Blossoming Path - A Xianxia LitRPG

6. Quests

Several days had gone by since the Day of Awakening, the term coined by people around the world for the extraordinary event.

Since then, I've made some progress in my skills and noted some startling differences in my interface compared to other people's.

I talked with the other villagers, and none of them had a clue on how to further progress their skills to the next stage. They didn't even know what the next stage of their skills would be called! It seemed mine was more helpful than I initially thought it was. But that was just the beginning.

Wondering what other things I could do with my heavenly interface, I asked it many questions. And in turn, I was greeted with more boxes of information.

Quest: Body Refinement

- Run the perimeter of Gentle Wind Village without stopping to rest. (1/5)

- Commit to the horse stance for ten minutes without stopping to rest. (0/5)

- Squat 250 times without stopping to rest. (1/5)

Quest: Mind Refinement

- Perform Visualization Training for one hour. (2/5)

- Meditate for one hour without losing focus. (2/5)

- Solve a mathematical equation without any external aid. (5/5)

To my delight, I received quests after inquiring about ways to enhance my mind and body, which were still at the mortal realm. The interface provided me with various tasks and challenges, pushing me to strengthen my mental and physical fortitude.

I had begun almost immediately. I almost blacked out attempting to run the entirety of the village's perimeter, but I had done the challenge. But it humbled me to know that such a simple task left me in such a dire state. I was a physically active, able-bodied young man! To think Kai Liu would be felled by mere running. The interface showed me just how much it would truly take to become a cultivator. I had been shallow and neglected to understand the actual work it took to get there.

After squatting for hundreds of times, I didn't even have the capacity to do the second task. My legs shook madly, and I was forced to give up and try again the next day. But even now, I could hardly hold that stance! I'd have to work towards it and complete the other two in the meantime.

Over the past few days, I'd been trying to do the horse stance for ten minutes, but even with all my strength I couldn't make it. My legs were so unaccustomed to intense stimuli. This was something that would require constant effort.

Same for the Mind Refinement Quest! They were odd, telling me to do a thing called Visualization Training. It had given me a short prompt, explaining that it was a matter of imagining objects, scenes, and scenarios in vivid detail. Not a challenge for the Dreaming Gardener! That was my specialty, and I could even do it while I was running the shop. Mathematical equations were easy for a genius like me, I did them on a daily basis for the shop's finances!

So with these quests, I continued my daily life. The shop never had many customers, but my garden always needed maintenance!

The villagers noticed me running around, but they knew that something as magnificent as the Heavenly Interface would probably inspire me. They just chalked it up to 'Kai being Kai'.

Some of the younger children followed along, trying to see what else the Heavenly Interface had to offer. But most of the villagers had gone back to their usual lives. The Heavenly Interface didn't play much of a part in their day-to-day, and unlike mine, the interface only showed and tracked their progress.

However, a handful of people, driven by ambition and determination, were emboldened by the Heavenly Interface's presence—people like me.

"Kai! Sorry to interrupt your meditatin', but here's the staff you ordered."

I opened my eyes. It was Wang Jun. His smile was wide and boisterous. He wore a white bandana, covered in soot and dirt from toiling away in the forges with Master Qiang. Wang Jun was always a boisterous man with an upbeat personality.

I got up from my position on the dirt floor, stretching my back after being in the same position for quite some time. Meditating was one of the tasks given to me, and I decided to do it in the garden where I felt most at peace. Being in nature would surely help me gather energy or something like that. Opening the fence gate to allow Wang Jun in, he handed me the clothed item and I nearly tipped over due to the unexpected weight.

Unwrapping the cloth, it revealed a simple iron staff of good quality. The weapon was about my height, and heavy enough that holding it by its end was impossible for my current physical strength. But that's where my training comes in! It wouldn't do to train like it was a hobby, but I should invest in the necessary equipment to further my skills! One day, I'll be able to wield this like it is lighter than air.

Swords were no good, they were too sharp and I'd likely cut myself trying to handle them for training. But a staff? it was perfect for my needs, and would be versatile enough to serve multiple purposes!

"Thank you, mighty blacksmith! You've performed a critical mission, and now I'll be able to train as a proper cultivator should. Come! Let me give you some tea and some more for Master Qiang."

"I'd appreciate that!"

I led him into the shop, where Tianyi rested peacefully on a perch I had mounted up by the windowsill. It glimmered beautifully, as always. Wang Jun whistled, admiring the Spirit Beast while I prepared some tea.

"So you're really taking that cultivator stuff seriously, eh? That Heavenly Interface must've lit a fire under your ass!"

"Indeed, indeed! Would you say the same for yourself, Wang Jun?" I responded, handing him a warm cup. He muttered out a word of thanks and drank with me. I pushed out a chair and sat back, enjoying the peaceful afternoon. It had been a while since I caught up with him, especially since he was betrothed to Lan-Yin and went under Master Qiang as an apprentice. We were far from the closest, but it was good to see him well and healthy.

"I'd say so. Y'know, Master Qiang has been going non-stop since it came out." He leaned in closer with a small grin. "And I received a quest from it."

My eyes widened as I sipped my tea. The quest system was something that everyone had, it seemed. "And what did it entail? I've got some of my own as well."

"It tells me to craft twenty different kinds of tools and armor. The staff was actually one of them, so I hope you enjoy it."

"I can tell even from a glance it is of good quality! Let me know when you complete your quest; I want to know what you get from it!"

Our conversation continued into more miscellaneous subjects. It had given me much to think about.

"We got an uptick of orders from as far as Crescent Bay City! The merchants have been going on about the Silent Moon Sect starting problems." He said, rolling his shoulder back and wincing. It looks like he had been hard at work prior to coming here.

