Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Truly Majestic Mustache (RWBY)

A/N: A Truly Majestic Mustache was a commissioned one-shot written back in October of 2018. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Professor Port's semblance is... well, unusual to say the least. But he's the consummate Huntsman, some might even say the best in the world! So he uses it to help keep the Kingdoms safe from Grimm, when he's not using his manly kickass skills to take the fight to the Grimm themselves.

Themes: Hypnosis, Comedy, Dom/Sub, Breeding


It was after the lesson… and her blowout fight with Ruby that Weiss found Professor Port up on one of Beacon's roofs, looking out over what had to be half the Academy.

"P-Professor Port!"

Turning about, the grey-haired, mustached professor peers at her from under his extremely bushy eyebrows, even as Weiss once again finds herself almost immediately fixating on his facial hair. It'd been hard not to in class too, and she'd begun to wonder if she had some sort of complex, to be perfectly honest. But it wasn't IMPOSSIBLE to focus on other matters… such as her current dilemma.

"Ms. Schnee! So good to see you again so soon!"

Smiling slightly, Weiss finds herself a little nervous before the bombastic professor. Sure, Professor Port could drone on and on, and he was a little too hammy for her tastes… but he'd also let her demonstrate her skills in class today against that Boarbatusk, now hadn't he?

"I… I really enjoyed today's lesson, Professor!"

That gets a nice, booming laugh from the man, and once again Weiss' eyes focus on his mustache. It wiggles this way… it wiggles that way… it's so mysterious, so…

"Well of COURSE you did, haha! Ah… but I can tell that something is bothering you, dear girl! Tell me, tell me what's on your mind!"

In the face of the Professor's loud insistence, Weiss finds herself ultimately just blurting out her feelings to the older man.

"I think I should have been leader of Team RWBY!"

There's a moment of silence as those words hang in the air… and then Professor Port laughs.

"That's preposterous dear girl!"

Weiss' eyes widen at his immediate slap-down of her belief, even as his mustache continues to wiggle back and forth.

"You… what?! P-Preposterous?!"

Continuing on, Professor Port manages to both seem as large as life and keep his hands clasped firmly behind his back, allowing all of Weiss' attention to remain on his wiggling mustache as he speaks. Wiggle. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

"Of course! I've known Ozpin for a GREAT many years Ms. Schnee, and never once has he led me astray!"

That draws Weiss out of her momentary stupor, her anger overriding her obsession with Port's facial hair long enough for her to puff up and curl her hands into fists, stomping her foot angrily.

"S-So you would just blindly follow his lead, even after seeing how exceptional I am on the battlefield?!"

"Hah! My dear girl, your exceptional skill on the battlefield is matched only by your poor attitude!"

Weiss gasps at that, throwing her fisted hands to the side.

"H-How dare you!"

But the mustached Professor simply snorts indelicately.

"My point exactly, Ms. Schnee. I see a girl before me who has spent her entire life getting exactly what she wanted… and one who has never learned how to follow, rather than trying to lead!"

Weiss immediately scoffs at that, even as she unknowingly crosses her arms over her chest in an incredibly defensive fashion.

"T-That… that's not even remotely true, Professor!"

Wiggle, wiggle. Wiggle.

"W-Well… not… um… n-not entirely true?"

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. Professor Port's mustache is growing harder and harder to ignore. Its just so thick and gray and… and beautiful, isn't it?

"I think, if you look deep within yourself, you'll find that it IS entirely true, dear girl!"

Cheesy and hammy as his words are, Weiss ends up doing just that. She looks deep within herself… and finds that he's right. It just settles on her like a weight, her shoulders slumping as she looks down at the ground in shame. She really was a spoiled brat, wasn't she? She was…

"That said, it seems like you might need remedial lessons!"

Weiss' head snaps back up at that, but her protests die on her lips when she makes eye-contact with Port's mustache.

"R-Remedial… lessons?"

Taking a step forward, his arms still clasped behind his back, Port towers over the slight Schnee Heiress a bit as he looks down upon her, his mustache still wiggling practically nonstop.

"Indeed! Nothing to be ashamed of, Ms. Schnee! You have lived a sheltered life, and there's some things you simply haven't learned yet! One of those things is how to take orders! So, let's practice, shall we?"

The more she stares at the mustache, the easier it is to focus both on it and Port's bombastic words. They pound into her skull, in a way, leaving her to simply nod dumbly as she answers him.


Its just so majestic. His mustache is amazing and…

"Let's start with something easy! Hop up and down on one foot, Ms. Schnee!"

Before she even realizes what she's doing, Weiss obeys, one leg coming up and then the other bouncing up and down off the ground, taking the rest of her lithe, petite form with her as she hops and hops and hops some more.

"Very good! You may stop now!"

Weiss stops, even as a warmth she's never encountered before blossoms in her chest, spreading outwards and suffusing through her entire body.

"S-Sir… I… that felt amazing. It felt good, t-to obey… and to be praised for it."

Port just laughs again, another booming sound as he reaches out and places a hand on Weiss' shoulder.

"Of course, my dear! That's the feeling of knowing that you did a job well, and that your superior has recognized you for it! You want to feel it again, don't you?"

Nodding slowly, the Schnee Heiress remains fixated on that mustache.


Removing his hand from her shoulder, the Professor puts it back behind him and takes a step away.

"Then! Ms. Schnee! Prepare yourself!"

