Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Revenge Isn’t Hot, It’s Cold (Worm)

A/N: Revenge Isn't Hot, It's Cold was a commissioned two-shot originally written from July-August of 2018. Posting it up now as a one-shot for people to enjoy.

Summary: In which Taylor's winter vacation goes... poorly, to say the least.

Themes: Demon Sex, Dom/Sub, Master/Slave


All she could do was quietly sob in pain, tears leaking down her face, even as her captor slid the needle into her arm and vein, before slowly drawing the stopper out, filling the syringe with her blood. After a moment, he pulls the needle back out and examines the contents of his syringe for a moment before obviously deeming the amount he'd taken from her sufficient.

Untying the band around her upper arm and slapping a band-aid over the place where he'd sunk the needle in, her captor leaves her lying there on the cold, concrete floor of the basement she's in, moving instead to the chalk outline he'd drawn on the floor a few feet away. Taylor was reduced to nothing more than a sobbing wreck, her wrists and ankles bound together in duct tape… but that wasn't the end of her restraints.

She didn't know what he'd done. Probably a parahuman power of some sort. All she knew was that she'd tried to resist him when he made it clear he was going to take some of her blood with that fucking needle. He wasn't a goddamn medical professional. This wasn't a fucking hospital. She didn't… she couldn't let him prick her. Or so she'd thought.

It was too late for that now. All her struggling had done was cause him to speak some gibberish, which in turn had seen her already bound body locked up. She couldn't move anything below her neck now, not anymore. If she'd had any hopes of escaping before, they were dashed now. How was she supposed to get away, when he could take away control of her body in a mere second like that?

This was her fault. At least partially. She'd just… she'd just been trying to avoid the trio while Christmas Shopping. Seeing Emma, Sophia, and Madison at the mall had activated Taylor's fight or flight instincts automatically, and she'd never chosen to fight before, so of course it was flight in the end. Unfortunately, fleeing her bullies had seen her running right into the clutches of an insane mad man. Not even a man… he was her age, maybe a little older, maybe a little younger… but he was definitely a teenager.

And now here she was, his prisoner in some sort of insane ritual. He'd explained to her part of what he was doing, like he wanted them to be friends or something. It had only convinced Taylor all the more of his insanity. He was like some dark reflection of Myrddin, another parahuman who believed himself to be magical rather than just super-powered.

It was ridiculous… and not for the first time, Taylor felt a bit of anger well up inside of her, pushing past the despair and allowing her to finally speak, even as she watches her captor release bits of her blood at certain points all along the chalk diagram.

"W-Why? Why me?! What did I ever do to you?!"

That causes him pause. She watches the parahuman stop for a moment before he ultimately finishes his task. But once he's done, he approaches her again, coming and kneeling beside her frozen body as she cranes her head up to look at him.

"Taylor. My dear, dear Taylor."

Her eyes widen as he names her, and her nostrils flare in fresh panic. He just grins in response, but it's not a nice grin. And his eyes… the darkness in his eyes is all too real.

"Don't you recognize me? No, I suppose you wouldn't. We've attended Winslow together for a year and a half, even shared some classes together. But you never noticed, did you?"

She didn't know him. She didn't so much as recognize him. A dark chuckle leaves the young man's throat as he reads this in her confused gaze.

"No, of course not. Lost in your own little world of self-pity and masochism, you couldn't possibly comprehend that there were others like you, could you?"

Before Taylor can respond, he grabs a handful of her hair, dragging her head up a bit more, and her shoulders off of the floor. Leaning in, the teenage parahuman's grin turns into a rather vicious snarl.

"You weren't the only one to suffer at the hands of those three, Taylor. Barnes, Hess, Clements… Barnes might have had a hatred for you that ran extremely deep, but the trio has ruined plenty of other lives along the way. Madison… Madison, that little bitch, has her own favorites to play with. And don't get me fucking started on Sophia Hess."

She doesn't understand. Maybe it's everything that's happened, but Taylor feels so damn slow as she stares up into her captor's snarling face.

"What? Are you so self-absorbed that you never once considered how it is that three sophomores are able to have the run of a school that's been filled with wannabe gang members for decades now? Don't be stupid, Taylor."

She still doesn't really get it. She's always known that Emma, Madison, and Sophia are basically a match made in hell. The 'Terrible Trio' each have their own strengths and weaknesses, and they play off one another to make the most of those. Though she won't deny that she's never considered Madison as anything more than Head Stooge among their group of girls.

"… You just don't get it, do you Taylor? Emma has the money and the lawyer daddy. Its funny, because she's not even close to rich… but for Winslow, she might as well be. Madison comes from a nice, upper-middle class family as well, and she's able to use those cute looks of hers to get whatever she wants. But Hess… think about Hess for a moment Taylor. Consider the caustic, black athlete… consider the racists that hang out at our school. How the fuck do you think someone like Hess gets by?"

Another pause, and then he continues on without even letting her really think.

"Powers, Taylor. Sophia Hess has powers. She's a Ward, obviously. Look at all the shit that they let her get away with. She's not even the best member of the track team, so it's not like they're really trying to protect their track star or anything like that. No, there's something more… and it's the fact that she's Shadow Stalker. The only way to compete with that is to have powers of your own, Taylor. And if you and I haven't triggered by now, we're probably never going to trigger, no matter how shitty our lives get."

He was wrong. He had to be wrong. Taylor felt like there were some massive holes in the guy's logic, but at the same time, some of her own knowledge was filling those holes in. How had Hess stolen things from her locker, despite Taylor changing the lock four times before giving up? How had books from her backpack gone missing while the damn thing was literally on her back. She'd brought her mother's flute to school, trying to draw strength from it… and it'd been gone by lunch period.

No one should have known it was in her locker. No one should have known there was anything valuable or important to her in there… unless someone was casually using a parahuman power to simply check it every day for anything to fuck with. Her captor might have made some massive leaps in logic to get to his ultimate conclusion about Sophia… but the more Taylor thought about it, given what she knew, given the last year and a half… she realized he was right.

Even if he was crazy, he'd managed to strike the truth in the midst of his wild insanity. And knowing Sophia was a parahuman, knowing she was a hero?! It broke Taylor, in a way. She couldn't find the words, but then her captor wasn't waiting for her to respond as he continued on, moving away from her.

"Luckily for me, there are other, older paths to power."

Stepping over her helpless body, he leaves for a moment and then returns with a black book in hand. The moment Taylor lays eyes on it, every instinct in her body tells her to run, to flee, to escape. But she can't. All she can do is crane her neck away from the book until she's just about pulled a muscle, even as he opens the black tome and flips through the pages until he finds what he's looking for.

"You see Taylor, I've expended all of the animal sacrifices. Small things, like being able to control your body, are possible via providing my hellish patron with cats, dogs… that sort of thing. Sacrificing a beloved house pet is a surprisingly strong boost in power… but not strong enough for what I want. If I want more, if I want the power to stand up to Hess, I need to move onto virgin sacrifices. Human sacrifices."

He glances to her and smiles again, and once more it's not a nice smile.

