Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Different Path (High School DxD)

A/N: A Different Path was originally a weekly poll winner over on my Patreon that won four times back in 2018 before ultimately falling off. Since all four parts of this story have now been released to my other public websites, I've decided to post it all up as a one-shot on here for people to read as well.

Summary: Long before he learns of the supernatural, Issei finds a certain wish-offering flyer. He begs to be able to meet a gorgeous big-breasted beauty. Akeno answers, seeing an opportunity to ruthlessly tease the infamous pervert. What follows... well, read on!

Themes: Reversal, Dom/Sub, Fucked Silly



"And stay out you damn perverts!"

Issei Hyoudou groans as he slowly picks himself up off of the unforgiving pavement beneath him. Similar pained groans from Matsuda and Motohama echo his own as the other members of the Perverted Trio rise up as well. Once all three are sitting on their asses rather than laying face down on the dirty cement, they take stock of their circumstances.

He can't quite remember what female sports club they were perving on today. Issei's too busy thinking of all those panty-clad, bra-clad athletic bodies. Still, they'd been thrown out of the girl's locker room for the umpteenth time after being caught peeping and soundly beaten. This time it looked like this particular locker room opened out into a back alley near the school's dumpsters. Issei didn't remember the area, so it was likely they'd been checking out a new club today.

The logistics were more Motohama's speed anyways. Speaking of which…

"Hm, perhaps we should have made more of a concerted effort to pick lockers that had nothing in them, when we made to hide ourselves."

Issei throws a withering glare his friend's way, even as Matsuda nods in solemn agreement.

"I DID pick an empty locker, you dolts! You were the ones who wanted to keep sniffing panties!"

Sometimes his friends could be so stupid! Standing up abruptly, Issei moves to stomp off in a huff, Matsuda and Motohama stare at him with wide eyes. It would have been the perfect angry exit… if Issei's feet hadn't gone out from under him a moment later as he stepped on something far more slippery than the pavement that was supposed to be there.

As Issei bruises his coccyx, both of his friends burst out laughing. Growling, the would-be Harem King reaches out and grabs the offending item off of the ground. Even with his footprint smudging it, he's able to read the flyer he's just picked up, and its contents almost immediately pique his interest.

"Hey! Look at this thing! Any wish I want, granted for a comparably small price!"

Matsuda and Motohama have both stood up on their own now, and the pair look at him and the flyer that he's holding. Eventually, it's Motohama that speaks up.

"… Don't be dumb Issei. Wishes are for children."

Matsuda is quick to back up their brainier friend.

"Hah, yeah! That's kid's stuff. Anyways, I got to be getting home. Talk to you guys tomorrow?"

Motohama nods in agreement, and just like that, they're all going their separate ways. Despite what his friends have said, Issei holds onto the flyer he'd picked up all the way home, thinking about just what it could mean, and just what it could do for him. Sure, magic probably wasn't real… but what if it was? Now safely ensconced in his own bedroom, Issei didn't feel nearly as dumb, holding the flyer out and thinking about what he wanted.

If it didn't work, it was fine, wasn't it? His parents weren't yet home for the day, with his father still at work and his mother probably out picking up groceries. No one would ever know he'd tried, and it wasn't like his reputation could get any shittier. But if it did… if it did…

Blushing just a tad, Issei speaks from the soul, practically yelling his heart-felt wish at the top of his lungs.

"I wish to meet a gorgeous, big-breasted beauty!"

To Issei's amazement, the flyer begins to shimmer and glow right then and there. His eyes go wide, and his jaw goes slack as he stares at the shining, glittering effects before him.


The Occult Research Club didn't usually respond to wishes that were TOO blatantly lewd. But as Rias' Queen, Akeno sometimes took mortal requests that were a bit risqué. Lounging in the otherwise empty clubroom, the dark-haired beauty felt a tug on her magic, and she heard the voice and its wish. Best of all, Akeno recognized that voice and the presence that came with it.

A rather sadistic grin spreads across the devil's face, reaching from ear to ear. Well then. Normally she would have just rejected such a wish outright, especially given who it was from. She was feeling a little bit more… randy than usual though. Mercilessly teasing Issei Hyoudou until the virgin pervert blew a gasket… mm, that could be fun.

Acquiescing to the summoning magic tugging at her, Akeno allows herself to be transported out of the clubhouse and across the city to Issei's bedroom. She appears with a flourish, still dressed in her Kuoh Academy Uniform as she touches down on the floor of his room, her skirt fluttering and her sizable breasts jiggling just a bit in the confines of her blouse.

Looking around for a moment, Akeno isn't surprised to find hentai books left open on the floor, and risqué posters on the walls. His room looks exactly as she expected it to be, in truth. Finally, the devil turns to her summoner, and gives a shell-shocked, wide-eyed Issei a teasing grin.

"Hello there. You said you wished to meet a beautiful, big-breasted woman, didn't you?"

Reaching up, Akeno hefts her chest like it's nothing, letting out a sultry groan as she licks her lips saucily.

"Do I count?"

Issei nods his head up and down fervently.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes!"

Of course, when the over-eager boy launches himself towards her a moment later, Akeno is ready for it. A kick to his chest sends Issei careening back across the room, and he lands with a whump on his bed, even as Akeno smirks, standing there with her fists on her hips and her legs spread.

"Now, now big boy. Simmer down there. Your wish was to MEET me, not touch me. And now that I've granted that wish, we have to discuss payment."

Issei groans as he sits up, but she notices he's not nearly as put-off by her violent attitude as most boys would be. Instead, he looks at her from his bed, blinking as he processes her words. Suddenly, he looks a little nervous.

"O-Oh… what's the payment?"

She could demand some money, but Akeno wasn't a whore and that felt a bit too much like whoring. Of course, Issei's wish hadn't been nearly enough to demand something like his soul, even if they DID take those as payment. Hm, no it had to be something relatively small… or it could be something of a more medium size, if she could trick Issei into agreeing to it.

"Hmm… well, I suppose since you brought me all the way here, I'll demand that you let me play with you for a little while. How does that sound?"

If he'd known what she had in mind, Akeno imagined he'd have immediately said no. But Issei had no idea what kind of devil Akeno was. He heard play, and he immediately jumped to the lewdest conclusion.

"Yes! That sounds great, let's do it!"

He moves to get off the bed again, scooching to the edge, but Akeno steps forward and stops him quite abruptly with a foot in his crotch. Not hard enough to hurt him, but enough to keep him still as he freezes up and blushes deeply. Grinning sadistically, Akeno rubs the sole of her shoe against Issei's crotch.

"Did you hear me? I get to play with YOU. That means you sit still and obey, got it?"