What follows is an utter barrage of orders from the hammy, bombastic older huntsman, orders that Weiss finds herself following to a tee, more than that, she finds herself following them quite happily.

"Pat your head!"

"Dash backwards!"

"To the side!"

"Forwards now!"

"Touch your toes!"

"Spin around and show me that Schnee booty!"

"Shake it like you mean it, Ms. Schnee!"

Each order just feels so… right. Until finally, Weiss finds herself shaking her ass in her Professor's face. Almost literally, as she looks back over her shoulder to see Port has approached and is leaning in to observe her doing her damnedest to show off her slight posterior. She doesn't have some prodigious behind, and it's always been a source of irritation for the Schnee Heiress. She's not as well developed as most of the other girls… in fact, she's barely beating Ruby in height and femininity, something that has NOT escaped Weiss' notice.

So, having Professor Port admiring her body as she essentially shakes her nonexistent booty for him feels… it feels good. As good as obeying any other order has been.

"Very well done, Ms. Schnee! Straighten up and turn back around dear girl, let's get a good look at you!"

Hopping up, Weiss spins around, standing at attention as Professor Port slowly circles around her. His arms remain behind his back, his hands clasped together… and Weiss finds herself trying to follow him, almost twisting around to keep her eyes on that glorious mustache of his. Eventually, he's back in front of her, facial hair still twitching and wiggling and keeping her focus entirely.

"You're a fast learner, Ms. Schnee!"

Weiss can't help but smile at the compliment, more warmth suffusing her body, even reaching all the way down to her toes… and other places, places that had her blushing as she found herself looking at her mustached Professor in a new light entirely.

"O-Only… only because I have such a good teacher!"

There, she'd said it, as embarrassing as it was. Professor Port just laughs in return, another booming bout of it as he looks down upon her, his mustache continuing to wiggle like crazy.

"Indeed you do, indeed you do! I am after all, one of the best huntsmen in the entirety of Vale! Why, I've fought and killed more Grimm in my lifetime then most of the civilians in the city will ever SEE in theirs! Haha, I have every belief that you will manage to rise to great heights though, Ms. Schnee! You've got the heart of a true Huntress beating within your breast!"

How… how had she not seen it before? How had she not realized? Where before, Weiss like most others would have tuned Port's self-satisfying monologue out the moment he got started, this time Weiss found herself hanging off of every word. Where before she would have focused on his utterly ridiculous mustache to distract herself from the hammy professor, this time she finds herself quite capable of doing both. She watches his gorgeous, majestic mustache wiggle, even as she listens to everything he has to say.

And then, unable to hold herself back anymore, Weiss Schnee darts forward and rises on her tip toes to grab hold of Peter Port's jacket, bringing herself up so she can kiss him right on his lips. Of course, this also has the added bonus of letting her rub her nose into his big, bushy mustache, something Weiss enjoys immensely, far more than she ever thought she would.

The moment passes, and Weiss pulls back, blushing crimson and frozen with tension as her Professor looks at her with one thick eyebrow raised. Then, he grins, his mustache wiggling while he does so.

"Well, well! Score another one for the Port Charm, I suppose! It's alright, Ms. Schnee! I'm not angry!"

Weiss finds herself breathing a sigh of relief.

"Y-You're not? I… I'm sorry if I a-acted inappropriately, I…"

"On the contrary my dear, you acted as a huntress should! NAY! As a huntress MUST!"

Wait, what? Weiss can only listen and continue to watch Port's mustache wiggle as the older huntsman explains.

"You see, most of us who choose this path don't live very long! It's the sad truth! Our planet is absolutely TEEMING with creatures that want us all very, very DEAD! One misstep and you'll be torn apart by those dastardly prowlers of the night!"

Weiss nods along in agreement, once more hanging off of her roguishly handsome Professor's every word.

"It's only natural to be drawn to a huntsman such as myself! After all, who still stands where others have fallen? Me! Who still lives where others have died? Me! It is only right that you are attracted to me, Ms. Schnee! If you feel the need to express your gratitude for my teachings, feel free to do so at any time! For instance, you could get down on your knees and suck my cock, ohoho!"

That… that makes sense. And as he basically gives her the go ahead to explore her infatuation with him, Weiss finds that there's nothing more she wants than to do exactly that. And as Professor Port stands there with his hands still clasped behind his back, Weiss' eyes trail down a bit, her heart beating rapidly in her chest as she considers what she wants to do to TRULY express her gratitude.

… His suggestion certainly seems fine. Slowly, Weiss Schnee descends to her knees. Slowly, she reaches out and begins to unbutton and unzip Professor Port's pants. She's never done anything like this before, and that's the only place where trepidation stems from. She's perfectly happy to do this for her handsome, mustached Professor. A quick glance up the length of Professor Port's broad body shows he's looking down at her and that gorgeous mustache of his is still wiggling.

A shudder of eagerness rushes through Weiss, and she practically yanks Professor Port's pants down before doing the same with his boxers.


Weiss' eyes go wide as she in turn ends up inadvertently cock-slapped by an exceptionally large phallus, far larger than she thought was possible.

"Oh-Ho my dear! Little too eager, weren't you? No need to go overboard so fast now!"

Blushing at his bombastic reprimand, Weiss just nods her understanding of his words, even as her small, smooth palms come to rest on his meaty member, which even now is pressed into the side of her face. She licks her lips as she strokes his cock up and down, and then those lips part as she finds herself panting a bit. He's large, yes… but he's also warm and pulsating and throbbing, and as Weiss looks up at him, its like the throbbing she feels coming from his cock is beating in time with the wiggling of his mustache.

