Blossoming Path - A Xianxia LitRPG

5. Return to the Village

"Tianyi, I've done it!"

Herbalism has reached level 9.

I spent far too long in the forest. The sky had already gone dark and my only source of light was the moon and the Azure Moonlight Flutter's glittering wings. I had given it a name; Tianyi. A regal title!

After all, I couldn't call it 'little butterfly' every single time. My decision to call it that had stuck and even its name changed when I observed the Spirit Beast's status once more.

The butterfly in question was now active, fluttering around as I worked in the clearing with a pile of various herbs and plants I collected during my outing. I lined them all up in neat portions, where I had been studying them for the past two hours.

From right to left, I had Misty Dew Grass, Skyreach Flower, Moonbeam Petals, and Nightshade Flowers. All fairly uncommon herbs, but I found a significant amount from foraging in the area. I knew what each one of them did, and I was aware of the few combinations I could make with each. I was limited by the tools I had at my disposal, but with the Nightshade and the Misty Dew, I was able to create a fairly potent sleeping aid.

Then I added the Moonbeam Petals to it and ingested it.

Now, I know it sounds stupid. But I had seen what the Heavenly Interface said. I needed my Herbalism skills to reach a certain level. How else would one improve their level in a certain skill? By pushing it to its limits! So I did it the way I knew how; experimenting and documenting the results. I discovered that adding Moonbeam Petals made the concoction work much quicker, and I fell flat on my face within fifteen minutes of drinking it. Not the smartest idea, but I woke up an hour later to continue. Tianyi had stood guard, protecting me from any evildoers while I was unconscious. A steadfast and reliable companion she was!

I repeated the process a few more times. But I made sure to pay attention to my every move. The way I cut using my knife, how I grind herbs, and even how I store them! They were all actions I did without much thought, but I was determined to see if my thought process would make a difference. And it did, in the form of my Herbalism skill reaching the next level. My genius knows no bounds!

In all honesty, I was close to giving up. I breathed a sigh of relief as soon it came, and I packed up my items and got ready to go home. I glanced at Tianyi and wondered if it would follow me. The Azure Moonlight Flutter was content to stay nearby, occasionally darting out of sight but always coming back.

I wouldn't take it with me by force. The Spirit Beast was responsible for this course of events and I had much to thank it for. Tianyi could be independent or accompany me, whatever they so wished!

But I hoped it would, they would be a fine addition to my garden, and the companionship was nice. Something I could talk to in my haughty young master tone without fear of judgment or embarrassment. Tianyi was the only one I could count on. Except for my plants. But they don't really count. I think.

Not to mention the looks on the villagers' faces! Kai the Spirit Beast Hunter, that's what they'd call me from now on!

"Tianyi, will you be coming with me?" I called out. "I can accommodate you. My plants have superior nectar to the ones grown here."

The butterfly seemed enthused, glowing slightly in response to my words. I am certain that Tianyi is not an ordinary Spirit Beast. They must be some sort of reincarnated cultivator! A divine ancestor was willing to help their descendant! I will treat them most lavishly with nectar from the finest of flowers.

With the Azure Moonlight Flutter at my side, I carefully retraced my steps back to the village.

The lights were still on in the village. I could see them from a distance, still active despite being past midnight. It had taken me nearly an hour to find my way back, getting lost and having to return to my original position a few times. My clothes were a ragged mess and my hair was tangled up. A warm bath was needed!

As I drew closer to the village, I saw people huddled in a group near the entrance, discussing something animatedly. Master Qiang was amongst them. I knew for a fact he was the sort to turn early! It was unusual for the villagers to be gathered like this so late at night, especially when they had fields to tend to early in the morning.

Curiosity piqued, I approached the crowd and tried to listen in on their conversation. Their voices were a mix of excitement, confusion, and disbelief.

"I can't believe it! I received the Heavenly Interface too!" Master Qiang said in his gruff tone.

"Mine says I have a Fishing skill at level 3," another chimed in, looking both proud and bewildered. He was one of the younger fishermen, and I couldn't recall his name at the moment. I was merely stunned at what I was hearing.

"Is this some kind of divine blessing? Why would it happen to all of us?" an elder questioned, stroking his beard thoughtfully.

As I listened to the villagers' excited chatter about their Heavenly Interfaces, my heart continued to sink. It seemed as though everyone else had received skills that were much more interesting and useful than mine, especially among those my age.

"I got a level 4 Carpentry skill!" one of the teenagers announced, grinning from ear to ear. He was much younger than I, but to think he was skilled enough to possess levels in the trade! Li Wei, if I remember. It had only been a year or so since he began taking up his family's business.

