Blossoming Path - A Xianxia LitRPG

7. Challenge and Purpose

The sun was already setting as Elder Ming led me to a clearing on the outskirts of Gentle Wind Village. The grass swayed gently, and the air carried the fresh scent of earth and dew. I was excited to finally start my training under the guidance of Elder Ming, but I could tell he was still a bit hesitant.

"Alright, let me see these quests the Heavenly Interface gave you," Elder Ming said, his voice firm but curious. I didn't hesitate to tell him the list of challenges for both body and mind refinement. He examined the lists for a moment, his eyebrows knitting together in what seemed like disapproval.

"These challenges... they're hardly a proper test for a cultivator," he scoffed. "You want to be a cultivator, don't you, Kai? The real path requires much more than what this interface is asking of you."

I stared at him, feeling slightly discouraged but determined to prove myself. "I'll do whatever it takes, Elder Ming. Just tell me what to do."

He nodded, a glimmer of respect in his eyes. "Very well. We'll start with the body refinement tasks, but we'll make them more challenging."

Elder Ming picked up a couple of large rocks from the ground and handed them to me. "Instead of just holding the horse stance for ten minutes, I want you to do it with these rocks on your shoulders."

I hesitated for a moment, then nodded, gripping the rocks in my hands. I got into the horse stance, lowering my hips while keeping my back straight. Elder Ming placed the rocks on my shoulders, and I felt my muscles strain under the additional weight. I focused my mind on the task, using my determination to push through the discomfort.

As the minutes ticked by, the weight of the rocks seemed to multiply, and my legs quivered in protest. Sweat poured down my forehead, and I could feel my body wanting to give up. But every time I felt like collapsing, I reminded myself of my dream to become a cultivator, and it gave me the strength to keep going. Elder Ming warned me when my form strayed from perfection, forcing me to straighten my back and raise my legs.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Elder Ming told me to stop. It wasn't even half the time necessary to complete the challenge. My legs gave out from under me, and I fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

"Good work, Kai," Elder Ming said, his voice holding a hint of surprise. "Now, let's move on to the mind refinement tasks. The first one was Visualization Training, wasn't it?"

For the next several hours, Elder Ming pushed me harder than I had ever been pushed before. He had me perform the Visualization Training while holding a handstand, forcing me to maintain both physical and mental focus. I couldn't even do a handstand; so he allowed me to use the wall as a support. He quizzed me on increasingly complex mathematical equations while I jogged laps around the clearing.

As I struggled through each task, Elder Ming explained the importance of having a strong body to cultivate qi. "You see, Kai, a weak body cannot hold and maintain the qi necessary for cultivation. It's like trying to fill a cracked vase with water - it will simply leak out and be wasted. By strengthening your body, you create a proper vessel for qi, allowing it to flow and be cultivated within you."

His words resonated with me, and I finally understood the significance of these challenges. It wasn't just about completing tasks like a checklist for the Interface; it was about creating a strong foundation for my cultivation journey. Perhaps I was taking it too lightly. These challenges were difficult; I don't think even someone like Wang Jun could do it to completion despite his blessed physicality. Much less a gardener like me. I didn't even manage to do half of what he set out, but Elder Ming hadn't even discussed the word 'failure' since I began. Just quiet encouragement and the occasional criticism. Aside from smacking me in the head when I first came, he's been a gentle instructor.

By the time we finished our training, the moon was high in the sky, casting a soft glow over the clearing. My body ached, and my mind felt stretched to its limits, but I had never felt more alive. The training I had put myself through over the past few days was nothing in comparison to the Village Head's regimen. Having a proper mentor was truly a blessing.

"Thank you, Elder Ming," I said, my voice hoarse from exhaustion. "I feel like I've learned so much already. Is this what they had you do in your sect? You never did tell me which one you belonged to."

Elder Ming nodded, a hint of a smile on his lips. His eyes were wistful, as though he was remembering a particularly fond memory from long ago.

"There's no use talking about the past. It holds no use in the present. Stand up!"

I gathered myself and stood at attention, ramrod straight. He examined my body, and I discarded my top halfway into training as it was drenched in sweat.

"You've done well, but there's still one more thing we need to cover today. Sit down and cross your legs. We're going to meditate. This will be the first step in unlocking your qi."

