Spirit Healing: I


Ariel - Wind element enchant magic.


Elf Ring, the magic that got Lefiya the alias Thousand Elf... 

Quite ridiculous, no?

As a 'graduation present', Ryuu said that once she completed my training she'd teach her all three of her magics, which made the brunette Elf quite happy.

You see, most Elves didn't take kindly to her using their magic, taking away their years of training and their 'uniqueness', and only having Riveria and Alicia of her Familia teaching her all about theirs.

Well, she's well on her way to expanding her repertoire.

And Ais, on the other hand, is well on her way to levelling up, only needing a great feat to do so for some high-quality excelia.

But I hope she keeps growing her stats first.

The stats of your past levels are the only things that separate the strength of those on the same level.

I was slightly surprised by how low her strength was too, you know, for a combat style focusing on speed and power.

Ah, well, thoughts for later. 

I only have an hour, right?

Maybe I should get changed too.

----- 1 Hour Later -----

My two pupils in front of me, dressed in their usual adventuring clothes and eyes shining in eagerness as we were but a few steps from the entrance of the dungeon.

"So, before we head in, let's go over both of your goals for today."

Getting a nod from both, I continue.

"Lefiya. Your goal is to cast every magic with concurrent chanting. I also want you to get up close and personal with Ais and dodge blows from monsters."

She returns a shaky nod.

Don't worry, Lefiya.

I'm sure you can do it.

"Ais. Focus on controlling your strength by not blowing away monsters. I also want you to mainly kill with your wind and not your sword."


Good. That was a 'yes' mmm.

"Later on, hopefully, you two will be swapping your usual positions, with Lefiya acting in front while Ais uses her wind from the back. Now, I want both of you to use what you learned. Don't worry about failing since I'll be there to save you, got it?"



"Alright, let's go."

----- Lefiya POV - 1 Hour Later -----

"There's a group of Bugbears ahead. Lefiya, you take them on."

"On it!"

Following Sirius' order, I jump forward while feeling the mind in my body.

Over these past two months, I've learned a lot.

More than I ever thought possible.

The first thing was that magic was amazing.

Really amazing.

While my past teachers thought of magic as a gift from the divine, perfect and unchangeable, Sirius had completely overthrown that.

It was a tool.

My tool, that's also part of myself.

Like an arm.

And I could use it however I wanted, whenever I wanted.

Facing the six Bugbears head-on, something I would have been trembling in my boots about two months ago, I leap forward.

It was scary, yes.

But not only did I have trust in Ais and Sirius to save me.

No, now I had something much more important than that.

Trust in myself.

With this amount... yes, I could try that with Arcs Ray.

"Unleashed streak of light, bow limbs of the holy tree."

Beginning the chant, I dodge the first monster's charge.

Yet I'm still chanting.

Something unthinkable for my past self.

"You are an expert of the bow."

Three charging me at once, I jump over them.

While I'm still unable to physically attack, even if I learned martial arts, while concurrent chanting, if it's just evasion...

"Shoot, sniper of the fairies."

Twisting my body out of the way of another set of claws, I feel the mind running through my body toward my hands.

With the skills I learned by circulating my mind, I was able to increase or decrease the potency of the magic at my command.

Thus, urging more of my mind forward to follow the set path, I continue.

"Penetrate, arrow of absolute accuracy!"

The mind transforms into magic power as it runs to the tip of my staff.

Now at the apex of my jump, I look down at the grouped Bugbears below with a slight smile on my face.

Arcs Ray.

Unleashing the magic, it shoots down at the targets below before promptly exploding, the force lifting me slightly into the air.

Righting myself, I land on my feet a bit away from the cloud of dust and ash, which soon dissipates to reveal only a crater.

I... I did it.

I did it!

I concurrent chanted!

I killed them all!

I... protected myself!

Feeling a hand on my head, I look up to see Sirius smiling down at me.

"Nice job, Lefiya. You looked really cool."

My stomach churns, not in worry or sadness... but in joy.

Absolute and utter joy.

Feeling myself begin to tear up I bury my head into his chest as his arms wrap loosely around me.

"T-Thank you, Sirius."

'For teaching me' was left unsaid.

"No worries. But you're not going to stop at this level, are you?" He says.

Releasing myself from the hug I look up at him with a confident smile.

"No way! I still have to reach your level!"

"Hee~? You sure are confident. Well, wipe those tears away first."

My cheeks flushing, I hastily bring the cuff of my shirt to my eyes, drying the beads of wetness.

Gah! So embarrassing!

And I even h-hugged him!

But... It's fine, right?

I look up to him immensely as my teacher, as my mentor after all.

So skinship like that is fine, right?

Raising my head, I see Sirius walk toward the crater, pocketing the magic stones the monsters had dropped.

Feeling my heartbeat quicken, I hastily avert my eyes.

W-What is this feeling?

It's like I had felt back then with my teacher Leon, a childish... crush...


I can't possibly-!

No, Lefiya Viridis, absolutely not!

He's married!

And to two people at that!

Trying to talk myself into reason, a small voice whispers in the back of my mind.

'If he already has two wives, what's one more?'


No! No! Absolutely not!

