Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Mishap Gone Right (Fairy Tail)

A/N: A Mishap Gone Right was a commissioned one-shot originally written in September of 2018! Posting it now for people to enjoy.

Summary: In which Juvia acquires a potion that won't make Gray love her, but will instead simply make him more suggestible to her advances. Of course, things never go well for the poor besotted woman. In the end, the potion ends up where it shouldn't, and Natsu consumes his fair share. But he's not the only one who gets dosed...

Themes: Minor Brainwashing, Fucked Silly, Quasi-NTR


To say Juvia Lockser was merely excited would be a gross understatement. No, as the blue-haired young woman lay on her bed in the Fairy Tail's women's dormitory, surrounded by every piece of memorabilia from Gray that she'd been able to get her hands on, she would categorize her current feelings as ecstatic. For in her hands was the key to her wildest dream, to the heart of the man she loved with every fiber of her being.

The potion glistened within its vial, as if winking up at her as Juvia grinned down at it almost manically. It wasn't a love potion, of course. No, those had never ever worked out for the young woman, for the weather-based mage. She'd given up on love potions as a general rule after the last time one failed her… but that didn't mean Juvia was ready to give up on potions altogether!

The solution to her problems in bottle-form? It was just too enticing to resist. This time though… this time Juvia had gone a subtler route with things. This time, the potion she held in her hands wasn't anything as ham-fisted as bottled love. Instead, it was bottle suggestibility! Something to just… help the mood along a little, allowing two people who were enjoying one another's company to… take the next step.

Juvia can't help but giggle like a besotted maiden as she twists and turns a little atop her bed. Her imagination sparks as thoughts of her and Gray enjoying dinner, kissing, and… and going even further than that spring up in her mind. Holding the bottle close, Juvia bites her lower lip and whimpers in need. She can scarcely wait for tomorrow, when she'll put her plans into action.

Soon… soon, she and Gray Fullbuster will be together as they were always meant to be. Soon, she would be at his side and he would welcome her happily, and together they would… they would do all sorts of things, but good and naughty. Juvia's face heats up at the mere idea of what she and the handsome male mage could get up to. Even as one hand clutches around the bottle that holds the answer to all her problems, her other slides down her body, beneath her pajama bottoms, and into her panties.

Moans soon leave Juvia's lips, but she bites down on her pillow before they can get loud enough for anyone else to hear through Fairy Tail's paper-thin walls. And as she humps her hand and bites her pillow and clutches at her potion, the blue-haired mage knows deep down in her heart that this is the turning point. Everything is going to go right for her, from this moment on.


Everything had gone wrong. And Juvia, even though she hated to admit it, had royally fucked things up. It started when Mirajane asked her to deliver some groceries to Natsu. Apparently, the pink-haired man had just come back from a really tough mission, easily S-class, and he was in need of guild support. Well, Juvia considered Natsu a friend, and she WAS a member of Fairy Tail now. So, support him she would.

She really wanted to go to Gray right away, to be perfectly honest, but in the end, she just couldn't say no to Mirajane's hopeful eyes. So, she'd taken up the large bag of groceries in both arms and sought out the shack that Natsu and Happy called home. Of course, with her hands tied up with the bag of groceries, she'd ultimately had to stick the suggestibility potion in the bag, just to keep it safe and to minimize the chance of it falling out of her pocket or her hand. The groceries had been a little heavier than she expected but she'd gotten it done all the same.

Natsu's home had come into view quickly enough, and Juvia remembered thinking of how sweet and quaint the little domicile was. When she and Gray finally married, she'd love a little cottage like Natsu had, perhaps on the shore of a lake. Ooh, maybe Gray would build it for her! Wouldn't that just be so romantic!

