Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Happy Accident (Evangelion)

A/N: A Happy Accident was a commissioned story originally written in three parts from October to December of 2018. Posting it up now as a one-shot for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which a Futa!Misato fucks a Fem!Shinji. Its just that simple. Or is it?

Themes: Futa, Genderbending, Fucked Silly


She hadn't been thinking. Misato could just hear Ritsuko's response to that. 'Of course, you weren't thinking, you never do!'. Which honestly, was a little unfair. She thought! She wasn't a complete bonehead! It just… well, she was simply unused to living with someone else. Obviously, Pen Pen didn't count. Her pet penguin was just that, a pet, and while he certainly showed off an uncanny intelligence at times, he just simply didn't count.

But who did count was Shinji Ikari, the NERV Commander's daughter and the Third Child. Shinji was a shy young thing, adorable and cute in that quiet sort of way, but so very afraid of the world around her. Misato didn't know what sort of life the girl had had, but she was aware that Gendo Ikari, Shinji's father, had given his daughter not a single bit of his time or effort. Which was odd, because from what Ritsuko had told her, Shinji took after her father much more than her mother. Why would he abandon the girl all these years?

Such questions didn't seem to have the right answers, but regardless, the damage done to Shinji Ikari was apparent. The young woman had absolutely no self-esteem, no self-confidence, and even a degree of self-loathing that made Misato despair for her. Add on to all of that the fact that Shinji's first encounter with her father after all these years was him ordering the terrified girl into an Evangelion Unit since Rei couldn't pilot and…

Ugh, it was just all really fucked up. But hey, they all got to live another day, because young Shinji Ikari had a raging monster buried inside of her that just so happened to come out when the Angel slammed her and the Evangelion into the ground for the umpteenth time. Listening to the small waif of a girl scream and scream and scream, not in fear but in utter rage and fury as she tore the Angel apart with the Evangelion's bare hands… it had been chilling.

Perhaps that was an excuse Misato could use. She'd had other things on her mind, when they finally got home that night, Shinji foisted off on her without so much as a 'by-your-leave'. Not that Misato minded all that much, nor did she want to say no or anything like that. They were both girls, right? And given Shinji's age, she couldn't be expected to just live on the NERV base, surrounded by soldiers day in and day out. It wouldn't have been healthy.

Misato's rank made her the perfect candidate to house the young woman, even if she also knew that NERV would probably be watching and employing further security for someone as important as the Third Child, as one of the few people capable of piloting an Evangelion Unit. Shinji Ikari was more important than she really knew, and Misato wished that she could get that through to the young woman.

Instead, she'd flashed the poor girl. Yep, that was the big mistake she'd made, forgetting that she was living with someone else now. For Misato, letting it all hang out when she got out of the shower was both relaxing… and literal. Because she wasn't JUST a woman, as many would have assumed looking at her. Second Impact had left more than just mental and emotional scars on the Captain. She'd… well, she was what people in Japan liked to call a Futanari now.

A large cock and an equally large set of balls hang between Misato's legs, and there was simply nothing she could do but live with it. And she had, she'd basically grown up living with it, and she'd long come to terms with its existence. Hell, it was as much a part of her body as the rest of her now. She'd lived longer with a cock then without one, as strange and unnatural as she undoubtedly was to the rest of the world.

Chicks with dicks, places on the internet liked to call people like her. Misato didn't let it get to her. She never had. Unfortunately, in the process of being the free spirited 'futa' that she was, she just didn't bother with a towel, or even clothes half the time in her own apartment. So, coming out of the shower after a long day in which she nearly got nuked and then had to listen as a young woman who had no business fighting an Angel screamed raw, primal hatred and tore it apart, Misato didn't bother covering up.

And Shinji got an eyeful for her lapse in judgement. The poor girl was standing right there, staring at Misato's crotch, eyes nearly bulging out of her skull. They'd both frozen up, until finally Pen Pen had squawked, startling them from their impasse. Before Misato could say anything, Shinji was in her bedroom, retreating their and shutting the door behind her, her face and neck completely red.

There was nothing Misato could do about it. And plenty she knew she shouldn't do, even if her cock WAS twitching with arousal at the idea of Shinji seeing her. Maybe it was just that she liked broken things. She'd always had a bad habit of going after the vulnerable girls. Not that she'd been able to have too many relationships, with her condition. Guys didn't want her, and most girls didn't either. Still…

There was nothing to be done. At least, not then anyways.


