Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Burgeoning Love (Legend of Korra)

A/N: A Burgeoning Love was a commissioned one-shot written back in November of 2018. Posting it now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which an OC and Korra slowly fall in love, before ultimately acting on their feelings for one another one night.

Themes: Loving Sex, Rough Sex, Oral


His name was Saito, and he wasn't anyone special. Just another earthbender, and there were plenty of those, right? Or so he liked to think. In the end, Saito might not have been special before, but he was certainly very special now. Yet even that would be a bit of a fib. Six-foot-tall and built with muscles upon muscles, he'd grown into a true mountain of a man. His tanned skin and bald head certainly did little to distract from his muscles, as did the earthy green robes he chose to wore.

As a child, Saito had been an orphan, his parents dying at a very early age indeed, and leaving him to struggle and to survive on the streets of a burgeoning town. Said town was well on its way to becoming a city, even if it wasn't quite there yet, and it had no real time for orphans, not when it was moving forward with all due haste, never truly looking back. Saito would have fallen threw the cracks that such fast-paced social upheaval often caused… if he had not discovered his talent for earthbending and caught himself beforehand.

In the end, an Earthbending Master had come to their growing town. Ostensibly to get away from the actual city, as ironic as that was. He'd caught Saito trying to practice alone out in the woods one day, and the rest was history. Saito had found a home, and a teacher… and determined to never ever be helpless, ever again, Saito had thrown himself into his training almost obsessively, eager to become strong, eager to learn to protect himself.

It was that determination, that eagerness, that eventually saw him leaving the town behind. As he grew up, he watched as said town became bigger and bigger. By the time his sensei told him that he had no more to teach him, Saito knew that the older man was right… just as he knew he could not follow the Earthbending Master further into the woods, as was his teacher's desire. The old man had come to the town to try and get away from so many people… but then the people had followed him.

Saito and his teacher both knew the truth. He wasn't going out into the woods to live there… he was going out into the woods to die. His sensei did not ask him to follow, and Saito did not offer. Their parting of ways was amicable, and they spent a night drinking in memory of their years together. When morning came, Saito had set off with his worldly possessions, which truly hadn't amounted to much at the time.

However, between his physique and his skills, Saito was more than capable of living off the land as he traveled, and travel he did, never stopping, not wanting to until he found what he was looking for. Of course, eventually his travels read him where all roads seemed to. Republic City might not have been a place Saito wanted to be, especially not when his sensei had long decried large gatherings of people.

But in this case, it was a matter of nature versus nurture. Sure, his teacher had raised Saito to be a bit of a recluse, but at the same time, Saito himself was a young man on the cusp of adulthood that already looked very much like an adult. He carried himself with a casual pride that spoke to just how strong he knew he was, both physically and in his bending. Though it was the former more than the latter that people could see, that led to most ne'er dowels avoiding him and others admiring him.

So yes, he'd gone to Republic City. And truth be told, Saito couldn't really find it within himself to regret the decision. Republic City was where he'd met Korra. To many, she was the Avatar. To him, she'd become a friend… and so much more. They'd hit it off pretty much immediately, but Saito could admit that between his pride and ignorance, and Korra's confidence combined with her slight arrogance, they'd started off as more frenemies then true friends. It had just been so easy to end up fighting her, battling her more like.

They'd sparred and found out that both of them were insanely competitive by nature, and not exactly willing to accept defeat. Becoming rivals and engaging in regular fights had just become their thing, right up until Korra started having actual troubles and needed help. When she'd asked, he'd come silently, knowing how much it had cost her to even tell him she needed his help in the first place.

Saito had fought at the beautiful Avatar's side against the Equalists, and he'd fought at her side later on against her corrupt uncle as well. He would not leave her, he wouldn't abandon a friend in need. And though there were certainly some rocky moments, though there were instances where it didn't look like they could do it, in the end they pulled through.

But… as time went on, Saito began to realize just how important Korra was becoming to him. For the first time in years… in possibly his entire life, something other than fighting and training and becoming stronger had snuck its way into the center of his life. At first, realizing this had frightened the big man. There were so many problems that Saito could handle with his fists, and if not his fists, his earthbending would likely do the trick.