Issei nods in agreement, fidgeting and twitching, but not daring to disobey as Akeno continues to rub her foot up and down on his lap. She watches him, luxuriating in the discomfort and arousal he shows. Glancing down at his crotch, Akeno's eyebrows lift as she sees a bulge forming there that looks larger than expected. With her shoe on, the dark-haired girl can't actually feel anything, and after a moment she pulls back and slips it off, before returning her foot to his crotch, only her nylons and his pants now standing between her and his warm, throbbing member…

Akeno's mouth goes dry as she traces the shape of Issei's dick with her toes and the ball of her foot. He's… he's significantly larger than she expected. As a virgin, she can't lay claim to having seen that many dicks to begin with, but from what Akeno knew, this was not a… normal size, by far. N-not that that meant anything. Just because a man had a big package didn't mean he knew how to use it. And considering Issei's reputation, she was confident he didn't know how to use it.

"A-Ah, Ms. Himejima?"

Her last name from the young pervert's lips pulls Akeno from her musing and she stops her movement across his covered-cock as she looks him in the eye.

"Oh? So, you know who I am."

Issei's eyes go wide at that and he nods fervently once again.

"O-Of course! You're Akeno Himejima, one of Kuoh Academy's Two Great Ladies! I d-didn't know you were magical though…"

If she didn't know the kind of things he did on a regular basis, Akeno might have called Issei cute, or even adorable in that moment. He was surprisingly shy with her foot pressed up against his straining erection. Smirking wickedly, the dark-haired devil begins to move said foot up and down once again, causing Issei to hiss at the sensation.

"I see. What did you want to ask me?"

It takes the boy a little while to find the words, but eventually he does.

"I want… c-could I… I want to touch your breasts!"

Akeno's eyebrows lift at the paradoxical nature of the young man in front of her. Still though, the thought of him groping and molesting her both disgusted and intrigued her. Hm, she supposed she could have some fun with him though. It wasn't like anyone was ever going to believe him if Issei tried to tell anyone what they did today.

"… Very well, you may touch them. However, if I'm not impressed, you'll have to stop, and then I'll get to punish you~ Do you understand?"

It was the perfect lead up into some delightful S-play. Akeno's wicked grin leaves nothing to Issei's imagination as the boy looks up into her eyes. Even still, he slowly nods, clearly accepting the risks inherent in the proposal. Letting out a slightly giddy laugh, Akeno removes her foot from Issei's crotch and takes a step forward. Leaning in, she places her tits, safely ensconced in her bra and her blouse, within Issei's reach, almost right up in his face.

Staring at them like he can't believe they're real, Issei hesitates for a moment… and then, quick as a snake, his hands lash up and latch on, and it's Akeno's turn to go wide-eyed as the boy begins to grope and knead her massive tits to his heart's content. The dark-haired devil's lips part as a surprised gasp leaves her mouth, and her pupils dilate as she stands there, frozen for a moment under Issei's enthusiastic onslaught.

Enthusiasm wouldn't have been enough to impress her though. Oh no, that's not what has Akeno abruptly confused about everything that she's doing. What's really fucking with her head is that Issei is actually GOOD with his fingers. In mere moments, the young woman's inner thighs are rubbing together as she gets moist down between her legs. Issei's stares at her breasts intently as he presses his fingers in this way and that, rubbing his palms over where he knows her nipples are, pressing down through the fabric of her blouse and bra.

It's just… what even is this? WHO is this? T-This is Issei Hyoudou, one of Kuoh's Infamous Perverted Trio? Where did he get off being this skilled with his hands? It isn't skill though, not really. Issei hasn't had nearly enough experience with the feminine body to be skilled. In truth, the legendary pervert is simply a natural. He has talent that can't be replicated, and any woman that found themselves in his grasp would be utterly amazed by just how good he was with his fingers.

In this moment, Akeno was just another girl. Her power as a devil and even her lewd behavior as a sadist did nothing to prepare her for a young man with the latent talent of a sex god at his fingertips. Quite literally in truth, and before she even realizes what's happening, Akeno is pushing her chest out further into his palms, letting him have his way with her.

"M-Ms. Himejima?"

His voice finally takes her out of the haze falling over her thoughts, and Akeno goes stiff as she immediately pulls back, tearing herself from his grasp. Almost immediately, the dark-haired devil wants to place her tits back in his hands… but instead she simply stands there, trying desperately to hold herself in check.

"W-Was I not good enough?"

Issei looks up at her with these big, hopeful eyes and Akeno wants to crush him in that instant… but what she wants more is the opposite… she wants him to touch her again. Biting her lower lip, the top-heavy girl reaches up and begins to unbutton her blouse. Issei stares wide-eyed as she does so, and Akeno pulls the garment off of herself right then and there. Then, she unclasps her bra and slips that off of her shoulders as well, letting her tits bounce free without a word.

The boy's jaw drops open as Akeno steps forward once again.

"Do it… do it again. I need a more accurate reading of your… s-skill."

She tries to keep a strong front going, but Akeno can't quite stop the husky note in her voice, nor can she truly hide her blush anymore. Luckily, Issei doesn't seem to notice, caught up in his own feelings as he is. Still, the boy does reach forward and grab onto her tits again, and Akeno's breath immediately hitches as his fingers dig into her soft, pliable boob flesh directly.

It feels ten times better, at least. More than she ever would have expected. Issei plays with her tits for what feels like an eternity and Akeno's legs grow weaker and weaker until she outright falls to her knees, nearly taking Issei with her as the boy is forced to bring his hands down, unwilling to let go of her tits. Panting and blushing and squirming in his grasp, she just can't help herself. He's… he's a perverted little lecher undeserving of her notice or respect, but now she's staring right at his massive erection in his pants, and she's wondering if he's as good with his cock as he is with his hands and… and… and…

Before Akeno can even register her own actions, she's torn herself from Issei's grip once again. This time, she doesn't move quite so slowly. In just a few moments, her skirt is off and so are her panties. Issei just stares at her body, now on full display, and Akeno slips past him, climbing onto his bed on her hands and knees. The self-styled sadist blushes crimson as she places herself face down on the legendary pervert's bed, her ass in the air and her knees up under her.

Looking back at Issei where he's seated, turned and staring at her, Akeno reaches under herself and spreads her pussy lips apart.

"Fuck me, Issei. You have to do what I say without question, so let me play with your big, fat dick! Fuck me as hard as you can, you damn bastard!"

He doesn't need to be told twice. His pants come off and his boxers quickly follow, while his shirt remains on so that he can climb up behind her in record time. Akeno pants with anticipation as Issei takes hold of the massive schlong she'd known was between his legs and brings it between HERS. While one of his hands guides his cockhead to her slit, the other grabs at her butt cheek, holding her steady as he pauses.

