Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Elizabeth’s Bad End(s) (Bioshock Infinite)

A/N: Elizabeth's Bad End(s) was originally written as a commissioned one shot back in August of 2018. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: What befalls one Elizabeth in one timeline ends up befalling many Elizabeths. In the end, the Lamb of Columbia's potential is cut short by the innate evil of men.

Themes: Gangbang, Master/Slave, Rough Sex, Mind Break


She was finally free. But at the same time, Elizabeth found herself more afraid than ever. It was a wonder to be out of the tower, to be able to see the wonders around her in person, rather than from afar. It was a wonder to taste the air on her tongue and smell the scents with her dainty little nose. Or… it had been. Now neither the taste of the air nor the scents filling her nose made Elizabeth all that happy.

The young woman had managed to get free of her tower, her prison, but only with the help of a man who called himself Booker DeWitt. She'd had to trust him, had to believe him when he said he planned to get her out of Columbia and take her where ever she wanted to go. Elizabeth had dreamed of going to Paris, of seeing the sights.

But she'd been misled. Fooled. Tricked. There was no other explanation, at least in Elizabeth's young mind. They'd made it to The First Lady, and she'd watched him set a course. But Elizabeth was a learned young girl. She knew that the coordinates Booker put in were for New York and not Paris! She wouldn't… she refused to be lied to any longer. She refused to be a prisoner to another man, this one even less trustworthy than her father.

So, she'd brained him with a wrench. It'd seemed like a good idea at the time. Elizabeth had watched Booker fight his way through all sorts of trouble, and she'd known from the moment she decided he was her enemy that her only chance was to catch him off-guard. She hadn't expected so much blood… but it was better than being a prisoner, or so Elizabeth had reasoned.

Only, as she'd tried to fly the airship herself, things had once again taken a turn for the world. She didn't know who they were, but The First Lady had been surrounded by other vessels, and she'd been forced to make a landing or risk being shot down entirely. Only problem was, that landing was at the Finkton Docks.

Elizabeth's father had told her about Finkton's Shantytown. He'd told her that it was where the undesirables went, that she would never ever want to visit such a place. In one of her weaker moments, Elizabeth had shouted in his face that she'd rather go and live there forever rather than spend another moment with HIM. She somewhat regretted that now, because it was already obvious that she'd been wrong.

Walking along the filthy, dirty streets, glancing around at all of the equally filthy, dirty men that populated the Shantytown, Elizabeth couldn't help but frown and hunch in on herself. The smell in the air was acrid at best, and the smoke kept making her cough as it got into her lungs. This was not a good place, and the men… Elizabeth hated to be so shallow, so judgmental, but she couldn't help but worry that they didn't have good intentions at heart.

"Well, hello there, little lady. What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?"

Quite suddenly, Elizabeth found herself torn from her musings, and being forced to stop short as one of the workers placed himself in her path, hands on his hips and a toothy smile on his face. Or perhaps not so toothy, as Elizabeth really looked at him. The big, burly man was missing teeth, even as he towered over her, all muscle from his no-doubt hard life.

But he WAS smiling at her. So maybe he was nice? She really should have known better then to judge a book by its cover, right? It was just… it was fine if she relaxed a little. Letting her shoulders slump slightly, Elizabeth smiles back at the man.

"I… um, I suppose I'm lost, good sir. Would you mind showing me the way out of Shantytown?"

Her voice was hopeful, as was her eyes. The man before her only smiled wider, even as he invaded her personal space quite smoothly, interlocking their arms as he began to lead her along. Elizabeth went stiff at first, but in the end, she reminded herself that she shouldn't be so superficial.

"Well, out of Shantytown you say? Hm, I might know the way. But why do you want to leave, little lady? Do you not find us to be to your liking?"

Elizabeth blushes in embarrassment at that. She has the good sense not to tell him the truth of course, that yes, she doesn't find Shantytown or its inhabitants to her 'liking'.

"O-Oh no, it's um… it's not that. It's just…"

Her thoughts go back to Booker, left behind on The First Lady, all that blood pooling beneath him from where she struck his head with the wrench ever so hard. Elizabeth finds herself biting her lower lip for a moment. Would he be alright? S-Surely, he'd wake up soon…

"I just have to meet someone elsewhere very soon. S-So you see, I can't spend much more time here."

Elizabeth's voice falters, as she realizes she doesn't even know if she's telling the truth. What if… what if she killed Booker? By accident of course, but still. What if he's d-dead? The young woman doesn't have long to contemplate this, as the man leading her along suddenly turns her down a dead-end alley, a chuckle on his lips.

"You sure about that, miss? Because it doesn't sound like you are. In fact, it sounds like you're lying to me. We wouldn't want that now. Lying is a naughty, naughty thing for a little lady like you to partake in."

Sensing danger, Elizabeth pulls away from the man, though its far too late. His hand closes around her wrist as she tries to escape, and when she looks back to the mouth of the alley, she finds it already blocked off by an entire crowd of dirty, grungy, working men. They'd been following her and her 'guide' the entire way, though Elizabeth had been too distracted to notice.

Now though… now she's trapped, even as the first man drags her in close, forcing her attention back to him as their chests collide and his free hand wraps around to grab her ass through her blue skirt. It's the most intimate contact Elizabeth has ever had with anyone, and it leaves her gasping in shock, her eyes wide as the worker grins down at her wickedly.

"Admit that you lied to me, girlie. Tell me the truth now. We'll go easier on you if you do."