"I knew you'd still be a virgin. To be fair, plenty of people at Winslow are. I'm pretty sure even Barnes and Hess are. Though… Madison most definitely isn't. Unfortunately, the one I seek power from has a preference for those that have suffered. Collecting and sacrificing Emma for power would have been incredibly rewarding on a more emotional and personal level, but the risk would far outweigh the true reward."

He shrugs and lets out a mirthless chuckle as he moves to the edge of the chalk diagram.

"Basically, I'm sacrificing you for at least double, maybe even triple the power boost I would have gotten from Emma. The despair and self-loathing and all the shit you feel all the time… it's like a sweet, sweet nectar to my patron. Still, take satisfaction in the knowledge that with your sacrifice, I will finally have the power to bring those three to heel. I'll be sure to give Barnes your regards."

Taylor's heart is pounding in her chest as her captor ultimately ignores her from that moment on, instead focusing all of his attention on the book in his hands. He begins to chant in gibberish again, but this time he continues on for a lot longer than he did when he paralyzed her below the neck. Taylor can only watch in frozen terror as the atmosphere in the room plummets into something deep, dark, and horrifying.

The chant that he's doing turns guttural, and the black book in his hands leaves his grasp, floating in front of him, glowing with unholy power as it begins to turn its own pages, so he can continue reading unimpeded. Belatedly, Taylor realizes that the crazy young man might not be as crazy as he looks. It's still hard to imagine he isn't a parahuman… but parahuman powers have always been inexplicable and whacky, right?

Is it too much to imagine that his power would manifest in this way, giving him greater ability in exchange for blood sacrifices? He was… he was a Trump then, had to be. And with that acceptance comes greater fear as she sees the churning chalk diagram with new eyes. The chalk, the candles, her blood… all of it mixed together in a ritual circle that began to glow as her blood spread along it in a strange design.

The chanting reaches a crescendo, and then there's a great, red flash that fills Taylor's vision without warning, blinding her for a few moments even as a mighty roar fills the room. When things clear up again, Taylor finds herself staring at what can only be a demon. Except… except demons weren't real. So it was a construct, right? A construct from her captor, his power manifesting in a way he could comprehend and use to increase his strength.

Basically, he had summoned an avatar of his power… to offer her up as a s-sacrifice? The demonic thing is massive, to say the least. With bulky, beefy, broad-shouldered body and claws and a tail as well as giant horns, he's forced to squat down in the confines of the circle to prevent said horns from scraping against the basement ceiling.

He says something, in that same gibberish. Except it sounds a lot more real, a lot more like a language when he speaks it in the dark, guttural tone. Her captor responds, and Taylor can only stare in bafflement as the two argue back and forth in a language that hurts her head and sends shivers down her spine. Taylor is honestly trying to ignore the demonic construct's cock more than anything else.

Just how perverted was this guy, that his power would make such a well-hung creature? Why did the demon even NEED that big of a dick hanging flaccid between his legs like that? It was… it was simply uncalled for! Not that Taylor said anything. Even if she did still have the ability to talk, she found herself silenced by the very presence of the creature seemingly stuck in the ritual circle made of chalk and her blood.

Eventually, she finds herself picked up by her captor and carefully placed on top of one of the circle's edges. Then, over her head, a glowing orb was passed from the demonic construct to the crazy parahuman who'd kidnapped her. As soon as he has the glowing orb, the young man kicks Taylor's paralyzed body the rest of the way into the circle.

She ends up getting cock-slapped because of this, the roll taking her under the demon and between his legs, where she gets a face full of both dick and nuts for a second, before large clawed hands close around her limp form and lift her up onto his crouched form. And then she hears it.

Well, well. Hello there, my dear. Aren't you just a treat.

Taylor shudders as she hears a silken, dark, deep tone fill her thoughts. It's… is it the demon? But the demon is just a construct from the guy who kidnapped her. Was he fucking with her?

Ah. So you don't believe. I see, I see. Amusing, to say the least. I should have penalized the boy for sacrificing an atheist.

The weird thing was, the dark voice did sound amused, even as it talked about her captor like he WASN'T a parahuman, like he truly was some sort of devil worshipper, like this all was some actual deal with hell. Taylor didn't know what to believe. It couldn't be real. It couldn't be true.

Your belief is unimportant in the end, my dear sacrifice. What matters all the more… is the fact that that bumbling fool used washable chalk in his ritual circle.

What? Taylor isn't given much time to process that, because the next thing she knows, the hulking demon holding her in his claws begins to molest her, right then and there. Gasping in shock, Taylor tries to struggle, but there's not much she can do with her body still paralyzed, even as her clothing is torn off of her, shredded more than anything else by razor sharp claws. She doesn't want to die, not even now, not even with what's happening. It doesn't seem like the demon is planning to kill her though… not yet, anyways.

But that doesn't mean she wants this. As the demon begins to molest her, she whimpers. It's all she has. Her voice. Even if she can't bring herself to actually say anything still, as terrified as she is. The demon uses her limp form like she's nothing more than his doll, and in that moment, Taylor supposes that's all she truly is. She still whines, she mewls pathetically, she cries out when the demon steps things up and proceeds to stimulate every fiber of her being with his hands, his tongue, his tail. The tongue is both the worst and the best part, as it slithers out of his mouth, elongating down to her breasts.

She's flat, she always has been… but that doesn't mean her tits aren't sensitive, and they grow all the more so when he begins to lick and lap at them, slurping at her breasts in an experienced manner. And then there's his tail between her legs, and his hands on her ass. He never actually penetrates her, per say. He does eventually kiss her, and his tongue intertwines with hers in the process, but he doesn't fuck her, he doesn't penetrate her with that massive erection pressing up against her cunt the entire time.

Instead, he proceeds to force her through orgasm after orgasm, doing everything one could possibly imagine to her body save for thrusting his cock forward into one of her holes. He draws climax after climax out of her, and there's nothing Taylor can do but go along for the ride. It's not long before she's washed away in the pleasure, a haze falling over her vision that she's happy to use to escape.

It's all too much, in the end. Why not just embrace the euphoria and ecstasy, why did continue to fight to remain in such pain, in such fear and horror? Better to just… give in, ultimately. As Taylor lets the bliss take over and prepares for her eventual death however, the demon seems to have other plans. Because he's not just priming her for something nefarious he plans to do with her body or anything like that.

No… he's USING her. More specifically, he's using her fluids, the juices that flow readily from her cunt as he forces her to cum time and time again. And as he uses those fluids, he pours them onto the ritual circle. More accurately, he pours them onto the chalk. Taylor's blood had been a magical component of the ritual, and thus hadn't affected the chalk.

But now that the summoning was over, and the ritual ingredients were largely inert, the only thing holding the demon in was that damnable chalk circle around him. And Taylor's juices… well, her sexual fluids had no actual magical use to them, at least not for this ritual. Which meant they interacted with the chalk that her captor had used in a distinctly non-magical way.