"… Himejima… Akeno… you aren't a great lady at all, are you?"

The question is asked so innocently, even as it disparages and insults her to her core. Akeno shudders and bites her lower lip HARD to remind herself of where she is.

"F-Fuck you Issei… just do it already, you bas-Aaaahhh!"

Akeno's words turn incomprehensible as Issei shoves it in before she can finish her sentence. His massive cock slams home into her sopping wet virgin cunt, and the loss of her purity barely registers for the dark-haired devil as inch after inch of his member is buried inside of her tight little passage. Her pussy stretches out around his dick, accommodating every last bit of his sizable shaft, until finally Issei bangs up against her cervix.

That sends a jolt of sensation through Akeno that only serves to further disrupt the poor young woman's thoughts as Issei pulls out and does it again. It's… it's almost too much for her to handle. She groans and moans and whines for more, and the perverted boy she'd so looked down upon only minutes before gives it to her. However, it's when he lifts up a hand and brings it down for a smack across one of her upturned ass cheeks that she truly loses it.

Because in the end, Akeno's not just a sadist. She likes her S-play well enough, but secretly, she's always been waiting for the right person to come along that could take her to task and engage in some M-play with her. The latent masochist just didn't expect it to be Issei Hyoudou of all people. Even still, as Akeno cums from the spanking and thrusting combined, her eyes rolling up in her head and her tongue hanging out and drooling on the comforter she'd face down on, Issei seems to realize his power over her, and he begins to bring a hand down on each of her ass cheeks again and again, one after another.





"You're not a lady at all! You love this! You love being FUCKED!"


Unable to take it anymore, Akeno affirms Issei's beliefs as he plunges into her depths again and again.

"Y-you're right! You're RIGHT! I'm not… oh fuck, not a lady! I'm a s-slut! Fuck me Issei! Fuck me with that big, hard cock!"

It's humiliating and embarrassing and a million other things, being so easily dominated and fucked by a human boy like this. Especially a human boy like Issei Hyoudou. But Akeno is already past caring. Because in the end, Issei is just as much a natural with his 'big, hard cock' as he was with his fingers. He pistons in and out of Akeno's cunt again and again, until finally her tightening, gripping, clenching inner walls manage to milk his release from him.

With a holler, Issei fills Akeno to the brim with his seed, slamming home and pumping his cum into her womb directly as he pins her down to his bed. The dark-haired devil ahegaos once again right then and there, and her body shakes and spasms beneath the human boy who so forcefully fucked her senseless, even as she climaxes one last time around his cock.

Then, it's over and Issei is pulling back from her, his voice suddenly nervous as he kneels there on the bed behind her fucked silly form.

"Uh… um, Ms. Himejima? Did I go t-too far? Sorry… are you okay?"

His words ring in her ears as Akeno recovers herself. Is she okay? Is she okay? Whirling about, the top-heavy beauty leans over on her hands and knees as she happily takes Issei's dick in her mouth, slurping their combined juices off of his softening prick and sucking in her cheeks to try and bring him back to full mast as soon as possible.

All the while, her eyes look up into his surprised gaze. Eventually, Issei's shock clears up and he seems to understand, even as he reaches out and takes a firm hold of her long ponytail. His grip tightens up and he begins to control her head's movement, even as he thrusts forward with his re-hardening prick. Akeno shudders in orgasmic bliss as his dick begins to hit the back of her throat and she starts to choke.

Is she okay? She's more than okay… she's finally found her peace.


She couldn't believe she was doing this. She couldn't… she wasn't this kind of girl. Was she? Akeno had to use every ounce of her willpower to keep her face from flushing with heat, even as she came to a stop outside of the classroom that was her ultimate destination. Letting out a low breath of air, Akeno stiffens her spine, inadvertently doing excellent things to her sizable rack. Straightening her skirt is just because she's nervous, not at all a familiar feeling to the black-haired beauty.

Still, her desire, the need burning deep within her… it was stronger than her embarrassment, trepidation, and nervousness. In the end, Akeno can barely wait longer than a single beat before she's reaching out and opening the door to the classroom before her. Stepping through into the crowded room beyond causes silence to immediately fall as the middle-aged man teaching the class stops dead in the midst of his lecture, eyes widening slightly and mouth remaining open as he stares at her.

Akeno knows she's beautiful. She also knows that her beauty transcends age. Or more accurately, lots of older men love to lust after her for her admittedly mature figure. They did the same thing with Rias, she knew that as well. Still, in this case it was helpful in a way, even if Akeno wouldn't willingly choose to touch this teacher with a fifteen-foot pole. Smiling brightly, the dark-haired devil steps into the room, making eye contact and putting the teacher under her spell quite easily with nothing but her gaze.

"Hello, sir! Pardon the intrusion, but I've been sent to escort Issei Hyoudou to a meeting!"

The whole class bursts into whispers at that, even as Akeno's eyes drift from the suddenly sputtering teacher to where Issei sits near the center of the room. His eyes are wide and filled with delight, almost as if he couldn't believe this was happening to him… while at the same time, very happy to take advantage of it. However, before he can do much more than jump up from his seat, the teacher finds his voice, clearing his throat pointedly and stopping Issei in his tracks as he frowns.

"I was not told anything about this. What sort of meeting are you escorting him to?"

Well, they hadn't talked about keeping Issei's already extremely damaged reputation intact, now had they? A bit of Akeno's sadistic side springs to life, but she manages to keep the wicked, malicious grin from her face as she cocks her head to the side.

"Ah, I'm not allowed to say, sir. Its… disciplinary in nature."

The teacher blinks owlishly at that for a moment, even as Issei's smile is wiped away and replaced by a frown of his own. Seeing this, the middle-aged man seems to feel that he's scored some sort of victory, because HE in turn smiles and nods his head agreeably.

"Well, I can certainly see that. I would have liked to be informed beforehand, but I understand. Go on then, Hyoudou. Take your things with you, I don't expect you to be back by the end of class."

The entire room seems to be taking great pleasure with Issei's seeming misfortune, even as he hangs his head, gathers up his things, and follows Akeno out of class. The door hasn't even closed when the laughter from the students within begins, distinctly feminine at first before the boys and even the teacher begins to join in.

Akeno doesn't say a word to Issei, even as she escorts him down the hall. He doesn't say a word back, and the black-haired devil wonders briefly if he really thinks that he's in trouble. That would be silly… but Issei can be a little gullible at times, so it's entirely possible. Regardless, by the time they've reached the empty roof, Issei has put two and two together. Its unfortunate, because Akeno would have liked to tease him a little longer if possible.