As if in a trance, Weiss finds herself slowly beginning to kiss her Professor's prick along its length. She starts with feather-like touches of her lips, but Port isn't having any of that.

"As much as I enjoy your delicateness Ms. Schnee, we both have places to be later today! You'll have to speed things up!"

Even now he sounds jovial and hammy. But Weiss doesn't see it as ham anymore, all she feels is adoration and love for her roguishly handsome Professor. As well as obedience. Because he's right, they are on a limited time table, unfortunately. So, without further ado, the Schnee Heiress pulls back and confronts the head of Peter Port's thick cock directly. Then, the idea of sucking him off to show her appreciation still firmly etched in Weiss' mind, the white-haired huntress-in-training opens as wide as she can and slips him past her lips.

He's big… he's very big. But not TOO big. Oh sure, he still stretches her jaw a fair bit, but Weiss is able to take more of him into her mouth than she thought possible… yet at the same time, less than she would have liked. Still, she bobs her head up and down on the most of his cock she can reasonable fit in her mouth, while her hands stroke along the rest of his length, doing their duty of transferring her saliva from the top of his member all the way to the base.

"That's the way, Ms. Schnee! Confront the problem head on and give it your all! That's the Port Methodology! You're doing great!"

The gray-haired Professor groans as his hands finally come out from behind his back and move to rest atop her head. One slides down to grip the base of her ponytail, and Weiss' eyes go wide as Port begins to control the pace of the blowjob, his grip on her hair holding her steady as he thrusts forward with his hips, more of his cock disappearing past her lips than she'd thought possible.

"Hulghk! Hulghk! Hulghk!"

"Keep on fighting, Ms. Schnee! Never give up! Never surrender! Take it all, you slutty spoiled brat! Ohohoho!"

As focused as she is on his wiggling mustache and the throbbing meat log lodged in her throat, Weiss doesn't even truly hear the disparaging comment he'd made about her. Instead, she's too zeroed in on doing what he says, on obeying and on giving him the best token of her appreciation that she possibly can.

"Here! It! COMES!"

And then he's cumming, and it's all Weiss can do to try and swallow as his load practically drowns the poor girl. Her thin pale throat, already bulging with every thrust down her esophagus, convulses as she tries to drink down her Professor's seed. It's not that it's a bad taste, matter-of-fact its directly the opposite. The roguishly handsome older huntsman's cum is absolutely delicious.

It just comes out of him way too fast and way too thick for Weiss to truly combat it. Luckily for her, Port seems to know this, pulling out halfway through his release and leaving the rest of his massive load of seed all over her face instead. Weiss gasps for air as he does so, and where normally the Schnee Heiress would have been enraged, perturbed, or any sort of negative reaction in between at the mess the Professor has made of her, right now she's just… satisfied?

She's never felt this way before. Never felt true satisfaction. As she stares up at him, as she stares up at his majestic mustache, Weiss Schnee pants, her slight chest heaving beneath her dress. In turn, Professor Port looks down at her, a smile on his face.

"Better get yourself cleaned up, Ms. Schnee! Wouldn't want to go to class looking dirty, now would you! Haha, not quite enough time to take a shower though, I don't think! You'll have to use your fingers and mouth instead!"

That… that made sense. Reaching up, Weiss follows her bombastic Professor's instructions, scooping up the seed off of her face and slipping the cum-covered fingers into her mouth to clean them off. Her tongue slurps and her mouth sucks and she quickly begins to use both hands to get as much of Professor Port's delicious gift into her mouth and down her throat as possible.

"That's the spirit, Ms. Schnee! Always give one hundred and ten percent, to everything!"

As she stands up on somewhat shaky legs, the place between her thighs positively drenched with arousal, Weiss blushes and nods sharply.

"Y-Yes sir!"

Chuckling, Professor Port once again clasps his hands behind his back, his cock tucked away, and his pants zipped back up while Weiss was distracted with slurping down his cum.

"I think you've learned some valuable lessons today! About how to follow instead of lead! Wouldn't you agree, Ms. Schnee?"

He leans forward at that, his mustache wiggling quite aggressively. Not that it really needs to. Weiss' eyes shine with adoration and devotion for her confident, handsome Professor, and she smiles brightly as she nods her head.

"Yes sir! Yes, I have!"

"Then off with you, Ms. Schnee! You have a team to get back to, don't you? Good luck my dear… and as I said, any time you feel the need to show your appreciation for my teachings, feel free to come and find me!"

Weiss wanted to show MORE 'appreciation' right here and right now… but she knows as well as he that it's time for her to go, as unfortunate as it is. Walking away is hard, not least of all because the Schnee Heiress wants nothing more then to remain fixated on Professor Port's amazing bushy mustache for as long as possible. Eventually though, she reaches the stairs that will take her down off the roof, and both the Professor and his majestic facial hair disappear from view.

She feels almost empty as this happens… and Weiss Schnee knows in that moment that she WILL be showing her appreciation for Port's teachings again very soon indeed.


Yang couldn't help but pout, her arms crossed over her prodigious chest as she mulishly refused to look at her teammate. Not that Weiss was any better. She just didn't have an actual chest to cross her arms over, but that wasn't stopping her from doing exactly what Yang was doing, right up until Professor Port saw off the last of his other students and walked into his office where he'd told them both to wait for him.

Sitting behind his desk, the mustached Professor clasps his hands together before him.