The summoner's attention was on the orb he'd been given. Power drawn from a demonic bargain was not power wielded easily, and he'd turned all of his focus towards working his will on the glowing orb as soon as he had it in his clutches and Taylor was delivered to the hell denizen he'd summoned. But as the glow of the circle flickers and dies, as the chalk on one edge of the circle is washed away by Taylor's pussy juices… his attention finally turns back to the demon he made a deal with.

Just in time for the creature to attack. By this point, Taylor is barely conscious as she's tossed aside, smacking into the cement floor of the basement as she watches her kidnapper die a gruesome death through heavily lidded eyes. The sight of the demon ripping out her captor's heart and liver before eating both right then and there is finally enough to send Taylor into blissful oblivion as she passes out then and there, too exhausted, too used up to keep on fighting to stay awake any longer.

Besides, she really didn't want to be awake anymore. Not to watch the demonic construct feast on a disemboweled corpse.


Taylor woke up feeling like she was on fire. Her body ached, her mouth was dry as a desert… and she was wrapped up in something, layers of cloth leaving her almost as tightly bound as a damn mummy. Her eyesight proved to be no help in her surroundings either, nor did it give her an easy way to untangle herself, given her glasses seemed to be completely smudged.

It was actually memories of weekend sleepovers with Emma and staying up late watching movies in the living room that reminded her how to get out of a blanket cocoon. Barely half conscious, Taylor begins to roll across the carpeted floor she finds herself upon in an effort to free herself from the sheet she was wrapped up in.

She rolled until she hit solid stone, her back flaring in pain as she hisses. That more than anything else allowed her to wake up a bit more as she belatedly realized that she'd just smacked into the edge of a fireplace. This wasn't her house. This wasn't Emma's place either. Taylor is now free of the cloth that had been wrapped around her, but the satisfaction is short-lived upon realizing she's completely naked underneath.

With her front half exposed to the chill of the house, and her back warmed by the heat of the fire burning in the fireplace, Taylor blushed crimson and hastily wrapped herself back up in the sheets to hide her nudity, though she was able to arrange it, so she could actually move around this time. With her arms now free, the young woman reaches up and takes off her glasses, aiming to clean them on a corner of her sheet-coverings. However, when she did so, she found herself pausing in shock, staring past her glasses down at the floor.

She could see perfectly fine without the things, her glasses hanging limply in her hands as she slowly processed this fact. Her eyesight was crystal clear. It wasn't a smudge on the glasses that had been causing the problem, but the glasses themselves… frowning severely, Taylor opens her sheet wrappings back up again and looks down at her body with a more critical, clearer eye. Frowning, the first thing that she notices is a lack of hair. As she checks herself over, Taylor can't help but flush with embarrassment at the realization that something had been done to remove every follicle of hair from below her neck.

Had someone shaved her? Waxed her? Done something else to leave her like this? Blushing, Taylor closes her blanket cocoon up again and begins to actually look around her, studying her surroundings. Immediately, she realizes she isn't alone. She should have noticed before now though, and she mentally kicks herself for being so damn oblivious as she freezes up at the sight of the massive demon lounging on a couch opposite of the fireplace she had her back to. Now that she's had a bit of time to process things, Taylor can see that she must have been laying on the ground right in front of him when she first woke up.

Which meant he'd just watched her roll across the floor, smack herself into the fireplace, and then uncover and cover herself back up like twice as she tried to figure out what was going on. Taylor's embarrassment builds, even as she stares into the demon's eyeless face, perplexed and more than a little afraid.

He's staring right at her, she's sure of it. But only now does she realize he has no eyes. The top half of his face, along with much of his skull between his massive curved horns, is covered with some sort of plate that looks to be either infused or bolted down to his very flesh. It replaces his eyes and his forehead and maybe his nose. Taylor can't say for sure on that last bit, he doesn't seem to have a nose, but the metal plate doesn't necessarily go all the way down to where a nose might be located if he DID have one.

He was as massive as before, his body muscled and his shoulders broad. His large tail hung off the side of the couch he was lounging on, flicking through the air back and forth like he was a cat or something. Taylor couldn't stop staring, no matter how afraid she was. And when he opened his mouth and his long, snake-like tongue slid out to taste the air, while his muscles flexed and rippled across his powerful frame, Taylor found herself feeling something besides fear as her body heated up for a reason beyond simple embarrassment.

It had nothing to do with the temperature in the room either, even as Taylor wrapped herself tighter in her suddenly too-thin sheets. She felt like she could do nothing to hide her body from his possessive gaze, despite him not technically having a gaze in the first place. He was looking at her, that much Taylor instinctively knew. And she… she remembered what he'd done to her downstairs, in the ritual circle.

Her body remembered too, judging by the heat between her legs. Taylor found herself looking back, feeling him as he played with her body like she was nothing more than an instrument in the hands of a master musician. Or a pile of clay to be shaped by a master sculptor. He'd driven her to heights of pleasure she hadn't known existed, used her until pleasure became pain and pain became pleasure and she honestly couldn't tell one from the other.

He'd addicted her to him. Taylor recognized it immediately, the sheer WANT that her body currently felt for his form. But she knew better. She knew she had to resist, to fight back as long as she could. He was like a drug, like a Merchant trying to hook her on him for whatever reason. Trying to take her mind off of his body and what he'd done to her with his tongue and tail, Taylor looks around the rest of the living room instead, desperate for something else to focus on to stop herself from giving in to the demon.

The living room was definitely larger and more opulent than anything she was used to. There were even high windows with expensive looking curtains and the like. It was well-furnished, and the bookcase on the far-side looked to be stuffed with interesting books. However, Taylor found her examination and her curiosity cut short by the sound of fluids pouring into a glass.

Snapping her gaze back to him, Taylor watched as the demon filled a glass with ice water from a large pitcher that may as well have been a measuring cup in his huge clawed hand. Which made the way he was carefully holding the glass between two claws all the more ridiculous. Still, the pitcher and the glass of ice water saw her focusing on what else was beside them as well. She found herself staring at a pizza box of all things, and despite the situation, Taylor snorted at the mental image of someone delivering a pizza and being completely unfazed by the demonic appearance of their customer.

It was obvious that the food and drink were meant for her, even as they sat on the table beside him, almost innocuous but still very much a trap. Meanwhile, there as a covered silver platter even closer to her that hadn't drawn Taylor's attention until now. She frowned at it, curious to see what was inside. And as she gazed upon it, that was when the demon finally spoke.

"You don't want any of that."

His voice was deep and dark and reverberated through her very soul as Taylor shivered and looked over to him. She was silent for only a moment more before finally working up the courage to speak. After all, a sentence like that all but invited questions.

"What is it?"

The demon's nonexistent lips pull back to reveal rows upon rows of sharp fangs. He's grinning, Taylor realizes after a heart-stopping moment, and his tongue flicks out along his teeth as he answers her.


The way he said it made her shiver, while the implications made her sick. In the end though, it did little to dissuade her hunger and her thirst. Still, she wasn't going to walk within claw's reach of the monstrous demon, just for some pizza and water. She wasn't that stupid. If he was willing to talk, then maybe she could figure a way out of this mess that didn't end with HER as leftovers as well.