But this wasn't something that could be handled by either of those things. And yet… and yet, what was he to do? No matter his fear, the feelings for Korra that were welling up within his heart did not go away with time. If anything, they seemed to grow. Perhaps he could have left and fixed it with time and distance between the two of them, but that was just it. He didn't WANT to leave. He didn't want to go anywhere, except where Korra was going. Being a part of her life fulfilled him in a way nothing else had.

It was a lesson Saito had learned over the course of his time at the Avatar's side. Power gathered meant nothing if you did not use it, and the ability to protect oneself did not compare to the satisfaction of successfully protecting others. It felt good to have Korra's back, it felt good to help her defend herself and her friends and her family against those who would do her and them harm.

It felt… good just being near her. And as he realized that his feelings weren't going away, as he realized what it meant, Saito had come to a simple conclusion about what he had to do. He simply wasn't the kind of man to let such a thing fester. He wasn't the kind of man to wait for what just might be the love of his life to make the first move.


They were sat in a small room together, a room they'd rented for the night. There was only one bed, but then Korra's room was just down the hall. They were only together right now because his was the room that also came with a small table and chairs. A bottle of fine alcohol sits between them, and both have had a small cup of the stuff by this point. Not nearly enough to make either of them even tipsy, but enough to burn Saito's throat and give him a much-needed boost of liquid courage.

Beautiful cyan eyes glance up, set in a gorgeous, dark-skinned face. Korra blinks at him and then cocks her head to the side, her high ponytail bouncing behind her from the movement.


How does he even do this? Where does he begin? Resolving to just get it out, Saito speaks from his heart.

"I… I've really enjoyed our time together. And in that time, I've come to see you as a friend… and more. You're very beautiful, Korra. You're very strong, very wise, very… everything. I like you… a lot."

Korra's visage has frozen as she listens to his words. Her entire body is tense. For a moment, Saito wonders if he's made a mistake confessing his feelings for the Avatar, but no. No, he can't feel this is a mistake, because in the end, it's either this or he lets it build and build until it explodes. That wouldn't be healthy, and he's not going to let it happen. If Korra wishes to reject him here, that's fine… but at least he'll have said something.

Rather than frown or shake her head or any of the hundred negative reactions Saito was now expecting however, Korra's frozen visage finally breaks into a wide, beaming smile. He blinks as she reaches across the table and encircles his wrist with her hand, squeezing affectionately.

"… I really like you too, Saito. And, um… I think I like you as more than a friend as well."

One might think she was acting a little uncharacteristic, given the pauses and the hesitation and even the faltering smile on her face. But then, the next thing Saito knows, Korra is out of her seat, around the small table, and practically climbing into his lap as she grabs his face in both hands and kisses him earnestly, right then and there. Now that's the fierce, perhaps slightly reckless girl that he's come to know… and perhaps love.

The young earthbender has no problem whatsoever with this change in circumstances, and he happily wraps his arms around Korra's body as she kneels on the chair. The rickety thing creaks ominously beneath their weight, but neither of them care much for that as they kiss. And oh, how they kiss. The Avatar and some earthbender from the outskirts of growing civilization. Suffice to say, neither of them are all that experienced. Not that its their first kiss, either of them, but its certainly… a learning moment for the two.

Their lips press together, and they moan into one another's mouths as they sloppily kiss back and forth, moving this way and that. Its Korra who first introduces tongue, but once Saito feels her tongue pressing past her lips and against his teeth, he opens up and slips his own out to intertwine with hers. Its… its silly and inexperienced and looks positively ridiculous or would if anyone was watching on. But for them, it's the most arousing thing in the world, because it comes on the tail end of confessing their feelings to one another and is the first thing they're doing in ACTING on those feelings.

Eventually, Korra pulls back for air and they're both left panting breathlessly as their eyes meet. Saito continues to hold onto the Avatar, his large hands gripping at her taut sides as she bites her lower lip, ducking her head ever so slightly.

"Saito… will you let me share your bed tonight?"

The meaning behind her request is obvious, and Saito smiles as he slides one hand a little further down, cupping one of Korra's firm, unbelievably tight butt cheeks as he nods at her. A full body shudder goes through the beautiful dark-skinned woman and she moans as she rests her hands palm down on his massive pecs.