"Ladies! I don't think I need to tell you both that your behavior in class today was reprehensible!"

Yang scowls at that, prepared to talk back right on the spot as she finally looks to her Professor. Except, for the first time in her life, the blonde bombshell finds herself at a loss for words as she fixates on his mustache. His wiggling mustache. Wiggle. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. It was a constant source of distraction during his class, but Yang had to admit it was a welcome one. Port could drone on and on and on, never stopping for so much as a breath.

She knew she wasn't the only one to simply focus on his wiggling mustache instead of his boring, sleep-inducing monologues. No matter how hammy or bombastic he was, the fact of the matter was that they didn't learn much in his class outside of the practical demonstrations. Or at least, that was how Yang felt on the matter… and it was what had brought her and Weiss here in the first place.

"P-Professor! I just… Yang was being a brat!"

Speaking of the Schnee Heiress. Yang's gaze darts over to her supposed teammate and she scowls, her arms still crossed over her chest as she glares at the other girl. Despite Weiss' change in attitude over the past week, she was still a spoiled brat herself. So, to call Yang a brat was just fucking rich. She might as well say as much.

"That's rich, coming from you!"

Weiss scowls and her cheeks puff out angrily as she goes red. But before she can speak up, Professor Port interjects.

"Ms. Schnee! Ms. Xiao-Long! Both of you will cease this irritating behavior this ONCE!"

She's never heard Port get angry before. Yang's eyes instinctively shift to him as she opens her mouth, the words 'She Started It!' on the tip of her tongue. But then she finds herself captivated by that mustache again.

Wiggle. Wiggle, wiggle. Wiggle.

Weiss doesn't seem to have the same issues.

"S-She started it, Professor! She… she called your lecture BORING!"

Yang grits her teeth at that, though her eyes don't leave Port's mustache this time. It was true, to be fair. Their entire argument, the one that had derailed the lesson and led to them both sitting here, had started because Yang had made the mistake of commenting on how bored she was within Weiss' hearing. Trust Weiss to be a damn tattletale though. And more than that… a teacher's pet!

"And you thought I would appreciate you rising to my defense at the cost of my entire lesson, Ms. Schnee?!"

Professor Port rises from his desk, frowning at both of them as Yang blinks in surprise. Wait, he wasn't taking Weiss' side? In her periphery, the blonde watches her teammate shrink back in sudden shame, and she feels a burst of satisfaction at seeing Weiss put in her place. Of course, that only lasts as long as it takes for Professor Port to switch his attention to her.

"And you, Ms. Xiao-Long… I have noticed a lack of focus from you in my lessons! Am I truly so boring? Or are you simply having a hard time focusing on words, rather than actions! I do wonder!"

Yang flushes with embarrassment of her own, though she doesn't shrink back. Rather, instead she gives the Professor a cocky grin and shrugs her shoulders.

"What of it? I've always been better with practical demonstrations, any of my teachers at Signal could tell you that. The boarbatusk you had Weiss beat up was fun, but it was the only spot of excitement that we've had all week! When's the next time we get to face a Grimm head-on, huh? And can I be your demonstrator?"

By the time Yang is done speaking, she's practically leaning forward in her chair, all embarrassment forgotten in place of sheer excitement. Of course, she's still staring at Port's mustache, but its close enough to his eyes that he doesn't seem to notice, so Yang keeps doing it. It really is kind of cool, isn't it? The way it constantly wiggles… it's quite mesmerizing.

"Hmph! Like you deserve such a role! I imagine if the Professor DID choose to do another demonstration, he'd go with someone he knew he could count on! Like me!"

Of course, Weiss just had to jump in and ruin it, didn't she? Despite the fact that the Schnee Heiress and Ruby were getting along better this past week, making Yang quite happy for her little sister, there was still obvious tension in the group, whether it was between Weiss and Yang or between Weiss and Blake. She wasn't about to let the prissy spoiled brat bully ANY of them though. It wasn't in her to just roll over and take it.

It's a monumental effort to tear her violet eyes off of that wiggling bushy mustache, but once she does so, she looks to Weiss and glares, growling a bit. Weiss does the same, and the two are almost out of their seats and at each other's throats when Port speaks up again.


Both young women immediately settle down and place their eyes back on the gobsmacked Professor, or more specifically, they place their eyes back on his bushy mustache, which is now shifting and twitching faster than ever before.

Straightening up and clasping his hands behind his back, Professor Port lets out a distinct 'harrumph!'.

"I can see I have my work cut out for the two of you! Indeed, I do! After our talk on teamwork Ms. Schnee, I would have expected you to be better than this! And as for you, Ms. Xiao-Long, you are a Huntress-in-Training at the most prestigious academy in ALL of Vale, possibly in the entirety of Remnant! It is not your place to DEFINE my lesson plan!"

For a moment, Professor Port pauses. But Yang doesn't speak up again. She's… she's listening. And for the first time in the scattered blonde's life, she's actually able to. It's a strange feeling, finding herself hanging off of his every word. She's never been able to do that before, never been able to truly pay attention while a teacher lectured her, either in a classroom setting or on a personal basis. Now though… as she stares at Port's wiggling mustache, she finds she can't wait for him to continue talking.

When he does, she listens intently as Weiss does the same.