That thought had only reinvigorated her drive to complete this favor for Mirajane and Natsu, so she could get a move on and get over to Gray's place. Unfortunately, that was… perhaps where her problems had started. Reaching Natsu's door, Juvia had knocked and waited patiently for someone to answer. What she got was a completely drained, utterly exhausted Natsu, and even Juvia was a little taken aback by the last of stamina from the usually boisterous male mage.

In the end, he'd greeted her with a yawn, she'd told him she was sent by Mirajane with groceries, and he'd taken the bag from her with a tired thank you. Then, he'd asked her if she wanted to come inside, but of course, Juvia had other plans. She'd said no, even mentioning to Natsu that she really needed to go see Gray.

Well used to her love for the other man, Natsu had simply shrugged and closed the door. Excited as all hell, Juvia had turned and began walking away. She'd gotten halfway down the road and hundreds of feet away, thinking about her life with Gray and how glorious it was going to be, before finally realizing she didn't have the potion on her anymore. Because she'd left it in the grocery bag Natsu had taken off her hands.

That was where she was now, marching back to Natsu's shack with wide eyes and a set jaw filled with determination. How could she have screwed up so badly?! Reaching Natsu's door, she knocks much more harshly than before, multiple times.

"Natsu! Natsu!"

The door comes ajar from the force of her smashing her fist into it, and Juvia takes the chance to burst into the small shack. Natsu is there of course… and so is the bag of groceries, which Juvia makes a beeline for, as soon as she lays eyes on them.

"Juvia? What the hell? What… what's going on?"

Natsu is standing right over the groceries when she reaches for them, but Juvia doesn't have TIME for him. She needs to get her potion and get to Gray! And there it is, her potion. Of course, Juvia doesn't notice the cap has come loose in all of the jostling, she doesn't see the crack between the potion's lid and the neck. She's too over-eager, reaching into the bag to grab what's hers, only for Natsu to grab her by the shoulder with some concern in his eyes.

This causes Juvia to trip forward, off balance as she already is in her haste. She yelps as, instead of closing around the neck of the potion bottle, her palm smacks into the thing, causing it to tip over and flip upside down in the bag of groceries.

"Juvia, what the hell is going on?!"

As she straightens herself up, the blue-haired girl looks over at Natsu's annoyed, befuddled expression. She can't help but feel a little guilty, now that the adrenaline is leaving her. Blushing at her impropriety, Juvia coughs delicately and looks away.

"A-Ah, apologies… I just… well, I had left something of mine in the bag of groceries, so I wouldn't drop them as I c-carried them, see. It's a bottle, and I'd like it back, please…"

Natsu rolls her eyes, clearly thinking she's ridiculous. He reaches into the bag of groceries for her, and a moment later extracts both her potion bottle and an apple. As he tosses the bottle over to her, he takes a bite out of the apple, clearly too famished and too hungry to be polite at this point in time. Juvia doesn't pay Natsu eating any mind though, in their line of work, you took what you could get.

Instead, she catches the bottle in both hands and holds it between her bosom with quite a lot of relief. She could still make her dreams come true, even with this little mishap. She could- Juvia's thoughts of her and Gray together forever grind to a halt when she realizes that the bottle is far lighter than it should be. Actually looking at it finally, Juvia despairs. Its empty. It's completely and entirely empty.

"You get what you need? Didn't you say you had to go see Gray or something?"

Juvia can't help it. She starts to break down right then and there, a broken sort of sob escaping her throat at seeing yet another chance with the love of her life going up in smoke. Outside, the weather quickly takes a turn for the worst, rain coming down in moments and thunder and lighting quickly following. Natsu looks at her with obvious confusion, not really knowing what's going on. He's already finished the first apple, and now he's moved onto some bread, which he chomps down on and swallows just as quickly, just as efficiently.

Still, Juvia IS one of his friends, and he wants to cheer her up somehow. Reaching into the bag of groceries again, Natsu comes out with another apple and some meat, offering the former to Juvia as he uses his magic to cook the latter with nothing but his barehand.