Elizabeth's lower lip wobbles and her eyes tear up as she feels his rough digits squeezing at her soft, pliable buttocks through both her skirt and her panties. A whimper leaves her lips, but in the end, she sees no choice but to do so.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't… didn't want to be rude. I l-lied. I don't like it here… y-you're scaring me, s-sir…"

That gets some laughter from the men at the mouth of the alley, only for Elizabeth to realize they've come a lot closer now, only a few feet away. The entire world feels like it's closing in on her, even as the big, burly man groping her ass chuckles darkly.

"That's what I thought. But even now, I think you're still lying. I don't think you got lost, coming here. No… WE don't think that at all, do we men?"

Elizabeth's eyes dart around the crowd of workers, even as they voice their agreement with the man who's holding her in place, all of them glaring at her with untoward intent in their eyes.

"Heh, nah. You came down here for a reason, little lady. You probably don't even realize it, but that's okay. Most girls like you don't, not until they're shown."

Elizabeth is completely lost by this point, and she finds herself rising to the bait, staring up into the man's eyes as her lower lip wobbles.


His grin widens even more, and he snaps his fingers. Out of the crowd of men comes a pair of workers. One with a wooden stake in hand, and the other… the other with shackles. Elizabeth stares at them in wide-eyed fright, even as they work together to plant the stake in the hard-packed ground of the alley, slamming it down with all of their considerable strength, before ultimately placing the shackles on rings attached to it.

"Oh yes. You know what we do to little ladies down in Shantytown? We teach them their place. We show 'em what they've been missing all this time. What they truly are, deep down inside. And you know what that is, miss?"

Elizabeth shakes her head, both in fear and in denial at this point.

"A slut. That's what they are. They're all sluts. And… it's what you are too."

It's a word she's never heard before. Certainly not the kind of language that a learned but sheltered young woman like Elizabeth would be privy to. Something of her confusion must show on her features, because the man seems surprised for a moment at her lack of reaction, before ultimately barking out a laugh right into her face.

"It'll be better if we just show you, little lady."

And then it begins. Elizabeth shrieks when the man lets go of her ass, only to reach up and slide his thick fingers right down the front of her white blouse, with its blue sleeve cuffs and its collar. She pulls away, finally able to for once, but this proves to be a mistake… and exactly what the man wanted. Her blouse tears off of her body with ease as he puts his muscle into dragging it towards him and Elizabeth in turn puts all of her strength into moving AWAY from him.

But in the end, there's nowhere for the poor young woman to go that's not all the more dangerous for her. Bereft of her blouse, she finds her black and white corset going next, her supple breasts exposed to the open, acrid air of the Shantytown as she's grabbed by more and more of the men who have followed her into the alley.

Her knee-length skirt follows, as do her black boots. Her panties are ripped from her by one especially enthusiastic worker and tucked away into his overall pocket after he holds them aloft in roaring triumph. In the end, Elizabeth is left in nothing but her white socks… and the choker around her neck, with the cameo depicting a cage given to her by the Luteces.

The rest of her is naked and exposed as she's fondled and molested and groped by the group of men holding her struggling, squirming form. Elizabeth tries to fight back, she really does… but she might as well be trying to fight against the tide, because in the end she's not capable of escaping the clutches of a dozen strong, horny men who all want one specific thing from her.

"Oi! Bring her over here! You'll all get your turn with her soon enough!"

The voice of the original man to approach her doesn't fill Elizabeth with any sort of relief or happiness, even as the molestation abates, and she's carried back into the far end of the alley. There, where the wooden stake and the shackles have been placed… there, Elizabeth finds herself restrained as said shackles are locked around her wrists and ankles quite securely, leaving her unable to get out of them.

"N-No! Please… please, d-don't do this!"

That gets laughs from the crowd, and yet another chuckle from the man who started all of this. He reaches down and grabs a fistful of her hair, dragging Elizabeth's head back so he can stare into her tearful blue eyes with that broken, toothless smile of his.

"Sorry, little lady. But this is just the way Shantytown operates. We all have to play our part, you know. And the part of idiot girls like you, wandering in here and looking down on all of us for trying to survive… well, it's to be our slut. A public Shantytown slut. Doesn't that sound nice?"

He doesn't bother waiting for her response, he doesn't really give her a chance to. Instead, the next thing Elizabeth knows, there's a man's genitals on her face. His phallus slaps down across the bridge of her nose and Elizabeth gasps, even as her nostrils flare, taking in the distinctly disgusting scent of unwashed penis.

Unfortunately, opening her mouth was the worst thing she could have done. The moment he saw her gasping was the moment the man reared back and forced himself halfway down her throat.

"That's right, you silly little slut. Take it! Take my big fat cock right down that pretty throat of yours! No teeth now, or we'll hammer them out of your mouth, bitch!"

The belated warning sees Elizabeth making VERY sure not to let even the hint of her teeth graze the thick 'cock' now thrusting in and out of her throat. It doesn't make it any easier for her to handle the man's penis though, as it pistons forward again and again and again.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

"Shit, she's an eager one boys! Get over here!"

They move in close, and Elizabeth soon finds her humiliation growing, even as her vocabulary is significantly expanded. This is what a slut is and does. What she's being forced to endure right now… it makes her a slut, doesn't it? And as for the men and their phalluses crowding around her… Elizabeth learns all sorts of new words to describe the male genitalia as they demand she pleasure them with her hands or her hair.

Cock, prick, dick. Tears stream down Elizabeth's face as she assimilates this language, as she takes a cock down her throat, as she jerks off a prick with her shackled, inexperienced hands. At the same time a dick makes its way through her hair, her loose ponytail wrapped around their shaft as they jerk themselves off. It's humiliating and disgusting and horrifying… but as Elizabeth finds out a moment later, it can and will get worse.

"Pull her legs apart. Get her ready for Round Two boys!"