"… Take me there, please?"

His impatient rising from the rickety wooden chair sends it crashing backwards to the floor, but neither Saito nor Korra pay it any mind as he carries her to the bed, she in turn clinging to him all the way. Letting her fall down on said bed, Saito stands over her, staring down at her intently as he unties his robes and shucks the loose, flowing garment off his shoulders.

In response, Korra continues to make eye contact as well, her cyan irises filled with lust, even as she begins to strip herself down, starting with her pants and her underwear. By the time Saito is fully undressed, Korra has only managed her leggings and what lay beneath them. Before she can do more, he's climbing onto the bed and pulling apart her legs. But not to get on top of her, at least not fully.

Letting out a surprised gasp at his forwardness, Korra can only freeze up, watching as Saito moves himself into place… and then leans down, his tongue sliding out to run along her slit as his chocolate brown eyes never leave her face. She's already wet of course, and she tastes unbelievably good as he continues to lap at her cunt. Korra, in turn, lets out a surprised moan, and its obvious no one has ever done THIS for her before.

Saito is perfectly happy to be the first, and so is Korra, judging by the way she writhes beneath his tongue, clearly unsure what to do with her hands, before finally simply planting them atop Saito's bald head, her fingers massaging his scalp and at the same time insistently pushing him in deeper. He doesn't mind this, not one bit. His nose bumps against her clit, and his tongue delves deep into her mewling quim. A moment later, Korra squeals uncharacteristically and climaxes on the spot, clearly a lot more tensed-up and ready to blow then even Saito had expected.

Not that he minds it. As her cunt convulse around his wiggling tongue and her inner thighs squeeze down a bit harder around his head, Saito doesn't stop… if anything, he speeds up. His hands also come up at this point and grab the insides of Korra's legs. It's a battle of physical strength for a moment as he once more pries her limbs apart, but in the end, Saito proves himself the stronger, at least without bending.

Korra has no choice but to lay back and take it… but when 'taking it' involves pleasure on this level, why would she want to do anything else? Her hands continue to grip Saito's head, her fingers continue to massage his scalp, and she moans as she bucks up into his questing mouth. For his part, the young man slides his tongue this way and that inside Korra, looking for the next spot, his eyes roaming up and down the top half of her body.

He wishes he'd had the foresight to let her remove the rest of her clothes before leaping in, because he knows her dark-skinned abs are just beneath her shirt, her beautiful breasts higher up but still covered as well. That's his own fault though, and he doesn't let it distract him from the task at hand, that of giving Korra all the pleasure in the world that he possibly can with just his tongue.

That turns out to be quite a lot, as it turns out. The Avatar cums along his flexible, constantly moving mouth muscle again and again as Saito finds spot after spot that triggers a flood of pussy juices. By the time he pulls back from her mound, she's sweating and panting and looking at him with wide eyes, even as he grins back down at her knowingly, almost cockily. That cocky aspect of his grin is what causes Korra to scowl and then develop a smirk of her own.

Before Saito can react, he's on his back, a small burst of the airbending that she'd gained while fighting Amon coming into play. When Saito tries to get up, an invisible 'hand' presses against his chest… not too harshly, but still firmly. He could have fought against it, but this isn't a spar. It doesn't need to be. Let Korra have her fun, he knew she wasn't upset with him or anything like that, not after what he'd just done with her.

Now the one laying back on the bed, the muscular earthbender watches as Korra rises up to her full kneeling height, her legs spread slightly and her dripping wet cunt visible between them. Or it would be, if his cock wasn't at full mast by this point, and now on complete display thanks to his new position. For Saito, his member hides the place betwixt Korra's thighs from view. For Korra, it draws the eye and doesn't let go, her gaze fixated on his cock, even as she slowly begins to pull apart her top. Eventually, she drags the garment over her head, revealing that taut belly he'd thought about earlier.

She's absolutely gorgeous, and he's reminded of this, even as Korra then begins to unwrap her breasts, her chest compressed with bandages to keep her tits from flailing all over the place. Its not like she has a ridiculously large pair, but they are a weak spot in a fight, and Korra knows that quite well. Saito's breath hitches as she pulls the last of the bandages free and two handfuls of supple tit flesh spring free before going still within moments.