On the other hand, its also fortunate, because by this point she's beyond needy, and she's worried she's in danger of dripping her arousal down her inner thighs… her panties are already a lost cause at this point, and she just can't stop rubbing her legs together as she finally gives in and lets the blush spread across her face.

"… I'm not really in trouble, am I?"

Staring at the boy as that particular obvious factoid dawns on him, Akeno can't help but roll her eyes.

"No Issei. You're not. Or did you already forget?"

After all, this had been his idea. She'd… she couldn't just leave things how they were after that amazing, mind-breaking first time in his bedroom… on his very bed, even. It had taken a whole lot of twisting of a whole lot of definitions, but in the end, Akeno had convinced Issei that they had some sort of contract. A contract where she had to do… things that he wanted her to do.

This was one of those things. And now here they were, on the roof, him pulling out of class and her standing a few feet away from him as he finally, FINALLY figured out that she was all his for the taking. The final look of understanding on Issei's face as he GETS THIS is almost enough to send Akeno crashing down to her knees right then and there. So close… her relief is sooo close.

"Akeno… come here."

She tries not to hurry over, but its hard when she's just so damn wet for him. As soon as she's in range, Issei's hand snakes around her head, and grabs hold of her hair by the base of her long ponytail. Then, he drags her in for a deep, tongue-filled kiss. It's less of a kiss and more of a bit of mouth-rape, not that Akeno minds all that much. Issei thoroughly dominates her with his tongue, and her legs wobble as she nearly squirts right then and there.

He's such a good kisser. But then, as she's already found out, Issei is surprisingly good at basically everything intimate, sensual… and most importantly, sexual. The young man is a sex god in every sense of the word, and while Akeno may not know how or why he had such innate talent, she wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. And Issei was most definitely her gift horse.

It's not long before Akeno finds herself kneeling in front of Issei. He's still holding her by the ponytail, even as she rests her hands palm down on his pants, staring up into his eyes. He stares back down at her for a long moment, before finally grinning.

"Good girl. Go on then, have at it."

In these moments, Akeno couldn't help but wonder if Issei wasn't as gullible as he thought. He certainly knew how to dirty talk, and all the right words to say to really get her fired up. In seconds, she has his cock out of its confines and in her hand. Then, she has it in her mouth. Her eyes very nearly roll up in her skull right then and there as Akeno moans around Issei's big, fat, meaty cock. Her inner thighs rub together as she imagines it inside of her cunt instead of her throat… but this is just fine too.

Taking inch after inch of his member into her mouth and down her esophagus, Akeno continually swallows to avoid activating her gag reflex, even as she makes her goal the base of Issei's shaft. Her eyes are zeroed in on it, so she doesn't see the look on Issei's face. But she definitely hears his groan, as he tilts his head back and closes his own eyes.

"Fuck yes… f-fuck… just like that Akeno, just like that."

No worries on that score. She wasn't going to change up a thing. Reaching the base of his cock, Akeno stops there for a moment, writhing her tongue along the underside of his massive schlong, and resting her chin against her churning ball sack. Then, she pulled back only to do it all over again. Slobber quickly collects on her chin, but the dark-haired beauty pays that no mind as she bobs her head up and down Issei's member, deep-throating him like the pro she isn't.

She'd learned this solely for him, after all. She wanted… she needed to make him happy, as strange as that was. Akeno couldn't have imagined a world like this one a mere week before, but now she couldn't imagine a world without. It would just be… utterly dissatisfying. In truth, she COULD imagine such a terrible world. One where she hadn't decided to play with Issei. Perhaps one where he hadn't summoned her in the first place.

She would have gone through her life without knowing about the sex god hiding under their very noses. Alternatively, it could have been even worse. Akeno could just as easily imagine a world where she and Issei somehow became connected platonically. A world where they never became intimate because of some reason or other. That was even more terrifying a thought.

This though? This was perfect. Akeno didn't have to worry about those other possibilities, because the world she was living in was this one, here and now. Where she was Issei's contracted devil, after a fashion, and they had their arrangement. Slurping at his cock, Akeno reaches up and begins to massage his churning balls, even as she pulls far enough back to suckle at his dick tip, her tongue swirling around it.

"S-Shit, you fucking slut…"

The more that she did, the more Issei got into it. His words were degrading… and so fucking sexy. Akeno shivers in orgasmic delight, even as she milks Issei's release from him, right then and there. He cums in her mouth, and thanks to her current position, Akeno is able to swallow every last drop without missing any of it. She doesn't dare let even a bit of his delicious, hot cum escape from her full, pouty lips.

Once she's done, her mouth comes off of Issei's cockhead with a pop, and she smacks her lips together, even as she smiles up at Issei, slobber covering her chin as the only evidence of what she'd just done. Issei grins back down at her, and then looks at his cock pointedly. Akeno isn't surprised to find it still hard… in fact, she was rather counting on that.

When Issei releases her ponytail, the beautiful devil rises to her feet once more. She turns and begins to walk away from him, but he just follows her, his hard cock swaying back and forth in the open air. When Akeno reaches the metal fence that lines the academy's main rooftop, she bites her lower lip, closing her fingers through the chain links for a moment, and looking down at the courtyard below.

Class was in session of course, and there was barely anyone down there. Half the time, there was nobody at all. Akeno… Akeno wasn't sure whether she liked that or not. It wasn't like she was a massive exhibitionist or anything. It was more that she wasn't sure she could hold in her voice, and with it so quiet, someone might hear, even with all the distance that there was between the roof and the ground. It was-

Akeno's eyes go wide as Issei just flips up her skirt, pulls her panties aside, and thrusts into her dripping wet cunt right then and there. She cuts off the beginning of her squeal with a hand over her mouth, even as her eyes threaten to roll back in her head. Issei just laughs in her ear, even as his hands, under her skirt, center on her hips, his thumbs rubbing circles into her flesh.

And then he starts to fuck her. His cock goes in and out of her cunt, and all Akeno can do is take it as she finds herself pinned between the chain-link fence and one Issei Hyoudou. His big, hard, throbbing dick fills her time and time again, the massive schlong that had just been in her throat making easy work of her needy little cunt. It's not long before the first orgasm hits, as it likes to do quickly with Issei. And once the first hits, the second, third, and many more come just as swiftly.

Akeno's hand does a good job of covering her mouth at first. Her other grips at the chain-link fence for support, but with Issei's powerful thrusts jarring her forward, her poor tits end up grinding against the fence all the same, even as she tilts her head back to avoid that happening to her face. With her school uniform in the way, it actually feels some what good, the chain-links digging into her blouse as they are.