Strong, rough fingers dig into Elizabeth's creamy white thighs as her legs are dragged apart and her vaginal lips are exposed. She's not shaved completely bald, but she has learned how to care for herself down there over the years. As such, her bush is shaved into a cute little thing atop her mound… though it's not at all remarked upon as the men playing with her begin to tease her clitoris and her slit.

Once again, Elizabeth learns a whole new slew of words as she's fingered, and her body reacts, much to her reluctant pleasure. Pussy, cunt, and quim feature prominently in the men's language as they talk about how easily she gets wet and how much she clearly wants all of this. She doesn't, Elizabeth doesn't want this to be happening, she doesn't want them to be raping her mouth or preparing her… her 'cunt' for more of the same.

But she can't stop her body from reacting as they build her wetness, as she grows moist and then sopping under their fingers. And when the first man finally cums in her mouth, forcing her to swallow all of his seed lest she choke on it, Elizabeth is soon forced onto her hands and knees, facing the wooden stake as her mouth is quickly claimed by another worker, while the original moves to take his rightful position behind her.

"I get first dibs on the bitch's tight little hole. Sheltered little slut like this… bet she's a virgin boys!"

There's a little bit of grumbling and disappointment, but most of the men seem to be quite happy cheering him on and jeering over Elizabeth's misfortune as she feels, for the first time in her life, something much larger than her own fingers at the entrance of her dripping pussy lips. Elizabeth whimpers around the cock stretching out her jaw, more tears falling from her eyes… but in the end, there's nothing she can do to stop what is to come.

And there's no way that the few times she experimented with touching herself down there could ever have prepared her for what follows as the big, burly worker slams his thick fat cock home into her cunt, tearing through her virginity and stretching out her tight passage as he fills her up to the brim in one smooth motion.

"Fuuuuck! Yeah, she was definitely a virgin! God, I'm going to enjoy this girl!"

And enjoy it he does, as his fingers grip at Elizabeth's creamy white flesh, leaving angry red marks in her hips from where he holds her steady as he plows her silly. He really does plow her silly, much to the beautiful young woman's mortification. When her first orgasm hits, the man announces it to the crowd, telling them that their little slut is finally coming out to play. Elizabeth feels monumental shame at that, but it doesn't mean she can stop her body from reacting to the treatment.

Climax after climax wracks her young, inexperienced form. The naked girl, shackled to a wooden stake and held in place as her body is used for the pleasure of Shantytown's residents, can do nothing but take it as she's fucked in the dirt like some common whore rather than the daughter of Comstock that she truly is. But of course, none of the men raping her know that, and Elizabeth is no longer in a position to claim her role.

Not that it would change their treatment of her, at least not for the better. It's probably for the best that they don't know her heritage, lest they decide to do much worse things to her to take revenge on Comstock and Jeremiah Fink for the injustices done against them and their own. Instead, she's just a silly little girl who wandered into the wrong part of Columbia, an idiot bitch who is all theirs to enjoy for as long as they can.

They do so thoroughly, and even Elizabeth's ass is not safe from their predations. But by the point one of the workers finally decides her back door is cleaner than her cum-stuffed front, the brunette is too far gone to do much beyond whimper and cry fresh tears around the cock occupying her throat at the time, even as her last virginity is taken from her.

Her orifices are all fucked in equal measure, and her body is disgraced and covered in a thick layer of cum as men who cannot wait their turn with one of her holes spray their jizz all over her naked, increasingly filthy form. It takes a very long time for Elizabeth to reach the point where she's barely recognizable as a human, let alone the beautiful young woman that the residents of Shantytown started with.

When that time finally comes though, even the dirty, rugged workers that make up Shantytown's populace reach a time when they decide they'll no longer touch her. One by one, the men leave, until ultimately all Elizabeth is left with is the original worker to grab her, and the worst of the worst, the most depraved. He ultimately sends them away too, and then casually grabs Elizabeth by her cum-streaked hair once more, dragging her head up to look down into her bleary, glazed over eyes.

"You look right now. Like a true, proper, public slut."

The words send a thrill of unwanted pleasure through Elizabeth. She's been subjected to such tortures today, but that doesn't change the fact that her body enjoyed more than its fair share of them. A mewl leaves Elizabeth's throat and her eyes zero in on the flaccid cock between the man's legs. But he doesn't move to fuck her again, instead he simply chuckles.

"Maybe tomorrow, bitch. If you're still around by then. Nighty-night."

And then he drops her, letting go of her hair and ultimately leaving her right there in the alley, where they have her shackled to the stake. A shudder of fear and horror rushes through Elizabeth then, as what's left of her conscious mind realizes her situation. She doesn't have long to contemplate escape though, not before one of the more degenerate men sneaks back now that everyone is gone and has his way with her filthy, disgusting form once again.

Hope slowly dies in the young woman's mind as she's treated like nothing more than a piece of meat, time and time again. As she truly becomes nothing but the public slut of Shantytown, for its residents to use until she's all used up. She even wishes Booker would come for her, uncaring about being his prisoner if it meant that she could escape this fate. But no… he does not come. No one comes for her. Not until later.


"Shit, looks like these fucking animals grabbed another young woman."

Elizabeth hovers between conscious and unconscious, one of her eyes plastered shut with cum and the other barely able to see anything but shapes at this point. She's exhausted, tired… and most of all dehydrated. Cum can only sustain a woman for so long… that is, pretty much not at all. She's so thirsty… what she wouldn't give for some water. Except she has nothing left to give anymore. It's all free for the taking now.

"Watch the alley, men. Get her up and bundled in a blanket. We'll take her back to the barracks, get her cleaned up, and find out who the hell she belongs to."