After that first incident, all of their interactions had become so damn awkward. But they still HAD to interact. Shinji spoke quietly and was subdued, never leaving Misato in the eye… and yet, when the Angels came, and Shinji was called to duty, the girl did what she had to do, and she destroyed the damn things. In the end, it all just kind of fell into an uneasy sort of routine, the two of them living together but not really.

Misato made sure to keep as covered up as possible around the apartment, something that felt unnatural and utterly strange to her, but she did anyways. Shinji, meanwhile, kept to her room, her door often closed tight most of the time, both day and night. Misato didn't dare disturb her. She didn't want to hurt the young woman anymore than she already had.

But then came the night when Misato stepped out of her shower, fresh clothes already on her body, only to hear very distinctive moans coming from Shinji's bedroom. She could only hear them… because the door wasn't quite closed. It was open just a crack, something Shinji had never ever done before. Creeping closer, knowing she shouldn't but feeling compelled to anyways, Misato leans in and peeks through the crack in the door.

Her young charge is there, on the bed. Shinji Ikari is sprawled out on her bed, completely naked and covered in sweat that the moonlight from her window causes to glisten as she humps up into the air, more specifically, her fingers. She's masturbating… and quite aggressively at that, much to Misato's surprise. This is no hand between the legs, burying one's face in the pillow. This is full, fingers in cunt, legs spread apart, other hand on tit, and rough handling all around masturbation.


Misato's eyes go wide at hearing her name fall from Shinji's lips. The Third Child has her eyes closed, which means… she doesn't know Misato is here. Which means she's murmuring Misato's name for another reason entirely. Moaning, Shinji pushes her fingers in and out of herself harder and faster than before.

"D-Do it, Misato. Fuck me… f-fuck me harder. Fuck me l-like the s-slut I am! Mmph, mmph, MMMMPH!"

Shinji bites down on her lower lip and her back arches as her rump comes off the bed. She's climaxing, Misato realizes a moment later. Before the Captain can fully comprehend her own actions, she's inside Shinji's room, striding across it and hopping up onto the bed without truly considering the ramifications of this. Her sudden weight there as she crawls over Shinji causes the younger girl's eyes to spring open, going wide at the sight of her.

Before Shinji can say anything or potentially scream, Misato places a hand over her charge's mouth and smiles down at her.

"Shh, Shinji… its okay. Its me. It's Misato."

Once the girl recognizes her completely, her eyes still slightly glazed over as she comes down from the post-masturbatory bliss, her struggles cease. She's still wide-eyed though, even as Misato removes her hand from Shinji's mouth and instead strokes the young woman's face with her fingers.

"I heard you calling out for me, Shinji."

"I-I… I…"

"It's okay. I'm here now. Unless… you want me to go?"

Misato pauses for a moment, fully prepared for Shinji to tell her to leave. But instead the young woman ultimately swallows and shakes her head.


Grinning, Misato leans down and gives the Third Child a peck on her hips. Her big, fat futa cock has never felt harder than right now, tenting the leggings she's wearing in a rather grotesque manner.

"Good. Because I don't want to leave you. Shinji… you're not a slut for having desires, you understand that, right?"

Shinji doesn't nod. Instead, she turns her head away, averting her gaze, even as her cute, supple chest slowly begins to stop heaving with every breath the young woman takes. Frowning, Misato reaches down and pulls her cock out. Then, she slaps it against Shinji's pussy lips, giving the girl a jolt that has her yelping and then looking back at Misato again.

"When I'm talking to you, you should always look at me, alright Shinji?"

Blushing, Shinji nods at that. Misato smiles and reaches back, grabbing hold of the lithe girl's ankles and pulling her legs up. She has the absurd desire to fuck Shinji like this, in a mating press, rather than any other way. And there's no doubt in Misato's mind that she's going to fuck Shinji. She's been holding it back since that first day, since the incident with the shower. But she wants it just as badly as she now knows Shinji does… and if they both want it; how can it be wrong?

Pushing Shinji's legs back and slowly penetrating her cunt at the same time, Misato looks down into her young charge's eyes as Shinji's face contorts with a new sort of pleasure, the girl clearly surprised by how big Misato feels inside of her, how filling it is to have a big, fat futa prick instead of fingers stretching out her insides.