Now as naked as he is, Korra licks her lips and reaches out for his cock. She places one hand around the base of his sizable member, while the other gives her support by going palm down on the bed beside his leg, even as she leans over his member. She's still transfixed for the time being, completely and utterly transfixed… and so is Saito, if he's being honest. Watching her look at him in all his naked glory, watching her fixate on this specific part of his body… he won't lie, its certainly a confidence booster.

In the end, she doesn't say a word. She just opens her mouth and lets her tongue slip out from between her lips. Said tongue touches the tip of his cock, drawing an immediate groan from Saito. Encouraged by this, the young Avatar slides her tongue around his cockhead, swirling it for a moment before going further down along the underside of his shaft.

Down, down… and then back up again as she reaches the halfway mark and both her nose, and her forehead end up pressed against the top part of his meaty, throbbing, hot cock. For a few moments, that's all Korra does. She licks up and down his length, and Saito has to clutch at the bedding beneath him to control himself. Part of him, a feral, primal part wants to grab Korra by her hair in that moment and just shove her mouth onto his member.

He's sure it will feel good, he's sure her throat will be phenomenal… but he knows better. Korra is in control now, and he's not going to force her to do anything she's not ready for. Eventually, the dusky-skinned young woman comes back up to his cockhead and finally spreads her lips over it. She takes the tip of his length into her mouth… and then she takes some more and some more as she disappears inch after inch of his shaft past her lips.

She goes until she hits the back of her throat, and then she pulls back again, coming off of his length with a pop and giving him a seductive, sultry smile. Saito smiles back, his hands still clinging to the bedding and his cock twitching with a desire for more as he focuses on not thrusting his hips upwards like some sort of deranged beast. He needs more though… oh how he needs more of her hot, velvety mouth.

Korra gives it to him in short order, pushing back down his length, even as her free hand finally comes up and latches onto his balls, massaging them, feeling them churn in her palm. Saito just groans louder still, tilting his head back as the noise flows upwards towards the ceiling. There's a small thought in the back of his mind to how they should probably be quiet… but at the same time, he just can't bring himself to stifle his voice. Every noise that escapes his lips spurs Korra on even further, and it also does the job of expressing just how much he's enjoying every last bit of this.

For her part, the Avatar bobs up and down on his cock again and again, no longer taking her time, no longer teasing him. She hits the back of her throat but seeming to sense there's something more even then that, Korra tries to go further still. To her credit, the Avatar has always been a VERY fast learner. Saito's eyes nearly bulge out of his head as Korra descends down to the base of his cock, taking her hand away and just bobbing away at his length. She chokes and gags a little, but at the same time, she manages to happen upon a trick to keeping her gag reflex down to a minimum, swallowing near-continuously as she buries her nose in his untamed pubes time and time again.

"Hulghk… Hulghk… Hulghk…"

Saito watches, just as she watched him. He enjoys the way Korra's cyan eyes never leave his own, the way her breasts bounce and jiggle ever so slightly with the speed at which she's moving. Her nostrils flare for breath every time she comes back up his length, because when she buries her face in his crotch and takes him to the base, there's no breathable air to be found.

Again, and again, Korra swallows his member down her throat. The hand that had been on the base of his cock has disappeared down between her legs as she needily fingers herself at the same exact time. This causes pleasurable reverberations along the length of his shaft as well, due to her constant moans, which end up swallowed by his dick.

She looks absolutely gorgeous right now, and Saito wants nothing more than to show her every bit of how he feels. Given her enthusiasm, her eagerness… he can't hold back for long. There's no point, she clearly wants it. If anything, the longer he goes without an orgasm or a release similar to one of the several that he just got done giving her, Korra becomes more and more desperate. So, Saito doesn't hold back. When it arrives, he warns the love of his life as best he can, and then lets loose.

"H-Here it comes, Korra!"

She has just enough time to pull back so that only the head of his cock is between her lips before he begins to spurt off. Her dark-skinned throat convulses as she swallows constantly, gulping down his sticky, hot seed only moments after each burst of cum explodes into her mouth. She swallows and swallows, and then swallows some more. Her beautiful gaze takes on a slightly dazed, glazed over look to it as she does this, and her fingers in her cunt have slowed down, as has her hand on his balls. By the time she's finished drinking his seed, Korra is definitely a little out of it… so of course, Saito takes back control.