Though she doesn't quite comprehend what's happening, Elizabeth has been saved by Finkton Guards. Jeremiah's personal security force, these men are all clean, armed, and armored. They're ready for a fight, and so the residents of Shantytown don't dare do much beyond watch as the group of guards carries their latest public slut out of the area and away from them.

The man who originally 'welcomed' Elizabeth to the Shantytown watches from a window of his small, one bedroom second floor home. He watches the slut get taken away by the guards, knowing that her hardships aren't over yet. Hell, maybe she'll even come back to them. If she does, he'll take her into his home and make her his own private little cum dump.

If she doesn't… well, the guards will have their fun with her, that he knows. And Shantytown… Shantytown will survive until the next stupid bint from the shimmering pearly gates above decides to grace them with her presence and in turn learns her place as their slut. Chuckling darkly, the man turns away from the window, putting all thought of Elizabeth from his mind. She was out of his reach now.


"M-My name is Elizabeth Comstock… u-um, you might know me as the L-Lamb of Columbia…"

As she sits there, holding her cup of tea in both hands and absorbing its warmth, Elizabeth keeps her eyes down, and as such, doesn't see the look that passes between the Finkton Guard Captain and the other men in the room. It's not as if she wants to reveal her identity, but after everything she's been through in the past day (it had all taken place in the span of twenty-four hours! Elizabeth could scarcely believe it!) even the tower was a better fate than this.

She had no doubt that her father would punish her for running, but at least she could be sure he wasn't a depraved rapist who would use her like… like some Shantytown slut as all of those men had. Elizabeth's lower lip wobbles just remembering what was done to her, and tears prick her eyes. She hides her emotions behind draining the last of her current cup of tea, but the men around her notice all the same, and the Captain is gentle as he reaches out and takes her cup from her.

"Perhaps more tea? Or something stronger?"

"S-Stronger… please."

She chokes out the words, trying to hold back her tears. Elizabeth has never had ANY sort of alcohol before, but she's aware enough to know that's what's being offered to her right now. And honestly, all of the dangers of consuming liquor that her father had told her about sounded more like pluses to Elizabeth then anything else.

Remaining hunched over in her seat, Elizabeth pulls her blue blazer around her a bit more for comfort. She's dressed quite differently now than she was when she originally entered Shantytown. But in the end, she still seems to have ended up in blue and white. And a bit of black. The blue blazer and the long blue skirt she's not wearing apparently came from The First Lady. As did the black and white corset that pushes up her breasts, exposing ample cleavage. It's a replica of the one that was torn off of her during her rape, an extra that she'd brought along when she fled the tower with Booker.

… Booker, who she now knew was dead. The Finkton guards had told her as much, when they'd presented her with her new clothing from The First Lady. She'd asked after him, and the only thing she'd been told was that a man HAD been found on board… dead from a blow that caved his skull in. Elizabeth had done that. She'd killed her rescuer, the only man who'd ever wanted to save her.

Well, that wasn't entirely true. These men… they'd saved her, hadn't they? From a worse fate then the tower at that, too. As such, Elizabeth gratefully accepts a cup of some dark brown liquid when its presented to her. She knocks it back immediately, only to choke and sputter as the alcohol burns on its way down.

The Guard Captain chuckles a little at that.

"Take it slow, dear Lamb. You've been through a lot."

Elizabeth nods, but when she's offered more, she takes it, holding out her cup to be refilled. She drinks a little slower this time, and even savors the sweetness of the drink, hidden beneath the burning sensation that crawls down her throat. In the end, she feels better, especially when she takes up the offer for a THIRD glassful of the liquid after that.

Only on her fourth does she slow down, nursing the drink in between her hands and staring down into its depths as her vision blurs ever so slightly, her thoughts fogging over more and more. Its through this fog that she hears the Guard Captain speaking.

"You know, little Lamb… you've been declared dead. The people up above are in an uproar, and the people at the bottom are celebrating. Its said that Father Comstock is beside himself."

Elizabeth lets out a bitter laugh at that, shaking her head back and forth.

"I'm… I'm shure he ish. Sho upset that he's lost hish pawn… hic!"

She doesn't see the Finkton guards all exchanging another glance. She does feel it though, when the Guard Captain rises from the table and comes around to place a hand on her shoulder. For a moment, Elizabeth flinches away, reminded of the big, burly, rough fingers of the men down in Shantytown. But the Captain swirls his thumb in soothing patterns through her blue jacket and into her flesh, and slowly but surely, Elizabeth finds herself relaxing into his touch, rather than pulling away from it.

"What ever do you mean by that, little Lamb? Sounds almost like you don't want to go back to your tower. Isn't that where you belong? Isn't that your home?"

Elizabeth scowls, and takes another long drink from the cup in her hands.

"Itsh my prison… nothing more…"

His other hand comes down on her opposite shoulder, but once again his grip is firm yet gentle, soothing and calming rather than rough or painful. He really is a nice man… and it makes Elizabeth feel good, knowing that nice men like him still exist. More than good, it makes her feel all warm and tingly inside… and a certain heat is beginning to build between her legs as a blush slowly spreads across her face.

"I see. It sounds like you don't want to go back to the tower, Lady Comstock. Sounds as if you don't want to be returned to your father. Almost sounds as if you don't want to come back from the dead. Is that right?"

He is right. All of those things sound nice. But she knows he's probably building up to letting her down gently. Perhaps a speech about duty and responsibility, before he goes to contact her father and arrange for her to return to her tower. Elizabeth has heard the spiel enough times before. Doesn't stop her from answering, her tone a little wistful.

"Would… w-would be nice… hic!"