"Here, have an apple. They're extra juicy for some reason, maybe it'll cheer you up."

She recognizes that he's trying, in some far back corner of her brain. Perhaps that's why she takes the apple and nibbles at it. But she's not really paying attention, not to Natsu anyways. It's not like he would understand, not like he ever could understand. Honestly, what did he know about love? He'd always made light of her love for Gray, her absolute adoration.

But damn, this apple was really good, wasn't it? Juvia takes a larger bite, savoring it as she chews slowly before eventually swallowing. It was really, REALLY good. Almost… magically so. Juvia's eyes go wide as she realizes the reason why her potion was empty, and just where all of the contents of the bottle had to have gone. She whips around to warn Natsu, only to find she's far too late.

The bag of groceries is upended and empty at this point. Natsu, famished as he was, ate everything that Mirajane had her bring him in just a few short minutes. Then, it seems he passed out, ready to finally sleep off the exhausting mission he'd just completed, as well as the large amount of food he'd just consumed. Looking down upon his sleeping form, Juvia can't help but whine in frustration, moaning her disappointment out to the otherwise empty shack.

She was NEVER going to get Gray at this rate. Yet again, her purchases had failed her! Still, that meant her day had abruptly cleared up. She wasn't going to go to Gray without some sort of device to make him notice her, now was she! But for now, she could at least help Natsu. While the pink-haired man could easily sleep on the floor, and probably HAD slept in worse places, that didn't mean she should leave him there. It wasn't right.

So, leveraging him up onto her shoulder, Juvia carefully begins to help her friend to his bed. Natsu groans as she does so, and even assists a little bit, which really is what allows her to get him there in the first place. As she uses her hands to support him, Juvia can't help but notice just how… built Natsu is. With his usual vest doing absolutely nothing to contain his chiseled abs and muscular chest, Juvia finds herself running her fingers over them, and comparing Natsu to Gray.

Well, Natsu might be more muscular than Gray, but that didn't mean everything, right? Biting her lower lip, Juvia helps Natsu into his bed, where he lays back with a content sigh. Then, she moves to the window nearby, looking outside and seeing the rain that her bad mood has caused. A sigh passes through Juvia's lips. She left her umbrella back at Fairy Tail, with her arms occupied by groceries as they were. And though she has the ability, she just doesn't have the strength to really stop the rain right now. Let it continue… it'll make her outside look the same as she feels on the inside.

Turning to head for the door, despondent and emotionally drained, Juvia gets a total of one step before a strong grip suddenly falls upon her arm and she finds herself pulled around rapidly. Before the blue-haired mage can truly register what's happening, she finds herself on her back, on a bed, surprisingly soft and comfy as a shadow looms over her. Blinking rapidly to refocus her eyes, Juvia looks up into Natsu's smoldering gaze. A smoldering gaze that has the blue-haired woman pressing her thighs together quite tightly on nothing more than instinct.


Natsu's voice rumbles out of his throat like a dragon, his tone deep and dark as he stares down at her. Shivering slightly, Juvia can't help but bite her lower lip even harder as she stares back up at him.

"Juvia… what have you done to me? I feel… gods, I feel harder than ever in my life. Look at this!"

He slides up her a bit, and Juvia feels a sudden heat pressing into her abdomen, even through her clothing. Sliding her gaze down between their bodies, Juvia's eyes widen in shock as she stares at the way Natsu's cock, because it can be nothing else, is tenting his loose-fitting pants. For a moment, she's nothing BUT shocked… then, she's happy.

The potion worked! It worked, even if it had ended up with the wrong person! If only she'd gotten it to Gray and managed to get him alone, then he would be the one pinning her down right now a-and… and tenting up all over her. Still, now she knew, she could order another one, she could t-try again and-

"Juvia! You need to fix this."

Natsu's tone is still dark and menacing, deep and all that good stuff. He moves even further up her body, until his tented crotch is mere inches from her chin.