The Earthbender has been traveling for a long time and knows some things about always having one's element on hand. While he could tear up floorboards by pulling from the earth beneath the inn, that would be rude… and he had no reason to do that, when he carried a sizable rock with him everywhere. Said rock rises up now as Saito continues to grip the bedding, but this time twisting his hands in a very specific manner.

The rock splits into two smaller pieces, which in turn fly forward. They latch around Korra's wrists before she can even react and pull her arms up and together over her head, where the rock once again reforms into one cohesive whole as it swallows her arms up and restrains them. Korra lets out a yelp, but Saito is already moving, and before the gorgeous young woman can truly react, she's on her back where he just was, her head on a pillow and her arms stretched out over her head, bound together.

With her entire naked body on display before her, Saito leans in as he kneels between her legs. His cock, sucked to completion but still quite hard, rests across Korra's taut tummy, her beautiful dark-skinned six pack. Like this, both of them can see just how DEEP his member would reach, if he were to stick every last inch of his cock inside of her. For a moment, the two of them just stare. Him, more at her beautiful body, her at his shaft and what it represents.

Any attempts at struggling against the rock around her wrists are aborted before they can begin as Korra realizes the position she's in. Saito doesn't hold her for long anyways, he pulls the rock away a moment after she calms down and slips it back into his pack as he grins down at her. Reaching up, he places his hand on one of her breasts, casually groping it. Korra blushes at the touch and mewls a little. Her arms remain above her head, almost as if she doesn't want to move them.

"What… what are you waiting for, you big brute? D-Do it!"

Saito can't help but widen his grin at that. After all, 'big brute' had been Korra's nickname for him for quite some time, back when they first met. When they were more friendly rivals than actual friends. It'd fallen off once they'd gotten to know each other. He'd become 'Saito' and she'd become 'Korra' rather than 'feisty little one'.

As far as pet names went, Saito didn't mind being called big brute in bed one bit. So, with permission not only given, but the act all but demanded of him, the hulking earthbender slides back a bit so that his meaty cock falls off of Korra's abs and the head of his lengthy member presses up against the wet slit between her legs. Her pussy lips almost immediately begin to flower open for him, and Korra's breath hitches as she watches him penetrate her.

There's no virginity to take, though whether this is because Korra has had sex before, or because she's lived a very rough, physical lifestyle that had no hope of leaving a hymen intact, Saito doesn't know. He also doesn't care. Whatever happened to her before now, whoever she might have slept with or not slept with, none of that matters to the man. All that matters is this moment, right here. All that matters is the two of them, finally joined together, locked in a lover's embrace.

Saito's cock sinks into Korra about halfway before finally encountering some resistance. But he knows he can go further. Its merely that the first part of her passage is already so ready, so inviting… but the rest, Saito is going to have to work for. Drawing back, he can feel Korra's insides clinging to him, trying to squeeze down and hold him in place as he exits her. Korra herself moans in response to the sensation… only to squeal quite loudly when he thrusts in again and pushes an inch deeper than before.

Her cyan eyes go wide, and she stares up at him with some measure of wonder in her gaze… then, she lets out a throaty moan as he draws back, only to do it again. Settling into a rhythm of sorts, Saito begins to fuck the Avatar. He fucks her, and he fills her with his cock again and again, his meaty shaft pumping into her faster and faster. The draw back starts to speed up as well, and he truly is rutting with her, no longer teasing her.

Korra, for her part, isn't sure what to do with herself yet again. Her hands come up and she gropes her own breasts just to give them something to do. At the same time, her powerful, beautiful, dusky legs wrap around Saito's wide waist. She's not quite able to lock them together behind her back, but that doesn't stop her from trying as she squeezes down on him, both his waist and his cock with her thighs and her inner walls.

Saito grunts at the tightening sensation. Korra is… simply exquisite. Like a work of art, chiseled from some sort of beautiful stone. Perhaps that was just the earthbender in him talking, but it was how he felt nonetheless. Her beauty lay in the lines of her body and the way that the sharp edges of her fit, athletic form wove interchangeably with the soft curves of her femininity. She was definitely a woman, but she did not let that define her anymore than being the Avatar defined her.