I followed his instructions, my body protesting as I settled into a seated position. Elder Ming sat across from me, his eyes closed and his breathing steady.

"Now, I'll teach you how to circulate qi," he said, opening his eyes. "As a mortal, you don't have access to your own qi yet, so I'll push some of mine into your body to help you understand the process. Imagine your body as a series of rivers and streams, and qi as the water that flows through them. The goal is to guide the water through the rivers and streams without it overflowing or becoming stagnant."

I nodded, my brow furrowed in concentration as I tried to visualize what he was describing.

Elder Ming placed his hands on my shoulders and began to slowly push his qi into my body. At first, I didn't feel anything, but then I felt a gentle warmth spreading through my veins. It was like sunlight on a cold winter morning, comforting and invigorating at the same time. It was more pronounced than when Tianyi exchanged her energy with me to activate the artifact.

As the qi flowed through me, I could feel it following the pathways Elder Ming described, like water through a network of rivers. I focused my mind on guiding the qi, making sure it flowed smoothly and without obstruction. It was a delicate balance, and I found myself completely absorbed in the task. Unlike my past experience with meditation, where I had difficulties clearing my mind, I was focused utterly on guiding the energy Elder Ming put into my body.

At one point, I felt the qi building up near my stomach, and a sudden pressure caused me to let out a loud, unexpected burp. Both Elder Ming and I opened our eyes, startled by the interruption. For a moment, we stared at each other, then burst into laughter, our earlier seriousness forgotten.

Once we had composed ourselves, Elder Ming continued with the lesson. "That's a good example of what can happen if you don't properly circulate the qi. The key is to maintain a balance, allowing the energy to flow smoothly without bottlenecks or blockages. Understand, little Kai?"

We continued to meditate, Elder Ming guiding me in the process of circulating the qi. By the end of our session, I felt a sense of harmony within my body that I had never experienced before. My mind was clear, and my muscles, though still aching, felt more relaxed.

As we rose from our meditation, I thanked Elder Ming once more, a newfound appreciation for the world of cultivation filling me. I was eager to continue my training and unlock the potential within me, step by step. I thanked him profusely and promised him some tea leaves for our training session tomorrow. He laughed and shooed me away.

"Rest is important as well. Visit me the day after and we can continue your test."

As I walked through the village, I couldn't help but notice the warm interactions between the villagers. Families shared hearty meals together, children chased each other through the narrow streets, and friends exchanged laughter and stories. These scenes of camaraderie and love filled me with bittersweet longing. Memories of my mother and father resurfaced, sobering me up after the training with Elder Ming.

I hope they looked kindly upon me, wherever they were. Your son was going strong, living his life to the fullest. I won't let myself be bound to being a simple gardener.

Lost in my thoughts, I ran into Lan-Yin, my childhood friend. She had a basket of freshly picked fruits balanced on her hip, her hair was tied up in a neat bun. Her eyes sparkled with amusement as she looked at my worn-out and bruised form.

"Kai, what happened to you?" she asked, with a mixture of amusement and concern.

I puffed out my chest and replied with mock arrogance, "I am training with Elder Ming, learning the way of cultivation. Soon, I will be the most powerful young master in the land!"

Lan-Yin rolled her eyes, chuckling. "Oh, really? Kowtow Kai, the mighty cultivator? I suppose I should bow down to you right now!"

We laughed together, and for a moment, the pain in my body seemed to fade away. I asked how her grandmother was, and she told me that the ingredients I gave her improved the woman's health. I was glad to hear that. But then Lan-Yin's gaze turned more serious. "In all honesty, Kai, why are you trying so hard to be a cultivator?"

I thought about it for a moment before answering. "Freedom, I suppose."

That's all it was, really. There was something so poignant about being a free man, with no obligations and no worry except his next destination. I lived in the village my entire life, eked out a respectable living for myself, but then what?

I had no family. No significant other holding me down to this village. Living here would give me a life of comfort, peace, and tranquility. But would I be truly satisfied with that? I didn't know. My heart yearned for something outside of here. I wanted to see the world for all it had to offer. The volcanoes at the Crimson Flame Peaks. The legendary World Tree in the Emerald Spirit Forest. Glimmering shores of the Sapphire Sea Isles. I've heard so much, but I have yet to take a step out of the place I called home. Being a cultivator would give me the freedom and security needed to explore the world and places outside of this province.