She can't stop hiccupping. Elizabeth frowns at herself, wondering why she's feeling so… out of it. Is she really such a lightweight? But then the Captain's gentle, soothing voice is filling her head again and she finds herself hanging off every word he says.

"Maybe we can work something out, little Lamb. You've been through a lot. Hearing that the tower is nothing more than a prison, hearing that you don't want to go back there… well, it definitely tugs at our heartstrings. Doesn't it men?"

There's a lackluster chorus of 'yes sirs' and the like from around the room, but Elizabeth still finds herself warming up even more to their words. Do they truly care about her in such a way? For the first time in a while, she finds herself smiling slightly, even as she looks up at the Captain, noticing how handsome, how manly he is.


He smiles down at her, and more heat blossoms down betwixt Elizabeth's thighs as he runs his hands off of her shoulders and along her arms for a moment.

"Of course, sweet Lamb. Perhaps instead, you don't have to go back to the tower. Perhaps we don't have to announce your survival. Wouldn't you rather stay here with us? Wouldn't you rather be our very, good, personal friend?"

She would. Elizabeth realizes with a start that she definitely would. And she finds herself nodding rapidly to that effect, before suddenly the Captain is leaning down and capturing her lips with his own as she moans into his domineering kiss. Their tongue intertwine as they makeout, but all resistance has long fled Elizabeth's form. Vaguely, she hears the men talking in the background, but the words mean nothing to her, not at this point.

"Shit, look at the Captain go. Those drugs really work, don't they?"

"Shut the fuck up man, Captain said to be quiet until we're sure she's under."

"Oh come on, look at her!"

With a chuckle, the Guard Captain pulls away from Elizabeth's mouth, causing her to try and move after him a little, half rising from her chair before she's pushed back into it by his big, strong hands.

"Oh, she's under boys. Aren't you, sweet Lamb? Tell me… do you want to make us happy? Do you want us to make you happy?"

The inferno blazing within her answers for Elizabeth as she lets out a breathless moan rather than an actual answer. The Guard Captain chuckles yet again at that, and then his hands are working at his pants and the next thing the young woman knows, she's once again face to face with a big, fat cock. But this time… this time Elizabeth wants it. And she makes sure to show that as she engulfs as much of the Captain's length in her mouth right then and there as she can possibly manage.

"Shit! She really is a needy little slut, isn't she?"

"Hah! Our slut now, boys!"

Yes… yes, she's a slut. Through the haze of the drugs that she'd imbibed with the liquor they'd poured down her throat, part of Elizabeth realizes that this is more of the same. But that part is quickly silenced, smothered in bed before it can even begin to rise and make her question all that's happening. The rest of her is ecstatic to finally find men who will treat her right, who will care for her and cherish her and adore her.

As such, she happily sucks the Captain's cock, and she eagerly uses her hands on two more pricks when they're presented to her in short order. Soon enough, the Guard Captain is groaning and cumming in her mouth, where Elizabeth gratefully and happily swallows down his load. After that, things only escalate further of course. The barracks is full of Finkton guards, and every single one of them must be bought off, as the Captain eventually explains to Elizabeth while she's bouncing up and down on a dick that's thicker than most, the man beneath her squeezing her hips tightly while thrusting up into her from below.

Every single Finkton guard has to be convinced and persuaded that the best choice is to fuck her, rather than exposing her existence to those higher on the food chain. Of course, unbeknownst to Elizabeth, the Guard Captain has already taken measures into his own hands by the time he tells her this. While the Lamb of Columbia is being stripped of her garments once more, albeit a bit more gently this time, the Guard Captain is securing his prize. He didn't get to where he is now by not knowing the men who served under him inside and out.

Those who would happily give up a chance at fucking Elizabeth for the rewards Comstock would shower them in for returning her to him are quietly disposed of. Those who Elizabeth ends up fucking to 'convince' that they should keep her continued existence a secret are men who are already convinced, just by the opportunity. No one tells Elizabeth that. The drugged-out brunette is all the more enthusiastic as she takes more big fat dicks in all of her orifices then ever before, eager to prove to the Finkton Guards that they NEED to keep her around, that she DESERVES their protection and silence.

Though, even as drugged and blissed out of her mind on pleasure as Elizabeth is, she still struggles a bit. There's just so many of them. Men that is. And with those men comes another cock, another pair of hands with amorous intents. There's so damn many Finkton guards, and only one of Elizabeth. As she happily and joyously sucks cock after cock, as her cunt walls and her anal passage squeeze down HARD around the dicks ravaging her lower holes, Elizabeth finds herself idly wishing for… well, another her.

Its just a silly idea that slips into her feverish, completely broken mind, but its an idea nonetheless. And unbeknownst to Elizabeth, who has no concept of the true scope of her powers, its an idea that the drugged girl can actually make happen. And as she continues to willingly suck and fuck each and every man in the barracks on the Captain's orders, as she becomes their little live-in whore, Elizabeth unknowingly uses her powers to bring forth another Elizabeth to her part of the multiverse. The only Elizabeth capable of answering the call, at that.

Of course, this Elizabeth is both inexperienced, unskilled, and completely drugged out of her mind. So, she doesn't quite get it right. The second Elizabeth that she summons… she doesn't make it to the barracks. Instead, she enters this part of the multiverse somewhere else.


A feminine gasp has Jeremiah Fink's gaze snapping up as the unscrupulous businessman finds himself staring at a truly gorgeous woman who's appeared out of nowhere in the middle of his office. No, not nowhere… he can see the tear closing behind her even now, winking out of existence as she purses her pouty, ruby-red lips in consternation, looking around in utter confusion.