"A true Huntress must be honorable! A true Huntress must be dependable! But most importantly of all, a true Huntress must be well-educated, and she must KNOW how to put that knowledge to good use! She must have WISDOM! Or else she'll never survive out in the real world! Hah! Ms. Xiao-Long, you might want action now, but try spending a dozen nights straight defending a border town from Grimm attacks and then tell me how much action you prefer!"

He pauses again, their bombastic Professor seeming to actually stop and consider his next words. At the same time, Yang finds herself taking those already spoken to heart. He was essentially re-saying what he'd already said before in a classroom lecture, after all. He'd simply changed out the word 'Huntsman' for 'Huntress' to tailor-fit her and Weiss. Not that Yang remembered that lecture, or the words he'd spoken. She'd remember this one though, some how she just knew she would. She'd remember his every word.

"Ms. Xiao-Long, you will have PLENTY of time to fight the Grimm once you graduate from Beacon! But if you don't want to DIE fighting those Grimm, like so many before you, you would do well to sit down and learn from your betters until that day comes!"

She's never seen Port act so serious before. He's usually all ham, all the time. But right now, though he's still bombastic and still in her face about it, he has actual words of wisdom for her… and as she stares at his rapidly-wiggling mustache, Yang finds herself taking them to heart, swallowing thickly and shrinking back into her chair.


"… I'm sorry…"

Port nods immediately, a smile blossoming across his mustached face as he chuckles.

"Rightly so, Ms. Xiao-Long! After all, I have the most interesting, and most entertaining lectures in all of your classes! It's only right that you apologize for not listening to them as closely as possible!"

Yes. He's right. Even as Port talks himself up, unsurprisingly, Yang finds herself agreeing with him for the first time… ever. How could she have ever thought Professor Port's lectures were boring? How could she have failed to pay attention to the most handsome, most interesting man in all of Beacon? Wait, where had that handsome bit come from?

And yet, the more time Yang spends staring at Port and his wiggling mustache, the more she finds herself realizing just how regal and distinguished the older Huntsman is. So focused on him as she is, she barely hears Weiss' smug voice… though she DOES hear it.

"Hmph. Now she gets it. Still, not like she REALLY said sorry…"

Yang's head whips to the other girl and she scowls angrily.

"B-But I did say sorry!"

Weiss just scoffs and waves a dismissive hand.

"Anyone can say it… but to really show you MEAN it, you have to do more than just spout some words, Yang! You should be on your hands and knees, kissing Professor Port's boots and begging him to forgive you!"

Yang flushes at the idea, and not just because it's a humiliating one… but also because it's kind of arousing.

"Ms. Schnee! You're out of line! You should know better than to speak for me!"

Port's words cut through Yang's developing fantasies, and she looks back at that wiggling mustache, even as the Professor seems to come to a decision.

"In fact… stand up, Ms. Schnee!"

Weiss is immediately on her feet, blushing and not looking in Yang's direction for even a moment.

"Place your hands palm down on the desk and bend over!"

Yang watches, eyes wide, as Professor Port walks out from behind his desk at the same time that Weiss obeys. She continues to watch, finding herself uncharacteristically silent and still as the distinguished Professor reaches down and flips up the bask of Weiss' school uniform, revealing her panty-clad behind to both his eyes and Yang's.

"Count them off for me, Ms. Schnee! After all, you dears never learn without a bit of corporal punishment!"

"Y-Yes sir…"





And so it goes. Port spanks Weiss a total of ten times, and the Schnee Heiress willingly calls each spanking out, trembling and shaking, but with embarrassment and shame at her own failures, not anger or rage as Yang might have expected. But then, Yang isn't feeling either of those things either. Rather, as the buxom blonde watches on, Weiss getting a paddling and Port giving it… she finds herself growing more and more aroused.

When the Professor finishes with Weiss' spanking and leaves the panting, white-haired young woman leaning on his desk for support, Yang freezes when his gaze turns to her next.

"Well, Ms. Xiao Long? What sort of punishment do you think you deserve?"

Wiggle. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

The next thing Yang knows, she's right beside her teammate, bent over the front of the Professor's desk. He flips up her skirt and reveals her own firm derriere, clad only in a pair of panties. But Yang doesn't do anything to stop him from revealing her ass and her thighs a-and… he's looking at it all. O-Oh god…


Gasping in surprise at the sudden spanking, Yang belatedly remembers to count it out as Weiss had done, mimicking the Schnee Heiress of her own volition, since Port hadn't necessarily told her to do the same. But she knew. She knew what he wanted.





"Ooh, t-three!"

The thing was, Yang was a bit of a closet masochist, as a result of her semblance. Where Weiss had somewhat enjoyed being punished and put in her place by her sexy, handsome Professor, Yang was just enjoying the sharp pain that came from having her delectable rump very nearly directly spanked by Port's big, bear-like hands. Only a thin set of panties separates her ass from his smacks, and that's just the way Yang likes it as she counts out each and every spanking for him, until like Weiss, she's taken ten swats to her rear for her impudence.

Pulling back, Professor Port places his hands behind his back and chuckles.

"Very good, Ms. Xiao-Long! Very good! We'll make a tried and true huntress out of you yet, now won't we?"

Looking back over her shoulder, mostly to stare at that beautiful mustache, Yang smiles tentatively, even as warmth from his approval spreads through her chest. Professor Port is happy with her. He's not mad anymore. That… that alone fills Yang with such a strange happiness that she can barely think straight. Of course, Weiss' next actions have a way of… crystalizing her thoughts quite well.

"P-Professor… please. I… I need it."