The devil isn't sure how one is supposed to react to a situation like this, but she knows how she's reacting. Completely and utterly like the wanton little slut that Issei has named her as. In no time at all, Akeno's eyes roll up in her head and if not for her hand still stalwartly clapped over her mouth, her tongue would probably be hanging out from betwixt her lips as well.

Even in the depths of her blissful ecstasy however, Akeno manages to keep her noises muffled with her hand. Even as Issei fucks her to kingdom come, Akeno puts forth her best effort to stifle her cries and moans of pleasure. She does this the entire time he's fucking her. It feels like an eternity, but it's maybe thirty minutes or so in the end.

Still, even that's a long time. Issei pounds into her relentlessly for every second of that half-hour, and Akeno loses track of the number of orgasms she has on his cock. By the time he finally cums inside of her, she's only half-coherent… though of course, the sensation of seed pumping directly into Akeno's womb is more than enough to wake the dark-haired devil up as her mouth opens wide in an O and her hand finally falls away from it. Luckily, her final 'scream' is completely silent as she shakes and spasms on Issei's cumming prick.

And then its over and she's slumping down the length of the fence as Issei pulls out of her, his big, fat dick no longer there to keep her in place.

"Damn… you're really something else, Akeno. I'm glad that I contracted a smoking hot, ready-to-fuck devil like you!"

It was funny… because before she'd met Issei, before she'd gotten a taste of his magical hands, his magical tongue, his magical cock… hell, his magical everything, she really wasn't that kind of devil at all. Still, Akeno saw no reason to correct Issei. She didn't expect him to brag to anyone about her. Part of their 'contract' was very specific about him getting to keep her all to himself. She had no desire to be passed around to the other perverts in his little club, and luckily Issei had no desire to pass her around either.

Still, as he tucks his dick away and starts to walk back to where his bookbag is sitting next to the roof access, Akeno shifts and turns to look at him, still red-faced and flustered, even as she calls out to the smug boy.


He looks back at her with this cocky grin on his face, and that alone does interesting things to her, even as she nibbles at her lower lip.

"R-Remember, you were… you were disciplined. Can't be happy, or they'll ask questions and we won't… won't be able to do this again."

Again? Shit, she really did want to do this again. The thought strikes Akeno like lightning, and she would blush more if she could, even as Issei's eyes widen in understanding. He wipes the smug smile off his face and nods solemnly.

"You're right Akeno. Thanks for the heads up. I definitely can't wait to do this again!"

Then, he gives her a flashed grin and a thumbs up, before heading back down the stairs, off of the roof. Akeno lets out a sigh… and then reaches down between her legs, her fingers diving deep into her cum-filled cunt. It wasn't that Issei had failed to satisfy her or anything silly like that. She just… really liked the taste of his cum. Bringing her messy fingers up to her mouth, Akeno sucks each of them clean, one by one, her lips puckered, and her eyes lidded as she mmm's in enjoyment.


The moment that the window she'd left unlatched upstairs is pulled open, she hears it. She doesn't react though, even as a thump sounds out, two feet obviously landing on the upper floor of her home. Akeno continues to hum to herself, working on the meal she's cooking instead, pretending like she has no idea what's happening in her own home.

Dressed in a Miko outfit, she looks quite… delicious, at least in her opinion. But then, Akeno has always known she's beautiful, always known she's gorgeous. She's learned how to use her looks over the years to get what she wants. Continuing to hum to herself, the female devil ignores the sound of soft but all-too-loud footsteps as the intruder who just came through her window makes his way downstairs and towards her and the kitchen.

Slaving over a stovetop, she doesn't react in anyway, despite hearing his heartbeat picking up as he takes in the sight of her in her Miko outfit. The intruder pauses, stopping dead in the doorway of the kitchen, not moving for several seconds. In the end, Akeno finishes the meal she's cooking and plates it, the delicious stir fry falling from the pan to the porcelain with a sizzle.

The pan goes into the sink nearby, and then she turns around with a soft smile on her lips, setting the food down on the counter. Only after she's done that does Akeno look up. The man, standing in the doorway wearing all black and even a mask over his face, stares right back at her. There's a beat of silence as Akeno freezes, and then she lets out a shriek.


The masked man seems surprised for a moment, before belatedly remembering why he's there. His hand comes up and reveals a small knife that glints in the artificial light of the kitchen as he waves it at her.

"S-Shut up!"

Ignoring the slight stammer, Akeno immediately does so, whimpering quietly as she presses herself back against the still-hot stove. She's turned it off, but it'll be hot for some time more. Luckily for her, there's no way a little heat is going to bother a devil. Slowly, the masked man walks forward, his blade getting ever closer. Akeno begins to hyperventilate, her breathing rapidly increasing as her chest heaves in fear.

"P-Please, I don't want any t-trouble!"

The tears well up in her eyes and her lower lip wobbles, and for a moment the intruder pauses in indecision. Their eyes meet again, and something passes between them as he clears his throat and waves his knife at her.

"Then don't cause any, uh, bitch. I won't hurt you unless you make me. Get over here."

Akeno blushes as she does as she's told. It's hard not to feel a little aroused at that growling voice, even if the knife couldn't do a single thing to her. Still, she obeys and doesn't resist one bit as the masked man pulls a coil of nylon rope from a pouch at his back, using it to tie up her wrists and restrain her arms behind her back. Then, he pushes her into a chair at the table off to the side of the kitchen. He grabs the food she's made next and looks between it and her for a moment.

"You make food for yourself often, huh slut? Or are you expecting someone?"

Akeno blushes and ducks her head.

"N-No sir… no one's coming…"

"… Good. I'm hungry."

Darting her head up, Akeno widens her eyes as she watches the intruder park himself across from her, set down his knife, and just dig in right then and there. She watches, mouth agape, as he eats her dinner with little fanfare and absolutely no decorum. He doesn't even offer to share… but then, she supposes she should expect as much. Still, it's not long before he's demolished the meal she spent an hour making. Leaning back, he pats his belly and sighs.

"Damn. That was good, Akeno."

There's a pause, as they both realize his misstep. Akeno recovers first and gasps in shock.

"Y-You know my name?"

Recognizing what she's doing, the intruder snorts derisively as he stands up and grabs his knife again, forcing her to her feet as well before he begins to frog march her upstairs.

"Of course I know your name… silly sexy little Miko, constantly flaunting your assets… everyone knows you, Akeno. But only I'm man enough to, uh, do anything about it."

Akeno mewls pathetically, and completely uncharacteristically, even as she's forced all the way to her bedroom. There, more nylon rope comes out. And then the knife gets to work and all she can really do is squirm as she's forced face down onto her own bed, tied to the bedposts and made to go spread-eagle for the amusement of her captor.