"You're not a slut, Shinji. You're just a young woman in an impossible situation, trying to make the best of things. You're a girl who's been foisted into a position that should never have been put on you, and in a sane world, wouldn't have been. But the world isn't sane, is it? No, it's not… so we just have to make the most of it."

Even as she talks, Misato is slowly sliding in and out of Shinji's tight cunt. The younger woman looks up at her, almost seeming mesmerized by Misato's words. All she's really trying to do is make Shinji feel better. Maybe it's working… she certainly hopes it is. Regardless, Misato certainly feels better. She feels great, as a matter of fact.

Being buried inside of Shinji's tight, clenching cunt is the best feeling in the entire world, and Misato luxuriates in it, even as she leans forward impulsively, both pressing Shinji's legs back further while also darting in and kissing the younger woman right on the lips. Shinji in turn tenses up for a moment, but in the end, she kisses Misato right back, and the two heatedly and passionately makeout as Misato continues to fuck Shinji right there on her bed.

Eventually though, they pull apart, and Shinji bites her lower lip as she looks up into Misato's eyes. Then she says it.

"H-Harder… c-can you do it harder? I want… I want you to fuck me, Misato…"

The Captain's cock twitches in Shinji's cunt at that, and Misato herself sharply exhales. Well fuck, how is she supposed to say no to those adorable puppy dog eyes? Easing herself back out part way… Misato then slams back in, drawing a cry from Shinji, followed by an erotic, lewd moan. Continuing to piston in and out of the girl's tightening, squeezing cunt, Misato watches Shinji's face as the girl goes through climax after climax around her cock.

She gives Shinji what the Third Child asks for, a rough bout of sex that leaves them both sweaty and panting and out of breath. She fucks Shinji Ikari fast and hard, and eventually, the girl's insides milk Misato dry of her seed, forcing the Captain to pump a nice, thick load into Shinji's womb. It just feels right, even if worries of Shinji getting pregnant and the consequences of such a thing immediately do run through Misato's thoughts.

She chases such ideas away though, instead focusing on the moment. In the moment, Shinji is unfolding, laying out on her bed, sprawled beneath Misato. Slowly, the purple-haired woman begins to draw back… only for Shinji's hand to lash out and catch her wrist.

"Stay… with me? I don't… I don't want to be alone anymore."

And that's how Misato Katsuragi finds herself spooning her naked young charge, holding Shinji close to her chest as the lithe girl slowly falls to sleep. Misato doesn't last long after her, feeling utterly exhausted, completely drained by just… everything. Still, it would be okay. So long as Shinji had her, Misato wouldn't let anything else happen to the young woman. She was going to turn things around for Shinji. She was going to be the Third Child's family, even if no one else was willing to step up to the plate.

One way or another… this was the start of something special.


Misato lifts a brow as she considers her young charge. In turn, Shinji is left blushing up a storm, fidgeting and averting her gaze from the purple-haired Captain.

"Is that so?"

Shinji's blush only grows redder still, and Misato can't help but grin a little. Its so fun to tease the brunette. Of course, a moment later she has to catch Shinji by the arms as the shy young woman tries to bolt, and quickly fix her misconceptions.

"Hey! Hey, it's okay Shinji. I'm not mad, I'm not upset!"

Blinking slowly, Shinji stops struggling and looks up at Misato with wide eyes.

"Y-You're… you're not?"

Misato just sighs and reaches up with one hand to run it through Shinji's hair, pulling the young woman's bangs out of her face.

"No… I'm not. It's okay for you to feel this way. And what we have… well, I like you a lot, but I'm not expecting you to actually want a full-on relationship with me. So, that said… it's perfectly okay for you to have a crush on Pilot Langley Sohryu, alright?"

Shinji is still trembling a little in her grasp, but she nods all the same, biting her lower lip as she glances to the side.


Suddenly, a thought enters Misato's head and she pulls back with a blink.

"Uh… you do know of Asuka's condition, right?"

Shinji freezes for a moment, before blushing even deeper and nodding quickly. The shy brunette's fingers come up and press together as she continues to avert her gaze.

"Y-Yes… I… I saw her in the locker room at NERV Headquarters. Um, she had come out of the shower."

Misato barely manages to contain her snort at that. What was with Shinji and inadvertently getting face fulls of other naked girls like that? And more then that, she'd just happened to end up witnessing one of a handful of the other… well, futas for what Misato assumed was hundreds of miles? The Captain knew why she had a dick between her legs. Radiation and mutation and all that rot. But with Asuka, she couldn't even begin to guess at the reasoning. Perhaps just luck of the draw, poor or good depending on how you looked at it.