She was Korra. No one else, no THING else. She was simply Korra, and she was the woman she loved with all his heart. Leaning forward, Saito presses his lips against hers. They kiss once more, even more passionate and sloppy this go around, as they're both quite distracted by the pleasure, they're each gaining from Saito's cock thrusting in and out of Korra's pussy again and again.

With his neck in range now, Korra's hands finally find something to do. She detaches her fingers from her breasts and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling Saito closer, using every bit of her strength to do so. He doesn't resist, he sees no reason to resist as he continues to fuck her on the bed like that, pounding into her again and again. Korra embraces him, and he embraces her. Joined at the crotch, the two of them feel nothing but pleasure.

Korra cums first, of course. She cums often, as well. Saito pounds climax after climax out of her tightening, squeezing, milking cunt, all while holding his own release back. Unlike with the sucking of his cock, Saito doesn't want this to end before it absolutely has to. He clings to his self-restraint, one of the earliest things he learned as an earthbender. Control over an element such as rock only comes with mastery over oneself first and foremost, after all.

So yes, he holds back his release, and delights in making Korra orgasm again and again around his cock. He plows her into the bed and he enjoys it as her face contorts in pleasure beneath him, her eyes crossing, her tongue not seeming to be under her control as they kiss, that sort of thing. He just… he loves making her lose her composure. He always has, to be fair. Their relationship had been built on teasing one another, on provoking one another.

Korra can likely tell that he's holding himself back, even as he fucks her into oblivion. He can feel the exact moment she starts to fight back, because it's the moment his control and concentration begin to truly unravel. Her cunt walls begin to take on a life of their own, as if they're controlled by sentient thought, rather than random spasms. They rhythmically and consistently massage up and down his member, milking him more efficiently than ever before.

Its Saito's turn to groan into Korra's mouth, until finally, the Avatar succeeds in forcing his release from him. As his hot, sticky seed paints her insides white, Korra's eyes roll back in her head momentarily, and she cums one last time from the feeling as well. Their tongues duel with each other right up to and then right through the climax… but as soon as they both come down from their pleasure highs, Saito pulls out of Korra and falls to her side with a breathless gasp, panting just as hard as she is as they lay on their backs together, side by side.

"That was…"


By this point, Korra's arms have flopped back down to her sides from where she had them over her head, gripping the top of the bed as it shook violently with every jarring thrust, he made into her body. They'd definitely made a lot of noise, but still neither of them found it in themselves to care. And it wasn't like any one had come by to shut them up, either…

Slowly, Saito slips his hand into Korra's. He squeezes, and she squeezes back as their fingers intertwine with one another. After a moment, they turn and look each other in the eye. The words well up in Saito's throat, and after all of that, with his life seed leaking from betwixt her thighs, how can he not just say it?

"… I love you, Korra."

Korra's answering smile is near blinding as she reaches out, her free hand going over her body as she brushes it against his cheek and chiseled jaw.

"I love you too, Saito."

They have a moment where they just look at one another… and then Korra is suddenly on top of him, sliding into place and putting his cockhead between her sticky, wet nethers once more. She flashes him a wicked grin, even as she slowly begins to sink down his length.

"Mm… my turn~"

While mildly surprised, Saito certainly isn't against… any of this. Chuckling, the muscular earthbender reaches out and places his hands on Korra's waist. But he doesn't try to squeeze or pull or push in any direction. He simply rests them there, and Korra's slightly smaller hands fall onto his thick wrists as she pants heavily, continuing to impale herself on his cock. Inch after inch of his member disappears inside of her, her pussy walls still slick and wet and stretchy from their combined juices and the rough pounding he'd just given her.

In the end, Korra sinks him to the hilt inside of her, before ultimately placing one hand on her ever-so-slightly bulging abdomen, her six-pack giving way only partially. She can feel his heat through her body, just as Saito can very nearly feel her fingers and her palm through what lies between them.

"S-So big… so thick…"

Korra moans that out, before pulling herself up. Here, Saito helps her, just a bit. He doesn't exert too much strength though, and when Korra subsequently drops herself down again, he stops altogether so that she can fall, impaling herself on him once more. A low, throaty moan exits the Avatar's lips, but she doesn't stop there. She wants this… she wants to ride him, and Saito is perfectly happy to let her, watching as he lies back and enjoys the show.