I perked up at that information. Crescent Bay City was the district capital of the Tranquil Breeze Coast. I had wanted to save up and visit the city myself, but life had gotten in the way of things. Hearing problems about the Silent Moon Sect made me frown. They were a prestigious sect, but not comparable to the Whispering Winds Sect. What were they thinking?

"What did they say about the Silent Moon Sect?"

"Just the usual, recruiting talented individuals to become cultivators. There's been more of them coming out of the woodwork with the Interface n' all that. Whispering Winds Sect and the Silent Moon's disciples have been getting into a lot of fights apparently."

That was a concern. The Heavenly Interface had done a lot of good, but with it being given to everyone, problems were bound to arise. Those with ambition, whether it was for good or evil, would find success being guided by the Heavenly Interface. I sighed, thinking about the power struggles that would come as a result of the powerful magic. I felt partially responsible, but what could I do? As far as I knew, there was no way to take it back.

Shaking my head at such thoughts, I turned the conversation to lighter topics. Thinking about those conflicts from far away would do us no benefit after all.

Giving him a few herbs that helped eliminate fatigue, I sent him off while I resumed my training. With the staff in my hand, I tried to practice some swings and strikes. They were clumsy, and my balance was off. Contrary to other times, the Heavenly Interface didn't seem keen on helping me out here. But I would prevail! Perhaps the Village Head would have some books for me to learn more about wielding a staff. And I glanced at the biggest quest yet, which I had no clue about how to start.

Quest: Cultivation Technique (Wood)

- Find five different areas that have sufficient wood qi in the surroundings, and meditate in them for one hour.

- Areas with sufficient wood qi will be marked with a glowing, yellow orb only visible to you.

Where would I find one? Maybe it was easy for someone outside of the Tranquil Breeze Coast, but it was impossible for me! There was a reason why Tianyi was the only Spirit Beast I'd ever encountered. It's also why finding the Moonlit Grace Lily was so difficult. The innate qi in the environment was far too low to accommodate any cultivators. Even those in the heart of the province found it difficult to cultivate without the use of artifacts.

After several more minutes of swinging the staff around clumsily, I sighed and put it down. My body was covered in sweat. My progress was lacking, and I had far more questions than answers.

I needed to find a way to unlock my Qi reserves! I hadn't been able to since Tianyi gave me some, and she hadn't repeated it since. It would be the key to getting on track with all the other quests I had, especially my Gardening skill. There were so many things I needed to learn, and even the Heavenly Interface wouldn't be able to give me all the answers.

I tidied myself, rinsing my body with water before embarking on a journey to the village square. I would need to consult the Village Head.

"Village Head! I require your expertise!"

I waited patiently at his door until it slid open to reveal a tall, slim man with a stooped posture. His silvery hair was tied in a neat bun, and his beard was well-groomed. The Village Head seemed curious at my entrance.

"If it isn't little Kai. What can I do for you today?"

"I would like your help in regards to my quest to being a cultivator!"

He whacked me on the head lightly, and I cursed. His face was impassive as usual. Village Head had barely aged since I was a young child.

"Still on about that, aren't you?" He sighed, retracting his hand and allowing me in.

"The Heavenly Interface was a sign from above, Village Head! I've been training properly now under its guidance!"

"Hard-headed brat!" He ruffled my hair, leaving it an undignified mess. "And don't call me that!"

Village Head, or rather, Elder Ming, was always against my dream of being a cultivator. He was once part of a sect, although he never mentioned which it was, before leaving the path of cultivation and settling down here in the Gentle Wind Village. He had been here for decades, so he couldn't have been too far into his journey before he stopped.

He always told me, even from a young age, that it wasn't a path one should seek so easily. Elder Ming warned me of the danger, the rigors of training, and the pressure set upon you by being a disciple. He even warned me about the way those of lower status were treated within sects; it was one of the major reasons why I didn't run to one and beg to be let into the Whispering Winds Sect or the Silent Moon Sect. When I begged him to train me in the ways of cultivation, he flat-out refused, saying he couldn't give a child something so dangerous, citing a problem called QI Deviation as being too risky.

I know his resistance came from a place of concern, but I knew what I wanted. Being a gardener was okay, but I wanted to live a life of freedom and travel. Being a cultivator would grant me that luxury, and I was more than determined to get it. He probably thought I wasn't taking it seriously or didn't understand the consequences, but I did! I acted as an overconfident fool at times, but I knew where I stood and just how much work it'd take to get to where I wanted to be.

"Please, Elder Ming." I bowed my head. "I wish to learn. I want to understand just what it takes to be a cultivator."

"Raise your head, Kai."

I complied, and he hit me with another chop to the head. I could tell he was a retired cultivator, those strikes packed a serious punch despite his frame!

"Don't think that being a cultivator is so easy! You don't get that way overnight, even with that Interface's help. You need consistency and practice, built upon years and years, along with the right guidance!"

"That's why I'm here, Elder Ming! Come on, you've refused to teach me since I was a kid! What do I have to do to prove to you that I'm serious about this?"

He scratched his chin, looking at me with an appraising eye. I stood there with a determined expression on my face. Elder Ming closed his eyes and sighed, seemingly giving up on trying to convince me. It wasn't the first time I tried to convince him to teach me or give me guidance, but I suppose this was the only time where I bothered him so much about it.

"Well, I know I can't stop you. If anything, you'd get yourself killed doing something reckless, so I'll give you a test."

The old man who spent his life walking around the village had a certain pressure around him that made me nervous, but I smiled in the face of it all.

I looked at him with a determined expression on my face. Whatever challenge he gave, I, Kai Liu, would be up for the task! Whatever it may be!

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