Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Aqua’s Bad End (Kingdom Hearts)

A/N: Aqua's Bad End was a commissioned one shot originally written back in September of 2018. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: After fighting the darkness for ten years, Aqua is tired. Nothing has changed, nothing she does seems to matter. All she wants is to let go. When she does, the Heartless welcome her with open arms. Who knew that giving in would be so very pleasurable?

Themes: Monster Sex, Willing Mind Break, Transformation, Gangbang


How long? How long could it possibly have been? Aqua really has no idea. There's no true way to tell the passage of time in the Realm of Darkness. She'd tried to use markings early on, but when she was constantly moving, it was quite unfeasible. Just as it was unfeasible to count the seconds in every minute when she was fighting Heartless around every corner.

Every battle she faced stole more time from her in that way. Every fight she was pulled into tore at her focus, at her concentration, and made her reset her internal clock so that she could begin counting in her mind all over again. Eventually, after counting out enough minutes to fill enough hours to fill enough days and weeks and months that Aqua could be relatively sure an entire year had passed… she'd given up.

However long it'd been since then, the Keyblade Wielder just didn't know. And really, in the end, despite her asking herself the question almost every day, Aqua realized she didn't really care. Because be it another year, or another five years, or another hundred years, the amount of time wouldn't change Aqua's mind.

She'd come to the end of her rope. It was time to finally let go. Kneeling there on the ground in the middle of nowhere, Aqua sets her Keyblade aside. The handle leaves her grip for what feels like the first time in an eternity, and just placing the weapon down with the full intention of never picking it up again fills Aqua with a sense of peace and contentment. A low breath leaves the blue-haired young woman's lips, even as said lips curl into a placid smile.

This is the right path for her now. It's time to rest. She's done all she can. Slowly, with her hands free to do so, Aqua reaches up and begins to pull off pieces of her armor, dragging them away from her body and setting them down alongside her Keyblade. In the end, she's left in nothing more than her shorts and some bindings she'd used to keep her breasts from getting in the way when she fought.

It feels… right to divest herself or her armor and her garments. She won't need them anymore after all. Perhaps someday, someone else will take them up in the name of all Aqua has fought for. Perhaps… but in the end, whether that happens or not barely matters to the tired young woman at this point. She's reached the end of her rope, and it's time to just… let it all go.

Though, she's not exactly sure how to begin. She's divested herself of her armor and her Keyblade, but there are no Heartless in the area, as far as she can tell. She did after all just get done slaughtering the lot of them what feels like several hours ago now. Would she then have to wait several hours more for the creatures of darkness to arrive and do what they wished with her?

Perhaps, but that did send a little tendril of fear into Aqua's heart. Not fear of what would become of her, but fear that she would break, that her resolve to end all this would shatter if she was given enough time to herself. The thought that she might pick up her armor and her Keyblade and continue this ceaseless, endless cycle of fighting for her life… it ultimately saw Aqua standing up.

Clad in barely anything at all, the blue-haired girl begins to walk. She walks away from her armor, from her Keyblade, from her clothing. Her bare feet press into the ground and she shivers a little as the cold of the Realm of Darkness buffets her half-naked body. But she presses on all the same. Dying of exposure would be just fine with her as well, though she suspects that's not the way she's destined to go.

Aqua's suspicions prove well-founded. She's counting the minutes again when it finally happens, and not even a full hour has passed by before she hears a familiar sound. For a moment, Aqua freezes. Then, a small smile begins to cross her face, as the noises get louder and louder. Of course, how fitting, really. It would make sense that her first real foe would come for her, at the end of it all.

It's only a few moments before the Cursed Coach pulls to a stop in front of her. The large Unversed, resembling a warped pumpkin carriage with its terrifying jack-o-lantern face and whipping vines rolls to a halt and just sits there for a moment. Aqua stands not a foot away from its face, from its gaping maw. She prepares for it to finish her, for it to attack and finally defeat her. She's not going to fight back.

But it doesn't immediately consume her, as she half expects to happen. Instead, its vines whip out at her, and a cry leaves Aqua's lips as she's lashed across her breasts and across her hips multiple times. The mostly-naked woman falls to her hands and knees, tears welling up in her eyes from the pain being dealt to her. So, it wanted to hurt her first. It wanted to torture her for all the wrongs she'd done it and its kind.