Meanwhile, the new Elizabeth is quite befuddled. She recognizes Fink's office immediately, as well as Fink himself. What feels like a lifetime ago, she killed Daisy Fitzroy with a pair of scissors after the Vox Populi leader shot Fink in the head and threatened to do the same to his son. That had been a very bloody, very messy affair indeed.

But now she was… back again? Back in Fink's office, back in Columbia of all places. Why? Why was she here? She'd been in Rapture, setting up her cover, working towards approaching the memoryless version of Comstock that she'd found there so that she could make the man pay, as all versions of him needed to pay. This though, this wasn't part of the plan. But feeling the cry for help from one of her other selves from across the multiverse had seen Elizabeth answering all the same.

As such, she was stood there dressed in her Rapture clothes. A white, long-sleeved blouse, her bird cameo on her collar, a knee-length, tight-fitted skirt with a red belt, and fishnet stockings along with black heels. Her hairstyle was brushed out into pin curls, and she was wearing a rather large amount of make-up in order to fit in with Rapture's society.

The problem was, as she looked around Fink's office, she found no other Elizabeth. This confused the new Elizabeth to no end, but in the end her confusion morphed to anger when she caught Jeremiah moving, rising from his desk. Her gaze focuses on him and she glares furiously at the man she knows to be Comstock's underling.

Taking a step forward, Elizabeth prepares to demand the location of her other self, of this timeline's version of her. But right as she's preparing to do so, it hits her. Only a few seconds have passed since she entered this timeline. It took that long for the connection to properly establish. And as she's felt only rarely before now, Elizabeth feels the other Elizabeth, the original Elizabeth of this world, and she feels everything that that version of her is feeling as well. Including the drugs and pleasure.

Ruby-red lips open in a small o as a reluctant, distracted moan escapes Elizabeth's mouth. She barely manages to keep herself standing, even as the distinct sensation of male phalluses filling her holes washes over her, along with the pleasure that she's feeling from the gangbang she's currently being subjected to. The other Elizabeth, contrary to her original belief, is happy… impossibly so, at that. This isn't a natural happiness, but there's not much the new Elizabeth can do about the fact that she's being inadvertently drugged by herself, the connection between her and this world's Elizabeth too strong for her to fight back.

"Ohhh fuuuck…"

Before she can even stop herself, Elizabeth is touching her own body, right then and there, in the middle of Fink's office. As she feels the ethereal hands of big, burly men ghosting across her form, she follows them with her own physical digits, panting and moaning all the while. And then, feeling hot and confined in her clothing, she finds herself loosening what she can. The buttons on her blouse and collar come undone, and she shirks it off as quickly as possible, revealing a familiar black and white corset that even this Elizabeth prefers over any other sort of bra.

At the same time, her red belt is loosened around her waist, so she can shove a hand down her skirt and past her panties and just FINGER her needy little cunt, even as she feels every INCH of the massive cock that's currently buried in her other self's hot, wet, drooling quim. Elizabeth's lashes flutter, her blue eyes threatening to roll up in her head as she lets out yet another moan, this one more wanton and lewder than any of the others.

At this point, she's all but putting on a show for the only other person in the office. Jeremiah Fink stares in bewilderment at the gorgeous dame who's fingering herself before his eyes, who's reaching under her corset to grab at her creamy, delicious-looking titties as she shakes and trembles and quivers like a trollop. Or perhaps, more accurately, like the trollop she IS.

Jeremiah finds himself slowly beginning to grin as he decides what to do. He didn't become one of the wealthiest men in Colombia by allowing opportunities such as this one to pass him by. Stepping out from around his desk, the businessman unbuckles his belt, undoes his button, and pulls down his zipper at the same time. When he's finally resting himself back against the front of the large oak desk behind him, his cock is already out in his hands, and he's stroking himself from half-mast to full thickness in moments, given the gorgeous sight he has to motivate him.

It doesn't take long for the mysterious dame's gorgeous blue eyes, framed in perfectly applied eyeshadow to alight upon his prick. Her eyes widen at the sight of him, and her tongue traces out of her ruby-red lips to lick around their circumference. Smirking, Jeremiah nods his head casually down at his shaft, even as he shakes it a few times for good measure.

"This what you want, harlot? Come and get it."

She doesn't. She doesn't want it. She needs to fight this. Jeremiah Fink is as much of an evil pox upon the world as her father. If Comstock deserves death a million times over, Fink deserves it at least a thousand times over. But even as Elizabeth struggles inwardly, her body makes the decision for her. She stumbles forward and ends up landing in the corrupt businessman's arms as he laughs and his cock grinds against her midriff, causing her to moan wantonly.

The next thing she knows, she's bent over the front of his desk, Jeremiah having flipped them both around and pushed her face first into the oak wood before her. Her skirt is torn off of her hips and down to her knees, and her panties are pushed aside as her hand is forced from her cunt so that the man can use his own fingers on her dripping wet pussy slit. Fink is a lot less gentle about it then she was though, his digits pistoning in and out of Elizabeth's cunt quite roughly as she moans, feverish from all of the sensations being forced upon her by her other self.

Its becoming more and more difficult to focus on anything, the drugged state of her duplicate's mind only serving to completely muddy her own thoughts as Elizabeth finds herself being fucked from behind between one moment and the next. One moment, her cunt is being fingered, the next, she's feeling every inch of Jeremiah Fink's thick dick as he splits her open on his cock, taking her virginity right then and there.

Elizabeth cries out, tears forming in her big blue eyes. But at the same time, her entire body shakes and spasms as she experiences her first orgasm since entering this world. Finally receiving a real cock, rather than just the phantom sensation of one… its pushed her fully over the edge, causing the brunette to cum HARD around Fink's pistoning prick as he immediately picks up speed, using her fresh flood of pussy juices to pound into her deeper and deeper, faster and harder.