Ais is the only one for me!


The girl in question then appears in view, her expressionless face set in a slight frown.

"Lefiya? What's wrong?" Ais asks.

"N-Nothing! Nothing is wrong!" I respond.

"Girls! Let's keep going until we find a good challenge for Ais, okay!" Sirius yells back, done collecting the loot.


"Y-Yes, Sirius!"


I... don't like feeling like this.

This unease.

But at the same time I do!

Haa... maybe... I'll ask Riveria for advice when we get back.

Actually, maybe not.

----- Sirius POV - 3 Days Later -----

"Happy birthday!"

A chorus of cheers breaks out at Finn's words, the entire Loki Familia set alight in a frenzy.

In response to this, the birthday girl in question, Ais, said her piece.

"Mmm. Thank you all."

One of many words, my student is not.

As for why I was here in the Loki Familia home, as one could infer, it was for Ais' birthday celebration.

One of the three birthday celebrations one has in this world, Ais was turning 15 today, becoming an 'adult', at least in the eyes of the world.

Although she was definitely still a kid.

Being the only non-Loki Familia member present, only being here due to Ais' insistence her 'teacher' join, I wasn't planning to stay for long.

After all, I didn't really know anyone despite our many expeditions together.

"What!? You've been to the 44th floor alone!?" Tiona asks with wide eyes.

"Yep. But I had to stop going further down because of the time it takes."

Calmly answering her question, I take a sip of ale.

While I don't usually like ale and beer due to the bitterness, this one had enough sweetness to make it bearable.

In fact, it was pretty good.


Yes, while I was lucky enough to sit between Ais and Lefiya, I did have a ticked-off Bete sitting opposite me.

Well, the usual Bete I should say.

While he definitely got better after knowing I was stronger than him...

"Don't ya have your own Familia to be with?"

...He was still a dick.

Looking over at Ais who was shifting lightly next to me, I see her face set in a slight frown.

"Bete... be nice to Sirius."

Thank you, Ais.

"It's okay, Ais. He's right that I should go. I do have some kids to put to bed after all."

Standing up, I notice both of my pupils are a little down.

"Haa, don't be so upset. We'll be training tomorrow morning if you're up for it. Besides, this is a time to spend with your Familia." I say.

"Okay. Goodnight, Sirius." Lefiya responds.


As I'm about to turn away, I stop myself.

"Ah, right. I almost forgot. What birthday would it be without a present?"

Reaching into my bag that was enhanced with some spatial expansion-

...don't think about it too much, Sirius. 

-I pull out the sword I had made for the Sword Princess.

Passing it to her, she hesitantly unsheathes it, revealing a sleek black blade in the style of a falchion.

"You said your sword could sometimes dull from your wind, so I had this made. It's crafted from Mithril and the Balor scale I got from my level up, and while it won't be replacing your Desperate, it should be quite useful in the dungeon. As far as Ariel is concerned at least."

I mean, with how much it cost, it better be useful.

But then again, with the valis I gain every time I dive into the dungeon, money has little meaning to me.

I even gave quite a bit to Maria's Orphanage so she could get the Goibniu Familia to do some renovations.

Running her hand along the oiled blade, she then turns to me with a lost expression, eyes swirling with befuddlement.

Haa... she still needs to work on her emotional maturity, doesn't she?

"S-Sirius, umm, thank you, uhh..."

Yep, definitely need to work on it.

"You're welcome, Ais."

She then, with some difficulty, forms a pleased smile.

"Mmm. I'll... use it well."

Would you look at that?

Got some character development.

And from the shocked faces around us, it seems it's as rare for the stoic Sword Princess to show emotion with them as she does with me.

Or maybe they're shocked that a Familia member got a first-class weapon for free.

Well, with them always spending money on their lower-level members, paying taxes, and their giant mansion, they're a little more strapped for cash than us.

"Anyways, I'll head on out now. Its name is Tempest Faith. Pretty fitting, right?" I say with a smile.

"Mmm-! Yes! It's... wonderful." Ais says.

Oh? Not even using 'Mmm's?

How interesting.

"Anyway, happy birthday, Ais."

Giving her a small pat on the head, I then turn to leave, not before spotting Lefiya staring at Ais with obvious envy.

"Don't be jealous, Lefiya. I'll get you a weapon of your own when you turn 15, okay?" I tease.

"Hwa!? No- that's not what- I mean- Agh!"

She then plants her face flat on the table, hiding away from the world.

What a funny kid.

"Well, anyways. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Sirius."

After getting a few farewells, and earnest thanks from the three Loki executives, I then start making my way home.

Walking through the lamplit, cobbled streets, I can't help but feel relaxed with the comfortable, cool night air surrounding me.

Now... Haru's 'adult' birthday is coming up next, and her sword, Suiran, is getting a little outdated with her growing stats and technique.

But she really loves using that thing as it's the first gift she got from us...

Maybe I can look for a blacksmith to upgrade it rather than getting a new one?

One of the new materials from the dungeon, a Thunder Snake fang found on the 52nd floor, is pretty malleable and strong in weaponsmithing, so that might work...

Ah, well. I still have a couple of months, so I can deal with it then.

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