"And I have level 5 Blacksmithing!" another chimed in, flexing his arms to show off. It was Wang Jun. I hadn't gotten the chance to see him in some time, and he looked as mighty as an ox. Out of all the people in the village, he was the only one that rivaled Master Qiang in size. The two of them, standing side by side, resembled towering mountains guarding our village.

Master Qiang, the village blacksmith, whose broad shoulders and powerful arms were the result of years of hard labor, was now inspecting his Heavenly Interface. He let out a hearty laugh, revealing that he had received a level 13 Smithing skill. His eyes sparkled with excitement, a flame that wasn't there before.

"I feel like an apprentice again! Come, Wang Jun, let's go see if we can further them!"

The more they spoke, the more disappointed I felt. My Herbalism and Gardening skills paled in comparison to the amazing abilities my peers had received. I had thought that the Heavenly Interface would make me unique and special, but now it seemed that I was just one among many. One of them turned and asked me if I had received the enigmatic message the others did.

As I shared my experiences with the villagers, they did express some interest in Tianyi, the Azure Moonlight Flutter that followed me. I didn't mention the ruins, deciding to keep it a secret for myself. However, their attention was quickly drawn back to the Heavenly Interface, as they were too preoccupied with their own newfound abilities to focus on anything else. Tianyi, sensing my disappointment, fluttered closer to me.

Around us, the village was abuzz with activity. A group of elderly women sat outside, discussing their new skills in hushed voices. Miss Wang was among them, mentioning her Cooking skill with a proud smile. She had always been a talented cook, and now, with the Heavenly Interface, her dishes would likely become even more exquisite.

With a heavy heart, I excused myself from the crowd and trudged back to my home, longing for a warm bath to wash away the day's events. My shop was exactly the same as I left it, and I carefully opened the fence gate to let myself in. The Azure Moonlight Flutter wandered aimlessly for some time before entering my home. She provided a nice touch of glamor to my home, making it a bit more mystical than before.

As I prepared the bath, I couldn't help but talk to Tianyi while I waited for the water to warm up. I placed some chamomile to steep in the water.

"You know, Tianyi, I thought the Heavenly Interface would make me special. But it seems everyone has it now," I muttered, sinking into the warm water. "Still, it's good for the village, right? And it's not like I'm completely ordinary... I'll just have to work harder and prove that I can be the best with the Heavenly Interface."

Tianyi seemed to nod in agreement, its wings shimmering softly as it settled on the edge of the bathtub.

"Yes, you're right," I continued, feeling a little more determined. "I may not have flashy combat skills or incredible crafting abilities, but I have my own strengths. I'll make the most of my Herbalism and Gardening skills, and show everyone that even someone like me can become great!"

With a newfound sense of purpose, I pondered the impact of the Heavenly Interface on Spirit Beasts like Tianyi. Were they also granted skills and abilities through the Heavenly Interface, or were they exempt from its influence?

"Tell me, Tianyi, has it affected you too?" I asked, knowing full well that the butterfly couldn't respond. "If it has, then that means the entire cultivation world, both human and beast, will be changed forever."

Tianyi's wings twitched as if considering my words.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and anticipation about being part of such a monumental change in the cultivation world. Despite the challenges ahead, I was determined to carve my own path and rise above the ordinary.

As I soaked in the bath, I couldn't help but think about how the appearance of the Heavenly Interface would impact the cultivators and sects of the world. I specifically thought about the Whispering Winds Sect and even those of other provinces. How would they react to such a sudden and unexpected change? Would they embrace the Heavenly Interface or treat it with suspicion and caution? Inspiring cultivators like me would not sit idly.

I imagined the various sects scrambling to understand the new power and how to use it to their advantage. The balance of power within the Jianghu would be thrown into disarray as everyone attempted to adapt and thrive in this new era. Even the powerhouses like the Heaven's Pillar Sect would have to move. Some sects might find their previous advantages diminished, while others could rise in prominence thanks to the mysterious power of the Heavenly Interface. I was almost certain of it.

Well, as far as I know from the books I read. Any news or gossip would take some time to reach the village.

This shift in power dynamics and the possible impact on Spirit Beasts only served to fuel my curiosity and excitement about the Heavenly Interface.

I knew that the road ahead would be filled with countless challenges and surprises. But who was I? Kai Liu, a budding young prodigy who would take the world by storm!

"I will not be daunted so easily," I declared, rising from the bath with renewed vigor. "With my newfound determination, the support of my mysterious companion, and the power of the Heavenly Interface, I am more than ready to face whatever the future has in store!"

As I stepped out of the wooden tub, my enthusiasm was short-lived as my foot slipped on the wet floor. I tumbled forward, landing with a painful crash on the hard ground. Tianyi fluttered in the air after I disturbed its peace.

"Perhaps I should focus on mastering the art of exiting the bathtub before I conquer the Jianghu," I muttered, rubbing my bruised ego and sore body.

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