"W-What? No… no, I c-couldn't…"

But even as she says no, she has a hard time doing anything but staring at Natsu's hidden member. Just h-how big was the man? Was Gray just as large as Natsu seemed to be when erect? Growling deep in his throat, Natsu reaches down and grabs Juvia by the wrist. He drags her arm up and uses her hand to pull down the top of his loose-fitting pants. Out of its confines pops his hard cock, the tip of it very nearly taking her eye out as it ultimately ends up hovering, straight and fully erect, an inch from her nose.

Juvia is entranced, her nostrils flaring as she instinctively breathes Natsu's musk in. It wasn't her first time seeing a dick, in fact, she had a pretty good idea of what Gray was packing, though he'd never been so fucking big, so fucking large. And to have a man direct it at her, to have Natsu demand that SHE relieve him and his erection… it brings a rush of foreign sensations into the young woman. She's so fucking wet right now, but only as Juvia stares down the eye of Natsu's meat-cannon, his massive dragon-horn, does she realize just how wet she is.

Her heart is beating so much faster too, but Juvia just shakes her head. Its… it's the potion's fault. If she can just calm them both down, then it'll be fine.

"J-Just… I'll t-take care of it, just let me s-sit up for a moment…"

Juvia hates how unsure she sounds, even as she blushes up a storm. Natsu watches her, as if suspecting some sort of treachery, but in the end, he climbs off her and Juvia is able to get up. They're sitting in front of another now, on Natsu's bed, his cock still exposed and pointing straight up at her from his crotch.

Carefully removing her gloves and setting them aside, Juvia swallows thickly as she looks down at Natsu's rigid erection. It's just so… BIG. Regardless, she takes it him in her palms, causing a groan to immediately erupt from the pink-haired man. Juvia can't help but be excited. With just a touch, she was already halfway there, wasn't she? But then of course… she was gorgeous, beautiful, exquisite. It made perfect sense that Natsu would enjoy this, right?

Blushing profusely, Juvia pumps the big fat cock before her with one hand while the other moves to his balls, groping and massaging them. She's not all that good at this, she's not overly skilled, but she's read enough texts to have a pretty good idea of what to do when the time finally came. Heh, book smart in sex… who would have guessed it would actually be useful?

Regardless, a few forceful pumps later, Juvia can feel Natsu's balls churning, she can tell from his pulsating, throbbing member that he's close. When he finally lets out a groan and she FEELs his seed traveling up his length, Juvia leans to the side as Natsu cums HARD, his ejaculate landing all over the floor, before ultimately overflowing down his cock and onto her fingers. Juvia gasps as the hot, sticky, thick fluid coats her hand. She bites her lower lip as Natsu cums for what feels like an eternity, before finally stopping.

Pulling her hand away, Juvia looks at herself, she stares at the remnants of his seed all over her feminine fingers. Was there… was there something else in the potion? Would Gray be the same way, if she had him take it? As distracted as Juvia is, she doesn't notice Natsu moving until he's groping her breasts through her coat directly. Startled and even redder than before, Juvia squirms and yelps, preparing to pull away and escape the bed. That is, until one of Natsu's hands dives down between her legs and begins to rub her crotch through her pants.

A gasp leaves Juvia's lips, even as her love's rival begins to touch her so… s-so i-intimately. At the same time, Natsu is pushing her back down onto the bed again, leaning over her and bringing his mouth to her ear.

"It's not enough, Juvia. I need more. I'm still so damn hard."

Juvia's racing heartrate comes back with a vengeance as her eyes slip down between them to confirm what she already knows. He IS still hard… and she knows exactly what he wants as he paws at her. She also knew that this was her fault, and she did owe Natsu some form of assistance. But this? What he was implying? It was… it was supposed to go to Gray. The one she loved with all her heart.