"God, you really are just a needy little slut, aren't you? You fucking love this! Hah!"

He brings one of his palms down on her upturned ass and Elizabeth cries out as the pain translates into pleasure. Because the shameful, humiliating thing is, she DOES love this. The drugs that her other self have been subjected to are rather new, untested things. But ultimately, their purpose is mind-altering. Of course, this first batch is a bit too strong, and it's broken this timeline's original Elizabeth completely. Given that she's only feeling the effects of the drugs second hand, it's taking a little longer to do the same to the Elizabeth being fucked by Fink in his office… but it's still happening.

Slowly but surely, her eyelashes flutter, her gorgeous blue irises go crossed, and her tongue lolls out of her mouth as she's jarred again and again until the desk before her, the oak wood standing firm against her nubile young body as Jeremiah Fink plows her into it with all his might. Eventually though, her squeals and her groans and her moans aren't enough for him anymore. He grabs her by her hair, pulling on it roughly as he tears her up off his desk. Elizabeth's back is forced to arch as a result, even as she still feels the phantom cocks in her ass and her throat, even as his own real dick is overlaid with another sizable prick that's fucking her other self's cunt.

Fink's lips end up by her ear as he whispers harshly to her. At the same time, his other hand wraps around her body, tearing her corset down off of her supple young breasts all the way, before groping them savagely.

"Say it, cunt! Say how much you like this! Beg me for more! This is what you wanted, isn't it? You traveled across space and time to get to me! Beg!"

Elizabeth whines… but she's too far gone. Much like her other self with the Guard Captain, this Elizabeth finds herself imprinting on Jeremiah Fink, her fogged-over thoughts turning towards how handsome, how amazing, how wonderful he is. And as he demands that she beg for more of his delicious, juicy cock, Elizabeth does so, afraid that he'll actually stop if she doesn't.

"P-Please! Please, Mister Fink! Fuck me, fuck me, FUCK ME! Please, give it to me, give me all of your big, fat COCK! Oh god YESSSSS!"

With her words spurring him on, Jeremiah speeds up his pace, groaning as he holds her flush against his chest now, his hand squeezing at her tits pulling her back the rest of the way. His cock slides up into her gripping, clenching little cunt with more force than ever before, even as his thrusting grows rather sporadic. He's unable to hold himself back any longer, and his seed spurts out of him in nice, thick ropes, filling Elizabeth's mewling, needy quim to the absolute brim.

As he finishes inside of her, Jeremiah Fink finds himself slightly out of breath, panting heavily as he pulls away. Elizabeth, for her part, first tries to catch herself on his desk, but ultimately slides all the way down to her knees when not only her legs, but also her arms buckle out from under her. Leaning against the front of his massive oak desk for support, the mind broken young woman turns her glazed-over eyes towards the man she loves with all her heart… and the moment she sees his cock, still out of his pants, still at half-mast, still completely covered in their combined juices… she's closed the distance between them and is sucking him off with all the enthusiasm and the eagerness she can muster.

Idly, Elizabeth notes that her other self is feeling even better all of the sudden. A new dose of drugs, fed to her through a beer, not that either of the connected young women know that. All they know is that they're happy… that they're right where they belong.

Fink grunts as he lets Elizabeth suck him back to full mast. Then, he lifts the diminutive dame up off the ground and plants her on his desk on her back, before pushing up her creamy white legs until he can take her ass. After that… well, he's still a hardworking businessman. It was a nice diversion, and he's curious to eventually learn where the harlot came from, but all in all, Jeremiah Fink has to get back to work.

Which means Elizabeth ends up in his office closet, tied up in rather complex rope bondage with several vibrating sex toys stuffed into her sopping cunt so she doesn't get bored. It won't be until the end of the day that Jeremiah takes care of his new pet. It won't be until the next that he finds out just who he's turned into his fuck toy, and why she's here now.

After that… well, things only get better for one Jeremiah Fink. And they only get worse for poor Elizabeth.


Waking up to triplets sucking you off under the covers is always a good experience. As such, Jeremiah faces the new day with a smile on his face, even as he feels two more identical bodies curling into his sides, pairs of supple, soft breasts pressing against the arms they're wrapped around. His feet shift a bit, and he feels even more warm flesh curled up at the end of his bed.

But then, that's what happens when you have a harem, isn't it? Jeremiah Fink chuckles as he contemplates his good fortune. How fast things change in just a few weeks, hm? As he turns his head to the left, he leans in and gives the Elizabeth Comstock waiting there a deep, tongue-filled kiss. She's already awake of course, her glazed, drugged out blue eyes staring at him with utter love and devotion as she kisses him right back.

Then, he turns and does the same with the Elizabeth on his right, getting the same warm morning welcome as he smirks and lounged back in bed. He doesn't need to pull back the covers to know that there are three more of the same exact woman on their hands and knees between his spread legs. One of the trio has their mouth and tongue on his balls, another on his shaft, and the third on his cockhead, slurping and sucking at the tip of his member with as much enthusiasm as her 'sisters' are showing to the rest of his genitals.

At the same time, he pushes hard and watches as one of the Elizabeths still sleeping at the end of the bed falls off of it with an unceremonious yelp. She's quick to hop to her feet, the utterly broken girl hunching in on herself as she averts her gaze from his, knowing that he's studying her in silence and not daring to move a muscle.

"Y-Yes, Master?"

"Go pick up breakfast, slut. And be quick about it, or they'll be punishment."

"Y-Yes sir!"