That… that made sense. She would take the pain then. Except… after the first round of lashes, Aqua receives no more punishment from the Cursed Coach's whipping vines. Instead, she felt it as the tattered, ruined remnants of her last bits of clothing fell away from her, torn to shreds by the first barrage. Blinking, Aqua finds herself naked, the last bits of modesty torn away from her. Her breasts and her hips sting of course, red lines appearing across them from where the vines dug in a little too deep, but ultimately the intentions were clearly to get her naked.

Suddenly, the tip of a massive tongue rolls out in front of Aqua's eyes. The blue-haired girl, still on her hands and knees, slowly looks up to see that the Cursed Coach has fully opened its massive maw, and rolled out its large tongue as if to welcome her in. She could, if she so chose, easily fit on said tongue. All she has to do is crawl forward and it'll scoop her right up.

… Of course, she does so. This is her end, and she's not going to shy away now. Naked and bared for the world to see, Aqua climbs atop the slimy, thick tongue of the pumpkin carriage. A moment later, she's swallowed up, the tongue rolling back into the gaping maw of darkness before her and taking her with it. It doesn't get any easier to see once she's inside either. Funnily enough, she could still see quite well in the Realm of Darkness, despite it being named as such.

But within the Cursed Coach, everything is pitch-black. Aqua has to feel around with her hands alone for a moment, before eventually just settling back as she waits for the end. After all, she'd dealt with this exact situation once before. When she'd first fought the Cursed Coach, it'd managed to swallow her up a single time, though of course she was far more unwilling than, then she is now. Still, it'd tried to chew through her armor and into her. Only Aqua's Keyblade had been able to get her out, and from there she'd taken the large Unversed down entirely.

Now though, she is bereft of armor and Keyblade. It should only take a few chews before she's simply… gone. Only, the Cursed Coach isn't biting down. As Aqua lays there in the darkness, waiting… it instead begins to move, rolling away from where it had picked her up. The naked, blue-haired young woman didn't know what to make of that, but she didn't get long to consider things either, before she felt something besides teeth running over her body.

Aqua's eyes go wide as slimy appendages, somewhat like the vines on the outside of the pumpkin carriage but also entirely not, begin to run along her naked flesh, sliding up her body from her ankles all the way along her legs. At the same time, there are more of the tentacles running over her arms, her shoulders… even through her hair. Aqua shivers at the sensations, but when she feels something round and slimy pressing against her lips, she opens wide.

Acceptance. Submission. Resignation. She didn't come this far to fight back now. If this is what her fate is to be… so be it. Its better than fighting, better than the constant, endless, ceaseless wandering. And in all honesty, as the appendage explores her mouth and slime inadvertently finds its way down her throat, forcing her to swallow lest she choke on it, Aqua begins to find it quite a lot better indeed.

Her feminine form arches within the confines of the Cursed Coach as her eyes roll back in her head. It… what… Aqua has never felt such pleasure before. It's just not been a thing. Sure, she's touched herself a few times. She went through puberty like any other human being. But given how long she's been fighting against the Heartless, given how inhospitable a place like the Realm of Darkness was, she'd never gotten much of a chance to explore her sexuality, or the pleasure of self-gratification, to its fullest extent.

Well, she was having it explored for her now, that was for sure. The secretions that the Cursed Coach was pouring down her throat as it carried along to who knew where are the most delicious thing Aqua has ever tasted, and they leave the blue-haired girl's body heating up and the spot betwixt her thighs growing exceedingly wet, even before the appendages winding their way up her legs make it to her cunt.

When those tentacles finally arrive, they find passage into Aqua's pussy quite easy indeed. Her virginity is lost as one of the appendages thrusts up into her quite bodily, but Aqua barely notices, already lost in a sea of euphoria. The Cursed Coach certainly doesn't seem to care either, if the way it immediately sets the tentacle to pounding into her cunt is any indication.

That's a whole new type of pleasure. Drinking the pumpkin carriage's fluids is a sort of mental pleasure, her mind clouding over with sheer bliss as she enjoys herself. But being fucked for the first time in her life on top of that is a physical sort of pleasure, and it's leaving her beside herself with happiness. This is what she was missing all this time?

The small part of Aqua that's still even slightly coherent is beating herself up for not just giving into the Heartless earlier. If only she'd surrendered to the Cursed Coach the very first time she faced it, rather than fighting so hard against it and the other Unversed and the Heartless. She could have had this pleasure all this time, she could have been fucked and fed and played with for all eternity.