But in the end, Juvia hesitates. And Natsu has ALWAYS been good at taking advantage of other's distractions. Her hesitation is all he needs to go on the attack, laying her down and moving his hands to her pants, where he unbuttons and unzips her trousers quite quickly. Juvia whimpers but doesn't try to stop him as he pulls her pants down, and then her panties. He exposes her neatly trimmed bush and her glistening wet pussy lips in moments, and all Juvia can do is hide her blushing features behind her hands as Natsu licks his lips and grins roguishly.

Because she's hiding her face, she doesn't know it's coming until it does. Then, Natsu is between her legs and his tongue is diving into her cunt as he begins to lick her sopping wet slit. Juvia sees stars as Natsu reaches deep, DEEP inside of her with his tongue, swirling it around clockwise before going even further.

Its… how is he so good at this? Its not Gray, but it feels amazing. It has to be the p-potion. It has to be… but even if it is, Juvia is incapable of holding herself back. After a few minutes of intense tonguing, the blue-haired woman lets out a wail and squirts out her pussy juices all over Natsu's face, her entire body bucking and spasming beneath him. As Natsu sits up and licks her essence from around his mouth, Juvia is left panting, breathless… and filled with an equal mix of elation and guilt.

She had orgasmed at the tongue of another man besides Gray. It had been amazing… and she wanted more. How could… how could she ever f-face him now? In the midst of this inner turmoil, Juvia is in no position to stop Natsu from doing whatever he wants to her. He strips her the rest of the way, and she finds herself completely naked… and atop his body with his cock digging into her cheek before she even truly realizes what's happening.

"I'm not done yet, not nearly satisfied Juvia… but at least this way, they can both feel good."

Juvia's eyes are wide and so is her mouth, when Natsu finally places a hand on the back of her head and pushes his cock up past her lips. Whatever she might have said is cut off by the dick stuffed into her waiting mouth and the tongue stuffed up into her waiting cunt as Natsu starts a sixty-nine with her, right then and there. For the blue-haired virgin, its just far too much. So much pleasure in so little time. Images of Gray and her being together, in love, happy… they fade, only to be replaced with Natsu FUCKING her, giving her all the 'love' she could ever want.

Some small part of Juvia's mind tells her to hold on. Some small part remains rational enough to try and keep her dream of Gray alive. All she had to do was endure, if she could just get a moment to collect herself and regroup, she could- Ah, but all this time, Juvia has still been sucking on Natsu's cock. All this time, he's been eating her out, and in reciprocation, her tongue has been swirling around his dick tip as her hand massages his churning nut sack once more.

In the midst of Juvia's efforts to keep herself above the potion's effects, her body has already betrayed her entirely. And as Natsu grunts and she feels a tell-tale tingle, the end is spelt for both of them, the sixty-nine completed as Natsu erupts into her mouth, causing her cheeks to balloon outwards, while she spasms and shakes and squirts yet another climax all over his face.

As Natsu's cum spills down her throat and she instinctively swallows, Juvia's last vestiges of resistance fall away, her eyes develop heart pupils, and her sucking of his still-hard cock becomes so enthusiastic that Natsu lets out an even louder groan as he humps up into her eager face. Eventually though, she pulls away from his member, but not before she's cleaned up every last drop of his seed.

With it all over, Juvia ends up lying next to Natsu, tired, but practically glowing as she smiles happily. Natsu, meanwhile, blinks as his lust finally abates. The potion is starting to wear off. Lying back for a moment, the young man considers what just happened. He feels bad that he forced Juvia in to 'taking care' of him, and a little guilty in regard to Gray, even if he and the blue-haired woman aren't actually together.

And in the end, all of his guilt is overshadowed by just how good it felt. It's just… now that he's no longer so damn horny, Natsu isn't sure what to do next. At least, not until he suddenly feels suction on his dick as a pair of by-now-familiar lips swallow him up. Looking down the length of his body, Natsu finds Juvia looking back at him with those same heart-shaped pupils, even as she sucks him off, even as she outright deep-throats him without trouble.

