Bully Lord




Rakib has been stalking Toya for several months now, and he has made it clear that he is determined to marry her. He has been harassing her, following her, and sending her threatening messages. Toya is terrified of Rakib, and she is afraid that he will do something to her.


Yacob is aware of Rakib's obsession with Toya, and he has been trying to discourage him from pursuing her. However, Rakib is not listening to his father. He is determined to have Toya, and he is not going to let anything stand in his way."


Joya is worried that Rakib will do something terrible to Toya. She knows that he is a dangerous man, and she is afraid that he will not stop until he has gotten what he wants. She believes that the only way to protect Toya is to get Rakib away from her. That is why she is asking James to pretend to be Toya's boyfriend.


James felt a mix of outrage and disbelief. “But how can he get away with that?” he demanded, his fists clenching. “Someone has to put a stop to it!”


“Trust me, if Qadir had more solid evidence, he would act,” Joya replied, her voice steady yet filled with concern. “But Rakib is sly. He knows how to manipulate the situation to his advantage, and he’s well-protected by his father’s influence. That’s why we need you.”


James felt a surge of anger coursing through him, reminiscent of a painful memory involving his own sister. He recalled how a similar situation had arisen when a rich father's baby boy from their neighborhood had shown an inappropriate interest in her. The boy had been persistent and aggressive, and he had made it clear that he was determined to have her, no matter what. James's sister had been terrified, and she had begged her parents for help. Fortunately, James's father had been able to use his connections and authority to put an end to the harassment.


The memory of that time was still painful for James, and it filled him with a sense of dread as he thought about what Toya might be going through.


"I can't believe this is happening to Toya. This isn't right!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with emotion. He then explained the situation with his sister, emphasizing the importance of protecting young women from such harmful situations. He told Joya how his sister had been traumatized by the experience, and how she had struggled to recover. He also explained how his father had been able to use his connections to get the boy into trouble, and how that had ultimately deterred him from pursuing his sister further.


Joya nodded solemnly. “See? Similar situations happen everywhere. But unlike your father, we can’t resolve this easily. That’s why I need you to pretend to be her boyfriend for a few months. Once that’s in place, Qadir will have the necessary leverage to take action against Yacob and Rakib.”


James took a deep breath, weighing the gravity of the situation. “I understand,” he said, his voice calmer now. “I’ll do it. If it means protecting Toya, then I’ll help however I can.”

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