Glancing over, Yang's violet eyes go wide as she watches Weiss. While she was focused on other matters, the prissy Schnee girl has actually pulled her panties down to her knees and is even now using both hands to spread her thighs wider as she presents a naked, gushing wet pussy to their handsome, amazing Professor.

Yang can only stare, open-mouthed, waiting for Weiss to get a lot worse than a spanking for her inappropriate behavior. Surely… surely this couldn't be allowed? No matter how badly Weiss… or Yang wanted it. And yet, rather than reprimand her, Port just laughs one of his loud, belly laughs, and the next thing Yang knows, he's taken hold of Weiss' hips and places a truly massive erection up against her pussy lips.

As he pushes into the moaning Schnee Heiress from behind, filling Weiss with inch after inch of his cock, he looks to Yang and she once again finds herself staring at that majestic mustache.

Wiggle. Wiggle, wiggle. Wiggle.

"As I've long since explained to Ms. Schnee here… it's only natural that young women such as you and your teammate would end up enamored with a distinguished Master Huntsman like myself! As your Professor, but more importantly, as a man of principle and good conduct, its only RIGHT that I take care of your needs and, hah, allow you to express your appreciation however you so choose! Ohoho!"

That… that makes sense. It still feels strange, watching Professor Port fuck Weiss right in front of her. But its more the latter part than the former now. Yang can see why Weiss would want to take that big fat cock up into her tight little cunt, she could see why Professor Port would happily give Weiss what she wanted. She just… she'd never expected to bear witness to it like she was right now.

"You'll be wanting the same after I'm done with Ms. Schnee, I imagine! Isn't that right, Ms. Xiao-Long? Haha!"

In between grunts and Weiss' loud moans, Port wiggles his mustache suggestively (and why does that somehow read as different than the previous wiggling?) and Yang finds herself blushing at the hammy older man… but also nodding in agreement. While he continues to piston in and out of Weiss' cunt, fucking the mewling, moaning Schnee Heiress like there's no tomorrow, Yang slowly reaches back and slips her thumbs into the hem of her own panties, slowly drawing them down her legs.

Once they're placed at her knees like Weiss' are, the buxom blonde bites her lower lip and places her fingers between her thighs, beginning to touch herself and play with herself right then and there. It wasn't that she hadn't ever done so before… hell, she wasn't even a virgin, not after some of the things she'd gotten up to at Signal.

But she'd never fucked a Professor before. Only a few fumbling boys who didn't even know what they were doing. She'd had to take charge each and every time, even on her FIRST time and tell them how to fuck her so she could gain some small microcosm of pleasure from the experiences. Somehow, watching as Weiss' head tilts back and she lets out a louder, throatier moan that can only signify an orgasm, Yang doesn't think she'll have to do that with Professor Port.

Their roguishly handsome Professor knew how to use his big dick quite well, and Yang could scarcely wait for her turn as Weiss took it like a champ, impressing and honestly surprising her blonde teammate. But then, the Professor HAD said he and Weiss had been at this for a while, hadn't he? Or he'd implied it, anyways.

Not that Yang could blame Weiss for wanting some of that delicious cock, especially attached as it was to a man with such a majestic… handsome… mustache. With an ear-piercing cry, Weiss cums one final time before Port grunts and begins to unload inside of her. Yang watches his cock pulse again and again, what little of it couldn't fit in the petite Schnee girl's body. She watches, and she gropes her chest with her free hand, nibbling all the harder at her lip as she fantasies about herself in Weiss' place.

She doesn't have to fantasize for long. Port pulls out of Weiss and lays one last satisfies smack on the exhausted pale girl's behind before shifting over to Yang. Giving him her best sultry look, Yang licks her lips as she stares right at the Professor's mustache. It's almost as if she's talking to the mustache, rather than the man himself.

"C'mon big boy. You had fun with Weiss, yeah? Well now you can fuck a REAL wom-AAAIIIIIEEEEEE!"

Yang's sentence is abruptly cut off by the Professor taking hold of her wide hips and slamming his cock home into her cunt right then and there. Her fingers had been spreading her pussy lips wide in preparation, but she hadn't expected for him to just stick it in. He immediately starts to fuck her, and Yang's mouth forms into an O as he laughs boisterously.

"What's the matter, Ms. Xiao-Long? I thought I was fucking a real woman! Ohoho, show me what you've got my dear! Go on then, impress me!"

Unfortunately, as much as she would have liked to, Yang wasn't really capable of such decisions at that point. Her eyes crossed and a constant 'Oh! Oh! Oh!' falling from her lips, Yang was reduced to nothing more than those repeated exclamations as she was well and soundly fucked by the biggest cock attached to the most experienced man she'd ever been with.

She should have known better than to talk herself up. She should have known that regardless of her prior experience, she was on the same level as Weiss when it came to sex with Professor Port. After all, the mustached older man was distinguished and experienced in a way no huntsman-in-training could hope to be without another few decades under their belts.

There's suddenly a hand in Yang's hair, and for a moment she's enraged. But then she realizes who the massive bear-like hand belongs to, as the Professor pulls her head back, forcing her to arch her back at the same time, looking down into her violet eyes from above, his mustache still wiggling.

"I think you realize the problem now, Ms. Xiao-Long! You're simply a few years too young to be a REAL woman! Haha, but give it some time and some practice, and perhaps one day you'll get there! For now… just enjoy! Everyone loves taking a ride on the Port Express, ohoho!"