Straightening up as much as she can, Taylor scowls at the demon, hating that he's playing games with her, hating that he knows more about her body than anyone else… possibly even her.

"What… what do you want from me?"

That draws a chuckle from the demonic creature.

"How adorable. My dear, dear girl. Do you still not understand? There is nothing I want from you that I do not already possess, human."

His clawed hand comes up and he gestures casually, causing her chest to heat up. Tearing away the blankets, Taylor stares down at a previously invisible mark between her tits, glowing a deep red hue now as it stood out on her chest.

"Your soul… is already mine."

With that declaration, the demon closed his hand into a fist and Taylor felt her willpower drift away. Discarding the blankets, she walks towards him, though a large part of her mind is still her own. He'd marked her body and now he controlled it, sort of like how her original kidnapper had paralyzed her. Some kind of Master Power, maybe? But he didn't just control her body. She was aroused, and her mind was clouding with lust as she stood before his lounging form.

He suddenly laughs, a great bellowing sound that causes Taylor to flinch, though she doesn't move back as he chuckles in her face. She can't move back.

"I do so love worlds that grow 'modern' and 'civilized'. The Creator's gifts allow you to understand so much about your existence and the Creation around you, that you grow to believe you and you alone understand how it all works."

When he next 'speaks', it's not out loud, but in her head again.

You already know the truth, Taylor. You just can't accept it, my dear child.

Taylor shivers in fright as his laughter echoes through her mind.

Funny how being confronted with a demon converts the atheist like nothing else. Too little, too late though. The Heavenly Host can't help you now, and you know it my darling pet.

The next thing she knows, he's picked her naked body up and placed her on his lap. Taylor trembles, but there's not much she can do to fight him. The glowing mark on her flesh represents her damnation. He's got her dead to rights, and they both know it. He's in her head, in her every thought… he's… he's so very warm. As her butt rubs against his six pack and her cunt slides up along the length of his massive shaft, the heat of his body causes her to snuggle into him subconsciously.

Water is presented to her first. Taylor blinks at the glass of ice water held between two claws quite daintily, and reaching up with both hands, she takes it from the demon she's currently sitting upon, drinking deep and greedily. No point in going without now, is there? He's already got her in his grasp, already has her in his clutches. There's no… no escape. Might as well enjoy her last meal.

The pizza comes next, and Taylor finds herself scarfing it down, even as he runs his claws over her body. Every twitch she makes causes her to hump his shaft. He strokes her nipples, and his tail runs up and down her long, pale legs. Eventually, Taylor can't ignore it any longer. Scowling but with no true heat to it, she tilts her head back and swallows a bite of pizza as she looks to her demonic captor.

"Why are you so insistent on torturing me?!"

For a moment, the demon actually looks surprised, though without eyes and with half his face covered by the metal plate, it's hard to tell. Then he laughs again, and Taylor flushes with embarrassment because it's obvious he's laughing AT her, not with her. But then, of course it is. SHE'S not laughing. Instead, Taylor pouts, even as he calms down and flicks at one of her nipples with a claw.

"Do you truly think you're the one being tortured here, pet? Do you not see how much I'm holding back for you right now?"

He saws his incredibly hard cock against her cunt a bit for emphasis, and Taylor whimpers as her pussy juices flow a bit more from the sensation.

"Why then? Why… why torture yourself?"

"Not for your sake, sweetling. Silly girl, you're wondering if I care for you. Amusing, but no. I can no more care for you then you could care for a single, simple ant. Ah, but there's power to be had from you yet, my pet. No reason to waste the strength I can gain by claiming your virginity later tonight in a ritual that takes place under the full moon once it reaches its zenith, rather than now simply for my own pleasure."

He leans in then, his teeth less than an inch from her ear as he speaks in a silken, deep tone.

"It's alright, dear child. You'll get what you want soon enough. This thick, hard cock up inside of you… I can feel you fantasizing about it even now."

Taylor's blush is full body by this point, and she wisely says not another word as she eats the entire pizza instead. She consumes the thing, a little surprised by just how hungry she is. But then, she'd been held hostage for all of yesterday and not eaten anything in that time. Her captor certainly hadn't seen fit to keep her fed and watered like the demon was. Despite his words, he at least had that much on the crazy young man who'd sacrificed her for power.

But now he was dead… and she wasn't. Was she doomed to die anyways in the ritual later tonight? Perhaps, but given what the demon had already been able to do to her, she thought she might end up enjoying it all the same. If this was to be her end… why not go out with a bit of a bang? That was why Taylor did what she did, when her eyes finally took notice of the precum leaking from the demonic creature's massive cock, still nestled between her legs. Or more accurately, she was still straddling it as she sat on his stomach.

Still, with the empty pizza box discarded and not much else to do beyond cuddle into his warm, muscular body, Taylor found herself running her fingers up the massive red cock before her almost experimentally. Eventually, she gathers up some of his pre on one of her digits and, to her immense embarrassment, she gives it a taste, licking his substance off of her finger right in front of him.

To Taylor's shock, she finds that it tastes delicious. Like the best-brewed hot chocolate, just the way her mom used to make it. Mom had always made excellent hot chocolate, even though she'd also foregone the marshmallows for being unhealthy or something. While Taylor liked marshmallows well enough, she'd always enjoyed her mom's hot chocolate without them then anyone else's with them.

This was like that. It reminded her of that. It made her feel warm and fuzzy and tingly inside and before Taylor knew it, she was leaning forward off of the demon's chest and collecting the sweet nectar coming from his cock with her fingers so that she could lick them clean time and time again.

"Is this what you want, sweetling? Very well, it's an acceptable way of passing the time."

Taylor lets out a yelp as she's lifted up and flipped around, deposited on the floor right between the demon's legs as his cock hovers inches from her face. She stares at it, stares at the precum still leaking from his tip… and then, even though she still knows rationally that this is all about addicting her to him all the more, she leans forward and begins to slurp at his cockhead, too far gone to care anymore.

He's too big for her to get even the head of his member in between her lips. Instead, she settles for focusing on sucking and tonguing out the demon's urethra, even as her hands and her arms grip and squeeze at the rest of his throbbing, pulsating red cock. As she slurps down more and more of the delicious precum, Taylor's eyes begin to flutter as they start to roll back in her head. She shudders and shivers and trembles as she moans around his dick tip.

And eventually, she gets more of what she wants than she could ever bargain for. Precum becomes actual cum as he floods her without warning, hosing her down with his seed. But it tastes no less delicious, and Taylor eagerly and willingly gorges herself on his essence as he watches her, leering at her, smirking evilly.

"All the better to prepare you for what is to come, my pet. All the better…"

Taylor barely pays attention to his ominous words. She's too focused on cleaning herself and his messy cock up… with her mouth and tongue.


Hours later, Taylor sits at the bottom of the basement steps, a quilt wrapped around her as she watches the demon, the creature who owned her now, creating a ritual circle far, FAR more complex than what she'd watched her original kidnapper make. May as well have been comparing some of the things she drew as a child to someone like Rembrandt or something.