Regardless, she knew about Asuka's condition because of her position at NERV. It was part of the EVA Pilot's personnel file. And now Shinji knew about it as well, and it was likely informing heavily on the young woman's crush on her fellow pilot. Grinning a little, Misato musses up her charge's hair, causing Shinji to whine slightly, but not quite pull away.

"I've ruined you for normal relationships, haven't I Shinji? God, I'm just the worst."

Shinji looks up through her bangs at that, which are once again covering her face. She pouts slightly as she shakes her head minutely.

"No, you're not. I-I like you a lot…"

Letting out an affectionate sigh, Misato leans down and gives Shinji a quick kiss on the lips before the brunette can turn away. The EVA Pilot freezes for a second, and an eep escapes her mouth as soon as Misato pulls away.

"Well… you came to me with this for a reason, right? Does this mean you want my help?"

Shinji blinks owlishly at that, and Misato quickly realizes that the brunette probably didn't HAVE a reason for telling Misato, besides probably not wanting to lead the older woman on. Jeez, this kid, what was she going to do with her?

"U-Um… m-maybe?"

Well then, with an answer like that, Misato knew exactly what she was going to do with her. Grinning roguishly, the purple-haired woman brings two fingers up under Shinji's chin and her other hand on her knee as she leans in so that they're eye to eye.

"All you had to do was ask, Shinji… I think we can find the right way to… mm, get Asuka's attention. Don't you?"

Hope builds in Shinji's eyes, even as the younger woman bites her lower lip. Misato just smiles. She's got all sorts of ideas…


Asuka had a problem. And that problem had a name. Shinji Ikari. Her fellow pilot was just… so… ugh! Growling to herself, the brunette continues on her way, stomping up towards the door to her current guardian's apartment. Bad enough that she had to see Shinji at school and at NERV all the time, but she had to live with the girl too?

Blah. It was all just so blah! Why did Shinji have to be so… so cute?! That was Asuka's problem. That was her dilemma. It was like the Third Child was her Kryptonite! How was she supposed to focus on everything else when Shinji was around being this shy, adorable, puppy-like person who needed love and attention and… gah! Damn it all to hell, she HAD to get this stuff out of her head.

It was hard though… like another part of her. Blushing up a storm, Asuka glances down, where her dress is already tenting slightly. She'd never had this problem before, but it was starting to look like she might have to change up her fashion, because flowing sundresses like this one just… weren't working for her anymore. And to be fair, she'd always had her… extra equipment. For as long as she could remember, Asuka was a futanari.

She wasn't ashamed of it. No one important had ever made her feel like she needed to be. Her mother had loved her all the same, and NERV just cared about her scores, about her use to them as a pilot. That was where Asuka had found value in herself, by becoming the best she could be, by being the strongest and the most capable and… a thousand other things.

To say her sex drive was relatively nonexistent before she came to Japan would be an understatement. Before now, all that the thing between her legs had really meant was that she got to pee standing up if she wanted to. That was… nice or whatever. But then she'd been reassigned to Japan and the Angels had started showing up again and Shinji Ikari was one of her fellow pilots.

… And now Asuka couldn't spend more than five minutes in the other girl's presence without popping a boner. Thankfully, the other day when she'd stepped out of the shower and inadvertently flashed the brunette, she hadn't known beforehand Shinji was there. Sure, she'd still been thinking about the Third Child, but… well, in the end Shinji had caught her at half-mast and not full.

She'd still caught her. She'd gotten a long look at Asuka's dick, and then blushed crimson and fled the locker room with all sorts of apologies on her lips. Yeah… adorable. And completely unfair! How was Asuka supposed to react to that?! She just wanted to grab Shinji and do all sorts of terrible, naughty things to her young, nubile form!

Gah! She hadn't had all these filthy thoughts before, d-damn it! Maybe… maybe she should ask Misato for help. Not that that seemed like a good idea, but she was getting desperate. Coming to a stop outside of the Captain's apartment, Asuka pulls out her key and unlocks the door, quickly stepping inside and shutting and locking it behind her. This wasn't the BEST neighborhood, and she was a young woman after all.