He's so… so ridiculous. And yet, Staring up into that majestic mustache, looking at it upside down, Yang loves it. She loves every bit of Professor Port, she ADORES him in every way. Is it any wonder then that she's soon cumming her brains out around his amazing pistoning prick, just like Weiss did? She'd talked a big game, but in the end, the Professor was right. Compared to him and his experience, they were two little girls playing at things they didn't understand.

And Yang couldn't deny that she LOVED riding the Port Express. Her eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth as she cums and cums and cums some more. It feels like she's been orgasming for an eternity, her entire world focused down to a point, nothing else important anymore save for Port's wiggling mustache and his thrusting cock. She loved it. She loved it, she loved it, she loved it.

With a big bellied triumphant roar, Professor Port cums inside of her, just as he did with Weiss. Yang's violet eyes go wide and her entire body shakes and trembles, twisted up as it is right then. His seed paints her insides white, filling her all the way to her damn womb. Its like he can't stop cumming, and Yang can't imagine just how virile he is, just how amazing he is that she would get this full sensation off of nothing but a creampie.

When he's finally done, Professor Port pulls out of her, leaving his thick, viscous seed to slowly drip out of her freshly fucked pussy lips. Like with Weiss, the Professor lays one last swat on Yang's buttocks and then he steps away, moving back around his desk and sitting down at it as he steeples his hands together before him.

"Time for you to both be off, I do believe! You each have class in ten minutes, do you not?"

Yang and Weiss both go wide-eyed at the same moment, the gentle (for him) reminder coming from their most favorite Professor in the whole wide world spurring them both into action as they hurriedly hike up their panties and pull down their skirts, grabbing their scrolls and rushing out of the office with some last minute 'thank yous'.

Neither considers for a moment that they should really go get cleaned up… and out before going to their next class. Both of them consider carrying the Professor's cum inside of them for the day a badge of honor, so to speak… even as they take their seats in Goodwitch's combat class, their panties already becoming ruined from cum leaking out of their quims, each of them hoping for once that they won't get picked to spar today.

As they squirm, both blushing, they share a glance… and a smile. Whatever issues they had are settled, whatever beef squashed. Yang and Weiss have a common interest now, after all. There's no reason to fight anymore. Both of them know instinctively that there's MORE than enough of Port and his amazing mustache to go around.


Peter Port hums to himself as he unlocks the door to his private quarters, stepping inside and closing and locking said door behind him. He continues to hum, right up until he turns around to find someone waiting for him in the middle of his personal study. Lifting a thick, bushy eyebrow, Peter reaches out and flicks on the light switch, revealing one Glynda Goodwitch, fellow Professor and direct Assistant to the Headmaster.

But then, there were only two people besides himself who could enter these quarters uninvited, so Peter wasn't all that surprised to see her. Beaming at the blonde, the mustaches Huntsman clasps his hands behind his back.

"Glynda! What brings you to my humble abode this fine evening?"

Unfortunately, as happy as he is to see her, it doesn't look like she's all that happy to see him. Rising from her seat, Glynda steps forward, frowning as she crosses her arms under her expansive chest.

"Port. We need to talk."

Scoffing, Peter waves a hand airily.

"Please, Glynda! We've known each other for so long! You know you can call me Peter!"

Rather than be disarmed by his bombastic, hammy attitude, Glynda grits her teeth and growls.

"Cut the act, Peter! I know what you were doing with Ms. Schnee and Ms. Xiao-Long in your office today! I know what you and Ms. Schnee did on the roof last week!"

Peter lifts both bushy eyebrows at that, though his eyes still remain mostly closed, as is his preference.


His single-word answer seems to infuriate Glynda to no end, as her riding crop appears in her hand in an instant, and she steps forward to press the tip of it directly into his broad chest.

"Don't 'Oh' me, Peter! Fraternization with the students is NOT permitted! How many times do I have to tell you?! It's wrong! A-And this time, I'm going to the Headmaster about it!"

For a moment, there's silence. And then Peter chuckles lightly, as if he doesn't have a care in the world. Which to be fair, he doesn't.

"Is that so, Glynda?"


Glynda's eyes go wide at the first TWITCH of his mustache, and she takes a step back, her riding crop falling to her side.


Wiggle, wiggle.

Peter, meanwhile, takes a step FORWARD, towards the poor blonde woman. Unfortunately, she's trapped herself. By waiting for him in her quarters, she's put him between herself and the door.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

"S-Stop, Peter! I-I'm warning you!"

"Glynda, my dear! Whatever is the problem?! You've always been a fan of my mustache!"

Wiggle. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

A whimper leaves Glynda's throat as her back hits the wall and Peter towers over her. She's trembling by this point, while Peter is as jovial and hammy as ever.

"If you were going to go to Ozpin with this, you would have done so, Glynda! Ohoho… but you won't, will you?"

Wiggle, wiggle.


"No! You won't! Because we both know the truth, don't we my dear?"

Glynda bites her lower lip and shakes her head, but Peter puts a stop to that, grabbing hold of her chin with one hand and forcing her to look at him, to look at his mustache.

Wiggle. Wiggle, wiggle. Wiggle.

"Show me."

It's the first time he's spoken at an inside volume all day, the closest that the bombastic Peter Port can DO to a quiet, silken voice. Its not very quiet or very silken, but it has its intended effect all the same. Glynda clearly would like nothing more than to avert her gaze as she obeys his command, but she can't look away from his wiggling mustache, even as she reaches up and begins to unbutton her blouse.