For her part, Korra gyrates and undulates across his cock for a moment, buried to its base inside of her as it is. She moans louder and lewder, and she tilts her head back as she gasps in honest delight, getting truly used to how big he is. Its one thing to just lay there clinging to him as he fucks her with all his might. Its another entirely to make him lay back and use her OWN might to fuck herself on his big, fat dick.

But that's exactly what Korra does. Whether she thinks she needs to prove something to either herself or him, Saito doesn't know. He just lets her do her thing, along for the ride and enjoying it immensely. Korra slowly raises herself up again, and then swiftly drops back down. She continues to do this, working herself into a frenzy as she eventually reaches out, leaning over him and grabbing his chest with both hands for leverage.

Saito's hands slide to the dark-skinned Avatar's ass, and he grins as he finds almost no give there… but then, the key word is almost. While Korra's ass is tight and firm and athletic beyond measure, he can still push in, and the moans he draws from her lips as he squeezes and gropes and massages the Avatar's beautiful behind are just… pure ecstasy.

As is the feeling of her cunt muscles squeezing along his cock. There's no doubt in Saito's mind now that Korra has full control over her body, including the insides of her sex. She grips at his length with too much ferocity, too much intelligence for it to really be random or by chance. Her insides cling to him with purpose, and Saito finds himself holding back far swifter this time around as Korra bounces up and down on his cock harder and faster.

"C'mon you big brute… c'mon! Give it to me… gimme, gimme, gimme!"

Korra's childish antics are almost laughable, but they're also insanely hot, when attributed to the beautiful dusky woman currently leaning over him. Rather than 'give it to her', Saito chooses door number two… and leans up to capture one of the Avatar's tits in his mouth. Korra gasps and a moment later has her hands wrapped around his bald head as she holds him close. Saito comes up off the bed at least slightly at that point, his physical strength leaving that no difficult task at all as he slurps and nibbles at her breast, before pulling back to properly suckle at her teat.

It ends almost as it began. With Saito sat up buck naked in bed, and Korra in his lap, still bouncing up and down on his cock like there's no tomorrow. Of course, the only similarity between this and the start of the night's pleasure is the fact that Korra is in his lap, kneeling on either side of his toned, muscular form. Everything else is… well, an excellent allegory for how swiftly their relationship has progressed. From sitting and kissing one another, to fucking and sucking and moaning out their love for the other as they happily fuck right then and there in the rented room.

Still, with Korra working as hard as she is to make him cum, its not long before he does so again, despite it being his third release of the night. She does cum first though, at least twice before his seed finally fills her again. This time, Korra has upped the ante though. This time, her rapid-fire bouncing, her riding of his cock and the constant impalement on his member has left his tip lodged in her cervix, pressing into the entrance of her womb as he finally cums inside of her for the second time that night.

As such, Korra feels every last blast of his seed fill her most sacred of places directly, his cum pumping into her womb and filling it to the brim and then some. Needless to say, the Avatar's eyes roll back in her head and her jaw drops open as she lets out a pleasure-filled scream of bliss, before ultimately collapsing forward onto him as Saito in turn falls back, the two of them very clearly spent.

With Korra resting on his broad chest, Saito wraps his arms around her, even as he feels her inner walls squeeze down on his cumming cock a few more times before finally stopping. His own stamina is fairly ran down as well, and his length goes soft inside of the love of his life, even as Korra nuzzles into his chest and mewls happily, already falling asleep.

Chuckling softly, Saito just leans back and does the same, a big, wide smile across his face. This was the best moment of his entire life.

Of course, the next morning when the innkeeper gave Saito a healthy slap on the back and an approving nod, while the innkeeper's wife handed Korra an herbal concoction she said would help with any soreness, both of the young people were left bright red at the realization that they'd probably kept everyone else in the inn up throughout the entirety of their frenzied lovemaking.

That didn't stop either of them from walking out of the inn hand in hand all the same, big goofy smiles on their faces whenever they so much as glanced in one another's direction. They were young and in love… and neither could have possibly imagined being happier.


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