Pulling back after a moment with a sensual pop followed by a full-length lick, Juvia smiles at the baffled young man.

"You've awakened something inside of me, Natsu… I can't… I can't get enough of you anymore. I need you inside of me…"

Natsu just stares, wide-eyed, as Juvia Lockser, the woman who has loved Gray Fullbuster for as long as he's known her, turns around and gets on all fours, completely naked as she presents her heart-shaped derriere in his direction, wiggling it at him and looking over her shoulder with a smoky, smoldering expression.

Whatever confusion, doubts, or guilt Natsu had over all of this are blown away by that simple presentation. With Juvia giving herself up to him on a silver platter, all the young man can do is let out a roar of approval as he spears into the blue-haired mage from behind, filling her to the brim and exulting in her loud squeals. He grabs hold of her wide, gorgeous hips with both hands, and he fucks into her with all his might as she pushes back against him, moaning lewdly and loudly, begging him for more.

"I love you Natsu-Sama! I need you to love me back, love me as roughly as you can manage! All I want is your dick, all I want is your hard, muscular body taking me and making me your woman so savagely! Fuck me, Natsu! Fuck me, fuck me, FUCK MEEEEE!"

How can he do anything but? Natsu grunts and growls and fucks Juvia as hard as she can, much to her immense satisfaction. The two go at it for what feels like forever on Natsu's bed, even as the storm outside picks up with the intensity of Juvia's repeated orgasms. Eventually, she cries out as her eyes roll back in her head.

"P-Promise me, Natsu! Promise me that I can stay with you f-forever! Let me be yours, let me ALWAYS be yours!"

With a grunt, Natsu leans forward. He grabs a fistful of Juvia's hair, forcing her back to arch as he tilts her head up.

"I will… we'll always be together, Juvia."

Juvia's happiness is enough to fill the cottage with steam as he continues to fuck her so satisfyingly rough from behind. A few minutes later, and they both experienced an explosive orgasm, their minds and bodies and even souls feeling utterly in tune as they came with one another, Natsu's load spilling into Juvia's cunt and her pussy juices squirting down the length of his thick, throbbing prick.

What follows is more of the same. Neither of them is tired anymore, and even if they are, they won't let that stop them. Hours go by as Natsu and Juvia fuck all across Natsu's little shack, not just in the bed, but up against the walls, bent over the table, on top of the counter… everywhere. One such occasion has Natsu pinning Juvia down into a mating press, staring at her heart-shaped eyes in wonder, even as he pumps into her until he cums. She tells him she loves him, and then demands more.

Another time sees Natsu in a chair with Juvia on her knees before him, using her spectacular titties to give him a boobjob, her hands pressing her breasts along either side of Natsu's big fat dick as she moans and slides them up and down. Of course, he's far too big for just her breasts, so Juvia happily leans in to slurp at his cockhead whenever it comes up through her cleavage, her spit and saliva sliding down his length to make the passage through her tits all the slicker and more pleasurable.

Eventually, that becomes another blowjob entirely, Natsu's cock slipping free of her tits and sliding deeper past her lips. She stares adoringly into her eyes as she takes him into her mouth, while Natsu pushes more and more of his shaft into her throat while holding her head in place. He tells her what a good cock-sucker she is, speeding up Juvia's tongue action monstrously as he cums. Once she's swallowed it all, she looks up at him, smiles demurely, and asks quite gently for more.

Things continue in a similar vein as that. Fucking is all either of them want from one another right now. Getting plowed silly by Natsu is Juvia's greatest desire, and plowing her silly is Natsu's. Though, he does keep noticing the heart-shaped eyes, and as they fuck more and more, slowly but surely eroding their respective, monstrous libidos, Natsu finds himself more and more curious.