She could have been upstairs trying to distract herself from what was to come with one of the many Christmas Specials that was currently airing on TV, but there really didn't seem to be a point. This wasn't how Taylor expected to spend Christmas Eve, and she worried for her dad and how he was reacting, how he was doing… but ultimately, there was nothing she could do for him now.

Whatever happened next would happen, and she would simply have to live… or die with it. Nude under the quilt, Taylor shivers a bit as she bites her lower lip. The demon preferred her naked, or so he'd told her when he'd ripped apart and incinerated the men's clothing that she'd found and dressed herself in after looking upstairs for something to wear. And what the demon said went. Even if Taylor could bring herself to run out of the house naked and streak down the street in an effort to escape the denizen from hell that held her captive… she knew she wouldn't get far.

The glowing mark between her breasts, the symbol of his power over her… it made sure that she wouldn't be able to escape him. And even other ideas of escape… well, he had a direct line to her thoughts, didn't he? She'd considered calling the Protectorate or the PRT earlier. And in response, he'd set a phone down in front of her, as well as the yellow pages of all things, with the big book of numbers turned to their page specifically.

Then, he'd gone downstairs to prepare for the sex ritual that would see her losing her virginity to the monstrous, muscular behemoth of a demon. He was all but daring her to call them, all but goading her into bringing them down on his head. And she'd considered it anyways, considered what she knew of the Protectorate and its heroes, as well as their powers.

She'd considered all of that, tried to think it through rationally… but her gaze kept moving back over to the still-covered silver platter left unattended on the table near her. The Protectorate and PRT working together might have been able to take the demon down. Or maybe not. She didn't know the extent of his power, and in a world where stories of the most unassuming people turning into beings like Nilbog or Ash Beast or the Sleeper… Taylor had long known not to judge a book by its cover.

And the demon was already a pretty scary 'cover'. How many would die before they managed to take him out? Could Taylor live with the deaths of any number of heroes on her conscious? In the end, the answer was no. She couldn't find it in herself to condemn others to a fate that belonged solely to her. She wished her father well, but she couldn't even call him for fear that it'd lead him or the authorities to her kidnapper's home.

Best to just… let it all go. Maybe she'd live. Maybe she'd get to see her dad again. But ultimately, Taylor had to do this. She had to see this to the end, regardless of what came next.


The demon's voice pulls Taylor from her thoughts, and she immediately stands up as he turns to face her.

"It's almost time. We should have a little chat, before we begin. You've been referring to me as 'demon' in your mind all day long. Call me Zaros, won't you pet?"

Taylor purses her lips together as she stares at 'Zaros'.

"That's not your real name, is it?"

A deep chuckle leaves the demon's throat as he shakes his head.

"You're smarter than the one who used your blood to summon me, dear child. So much smarter. I knew I made the right choice, keeping you alive."

He pauses then, before continuing on. And if he had eyes, Taylor swears there would have been a twinkle in one at that point, given the toothy grin he was giving her.

"I'm a vengeance demon, sweetling. And you… you have a lot in your past that should be avenged. Beyond that, you embody two of the Sins that I hold closest to my chest."

Taylor flushes at that, even as she takes in the information he's just given her. She's never considered herself particularly sinful…

"You don't have to act on the Sins for them to take root, sweetling. The Sin of Pride resides in you simply because you refuse to act. You have placed yourself about your torments and your tormentors, too proud to get into the mud and take the fight to them. It has left you where you are now though, has it not?"

She can't exactly deny that, so she doesn't even try.

"And then there's Wrath. You want them all to suffer, Taylor. You want them to feel as you feel, you want to make your pain their pain. How could I not be attracted to such delicious rage, barely held within your slight form?"

Taylor flushes, both at the dig to her body and at his words. Because even though she knows he's playing her even now, she also knows he's right. Zaros has hit the money right on the head with his words. He's pegged her completely. Even as she searches and fails to find the words to respond, the massive horned demon steps into the ritual circle. A throne rises from the ground, and he settles into it, turning back to face her as he sits down.

Then and only then does Zaros beckon to her.

"Come, my child. Come and join with me willingly, and the power that comes from this ritual will be yours the same as mine."

He doesn't use the mark betwixt her breasts to control her. As she stands at the bottom of the stairs, Taylor realizes this choice is hers and hers alone to make. She can either willingly damn herself to hell… or go unwillingly. Because she's not dumb enough to think that refusing the demon will make Zaros give her freedom now. Oh no, that would be the stuff of silly fairy tales.

This was a choice between willingly sacrificing her virginity for the promise of power, or refusing and being forced to sacrifice her virginity, all for the demon's power. In the end, was there any true choice for Taylor to make? No, no there wasn't. Despite the corner she'd been backed into, she was tempted by the promise of power all the same.

And so Taylor, naked, walks forward. She steps into the elaborate, complex ritual circle, moving her feet between the lines as she makes her way over to where Zaros sits. And then, with a little help from the demon, she climbs aboard and places his cockhead at the entrance of her admittedly wet cunt. She was actually going to do this. She was going to sacrifice her virginity to a demon.

There was no turning back now, even as trepidatious as Taylor felt, watching his thick, throbbing member press against her comparatively small entrance. But all the seed she'd consumed earlier had changed her. His gargantuan cockhead splits her apart but doesn't break her. Nothing tears as he begins to fill her with his length and Taylor impales herself on his shaft.

It still hurts though, and it hurts a LOT more when her hymen breaks, and he finally takes her virginity. She keeps going anyways, even as the glow around them grows. The full moon is shining overhead, Taylor somehow knows this instinctively in that moment, and though it doesn't directly shine down on either of them, the ritual continues all the same.

With a growl and a snarl, the demon's claws grab at her hips. He holds her lanky young body in place and abruptly begins to cum deep inside of her formerly virginal cunt. Taylor cries out, tilting her head back as her small hands grasp at his massive, thick wrists for support. It feels like she's dying, if she's being honest. His seed fills and fills and fills her. Her womb expands with the absolute avalanche of cum he's depositing inside of her cunt, and all Taylor can do it take it, all she can do is survive it.

It feels like an eternity passes, but in the end it's only moments before the glow suddenly explodes around them. This time Taylor's eyes are closed, and she's not distracted by the blinding red that fills the room. Instead, she's distracted by the feeling of his cum becoming pure demonic energy within her. She doesn't know how or why, but she can feel his essence spreading out through her body, suffusing her naked lanky form… and beginning the transformation.

What happens next, Taylor can't begin to describe. It's inexplicable, and unexplainable. But by the time the transformation is done, she's been remade. No longer the gawky, awkward teenage girl from before, she looks down at herself and sees a body that's all woman, even as her hands run along Zaros' pecs, her fingers stroking at his muscles. She has breasts now. Breasts, hips, ass. She's tall too, even taller than she was before.

A hand comes up to touch her hair, but that part of her feels unchanged, to her relief. She feels… she feels more alive than she's ever felt before. The demon had kept his promise. Power was hers. Power enough to make her into a new woman, power enough to give her the strength to keep going as she began to bounce up and down on Zaros' shaft. It wasn't painful anymore. It wasn't even particularly difficult.