Two more slimy appendages wrap around the blue-haired young woman's breasts, and a stifled moan slips out from around the tentacle in her mouth as Aqua arches her back again, quite enjoying the feel of her breasts being played with in such a way. The tips of the tentacles flick at her nipples until they're rock hard. Then, they flower open to reveal small mouths, which suction down on her teats, tugging and pulling and pinching at them.

She never knew it was possible to feel such ecstasy from one's breasts. All this time, the young woman regarded that particular mark of her femininity as a nuisance of the highest order. Her tits had grown large as she became a woman, and Aqua had been forced to use cloth to wrap them down once she became a Keyblade wielder. It's quite difficult to fight with a sword when you have two bouncing, jiggling fun bags flying around right in your face.

But now… now Aqua is happier than ever before to be the kind of woman with spectacular tits. Every part of her body is on fire with lust and pleasure and arousal, and her gorgeous, beautiful form is completely and utterly at the mercy of her captor. Just the way she wants it. Giving in feels so good, so damn good… all Aqua wants is MORE.

She gets more, though perhaps not in the way she was expecting. Her ass is the next to come under assault from the slimy appendages, even as they grope and knead and squeeze at her butt cheeks. The slime runs along her ass crack, and the next thing Aqua knows, a tentacle tip is pushing experimentally against her last unstuffed orifice.

The blue-haired girl's eyes snap back open at that, from where they'd become somewhat heavily lidded as the pleasure washed over her. She never… the idea of something going INTO her anus had never crossed her mind. She tenses up, but the tentacle doesn't stop, even with her body instinctively fighting against the intrusion. In the end, with its slime and the inexorable passage of time, it pushes up past her sphincter and into her bowels all the same.

And it… feels… heavenly. Aqua's eyes roll up in her head all over again as she climaxes HARD from that initial anal penetration. In a similar way to how hard liquor should never be consumed through the anus, Aqua is experiencing the secretions of the Cursed Coach's insides directly through her ultra-sensitive asshole. She's already smashed on pleasure juices, essentially. This puts her far higher than that, on cloud nine as her entire world shatters and then rebuilds itself, only to shatter again, over and over and over again.

That becomes her new existence for who knows how long. Aqua doesn't bother keeping track of the Cursed Coach's movement or the time anymore. It doesn't… it doesn't matter. None of it matters, save for the pleasure and the sensations coursing through her. As she's stuffed full of tentacle and slime in every orifice, as she's pounded in her throat, her cunt, and her ass, Aqua simply let's go and enjoys the ride, her entire world becoming nothing but white-out pleasure.

She's finally where she belongs.


As content with her new existence as Aqua is, it's no wonder that she's a little surprised when things abruptly change. The slimy appendages leave her holes, and before she can fully register their departure, the naked young woman is rolled out of the Cursed Coach along its tongue, sliding all the way out of its maw and onto the ground quite unceremoniously. Deposited there, bereft of the pleasure it had been providing her, it takes Aqua a moment to properly register the change.

In that moment, a pair of small little claws grabs at her short blue hair, and before Aqua knows what's happening, her head is being drawn up as a fat, thick black phallus is thrust into her open mouth. She cries out from the hair pulling, and whatever it is that's doing it takes advantage to fuck her face, pushing past her lips and into her mouth and down her throat in one fell swoop.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Aqua's eyes are wide as she tries to figure out what's going on. The ravaging of her throat continues on unabated, even as she lifts her gaze and finally takes in the visage of her attacker. Its just a Heartless. Nothing special, nothing truly that amazing. Its one of the lesser Heartless, the smallest creatures she's ever fought.

She probably killed thousands of them, in her time as a Keyblade wielder. Maybe even tens of thousands. Hell, she had no idea how long she'd roamed the Realm of Darkness, fighting and killing and striking down her foes. Hundreds of thousands or even millions of kills were certainly within the realm of possibility. She hadn't kept count, certainly not of the cannon fodder like this weak, small Heartless represented.

But now that same weak, small creature was fucking her face and forcing her to deep-throat his cock. And she was letting it happen, though Aqua couldn't help but wonder where the cock even came FROM. It was big, ridiculously so, nearly the size of the Heartless that was wielding it as he raped her face. Did all Heartless have the ability to grow dicks this large? Did they just not usually, because they didn't have such a willing participant most of the time?