Its no wonder then, that some time later he finally asks. Juvia is atop him and slamming herself down on his cock again and again. Natsu groans as he takes hold of her hips and keeps her steady, his fingers squeezing into her sides as she holds onto the headboard behind Natsu for support, working her lower half up and down, side to side, gyrating and undulating her cunt across his shaft as her inner walls milk him for yet another release.

Staring into his eyes, Juvia goes in for a kiss, furiously making out with him as their tongues intertwine and Natsu returns the favor, kissing her right back. His hands slip from her hips to her spectacular ass then, squeezing and groping her perfectly shaped posterior as harshly as he can. The two of them cum one last time like that, together as they have countless times before. His seed erupts into her already stuffed womb yet again, and Juvia moans into Natsu's mouth as she orgasms from the delicious sensation of being filled by the man she loves.

Breaking the kiss, Juvia smiles down at Natsu with adoration and devotion clear in her heart-shaped eyes. Natsu smiles back, and that's when he finally asks the obvious.

"Hey, Juvia… why're your pupils heart-shaped? It's kind of weird, isn't it?"

Rather than answer him, Juvia just smiles and nibbles at her lower lip in a way that draws Natsu's gaze from her eyes to her mouth. Then, she grinds across his cock in just the right way and lets out a shuddering, breathy sigh.

"Please, Natsu-Sama… fuck me some more."

Shrugging, Natsu can't really deny that he wants to. So, he flips them over, landing Juvia on her back. Her hands go to the headboard again, this time back over her head as he begins to fuck her once more, thrusting into her with greater and greater speed as time goes on. She moans, she mewls, and she begs for his dick… because in the end, that's all Juvia wants now. It's all she'll ever want, ever again.


"Hm. I wonder what's going on with Juvia and Natsu. They turned in rather early, didn't they?"

It was a group mission, so of course all the usual suspects of Team Natsu plus one were together. With night having fallen, they'd stopped and set up a campsite, getting their tents up and huddling around a campfire. Well, all except for Juvia and Natsu. It had been Lucy who voiced her concern, the blonde furrowing her brow in confusion as she conveyed what she was thinking. The others around the campfire, Gray, Erza, and Happy, all react in differing ways.

Gray has a thoughtful frown on his face as he stares into the fire before him.

"I've got to wonder what Juvia is up to more than Natsu… she's been quite happy lately, hasn't she? If she's planning something, I'd really like to know what it is…"

Erza coughs delicately as she shrugs her shoulders.

"Maybe they just both caught a bug or something? Considering just how tired Natsu was after that one mission a little while back. I know Juvia was sent to give him some groceries. Maybe she got whatever he had and they're just still both recovering their strength."

Meanwhile, Happy snickers as his tail flicks back and forth behind him.

"Maybe they're off making out behind our backs!"

There's a pause… and then laughter all around the campfire. Not a single one of them actually believes that's possible, given Juvia's absurdly laser-focused love for Gray. Not even Happy really means it, as he continues to snicker at his own joke. Conversation around the campfire soon turns to other topics as each of them puts Natsu and Juvia's odd behavior out of their mind.

But in the end, Happy was closest to the truth. The missing pair weren't actually making out, but that was only because Juvia was biting down HARD on her bunched-up shirt as she rode Natsu's big fat cock in order to stifle her voice as it threatened to come out of her. Again, and again she bounced up and down on his dick, moaning into her shirt, her breasts exposed and bouncing and jiggling before Natsu's eyes.

His hands are on her ass, his smile is wide, and Juvia's is as well even as she holds her shirt bunched up between her teeth. Her gaze is filled with love and hearts, right up until her eyes roll back in her head fully the moment Natsu finally cums inside of her. Juvia has never been happier, even as she feels his seed painting her womb white. This is where she belongs, with Natsu, as his whatever. She doesn't need to even be his girlfriend or his wife, or his partner. So long as he'll take her as she is, so long as he'll fuck her senseless and bury his cock inside of her again and again, Juvia is happy.

Everything is as it should be.


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