He's not very good with the knife, that much is obvious from the beginning. Luckily, her skin wouldn't break so easily, not to a weak metal blade. So even when he nicks her, it just skids right off. Neither of them mentions it, as her Miko costume is utterly demolished in all the right places, leaving her sopping wet cunt on display, as well as her shapely ass. Her hardened nipples and sensitive breasts end up pushed against the top of her bed as she finds herself face down.

The knife moves away from her, and the next thing Akeno knows, the intruder is kneeling on the back of her legs, groping and kneading her ass cheeks.

"All mine now, aren't you? My silly, slutty Miko."

Akeno pants breathlessly, her face red and her need obvious between her legs. Silence falls for a moment as she forgets what she's supposed to be doing, but she's brought back to reality by a harsh slap across her ass. A cry leaves her lips, and she belatedly realizes she's supposes to be denying this, all of it.

"N-No! Please, please d-don't do this! I don't w-want it, I'm n-not… I'm not s-slutty! Oooh, please don't hurt me!"

The intruder continues to spank her, until her words devolve into cries and moans. It's hard… it's impossible is what it is. Akeno is enjoying it all too much to truly play the part she's supposed to play. Eventually, the masked man slips his hand down off of her bright red behind and between her legs instead. He runs his fingers along her slick, drooling cunt. And then he leans in, his hot breath brushing across the back of her neck as he speaks.

"You're enjoying this… you want this."

He sounds a lot more confident, now that he's practically fingering her. The earlier hesitation, the stammer… it's all gone from his voice as he runs his sticky digits up and down her wet slit. Akeno whines, whimpers, and shakes her head 'no', unable to actually voice it. The intruder just chuckles. And then she hears the sound of a zipper being pulled down, and she knows what comes next.

His cock, his oh-so-familiar cock, fills Akeno in one smooth thrust. That's how wet she is, that's how much she wants it. Bound and wearing nothing but the tatters of a Miko outfit, the female devil lays face down on her own bed as she's ostensibly 'raped' by a man who's broken into her home and ambushed her with a weapon.

Except that's not the case, obviously. None of this would be happening if she didn't want it to be happening. Literally, as the case was this time. Issei hadn't asked this of her. He'd actually been rather recalcitrant towards the idea at first. Now, as he began to fuck her from behind, pinning her down and plowing into her cunt, she thought she might have awakened a new side of the boy, given his eagerness to take her to pound town.

This was solely Akeno's fantasy in the end. A bit of dark roleplay she'd worked up the courage to ask Issei to engage in. She'd supplied him with the clothes and the knife, and she'd made sure he had the opportunity to break into her home and catch her while she was cooking. The meal had been meant for him from the very beginning, though she honestly had thought to share it with him after they were done roleplaying.

He'd surprised her there a little, getting into character too much for the sake of food. Still, now here they were. She was getting fucked, and Issei was really giving it to her. Nice and rough, just like she liked it. Moaning wantonly, Akeno doesn't bother holding back her pleasure anymore. She IS a slutty, sexy Miko, just like Issei said. There's not an innocent bone in the submissive masochistic freak's body, plain and simple.

Her first orgasm hits on account of Issei's big fat cock in moments, and as her eyes roll up in her head, she gives up all pretense of crying or wanting it to end.

"Y-Yes! Yes, give it to me! Fuck your M-Miko whore! Use me! Abuse me!"

Issei's growl in her ear sends her through another mind-blowing climax, while at the same time, he does exactly what she's asked of him. He fucks her like she's nothing more than a whore, using and abusing her with his big fat cock and his grabby hands. He gropes and kneads her body, running his fingers up and down her sides now. His member pistons in and out of her from behind, his crotch ending up smacking against her fat ass the entire way.

It's heaven, but then Issei's cock always feels good, there's no denying that. Akeno is lost in ecstasy when he leans in and speaks again, his tone hopeful and his voice quiet.

"Akeno… will you be my girlfriend?"

Needless to say, it kind of ruins the moment. Even if she does climax one last time around his thick member, causing him to fill her with a nice, thick, satisfying load of seed. Growling, Akeno tears herself free of the bindings that could never hold her in a million years and flips over to face the young man who she's fallen into such a depraved and debauched relationship with. He pulls back, but still hovers over her on his hands and knees, his messy prick swaying back and forth between his legs as his seed spills out of her cum-stuffed cunt.

"I-Issei… what kind of question is that?!"

Reaching up, Issei pulls his mask off of his head and looks down at her. Akeno is shocked to see how serious the young man is, as he stares into her eyes.

"Akeno… I like you a lot. I think I love you. A-And… I think you love me too. I think you like me for more than just my cock. R-right?"

He sounds so uncertain, but he's hit the nail on the head even if he's not sure about it. Akeno blushes profusely as she averts her gaze to the side and swallows nervously. Because Issei is indeed right. She's grown to like the human boy for a lot more than just his cock. He's grown on her, in a number of ways. Though… he did eat all of the food she'd made without sharing. But then, that just meant he liked it, right? If she'd been in a position to ask, she's sure he would have shared some immediately. They'd just been in the midst of roleplaying.

Roleplaying which was now undeniably over, given they'd both broken characters… and he'd cum inside of her. But then, Akeno had originally envisioned him fucking her all night long as she whined and whimpered and begged for mercy while tied up. Issei had kind of derailed that now, and instead of intruder and helpless Miko, it was her and him again, the two of them with a relationship too complex for Akeno to put into words.

But maybe… maybe it didn't have to be. Issei was still looking down at her imploringly, his eyes wide and hopeful. She knew of his desire to be a Harem King, and even with him asking her this, Akeno didn't doubt for one second that he thought he could still make his dream come true. Was she okay with that? Surprisingly… yes.


Issei perks up.

"Y-Yes, Akeno?"

"… I'd love to be your girlfriend."

And then she draws the hapless human boy down into a deep, tongue-filled kiss that in turn becomes more sex. Because if Issei wanted to be with her, she was going to snatch him up and never let go. If he wanted to change their relationship from rough sex to rough sex with romance on top… Akeno wasn't going to let such a chance at happiness pass her by.

This was her life now… and she was happy to embrace it.


Of course, unbeknownst to them, they weren't alone. Watching from a corner, Rias' face was as red as her hair as she finally activated the teleport again and departed from her darling Queen's home. She'd shown up in the midst of their activities, and only the absurdity of the situation had stopped her from intervening immediately. Obviously, Akeno could have broken free any time, and Rias could tell that the man fucking her Queen was nothing more than human.