She looked at me thoughtfully, her eyes filled with warmth. My answer was of few words, but she seemed to understand the depth behind them. "Well, if that's what you truly want, then I'll support you, Kai. Just promise me one thing."

"What is it?"

"Promise me you'll come back to visit us, no matter how far your journey takes you."

I nodded, my heart swelling with gratitude. I may not have a family, but I had a community here in the Gentle Wind Village. One that I wouldn't forget even if I wanted to. "That's a foregone conclusion. I will return bearing gifts from my travels! Legendary elixirs, mythical artifacts!"

With a smile and a wave, we parted ways, and I continued on my way home.

The scent of various flowers and herbs filled the air as I entered the shop, a comforting reminder of home. I made my way to my room, exhaustion weighing heavily on my shoulders.

As I pushed open the door, I was greeted by the sight of Tianyi, the Azure Moonlight Flutter. She was perched gracefully atop a potted plant, her delicate wings shimmering with the ethereal beauty of moonlight. I still remembered she possessed a certain skill that strengthened her under the guise of the celestial body, and I could see that Tianyi's colors were much more vivid than before. She flitted over to me, her gentle presence a soothing balm to my aching body.

"Hello, Tianyi," I whispered, smiling warmly. She responded with a soft flutter of her wings as if acknowledging my greeting. My body begged for rest, and I couldn't resist its call any longer. "I will leave the door open for you should you require some nectar in the garden outside. This young master needs his rest."

Carefully nudging the butterfly to her spot on the windowsill, I refilled her bowl which contained some sugar water. Tianyi would not go hungry so long as I could help it!

I collapsed onto my bed, my mind drifting to the challenges that awaited me the next day, and soon, I was engulfed by the comforting embrace of sleep. Something passed my vision, another blue box, but my eyelids seemed to weigh as much as the sky, and darkness took over.

I awoke the next morning, astonished to find my body feeling revitalized, with only the faintest hint of soreness lingering from the previous day's training. I blinked away the remnants of sleep, glancing around my room to discern the reason for my unexpected recovery.

You have deepened your bond with the Spirit Beast, Tianyi.

You have discovered a hidden ability possessed by the Azure Moonlight Flutter - Qi Haven

Name: Tianyi

Race: Mystical Butterfly

Affinity: Wood

Cultivation Rank: Qi Initiation Stage - Rank 1

Special Abilities:

Qi Haven: Transforms frequented areas into concentrated qi zones, boosting recovery and cultivation efficiency for those within its boundaries.

Moonlight Empowerment: Gains increased power and vitality under the moonlight.

Qi Siphon: Can absorb small amounts of qi from its surroundings to sustain itself.

Qi Transfer: Can imbue living beings with energy by transferring its qi, providing a small boost to those who receive it.

Bond Level: 2 (Friend) - Tianyi has developed a closer relationship with you, displaying increased trust and willingness to assist in your cultivation journey.

My eyes settled on Tianyi, who was resting on my windowsill, her wings pulsing gently as they emanated a faint but steady stream of qi. I realized that it was her healing energy that had contributed to my recovery. A broad grin spread across my face as I leaped out of bed.

"Ah, the heavens themselves are guiding me on the path to ascension!" I proclaimed dramatically, gesturing grandly towards the sky. It was a beautiful day today. "Surely, I am destined for greatness, for it is I, Kai, the illustrious cultivator-to-be, who shall conquer the world of cultivation and leave my mark on the annals of history!"

Filled with enthusiasm, I strode over to my beloved plants, greeting them with the same grandiosity I had displayed earlier. "Greetings, my loyal subjects! Today, your esteemed master shall embark on a noble journey toward the pinnacle of cultivation! Fear not, for I shall return victorious, and together, we shall bask in the glorious light of my triumph!"

My plants, of course, did not respond, but I couldn't help but feel a surge of motivation coursing through me, fueled by my recovery.

After I completed my daily tasks around the shop, I would travel back into the forest. It was time to focus on my Herbalism and Gardening skills.

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