Her body hadn't just been outwardly transformed, and Taylor quickly realizes it as they begin to put her new form through its paces. She was stronger now, tougher too. Maybe even faster, though obviously bouncing up and down on a demon cock wasn't conducive to testing for newfound agility. But she could feel the power in her new body, could tell that she was in the prime of her life now.

This was what peak human performance was like… and with Zaros' cum and his mark on her, his big fat cock wasn't going to break her new body any time soon. Her cunt was made to take him within it, molded to fit his giant length. And Zaros was more than happy to take advantage of that.

"Now… we consummate our new relationship, my pet."

Taylor swiftly lost track of what happened next. But she was just as active a participant in the celebratory fucking as her demon master was. It didn't matter to her if Zaros owned her soul anymore. He'd earned her loyalty by actually shooting straight with her for once in her damn life. No one was ever honest with her these days, not truly. They lied to her, or they attacked her, or they looked for ways to hurt her that Taylor couldn't defend against.

Amusing, that she would have to look to the denizens of hell to find a being who would treat her with surprising kindness. Even if he was using her, even if he'd claimed her with a possessive glee, Taylor just didn't care. She'd be his pet, if that was what it took to be happy. She'd be his anything, if that was what it took to get her revenge.

Though, as he fucked her in more positions than Taylor had ever thought possible, as he put her new body through the wringer and taught her more about sex than she could have ever learned on her own, there was a thought that started small but slowly niggled at her until it grew and grew and grew. Zaros fucked her into oblivion and then some, but only after he's fucked her senseless and they're laying upstairs amidst a destroyed house caused by their enthusiastic copulation does he acknowledge what's on her mind.

"Ask your question, pet."

Before, she might have been embarrassed by his clear knowledge of her thoughts. Now though, now it just sends a shiver of desire through her body as Taylor curls up on her demonic master's chest. Theirs is not a relationship of equality… but then, it was never going to be. With permission given, she speaks her mind.

"I… this power. What you've done for me, what you've done to me. I want… m-more. More power. I want enough power that no one can e-ever hurt me again… what do I need to do, master?"

He's amused, she can immediately sense that. As they'd fucked, she'd felt more and more of his thoughts and feelings across their minds, a true bond forming between them. Now, he speaks directly into her thoughts rather than answering her quest out loud. Why he's doing so is immediately obvious a moment later when he sends images along with his words.

Anything is possible, sweet pet. For a price.

Emma's face, Sophia's face, Madison's face… they all flit through Taylor's mind, one after another, and she knows it's not just because she immediately thought of them. The young man who'd kidnapped her had been wrong, and now that Taylor's eyes had been opened, she could see all the more clearly. Her tormentors wouldn't be worthless sacrifices.

Oh no, not at all. In fact… giving the trio to her demonic master would see Taylor more powerful than she'd ever been before. And as she lay there, curled up on Zaros' chest, she found herself growing wetter and wetter at the thought of it. Grinding into his abs needily, she begins to moan… before slowly descending off of his chest and down between his legs, where she happily begins to lick at his thick, messy cock in thanks for what he'd done for her. She moans and slips a hand down between her legs to finger herself, while the other hand moves to his balls to massage and knead them.

He'd given her the path to power, the path to victory as a good master should. Now all Taylor had to do was walk it.


As decrepit and festering a shithole as Winslow is, it's still a relatively normal high school, in that the halls could usually be found filled with children and chitter chatter in the mornings. Everyone in their little groups, talking about how much they hated school, or what they'd gotten up to the night before. Even more so today, given it was the first day after Winter Break. Everyone was lamenting their return to the hellhole that was Winslow, while talking up their own Christmas Vacations.

Or, normally they would be. But right in that moment, the halls of Winslow were filled with utter silence, save for the sound of one Sophia Hess, retching and gagging at Taylor's feet. Everyone is quiet, everyone is turned towards her. Taylor doesn't have eyes for everyone though. She barely pays them any mind as she looks at her locker, filled to the brim with rotten trash and biochemical waste. The used tampons are just… disgusting.

Sophia had just tried to shove her in too. Taylor had no doubt that her locker door would have closed behind her if the track star had been given even half a chance, locking her inside the locker with all of the festering, disgusting garbage that had no doubt been fermenting for practically all of Winter Vacation. That was undeniably what was supposed to have happened, given the reactions of everyone around her.

If this were some kind of high school sitcom, Taylor imagined there would have been a record scratch in response to what happened. Rather than the laughter track that would have sounded if everything had gone according to the trio's plan. It was obvious that the onlooking crowd, as well as Emma and Madison, had not expected this.

Though, as Taylor slid her gaze contemptuously over said crowd, only to focus her attention on the still-standing members of the duo before her, she did note Madison's badly concealed relief. The cutesy brunette didn't look all too happy to be where she was right now… but she also clearly didn't mind Taylor NOT going into the locker. Interesting, but ultimately irrelevant. Madison was still their toady, still their third wheel. She was never going to stop, so long as Emma and Sophia continued.

As for Emma, she looked rather annoyed that Taylor had ruined their surprise for her. As if she wasn't at all concerned that the bespectacled girl had just landed a powerful punch to Sophia's solar plexus, putting the track star down on the ground, on her hands and knees where she was practically face first in Taylor's locker. Though not literally. Taylor was half-tempted to make it so… but only half-tempted. She wasn't her tormentors. She wasn't a monster like them.

But wasn't she? Or at least, wasn't she a different monster entirely? Taylor finds herself shifting uncomfortably within the confines of her own skin. The measurements of her new body had to be compressed into the shape of her old body so that she didn't arouse too much suspicion to her knew form. But that just left her feeling like she was wearing a set of clothing that was three sizes too small for her, stretched from the crown of her head all the way down to the soles of her feet.

After she'd learned to hide her new form from the eyes of the waking world, the rest of her Christmas Vacation had been spent obsessively going over that damn spell book and clinging to her father from how close she'd come to a fate worse than death. In the end, despite now being able to read the book that her kidnapped had inadvertently left for her, Taylor had really only mastered the one spell she desperately needed to hide herself from the general population.

But now… now all of her self-control was threatening to disappear like so much hot air. The fury was bubbling up inside of her, the anger and the rage and the raw, unadulterated need to MAKE THEM STOP. Her true form was threatening to claw its way out from beneath the facsimile of her old flesh, and Taylor was tempted to let it, tempted to vent her fury on Emma and Madison and Sophia as well, right there, and right then.

She would- a sudden splash of liquid hitting her shoes interrupts Taylor's thoughts. She stares down uncomprehendingly for a moment, before finally realizing that Sophia had just vomited, all over her feet. And now the bitch had the audacity to glare at her from her position on the floor, as if it was Taylor's fault, somehow. As if Sophia wasn't reaping what she herself had sown.