And she's gone, off like a rocket, completely and utterly naked. But then, Jeremiah's household staff have gotten used to his new living arrangements. Luckily for him, no one actually knows what the Lamb of Columbia even looks like. And no one expects there to be almost a dozen of the girl now worshipping his every footstep, his very being twenty-four seven. Regardless, all of those who work for him directly are loyal.

Jeremiah may not pay much attention to the dregs of society that operate the most menial jobs in his factories, but he does pay attention to the people who take care of his home and his meals and his clothes. All those people required were the barest bits of affection, a smile here and there, a kind word or even a day off when they were dealing with a sickness in the family. Of course, the real reason he allowed the last one was because he had no desire to get sick himself, but still… it worked.

No one would talk about the myriad of brunette girls now occupying his bed and his bedroom. No one would say a word about Jeremiah's new harem. And Jeremiah… Jeremiah wasn't going to go and tell anyone, not even with as satisfying as showing Comstock what he'd done with his daughter… daughters would be.

Chuckling, Jeremiah makes out with the Elizabeths on either side of him until the one he'd sent off returns with breakfast. Then, he has breakfast in bed, even as he cums all over the faces of the horny triplets he keeps beneath his covers. Each of them gets a small morsel from his very own meal as a reward for that, as do the two on either side of him for keeping him warm.

Then, they all line up on their knees as their dog bowls are filled with the scraps from the kitchen. Its his own little joke that each bowl is emblazoned with the name Elizabeth. None of them are truly assigned to any particular one, but they always seem to manage to line up in a specific order all the same. The first being the one who appeared all those weeks ago in his office, the oldest of the gaggle of young woman. The second being the one he'd discovered in one of his Finkton barracks, being gangbanged by an entire platoon of his guards. And so on and so forth from there.

As they eat, their asses are turned up, allowing Fink to walk up and down the line, enjoying the line-up of shapely, near-identical buttocks just waiting for him to use them if he so chose. Ah, but before he can decide which he wants to start the day off by fucking this morning, something else happens. Something Jeremiah Fink has gotten rather used to by this point.

A gasp sounds out from behind him, and the man whirls about to find yet another Elizabeth, this one fully clothed, standing there staring at both his naked body and the line of women behind him. This Elizabeth is dressed in black and white, a simple, conservative dress that covers up much of her body, save for her arms. Her hair is longer than some of her 'sisters' and done up in a red ponytail.

"What… what is this? What's going on?"

At the sound of her voice, his mind broken toys all begin to rise. By this point, they know their role. Jeremiah grins wickedly at the look of horror, surprise, and confusion on the new Elizabeth's face when she sees her own gorgeous blue eyes looking back at her nearly a dozen times over, all of the naked Elizabeths sliding past him to move to her, grabbing her before she can flee, beginning to strip her down right there, even as she starts to finally struggle.

"N-No! Stop! Please, oh g-god! Mmph!"

His first pet, the one who had appeared in his office, silences the new Elizabeth with a deep, tongue-filled kiss. Jeremiah just smiles, even as he moves over to a nearby cupboard, locked save for his key. He pulls a certain vial from said cupboard and begins to move back to the grouping of women, all of them naked now, even this new Elizabeth.

The businessman couldn't explain exactly why it kept happening. His slaves had tried to explain it to him, and from what he understood, they were essentially drawing Elizabeths from other worlds, other timelines, just so they could keep up with his demand for their bodies. That amused Jeremiah somewhat, especially since he had been busy these last few weeks, taking all sorts of untested drinks to keep up with THEIR demand for HIS body. Now he was built stronger than ever before, with stamina unmatched.

Put simply, Fink could understand why the Elizabeths felt like they needed more of themselves just to make him happy. It wasn't as fun when one of them showed up armed with a pistol though, but so far that had only happened once, and his doting pets had tackled the Elizabeth to the ground before she could shoot him. She'd been angry at first, but once she'd had the refined version of the drug, she'd become as docile and happy and willing to serve on her knees as all the rest of the Sluts of Columbia, as he liked to call him.

Most of the Elizabeths really were like lambs to the slaughter though, at the end of the day. This one was no different, even as her 'sisters' forced her mouth open, so he could pour the drug down her throat. At this point, every Elizabeth in his custody lived in a state of euphoria and ecstasy… but while they'd explained how the connection between them worked, like a feedback loop that left them incapable of truly fighting back, Jeremiah didn't necessarily trust this. Better to drug every single new Elizabeth as they arrived, rather than letting the new Elizabeths eventually grow strong enough in willpower to overwhelm the old ones and bring the entire collective back into their right minds.

He had no desire to find himself being drowned in his bathtub by a dozen vengeful brunettes, after all. Instead, his current method was foolproof, and as they forced their babbling, moaning, crying new sister to bend over the bed for him, Jeremiah grinned and took hold of his cock, sliding it into her waiting, moistening cunt a moment later.

As he fucks yet another Elizabeth into oblivion, her mind broken sisters surround both her and him, moaning wantonly, rubbing against his body or hers, touching themselves and each other. This… this is a baptism, of sorts. Its become almost a religious ceremony for his growing harem of identical sluts. Jeremiah doesn't mind that though. The idea of being god to this gaggle of young women… the idea of being the deity of Comstock's daughter a dozen times over… yeah, he could most certainly live with that.

Letting out a triumphant roar, Jeremiah Fink cums deep inside his newest conquest, even as the Elizabeths all around him coo happily, cheering him on. Not even the Elizabeth who understood the most about the tears was capable of fighting back at this point. Her plans to remove the last Comstock from Rapture were set aside completely as she, along with more and more of her sisters, of her other selves, became nothing but a slave to Jeremiah Fink's perverse, debauched lusts.

In the end, even as powerful as Elizabeth had become, could become, and should have become… the depravations of men had cut her journey to freedom short.


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