But she hadn't expected what had followed. Issei Hyoudou was beneath the mask, and he and Akeno apparently had a relationship that she hadn't known about whatsoever. On top of that, they'd gone so far as to escalate things right there before her, as Akeno accepted Issei's request and became his girlfriend. Their kissing after that was a lot more passionate than Rias was used to though.

Fleeing back to an empty clubhouse, Rias slumps down onto a couch, staring off into nothingness. This was… Akeno and Issei were… she would never have guessed it of her Queen! That pervert? What… what could Akeno possibly see in him? Except for that big cock, which Rias had gotten at least one unobstructed eyeful of. And the way he used it certainly seemed to make Akeno scream to the high heavens.

There were some things best friends weren't supposed to know about one another. Rias didn't think she'd ever be able to forget the way Akeno screamed when she climaxed. Best to just… find other things to think about. Like… like how she would go about getting Issei into her peerage. He probably wouldn't be worth more than a pawn of course, but Rias was a sucker for love and romance, and she could tell from that final exchange that she wasn't supposed to see exactly what sort of state Akeno and Issei were in.

They loved each other. And it was up to Rias to facilitate their love! She would… she would bring them together in her peerage, and Akeno would have her boyfriend at her side forever and ever. It was the perfect plan… save for the budding arousal betwixt Rias' thighs at the thought of that member she'd seen hanging between Issei's legs.

He was just… so… large. But he was also Akeno's. And Rias… Rias wouldn't betray that. She wouldn't!


"I'm sorry, Akeno…"

The words fall quietly from Rias Gremory's lips, barely a whisper as she stands in front of a large wooden door to a particular set of rooms. She couldn't take it anymore. She'd tried, oh how she'd tried. Her plans to bring Issei Hyoudou into her peerage had gone off without a hitch, though it'd surprisingly required all eight of her pawns, rather than just the one she'd originally thought.

It turned out, Issei was a lot more special than even Akeno knew, given the other girl's surprise when they eventually found out the truth about the young man. Issei Hyoudou was the Red Dragon Emperor, as shocking at that was. He had one of the thirteen Longinus resting within his soul, a Sacred Gear of unfathomable potential and unrelenting power.

… It was in a Devil's nature to be somewhat greedy. Hell, it was in a Devil's nature to be Sinful in general. It wasn't like the Gremory Clan embodied Greed or anything silly like that, but they had always been as possessive of their treasures as any other Devil Family might be. And that possessiveness ultimately made its way down to Rias. She loved her darling servants, she adored those who joined her Peerage. As the first, Akeno held a very special place in her heart, one that would not so easily be forgotten.

And it hadn't been easy, for Rias to come to this point, to this decision. It really, truly hadn't. She'd held back as best as she was able, trying to remain content with Akeno and Issei's love for one another, trying to be happy with THEIR happiness. But the seed was planted as far back as the first time she'd witnessed them together by accident. And it took root in Rias' mind, in her soul, in her every action.

She found herself watching them, to her eternal shame and her ever-growing arousal. She found herself spying on them whenever she could, taking great pains to try and hide herself from their view. As Akeno took Issei in hand and taught him what it meant to be a Devil, training him to greater and greater heights, Issei took Akeno and… well, they fucked a lot.

In public, their relationship was one that could be said to be Mentor and Pupil, or Mistress and Apprentice. But Akeno definitely wasn't in charge in private. No, when it came to the bedroom, Rias' best friend gleefully gave it all up. Her control, her body, her heart… all of it belonged to Issei, and he happily took advantage of Akeno.

Maybe Rias was spurred on by Akeno's weakness. If the other girl couldn't control Issei, then wasn't it right and proper that Rias step in and take the reins? She was the King of this Peerage, after all. She was the heiress of the Gremory Clan. Even still… even with that, it wasn't until now that Rias' willpower had finally broken, and she'd given into this temptation.

How else was a Devil like her supposed to respond to Issei's selfless actions? He'd saved her from her marriage to Riser, broken the Phenex heir and freed her of her obligations. She couldn't… she couldn't just let that pass without giving him some sort of reward, now could she? Ah, but she had already promised not to lie to herself, even if she had lied to Akeno in order to get this chance.

This wasn't a one-time thing, the act she was about to commit. Rias wasn't just standing outside of the door to Issei's guest room inside the Gremory Mansion in order to give him a reward. She had every intention of… of NTRing Issei tonight! That was the truth, and that was why she'd lied to her Queen and sent Akeno away on an errand that would take her at least a day to complete!

It wasn't even that important, not in the grand scheme of things… but Rias had made a big enough deal about it to make it seem important, and Akeno had told Rias that she could count on her Queen to see the job through. She could count on her Queen… more the pity that her Queen couldn't count on her. Letting out one last sigh, Rias finally steps forward. She turns the knob on Issei's door, opens it up, and slips inside, quiet as a mouse.

This was her home, after all. She'd lived here for much of her life, and she knew how to keep the doors from creaking, how to move silently so as not to draw the attention of her parents or the servants. She was very, very sneaky when she wanted to be. And given what she was currently about to do, such sneakiness was necessary.

Once she's inside, Rias' eyes turn to where Issei lays on the bed. She can see him from here, mostly because of the moonlight coming in through the nearby window, and the fact that Issei has kicked off the covers and the sheets, and is currently sleeping sprawled out, exposed. All he wears is a pair of bottoms with a drawstring to hold them at his waist. His muscular chest shows off just how hard Akeno has worked him since he became a Devil.

He really is gorgeous. Though of course, Rias is a bit… mm, biased by this point. She's seen him naked, and she's also seen him fight in her name, for her honor. Needless to say, the red head's lust for her victorious Champion could not be higher. Stepping forward, Rias reaches up and begins to remove her own clothing. She normally slept in the nude anyways, but just in case she DID get caught out in the halls, she's put on a conservative nightie that goes all the way to her ankles.

Well, it comes off now of course. There's no need for it anymore, and as she reveals her otherwise naked body, Rias feels a bit freed by the sensation, as the room's air wafts across her breasts, her nipples hardening with her desire, brushing across her slit, her pussy lips dripping with need. Biting her lower lip, the young Devil slowly approaches Issei's bed. She watches him for a moment, before finally crawling onto the bed with him.

Everything he's done for her… he belongs to her. Just as Akeno belongs to her. Perhaps… perhaps once Rias has tamed Issei, she will allow him to continue having his fun with her Queen. Perhaps she'll even let them know she's watching when he pins Akeno down and fucks her silly. The thought only causes more heat to sprout from Rias' loins, even as she slides in close to Issei's side, curling into him and resting her head on his shoulder.

Her hand runs down his abdomen, towards his navel, just as Issei begins to stir. Rias doesn't stop though, even when he groans and speaks a name that is distinctly not her own.