Taylor's nostrils flare, and for a moment Sophia has a glimmer of fear in her eyes, leading Taylor to wonder just what she looks like. But no, her disguise is still in place as she steps toward Emma and Madison, the other two members of the trio flinching back as they're very suddenly reminded of the fact that Taylor was a good head or more taller than them when she wasn't hunched in on herself and cowering before their words. Even in her old body, Taylor towered over the both of them, and with their muscle still on her hands and knees, they were completely at her mercy.

But it wasn't Taylor's intention to do anything serious to either girl. Rushing through them, she inadvertently shoulder-checked both Emma and Madison in the process of fleeing, but beyond the echoing thumps from them impacting the floor as she shoved them aside, Taylor paid them no notice. She was more worried about herself, and getting out of this situation as fast as possible.

If she lost control now, someone was bound to call the PRT or the Protectorate on her. She had to get out, she had to escape. Regardless of the repercussions, regardless of how the trio would no doubt spin things without her there to defend herself… Taylor knew she had to get away. And so, she did. She ran from Winslow just as the first bell began to ring. She sprinted off of the high school campus and headed into the city, not sure at first where she wanted to go.

But no, that wasn't true. Not entirely. Even as Taylor struggled to control herself, she found her feet taking her in a very specific direction, towards the gated properties where a certain demon lord dwelled. Away from Zaros' presence, she had sworn to herself that she wouldn't go about sacrificing others for her vengeance. She'd sworn that she'd be the better person, that she'd just soldier on through until she could get graduate high school and get away from them entirely.

Now though… now she found herself heading directly to him. They wouldn't stop. This wasn't her fault, they were forcing her hand. If this was where they escalated to, it would soon be her life on the line. And then she'd have to protect herself, and even if she was in the right, the public would turn against her. She needed… she needed to stop them before they ruined her life entirely.


There was a trashcan next to the unlocked front door that she chucked her ruined shoes and socks into, before entering the foyer and making her way towards HIS presence in the living room. It was obvious that the demon was expecting her, as he sat lounging on the couch, watching her through lidded eyes, the tip of his tail flicking this way and that.

Taylor had to bite her lower lip as she stood before Zaros. Neither her dreams, her fantasies, nor her memories ever really compared to the real thing. The sight of his large, beefy, muscular form, completely and utterly nude, only reminded Taylor of their time together, her mouth drying out and whatever she might have initially said dying in her throat as she shifted awkwardly, rubbing her thighs together.

His inhumanly large cock, an angry red color and demonically ridged, was on full display for her, as was his large musky ball sack. His tail, meanwhile, rose up and hooked through the handle of a plastic pitcher clinking with ice. He easily poured a bit of the pitcher into an empty glass next to it, before sliding said glass down to her. It was iced tea of all things, and Taylor found herself downing it quickly, before having another cup for good measure. Only then, only once her throat was wetted again did she find herself with the ability to speak.

So, speak she did, explaining why she was here, explaining everything that had happened to her since they parted, what she'd managed to learn and master. Throughout her explanation, Zaros continued to lounge back on the couch. But he was not idle. Pulling out tall beer cans, he would puncture them with a claw, only to pour them into another empty glass pitcher, one after the other.

Rushing to finish her story, getting to what had happened as she returned to school and how things had very nearly gone horribly wrong, Zaros' sightless gaze finally seemed to focus on her. His attention was noticeable, primarily because it caused her body to immediately heat up. Taylor found herself panting, and it really had nothing to do with her running here. That had barely tired her out.

"So. You've come to ask for my help, have you?"

Taylor swallows hard, but nods after a moment, hesitantly.

"After rejecting my previous counsel?"

"… Yes."

"After swearing to yourself that you wouldn't sacrifice anyone for power?"


"After you were bold enough to take the power I offered, after I gave you the means to further improve yourself? And for what? So you can backslide to what you were, the weakling girl, the helpless victim, despite being so much more now! You come before me, begging for my help?!"

Taylor flinched at his harsh words. There was truth to them. All of them. He had not only made her more than she ever was, he'd let her go. He'd given her leave to forge her own path, and what had she done with his mercy? A demon lord had ultimately allowed her try and deal with her problems on her own, and Taylor was so weak that she came back to him, on her hands and knees metaphorically if not physically.

In the end, how else could she respond?


Even her voice sounded weak, as her eyes failed to find any spot on the demon lord to safely stare at that didn't begin to make her feel distracted and aroused. A dark, deep, demonic chuckle fills the air as Zaros laughs at her. Taylor shrinks in on herself, feeling like less than dirt, but knowing that now that she's walked into his lair, she won't be allowed to leave until he lets her go.

"So now you return to me, like a stray mewling to be cared for. You do not even bother to bring me an offering to sate my anger. But in truth, if I had to say what disappointed me most… it would be that in the scant few days apart from me, you've already forgotten my first rule."

Taylor shivered, his words conjuring up the worst images in her traitorous mind. Images of her riding his cock, naked save for a collar around her neck, getting pets even as she mewled helplessly at her Master. But wait, what rule was he even talking about? Before Taylor could do much beyond furrow her brow in confusion, Zaros abruptly chugged the entire pitcher of beer in one go, before roaring out a trail of fire at her.

Screaming, Taylor attempted to put herself out, even as her clothing was consumed by flames. The burning heat spread across her body in seconds, moving over the facsimile of her old form with an unnatural speed, even for fire. In short order, she was completely and utterly naked, leaving Taylor to realize only belatedly that he'd incinerated her clothes and only her clothes.

Flushing in embarrassment, Taylor instinctively attempts to hide her modesty with an arm across her breasts and a hand covering her mound. But Zaros is having none of that, his own clawed hand coming up and gesturing at her. The brand beneath her false flesh becomes visible and heats up immediately. Taylor cries out and falls to her knees in pain, the spell work compressing her true body into the frame of her old one shattered in moments, her measurements exploding from nonexistent to womanly as she gained height and width and all of those delightful things.

It hurt. It hurt a LOT to unravel that fast. Her entire form hurt, her breasts and nipples and ass and hips stinging. Even her cunt felt like it'd just been slapped a dozen times over as she gasped and mewled pathetically on her knees, shaking and shivering and trembling from the sensations rushing over her true form.

"There you are. One of many of the mistakes you've made was coming before me in that pathetic, weak form that I stripped from you. You will not hide the beauty I gave you from MY sight."

Taylor lowers her head, acknowledging his words in silence as she kneels there, still shaking. For a moment, Zaros simply regards her with his sightless gaze, resting the side of his horned head on a fist as he takes her in.

"… Now, we shall discuss your failures. In our time apart, you have barely learned anything of value from that fool's spell book. You have accomplished not a single ounce of vengeance against those who have wronged you. And even when coming to seek my aid, you've failed to submit yourself properly before my magnificence."

Another pause, and then a deep, rumbling chuckle leaves the demon lord, before he reaches down and strokes his cock.

"You have much to make up for, before I even consider listening to your pleas."