As a result, though, she doesn't see what's going on in the living room until she turns around to find a sight that shocks her into complete stillness. Misato is there, sitting in an armchair, watching TV and nursing a beer… though she looks to Asuka when the younger woman walks in. But it gets weird from there. For starters, Misato is naked. And has a cock… like Asuka. Second though, or maybe first because Asuka doesn't realize that Misato HAS a cock until after Shinji pulls back to look over her shoulder at her.

Yeah. Shinji is there too… on her hands and knees, naked as well, sucking Misato's dick. Asuka's jaw drops open, but no words come out. She tries to close it, only for it to open again. For a few moments, that's all Asuka does, opening and closing her mouth soundlessly as she just… stares. Of course, Misato being Misato just grins as she waves her free hand jauntily.

"Oh, hey Asuka. We were wondering where you'd gotten off to."


So eloquent. The moment the half-word got out of her lips, Asuka felt like an idiot, her face flushing with embarrassment. It doesn't help that Misato's grin turns shark-like… o-or that Shinji is either knowingly or unknowingly wiggling her cute little rump back and forth! D-Damn her for being so adorable!

"Well, we were just having some fun while we waited for you. I suppose… you can join us if you like. I've got Shinji's mouth, but she wouldn't mind if you decided to take one of the lower holes. Good ole fashioned Spit-Roast, am I right?"

Asuka's eyes nearly bulge out of her head when she fully processes and realizes what Misato is suggesting. Her cock, meanwhile, is completely erect by this point, and tenting the front of her sundress TREMENDOUSLY. But most of all, what finally breaks Asuka and decides her course of action is Shinji's response. The brunette is still looking back over her bare shoulder at Asuka, and though she bites her lower lip and blushes at Misato's words, she also backs them up.

"I… I-I really wouldn't mind, A-Asuka. You can… um, have my p-pussy if you want it?"

That was IT! With a growl, Asuka shucks off her sundress right then and there. Her bra remains, though she's not actually wearing any underwear besides that. This leaves her futa prick on full display as she stomps forward, Shinji's eyes going wide and Misato's grin spreading from ear to ear as they watch this. As soon as she's in place, she kneels down behind Shinji. Then, she grabs the other girl by the hips and pulls her back a little bit, drawing a yelp from Shinji's lips.

Misato is quick to grab the brunette by the hair, pulling Shinji back around and giving her something to focus on with her mouth. Watching this for a moment, watching cute, adorable Shinji Ikari bobbing up and down on Misato's cock… Asuka licks her lips and guides her own dick to the girl's pussy lips before pushing in right then and there.

Not a virgin, of course. That bothers Asuka a little bit, especially since she IS a virgin, and this makes Shinji her first time. But then, given what she walked in on, given that Shinji is even now suckling at Misato's dick, Asuka could understand just why the brunette was no longer virginal. How deep did this relationship go? How long had it been going on?

It was certainly open enough, if Asuka was allowed to take part. Well, fuck it. The Second Child was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, nor was she one to let an opportunity pass her by! A groan is already exiting her lips at the sheer tightness that is Shinji's cunt when she grips tighter on the brunette's hips and begins to thrust into her from behind, fucking Shinji with powerful thrusts that send her further down on Misato's cock every time.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Asuka's thrusting leaves Shinji gagging on Misato's dick… but the red head futanari doesn't stop. Not even for a moment. For once, Misato is still grinning… for another, Shinji's cunt walls are tightening around her pistoning prick in the most delightful way, telling Asuka that the brunette IS indeed enjoying this immensely. Maybe even almost as much as Asuka is. It feels like she's had blue balls ever since arriving in Japan and meeting the Third Child… and now she's getting to unleash every last bit of that onto the object of her desire and frustration.

"You're a needy one, Asuka~ Jeez, you're really going to town on poor Shinji, aren't you?"

Misato's tone is teasing and Asuka responds with a growl as she looks up and meets her current guardian's eyes.

"What? You're telling me you don't fuck her the exact same way, every single night?"

That gets an eyebrow raise from the Captain, and a muffled moan from Shinji that turns out to be an orgasm, because a few moments later, Asuka can feel the other girl's cunt walls squeezing down all the more tightly around her thrusting shaft. Misato just giggles as she feels Shinji's moans and cries of pleasure reverberate up the length of her prick.