Instead, she hurries herself along, banishing her self-doubt as she slips her fingers beneath Issei's bottoms. Her hand follows, and a moment later she's touching it. No, more than that, she's grasping it as she takes hold of Issei's cock.


Rias can't help her own gasp of surprise. Intellectually, she knew how big he was. She'd seen him use his magnificent member on Akeno more often than she could count. But that was a far cry from finally getting to touch it herself. The heat that radiated across her palm only made her squirm a bit more, her sticky thighs rubbing together needily. He was big and thick and just… just so massive. She couldn't wait to have him inside of her.


Her own name startles her from her distraction. Her eyes had been fixated on the bulge that she was growing beneath his pants with her grip, but now they snap up to Issei's face, where in the moonlight she can see his glittering gaze staring down at her, wide awake. Blushing deeply, Rias pushes onward all the same, knowing she can't back out now.

"Issei… you know to call me Buchou. Let your Buchou take care of you…"

Leaning in, she kisses Issei then. She kisses him, and she strokes her hand up and down his shaft some more, even as he grows so big that she can no longer completely close her fingers around his girth. This is just the start. She'll kiss him for a bit, pressing down onto him from above, molding her voluptuous body to his hard, muscular form. Then, she'll-

Rias' thought process is abruptly cut off as she suddenly finds herself on her back. Her eyes go wide as Issei pins her down and kisses her MUCH harder than she was kissing him. She mewls against his lips, and squirms beneath his powerful body… but she doesn't REALLY fight back as he slips his tongue into her mouth, intertwining it with her own tongue for a moment before roughly pushing her mouth muscle down onto the floor of her mouth.

He dominates the following makeout session, there's no way to describe it. But Rias… Rias doesn't stop him. If anything, she goads him on with the way she continues to stroke his cock even while pinned beneath him. She's supposed to be in control, but through the haze of pleasure settling over the young Devil's giddy thoughts, she just figures she'll take back control later. Let… let Issei have his fun for now. It's fine. Everything is still going according to plan.

Rias continues to believe this, right up until Issei grabs her wrists and pulls her arms over her head, capturing them in one big hand. His cock ends up pulled out of his bottoms when he draws her hand from them as well, and it slaps down on Rias' drooling, wet pussy lips with a meaty smack as Rias jumps, startled by the sudden change.

Issei pulls back from their lip lock and his free hand, the one not currently trapping her wrists, gropes one of her breasts quite brazenly as he looks down into her eyes, smiling slightly.

"Do you want it Rias?"


She moans his name, even as she humps her hips up towards him, her sopping wet pussy lips flowering as they grind against the length of his cock, unable to quite get him inside of her on her own. But he doesn't fuck her. He doesn't give her what she wants. Isn't it obvious? Why should she have to say it? She's the King, he's the Pawn. He should just FUCK HER ALREADY!


The single word, a command really, tears Rias from her haze long enough for her to see the steel in Issei's face as he holds her down. His hand on her chest comes off of it and instead grips her neck. Loosely enough to not hurt her or restrict her breathing, but firm enough to remind her who's in control at the moment.


Issei's lips curl into a wicked sort of grin.

"You're a good woman, Rias. A good Master too. But you're also a little spoiled, aren't you? Always getting what you want… well, if you want this, if you want ME… you need to beg."

Rias' pupils dilate as she stares up at Issei with wide eyes. Her lips are parted, and her chest is heaving for breath, which she is completely out of at this point. But at that moment, all her plans, all her ideas for how tonight was going to go… they couldn't be further from the young Devil's mind.


She breathes out that first word, and then pauses, as if shocked it came from her. But when Issei simply continues to look down at her, waiting, the rest follows quite easily.

"Please, Issei. Please, fuck me. T-Take your big fat dick and m-make me scream… like you make Akeno scream."

He doesn't need anything more than that, it seems. The next thing Rias knows, she's losing her virginity to her Pawn who is also the Red Dragon Emperor, as Issei rears back and slams his cock home into her ready, waiting cunt. Rias cries out, her back arching and her chest jutting upwards as he fills her to the brim with his thick length in one fell swoop.

It's everything she'd hoped it would be. Everything she'd fantasized about for MONTHS now, everything she'd wished for every time she secretly desired to replace Akeno in all the instances when she was spying on them and watching them have sex. It was everything she'd wished she could have instead of the fingers that just didn't satisfy her any longer.

And it was more too, because Issei didn't just thrust into her… he fucked her as well. He gave her exactly what she wanted with deep, powerful thrusts. His cock filled her and then emptied her, and then it filled her again. Over and over and over, until Rias' mind was a gibbering mess of pleasure and arousal, her eyes rolling up in her head and her tongue sticking out of her mouth.

Issei captures her tongue then, he captures her mouth in another kiss as he continues to fuck her so deliciously rough, so absurdly hard. He plows her with his big fat cock, using it to draw all sorts of noises from her just like he would Akeno. And then he swallows them up, capturing them in her mouth, laying claim to them… laying claim to her.

Rias' orgasms are many and frequent as Issei fucks her silly. And by the time he cums inside of her, she's simply too boneless and limp to even think of her original plans, or how she was supposed to turn the tables on Issei at some point. In fact, it's not until she realizes he's bound her to the bed with runed ropes, her wrists and ankles tied off to the bedposts that Rias begins to come back to herself, tugging at her restraints only to realize that they're magically enchanted, zapping her strength and leaving her practically powerless.

"Issei… I-Issei, what are you doing?"

The boy, the reincarnated Devil, now stands at the end of the bed looking down at her with a knowing smile on his face. His cock is still leaking cum, just as her pussy is, and it stands up straight between his legs, pointed directly at her. After staring at it for a moment, Rias decides she doesn't care that she's tied up. Just as long as…

"Issei… come fuck me again. Give your Buchou more of that big, fat cock. Make me scream your name at the top of my lungs."

"… I wish I could, Buchou."

And then he's walking around to the side of the bed, leaning over her… and stuffing a pair of panties in her mouth. Rias' eyes go wide at this, but they go wider still when someone else steps from the shadows. Akeno stands there, running her fingers across her naked pussy as she watches Rias get gagged with the panties that just came off of her body.

"Unfortunately, Buchou has been VERY naughty. So now she has to be punished. Don't worry Rias. We'll teach you how to share…"

And despite the fact that she's King and they're supposed to be her loyal servants… Rias doesn't fight, nor does she rage. She doesn't even spit out Akeno's used panties as she blushes deeply, glancing between Issei and her Queen in surprise, shock… and something else. Rias DOES squirm a little, as the heat between her legs grows even more.

How can she do anything else? This is the most aroused she's ever been in her life.


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