Aqua knows the likelihood of such questions ever being answered is stupendously low. They still run through her mind, even as her tongue writhes against the underside of the pistoning prick forcing its way down her throat time and time again. As she chokes and gags on the small Heartless' big fat dick, a weight bounces upon her ass. Though she can't look back to see what's going on, Aqua can imagine just what it is back there, spreading her butt cheeks apart and forcing its own cockhead up against her well-fucked and well-lubed back door.

When her wrists are grabbed, and her hands are wrapped around two more cocks, Aqua knows her suspicions have been confirmed. There's definitely more than one Heartless here… and she's expected to service all of them. Laid out prone on the ground, the voluptuous young woman is at the perfect height to do so for the small creatures as they take their pleasure from her body, fucking her ass, her face, and making her jerk them off with her hands.

Eventually, the first of the group cums. He cums, and his seed flows down her throat as Aqua is forced to swallow it all, lest she choke. It's not… it's not like the Cursed Coach's secretions though. It feels amazing in a whole new way. Aqua's eyes go wide as she feels the Heartless' ejaculate being absorbed by her body from within. Whatever it is that's just been sent down her gullet never makes it to her stomach as it melts into her insides instead.

The one in her ass cums next, and she takes another load of whatever it is the Heartless have to offer, right up into her bowels. That doesn't last either though, the sensation of being filled with the sticky, hot fluid barely registering before it's gone, the liquid absorbing into the flesh lining her anal passage. When her hands finish jerking off the two Heartless on either side of her, their seed absorbs into her skin in the exact same way.

Aqua doesn't really know what this means, but she's not going to fight it. Whatever they're doing to her… she accepts it. She accepts the way she can feel the darkness already changing her from within. She accepts this as her fate. The next thing she knows, she's on her back, staring up at the Realm of Darkness' eternal night sky. Her field of view is swiftly consumed by a new Heartless though, who forces her head back as he thrusts his phallus into her mouth and straight down her throat.

At the same time, her legs are scrunched up, forced to bend at the knee even as they're spread wide open. One of the Heartless finally penetrates her sopping wet cunt, filling her drooling quim with his massive length, pumping deeper and deeper into her pussy with every thrust. He eventually reaches her womb and wastes no time in battering down her cervix, so he can enter her most sacred place all the way.

Two more lengths fall into her waiting palms, and mouths filled with tiny, sharp teeth latch onto her now-available breasts. Aqua's back arches as she's summarily gangbanged from all sides by the… well, heartless Heartless. They really are merciless in their treatment of her, brutal and savage and… and Aqua quite likes it.

Perhaps it's the remaining secretions from the Cursed Coach helping things along. Perhaps its whatever their ejaculate is doing to change her once its absorbed into her body. All Aqua knows is, she's enjoying being made the cum dump gangbang slave to a bunch of weakling Heartless. Creatures she's fought more times than she could ever hope to count, creatures she's beaten and defeated more times than she cares to count… they're using her now like she's so much trash, and Aqua LOVES it.

Eyes rolling back in her head as she sucks and licks at the big, fat Heartless dick fucking her face, Aqua moans wantonly, her voice mostly stifled, but no less echoing across the otherwise mostly silent Realm of Darkness. In fact, in the quiet of the area, the sounds of Aqua being fucked, of her lewd noises as she happily jerks off Heartless and gets pounded silly by the creatures, are all that can be heard.

It only adds to the enjoyment for the young woman, in all honesty. She's so happy to finally be where she belongs. So happy to have finally given up her resistance. And as load after load of Heartless ejaculate is deposited in or on her body, only to be absorbed by her slowly-changing form, Aqua finds herself becoming something new, something… different.

She's not sure what, but in the end, she doesn't mind or care one way or the other. She'll be whatever they want her to be, in the end. She'll happily become whatever they want her to become. This is her new purpose now. So long as they have a use for her, she will continue to exist. And when they're through with her? Well, only then will Aqua welcome sweet oblivion, she supposes.

Eventually though, there is a lull in the proceedings. Heartless cum on her, coating her naked body and her hair in their seed. They fill her with their ejaculate yet again, stuffing her holes with more and more of the strange substance. But when this batch pulls back, none move to take their place. Are they… are they already done? Slowly but surely, Aqua lifts herself up off of the ground and onto her hands and knees. Then, she pushes back entirely so she's just on her knees, her sore ass resting on her heels.