Peter Port smiles, nice and wide as he sees the complex rope bondage laying beneath Glynda's blouse. It goes further too, as evidenced when she unzips and pulls off her black pencil-skirt to expose the rope grinding up between her gushing wet pussy lips. She looks exquisite, to say the least. She's also clearly been wearing the rope bondage for some time… perhaps as long as since she'd decided to confront him.

"Marvelous, my dear! Simply marvelous! All of our beautiful huntresses in training should take a page from your book!"

Glynda flushes at his backhanded compliment, not really a compliment at all… but she also smiles slightly, a small thing that she knows she shouldn't be allowing to show on her face.

"Now! Is there something that you want from me, Glynda? As you well know, I'm always here to help! As the greatest huntsman in all of Vale, nay, in all of the World, it is my duty to take care of my adoring fans' needs!"

Glynda doesn't actually say another word in the face of her hammy colleague's bombastic personality. Instead, Peter watches as she simply slides down to her knees and begins working at his zipper. In moments, she has his cock out of its confines and sliding into her mouth, her lips slowly making their way down the length of it.

Unlike Weiss Schnee, Peter doesn't have to do a single thing to help Glynda reach her 'full potential' as it were. His hands remain clasped behind his back as his cockhead hits the back of the submissive blonde's throat and just keeps going. After all, Glynda knows how to properly deep-throat his cock. She's certainly had enough practice over the years.

To much of the world, Peter Port was one of those rare huntsmen who didn't have a semblance. Or at least, didn't seem to have an active one. There were plenty of semblances that were purely passive, much in the same way Aura was. It was generally assumed that if a semblance didn't seem to manifest itself in a visible way, it was simply doing its job in an undetectable manner.

Given Peter had also survived into old age without a visible semblance, many assumed that his semblance had to do with stamina or strength or something that allowed him to endure Grimm attacks without the need for a special ability. In fact, those people would be wrong. That was all skill, all experience, all hard work and grit and perhaps a dash of natural born talent on top of it all.

Because yes, Peter did have an active semblance. It just wasn't something that was very helpful against the Grimm. It WAS helpful against humans though, and from an early age, Peter Port had known better than to advertise it to the world. Put simply… he could hypnotize women with his facial hair. A strange ability to be sure, perhaps the strangest semblance he'd ever heard of.

But it WAS, his. His mustache, when utilized properly, brought any woman, young or old, under his control. Be they disobedient little brats like Ms. Schnee and Ms. Xiao-Long… or longtime colleagues such as one Professor Glynda Goodwitch. Finally bringing his hands around, Peter places them on either side of Glynda's head and forces the reluctant woman off of his cock, drawing a whine from her lips as she looks up at him, clearly wanting more from the way she's gripping at his pant legs so tightly.

"Ohoho, my dear Glynda! Someone is a lot more eager than they were a while ago! Up! Up with you!"

Glynda rises to her feet, obeying him as any woman who's stared long enough at his mustache would. Peter then grabs the beautiful bespectacled blonde by her ass and lifts her up off the ground entirely, using his broad shoulders and hefty muscles to pin her firmly to the wall, his cockhead immediately pressing into her cunt lips from below.

Glynda's eyes go wide, and then they roll back in her head as he sinks into her welcoming, waiting depths with one, simple thrust. Her insides have been reshaped to his cock from repeated exposure for years now, and the moment he walked in, perhaps even before that, her body was preparing her for his coming, her insides growing wet, as evidenced by her dripping arousal and her slick inner walls.

Beginning to piston in and out of the blonde, Peter enjoys the show as Glynda's face contorts in all manners of pleasure. Watching his colleague finally accept her true self is ALWAYS a distinct honor. Because in the end, Peter knows that he uses his power for good. Remnant is a scary place, and as many Grimm as he's killed in his life time, the Huntsman knows there's millions more.

It's up to him to show huntresses that there's another way. He's only explained his way of thinking to Ozpin once, and he'd recognized then and there that his ideology wasn't something that would be widely expected. The fact that Ozpin secretly agreed with him, as discomforted at the Headmaster WAS by the idea, was probably the only reason Peter still had a job.

At the end of the day, huntresses should be spending more time giving birth to children then fighting Grimm. Just plain and simple mathematics as far as Peter was concerned! Huntsmen were far more expendable, at least once they'd knocked up a few young ladies with proven potential. So yes, that was Peter's goal. His direction was clear, his plan simple. It was his duty, as a Huntsman, as a human, and most importantly as a man to sow his seed where ever he could.

He's already done it several times, as a matter of fact. Some chose not to keep the children. Glynda hadn't, for instance. But Peter still kept tabs on his progeny all the same, and thanks to a lifetime of savings, he was able to make sure that even those treated as orphans wanted for nothing and were pushed slowly but surely towards the life they were meant to lead. That of huntsman and huntresses, of course.

Society would never accept his beliefs, they would never accept his philosophy if he simply presented it before them. But that was okay, because the Huntsman had taken matters into his own hands! One day, all would understand that HIS way was the only way. They would recognize that he had figured out the secret to beating the Grimm back once and for all, and together, the Kingdoms would come together perhaps under his leadership, and unite in a common cause… of out-populating their great foes!

Looking into Glynda's ecstatic, fucked silly face as he continues to pound up into her naked, rope-covered body with all his might, plowing her silly and preparing to deposit yet another load of seed into her fertile womb, Peter smiles… and twitches his mustache.

Wiggle. Wiggle, wiggle.


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