"Ooh, kitty has teeth~"

Asuka just grins viciously, showing off those teeth as she fucks Shinji all the harder. She feels like… she feels like she's finally part of something. Not something big, like EVA Piloting, but something small… something almost familial. Of course, there's nothing natural about THIS moment, where two futas spit-roast a young woman between them. Nothing really familiar either… but Asuka still can't help but feel like she belongs, even as Shinji's inner walls milk every last drop of cum from her.

With a loud groan, Asuka finds herself releasing deep into Shinji's womb. At the same time, Misato grunts and begins to ejaculate as well, filling the brunette's mouth. To her credit, Shinji takes it like a champ, leaving the Second Child to watch her swallow down their guardian's load. Gulp… gulp… gulp. By the time Shinji is done, so is Asuka, her own load filling Shinji's cunt as she pulls out of the brunette girl with a pop and a gasp.

"That was… t-that was…"

Before she can really find the words, she finds herself groaning again. Shinji has pulled off of Misato's cock and spun around, only to take Asuka's dick in her mouth, quickly beginning to clean it off with her tongue and lips. Asuka's hands grip tightly at Shinji's locks as the young woman works her futa prick over, while Misato watches on with a smirk across her face.

"Ah, young love… so adorable."


"Um, Asuka? Where are we going?"

It's after school now, and Asuka is leading Shinji by the hand not towards the school gate, but deeper into the mostly empty campus. Grinning slightly, she looks back at the brunette with a knowing smile.

"We're going to have some fun, Shinji. Doesn't that sound nice?"

The other girl immediately blushes, even as Asuka continues to drag her along. But she doesn't resist or try to pull away. It seems that the idea of them having fun in a public place like the school is A-Okay with Shinji. But then, ever since Misato had seen fit to bring Asuka into things, she'd realized more and more just what kind of girl Shinji was. Her fellow pilot was… well, it was true what they said. It was always the quiet ones.

As they get closer and closer to their destination, Asuka can't quite resist teasing her companion just a bit.

"Did you think I hadn't noticed, Shinji?"

She makes sure to keep a tight grip on Shinji's hand as the brunette tenses up, blinking dumbly. She continues to drag Shinji along, not letting her try to pull a 'deer in the headlights' moment. This keeps the Third Child even further off balance as she stutters and stammers in confusion.

"U-Um, what… what do you mean, Asuka?"

Asuka's smirk widens at that.

"Your eyes have been wandering, lately. Honestly Shinji, it's like you've got some sort of radar for this kind of thing."

The first bit is a tease, but the second sentence is actually just Asuka's feelings on the matter. She hadn't been sure HOW to feel when she first noticed what was happening. So, given that Misato was kind of in charge… so much as that drunk COULD be in charge, Asuka had gone to her. She'd talked to the older woman about what was happening and gotten her advice on matters.

As it turned out, this was the right call, because Misato had information that Asuka didn't, and once Asuka was privy to the knowledge that the Captain had, everything made a lot more sense. That had in turn allowed her to set up today and what was going to happen next with some level of confidence in what she was working with.

"I-I don't understand, A-Asuka…"

Shinji is still trying to play dumb though. Although to be fair, as Asuka looks over at the wide eyed brunette, still dragging the Third Child along, she can't quite tell for sure whether Shinji is playing dumb or just that oblivious, even to her own desires.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice, Shinji? You've been making eyes at both Hikari and Rei recently, you know. I see the way you look at them."

Asuka does her best to keep her tone teasing and amused rather than accusatory, but that doesn't stop Shinji from letting out a 'meep!' as they continue on. Luckily, they're pretty much there. They turn one last corner and then they're walking out into the enclosed pool area, which at the moment, isn't quite as empty as it should be. The swim club isn't meeting today… and yet, there are three familiar faces waiting for them, all of them dressed in swimsuits.

"We're going to address that today, Shinji~"

Hikari, Rei, and Misato all watch as Asuka pushes Shinji over to them, the brunette girl clearly baffled and bewildered by the sudden turn of events. She'd thought that Asuka was dragging her off somewhere to bend her over and get some sexual relief, but now, while Misato's presence does offer some solace, the fact that Hikari and Rei are there as well is not helping her confusion.

Once they're all in a sort of circle around Shinji, with Asuka at her back and the other three women all staring her down, the brunette is left trembling a little, unsure what's going on, completely lost. Until finally, Asuka decides to take pity on her.

"Show her."