Rubbing her eyes clear of the involuntary tears from the violent throat-fuckings she'd been receiving back to back, the blue-haired girl gazes out around herself. What she finds is… amazing. Aqua's jaw drops open as she just STARES at the sight before her. They're not done. That wasn't the latch group of Heartless by a long shot.

No, she can already tell that they only gave her this momentary reprieve so that she could see what was about to happen to her. And with her insides slowly changing, slowly transforming from the Heartless' spunk filling her and coating her again and again, Aqua finds herself in awe of the thousands upon thousands upon thousands of yellow eyes set into shadowy figures, staring back at her.

As she stares for a moment, they begin to move forward. Another batch breaks off and gets in closer, but the rest of them circle around her as well, squeezing in tightly until there's not much else Aqua can see besides a multitude of small, pitch-black bodies equipped with big, fat cocks and glowing yellow eyes. That becomes her world as she's once again pulled into more debauchery, taking shafts in all of her orifices, stroking dicks with her hands.

What's to come next, she knows not. But that's okay. Whatever it is, Aqua is ready for it.


An eternity later, the being that rises from beneath a pile of spent, satisfied Heartless is not the being that existed before. Aqua's body is darker now, an ashen grey. There are veins of black beneath her skin, the power of darkness flowing through her form as she rises, staring down at her new, clawed hands. She is… changed. She is… Heartless.

A feeling slides across the back of her mind, and Aqua finds herself subconsciously leaning into it as she moans in wanton pleasure, her cunt immediately growing wet from the sensation. She's part of something greater now. She's part of the Darkness, the Realm around her. She… she never knew it had a mind of its own, but it does. It does, and she belongs to that mind, part of a greater whole.

Its fulfilling in a way nothing else in her life before now ever was. The strength that courses through her veins… Aqua's distracted by the sound of chittering from behind her. Turning, she finds more of the little Heartless walking towards her. In their tiny claws, they hold her armor… and her Keyblade.

Aqua's eyes, now yellow, her pupils slitted, widen at the sight of her discarded gear. But even as she stares at the equipment she left behind, the feeling in the back of her mind strengthens. This is what the Darkness wants. Very well then… slowly, she takes the armor from the Heartless. She fits it onto herself, though without her shorts and other garments, she's still mostly naked by the time she's completely done.

That's alright though. In fact, the new and improved Aqua luxuriates in her bare flesh, in the feel of the Realm of Darkness' cold air against her pussy lips and her hardened nipples. She lets out a shuddering breath, her eyes drifting closed for a moment… and then she reaches for the Keyblade, her palm pressing into the familiar handle as her fingers close around it.

Her entire body goes stiff as she takes hold of it, and Aqua's eyes snap open, going wide as she feels the Keyblade trying… trying to purify her. She can't help but laugh along with the feeling in the back of her head. As she laughs, it's as if the darkness is laughing with her. And then, with her new Master helping her, Aqua smashes her way through the Keyblade's offensive and shatters its defenses.

Rather than it purifying her… she 'purifies' it. Aqua smiles, a wide wicked thing that shows plenty of teeth as she stares down at her changing blade. Eventually, the transition is done. The Keyblade is corrupted, just as she is. Its all jagged edges now, all black and silver. The perfect weapon for someone like her.

Giggling perversely, Aqua lifts the Keyblade up to her chest and kisses the flat of it gently. Then, she turns about and begins walking with purpose towards the still-waiting Cursed Coach. She knows without needing to be told that the twisted pumpkin carriage is her new ride, her mode of transportation through the Realm of Darkness, to where ever it is the Realm needs her most.

Heh, whoever next fights her beloved carriage is going to be in for quite the nasty surprise, if she happens to be on board. Smirking, the corrupted Keyblade Master strides up the tongue this time, rather than crawling. She sits in the slimy depths of the Cursed Coach, rather than laying. And though it still thrusts up into her lower orifices and fills her with its secretions, Aqua is as poised as ever as she gasps in delight, crossing one leg over the other and settling back to simply enjoy the ride.

Behind her, she leaves a veritable mass of lesser Heartless lying about the ground, all of them completely drained in order to make HER. But Aqua doesn't look back. She doesn't ever intend to, not anymore. All that's left… is forward. And as the Cursed Coach begins to roll along, carrying her to her next destination, a wide, wicked smile spreads across Aqua's face.

The future looks very dark indeed.


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