Taylor licks her lips, knowing what he wants from her. She also knows that she has no choice, in the end. Crawling across the floor to where he lounges on the couch, she puts herself in range of his clawed hands. One of them comes down atop her head, his digits threading through her hair. She gasps when he pulls her face into his crotch, but she's not truly that surprised. A breathless moan leaves Taylor's throat as her nostrils flare from the potent musk, and Zaros rubs her back and forth across his ball sack and his cock, until ultimately her tongue slips out to taste him, to lick and lap and slurp at him.

Her body reacts to the scent immediately, her quim swiftly beginning to drool with need betwixt her thighs. Her hands come up to grab onto something, perhaps his thighs for support, but his tail swats them directly onto his cock and once she has them there, Taylor doesn't remove them. She realizes that stroking his massive, majestic member is exactly what she should be doing with her hands in that moment.

His tail hooks up between her legs, pressing into her cunt and ass, the tip wiggling along her pussy lips before he grips and lifts her off her knees and onto her feet. At the same time, his hold on her head keeps her bent over, her face still buried in her crotch as she's brought up to less than a ninety-degree angle, her ass up in the air, her legs straight, but her head pushing against his ball sack, her tongue writhing along his sweaty nuts.

Taylor moans loudly and lewdly as Zaros proceeds to use his tail to slap her ass. Only, he doesn't slap her where she has the most cushioning, instead his tail comes from underneath, and the force of the wet smack causes her pussy lips to spread around its length even as her face ends up pressed further into his junk. This action is repeated several more times, an honest-to-hell spanking as she grows more and more needy, moaning into his cock and balls like the slut she is.

How could she ever have thought she didn't need this? How could she ever have spurned her Master's gifts? Taylor shudders as she inhales his scent, she moans as she tongues his genitals. Finally, she begins to understand. Zaros let her free because he knew her weakness. He let her go because he knew how swiftly she would be back with him. She truly WAS free… free to make her own decisions, free to realize that what she really wanted wasn't freedom, but satisfaction. Satisfaction that only Zaros could provide now.

The clawed hand holding her head releases it and joins with his other in grabbing her hips. Taylor moans wantonly and expectantly as he lifts her up, only to whine in disappointment when he places his massive cock between the valley of her enlarged, bountiful mammaries rather than impaling her needy cunt on his cock. Zaros just scoffs at her, his sightless gaze staring at her with crushing disappointment.

"Do you truly think you deserve such a thing? Do you think you've earned my cock? Get to work, little slut. Get to work showing me exactly what you're truly worth."

Taylor does so, immediately and without hesitation. Her hands come up and grab at her giant tits, wrapping them as best as she can around Zaros' red, ridged cock. The demon lord is even bigger than her voluptuous body though, and she can't quite get her cleavage all the way around his shaft. She does what she can though and lowers her head while opening her mouth, so she can take his cockhead in between her pouty, sultry lips.

This is the body that her Master has given her, after all. It's only right that she uses it to worship him, now isn't it? Slurping and sucking at his tip with all her might, Taylor squeezes and gropes and shakes her breasts up and down the rest of Zaros' shaft, all while feeling his pulsating, churning ball sack pressed against her abdomen, the heat nearly driving her crazy with lust.

Its around then, bent over but with her back arched as she is, that the tip of Zaros' tail presses against her sopping wet pussy lips, thrusting up into her cunt and wiggling around inside of her. Taylor moans at this intrusion, even this much enough to make her happy as her appreciative voice sends reverberations up the length of Zaros' prick, until ultimately his precum begins to leak out of his cockhead.

Taylor gratefully swallows it down, the delicious fluid heralding his eventual climax sliding down her throat and into her gullet with ease. Her lashes flutter and her eyes threaten to roll back in her head from all of the sensation… but it's not to last. His tail pulls out of Taylor's cunt after just a minute, and then it pushes between her fat ass cheeks, pressing against her back door with clear insistence.

Her eyes widen at that, and she looks up to see Zaros grinning at her. He doesn't stop though, and Taylor doesn't try to make him. Instead, her legs tremble and her body shakes as she continues to suck on the tip of his cock while rubbing her titties up and down his length. All the while, Zaros begins to penetrate her asshole with his lubed-up tail tip, using her excessive pussy juices to push into her back door more and more and more.

She hasn't had anything in her ass since that night when he'd taken her every orifice. To say Taylor is unprepared for the intrusion would be an understatement, but she blames herself more than she blames Zaros. The demon lord owns her after all. Her soul belongs to him, her Master. Taylor squirms on his tail as he pegs her ass, but ultimately even this mild discomfort doesn't stop an orgasm from eventually rocking her body.

From there, things only continue along as one might expect. Taylor's pegging continues, his tail digging deeper and deeper into her anus, pistoning in and out of her without end. It's not like his tail could cum after all, right? There was no release to look forward to, but that didn't stop Taylor from climaxing hard over and over.

At the same time, she continued to do her best to worship Zaros' cock. Her breasts pushed in on it from both sides, her tongue swirled around his dick tip, her lips suctioned down around his cockhead. She gave him her everything, doing her damnedest to apologize for all of her failures. She truly was a fool, to think that she could simply ignore all that had happened to her. To think that she could hide who she truly was now, that she could turn the other cheek to her bullies any longer.

She was a demon's consort now. No, less than that. In her failure, she'd tossed aside the title. She was more like a demon's whore. She was her Master's pet, his toy to be used and molded however he liked. Though in truth, Taylor wanted nothing more in that moment then to be fucked. As much pleasure as she was experiencing, as satisfying as this all was, her pussy was left empty and untouched, and she so desperately wanted Zaros' big fat cock to thrust up into her with all the force and might that the demon lord could muster.

Alas, it was not meant to be. In the end, Zaros came and when he did, Taylor ended up hosed with his seed, her entire body, voluptuous and gorgeous and perfectly formed, covered in buckets and buckets of his cum. Taylor's eyes DO roll back in her head then, and the young woman is left fairly insensate as a result of the explosive orgasm that comes with finally satisfying her Master.

As such, she doesn't see Zaros using a spell that collects the excess seed from his load into another empty glass pitcher for her to drink down later. She only really comes back to herself when his clawed hands come down on her chest and she blinks, finding herself on her knees before him, head tilted back, chest jutting out, and breasts in his grasp.

Zaros grins as he looks down at her.

"You have failed me, pet. But… I did quite enjoy watching your instinctive strike to that one little bitch's chest. Seeing you use your strength, seeing her fall before you in forced supplication… for that, I will give you this small reward."

Taylor moans as she feels it. She looks down and watches as the sensations coursing through her body mimic the outward effects of his reward for her. Her breasts grow bigger in Zaros' clawed hands, up at least another cup size as he feeds her energy through his unrelenting, vicious gasp. Letting out a shuddering breath, Taylor only has one thing to say to that, in the end.

"Thank you… Master."

Zaros' wicked smile is her everything as he gazes upon her, clearly pleased. Taylor knows where she belongs now. She knows that she should never have left her Master's side. With the brand blazing brightly on her flesh, Taylor Hebert happily gives her all to the demon lord who owns her soul. What comes next… will be his guidance, and she will follow it to the letter.


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Looking for something Original from me to read? Check out The Soul Engine!

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