At that, Hikari blushes and Rei looks to Misato. Of course, the oldest woman in the pool area just smirks and immediately tugs aside the crotch of her swimsuit, letting her big fat futa prick flop out of its barely-contained confines. Shinji's eyes slide down, and for the first time, the brunette realizes something she'd missed before. Both Hikari and Rei have bulges in their crotches where one wouldn't expect to see them.

Having witnessed her commanding officer following Asuka's orders, Rei also obeys, pulling aside HER swimsuit and letting her equally large length flop free. Finally, there's Hikari. It's clear that Hikari is almost as… lost about all this as Shinji is, but pure pressure sees her following through all the same, and her futa member pops free of its confines as well. Shinji finds herself staring down at three equally large members as they all grow thick and hard under her gaze, their owners flushed with arousal or blushing with embarrassment… or just staring in Rei's case, waiting for whatever is to happen next.

The sound of clothes hitting the floor behind her causes Shinji to whirl around, where she finds Asuka has stripped down to her own hidden one-piece swimsuit. The brunette turns just in time to watch as the Second Child lets her own erection loose before Shinji's eyes. Now she's surrounded… and to be honest, Shinji's never been more turned on. There's just one problem with this situation, as far as she can see.

"A-Asuka… I didn't… I don't have a swimsuit!"

She says it like it's some massive faux pau too, like she's ruined everything by not knowing and anticipating that they were going to surprise her like this. Asuka can't help but laugh at Shinji's panicked expression. Once she's done laughing, she grins, giving the brunette girl a nice, leering look as she leans in and picks at Shinji's school uniform.

"Oh… well that's too bad isn't it. Still, you don't want to ruin your clothes, do you?"

Shinji blinks.


"Of course not! So, get out of them silly!"

Comprehension finally dawns in Shinji's eyes, and though she blushes and ducks her head in embarrassment, she strips down nonetheless, exposing every inch of her body to the four futanaris surrounding her. Soon enough, her clothes, all the way down to her socks and underwear, are folded up and set aside on one of the bleachers.

Shinji is left naked, fidgeting as four women, all with big fat dicks hanging between their legs, surround her. Misato chuckles throatily then, and plants her hands on her hips.

"Get her, girls."

Asuka moves first, but Rei follows a moment later, with Hikari taking up the rear not wanting to be left out. And Shinji? Shinji just goes with the flow, as always.


The first thing they do is push her to her knees. Well, Asuka pushes her to her knees in truth, Hikari and Rei just kind of stand there awkwardly, a little closer than they were before. Turning Shinji to face them, Asuka lets her cock flop down on the brunette's shoulder for the moment and tugs back on Shinji's hair, causing the Third Child's mouth to open in a slight gasp.

"Who wants to stick it in first? She's waiting~"

This time, it's Hikari who gets there first. Whether that's because Rei is something of an automaton that responds better to orders rather than questions, or because Hikari is just sick of being hesitant and slow to act, it doesn't matter. The Class Rep slides her futa prick into Shinji's willing mouth and to her surprise, right down the brunette's convulsing throat without pause.

Her eyes go wide, and she nearly doubles over Shinji as she moans out, the sensation of the brunette deep-throating and swallowing her cock as she represses her gag reflex just too much for Hikari to handle.

"Ohhh fuuuuck!"

Asuka just giggles, even as she watches this unfold.

"Good, isn't it? Shinji is an excellent cock sucker… go on, show her what you're made of, Third Child~"

And so, she does. Shinji sucks Hikari's cock deep, bobbing up and down her length. The Third Child's breasts bounce and jiggle with the movement, and Shinji is gripping at her legs, clearly trying to resist fingering herself while she works. She begins to lose herself in the act of blowing Hikari, but before she can truly do so, the Class Rep lets out a cry and explodes a bit prematurely.

That's alright though. Shinji swallows down her entire load and then takes Rei's cock in her mouth next, the First Child standing close enough that Shinji can just transition to that dick of her own volition. Hikari flushes with shame at going off so quickly, but Misato places a comforting hand on her shoulder, murmuring in her ear that there's nothing to be ashamed of… Shinji is just that good.

Things only escalate from there though, as Shinji sucks Rei off in record time as well. She then tries to turn to Asuka, but the Second Child stops her fellow EVA pilot… and instead promptly pushes Shinji into the pool at their side. The brunette yelps but quickly manages to get her bearings and tread water, even as four distinct disturbances make themselves apparent in the water around her, each of the futanaris jumping in.

Shinji gasps as Asuka comes up from behind her and pushes her into the side of the pool, pinning her there. As Shinji clutches onto the edge for dear life, Asuka places her cock against the brunette's pussy lips from behind and thrusts in. Given how wet she already was and the water they're now submerged in, it's not surprise that Asuka finds herself buried in Shinji's cunt in one smooth motion.

Then she starts to fuck her, and all Shinji can do is moan wantonly as the others watch on. Rei is being… well, Rei, just treading water and watching with a not quite expressionless look on her face. There's curiosity in the blue-haired girl's eyes, and she's definitely taking in the scene. Misato and Hikari though are a lot less composed by this point, and both are on either side of Shinji and Asuka, using one hand to grip the side of the pool for support as their other hand reaches beneath the water and strokes at their respective lengths.

Both are clearly eager for their turn, even as Shinji moans and climaxes along Asuka's constantly thrusting futa length. Asuka herself is enjoying the fuck immensely. With Shinji holding onto the side of the pool for both of them and Asuka holding onto Shinji's shoulders, every weightless pistoning motion of her massive shaft feels absolutely amazing inside of Shinji's needy little cunt.

As do her inner walls, squeezing and gripping to the point that Asuka simply can't hold back for long. Shinji is just too good, it feels amazing… and with a loud cry, the Second Child paints the Third's insides white with her seed, filling Shinji to the brim and then some. Needless to say, the pool will have to be drained after this. But for now, Asuka just pulls out and lets an eager Hikari take her place.

Rather than grabbing Shinji by the shoulders, the Class Rep wraps her arms around the other girl from behind, grabbing and groping Shinji's breasts as she leans in and nuzzles at the brunette's ear. In response, Shinji moans, her pert behind already pushing back into Hikari's futa prick, rubbing against it. It's only a matter of time before phallus meets hole…

"H-Hikari… I want it… I want it so badly."

"I'm going to give it to you, Shinji! I-If only I'd known earlier how much of a naughty little cock lover you were! A-Ah, there it is!"

Hikari's length slides home into Shinji's creampied cunt, and the both of them moan in unison as they're joined together. Immediately after, Hikari begins to thrust away, almost like a wild animal. Faster than even Asuka went, the Class Rep simply can't seem to control herself as she fucks Shinji from behind, plowing her into the side of the pool while also groping and kneading Shinji's breasts the entire while.

Needless to say, this is not the Class Rep's normal behavior… but perhaps what Shinji knew of her before this was just an act, perhaps this was the real Hikari hiding beneath the fake all along. Either way, the brunette is thoroughly enjoying herself as Hikari gives her a dicking to remember, while at the same time losing her virginity inside of Shinji's amazing cunt.

"F-Fuck, fuck, fuuuuck! Feels so good… t-too good! Cumming! I'm cumming, Shinji!"

Shinji moans throatily, and a moment later she's orgasming as well as Hikari pumps a load of her seed into Shinji's womb. And then Hikari is gone, but not necessarily by choice. Misato pulls her back rather forcefully, just in time for Asuka to guide Rei into position next. The blue-haired futanari still seems more curious than excited, but she grabs Shinji by the hips all the same, and thrusts forward into the brunette's cunt as Asuka tells her to.

The entire time Hikari and Shinji were fucking, Asuka was explaining to Rei what was expected of her. Now, Shinji was experiencing the methodical, mechanical fucking of an emotionally stunted futanari who just knew that she was supposed to put tab A into slot A and go at it. At least, that's how it is at first. It's not long before Rei is beginning to pant. Not long before finally, there's a reddening of her cheeks.

She blushes as she looks almost bewildered at the pleasure she's experiencing, while Shinji moans and screams her releases, orgasming again and again at this point. Rei just continues to pound away though, gripping firmly at Shinji's hips all the while. Then, seemingly without warning, she lets out a simple grunt and fills Shinji's womb with another load of cum.

The brunette gasps as she hangs over the side of the pool, left breathless by the rapid-fire fucking. They're running a train on her, with Rei just the latest in line… but she's not the last. The next thing Shinji knows, she's no longer on the side of the pool. Instead, Misato has her in her arms, and has spun her around to face the other girls. Misato's big fat futa cock slides up into Shinji's already well-fucked cunt and the brunette moans as Asuka, Rei, and Hikari all watch on, eyes hooded and filled with lust.

As Misato fucks her, Shinji smiles. She smiles big and wide, because truth be told? She couldn't be happier.


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