Awakened Earth!!

chapter 91: Battle part 2

A Rainbow Lightning Dragon, made of rainbow-colored lightning, appeared in the sky. I controlled it to utterly annihilate all our enemies. Using thought communication, I relayed a message to the Avengers to buy time for Sophie. She was preparing to cast a spell that would isolate New York in shadows. The downside? We might destroy the entire city. The upside? The alien invasion would be contained within New York. They acknowledged the plan and began attacking fiercely.

Meanwhile, Sophie opened several portals, unleashing a barrage of weapons like the Gates of Babylon. The enemies didn’t notice that multiple swords had been placed in very specific locations around the city. As the swords shattered, they extended and formed a magic circle. Once complete, the entire island of Manhattan was banished to the Shadow Realm, trapping the aliens along with it.

As this played out, Alex revealed her wings—dancing beautifully in the air, she manipulated cherry blossoms with magic, slaughtering enemies with her graceful movements. The blossoms were not just ordinary petals; they carried intense solar radiation and lightning, making them deadly weapons. Each blossom radiated enough heat to wound anyone not resistant to solar energy. When cut by the blossoms, the wounds were instantly cauterized, paralyzing the victims with electric shocks. As she danced, the number of cherry blossoms increased, speeding through the battlefield like deadly blades.

I continued to control my Rainbow Lightning Dragon, causing chaos. The dragon, a fusion of my rainbow flames and lightning, flew through the enemies, disintegrating them on impact. I was careful not to destroy their souls—pissing off Lady Death is not on my agenda today.

Sophie, meanwhile, had switched tactics. She stopped using the Gates of Babylon and teleported across the battlefield, clad in pitch-black armor and wielding her swords. Her armor and weapons were crafted using her ultimate skill, making them nearly indestructible. Specializing in space, shadow, and dark magic, Sophie preferred close combat, teleporting haphazardly around the battlefield and constantly changing weapons.Back in the fray, Alex ramped up her attack, increasing the number of cherry blossoms and their speed. The wind magic she was using had been dialed up to 11, causing the blossoms to glide at absurd speeds. Just being near them now was fatal due to the intense radiation. Even those strong enough to resist the solar radiation were getting shredded by the blossoms, which basically jigsaws. The lightning coursing through them ensured that anyone wounded would be paralyzed after each cut, making it a slow, painful death by a thousand cuts.

I dispelled my Lightning Dragon and casually launched rainbow fireballs—well, more like rainbow suns—at the enemy. Though their laser cannons were powerful, they were slow, so I could easily dodge them. Meanwhile, Sophie continued her relentless assault, teleporting and switching weapons, and obliterating anyone in her path.

As the battle raged on, I created a rain of rainbow-colored droplets, causing even more destruction. The enemy seemed endless, their numbers continuing to grow. Tired but determined, I realized there was only one option left. Sophie, sensing my intent, screamed at me to stop, but it was too late. I smiled and unleashed my ultimate skill: Rainbow Fusion Explosion, or as I like to call it, a magical nuke.

The explosion was controlled, wiping out all the enemies in the city while sparing New York itself. However, this extreme control put immense strain on my body and soul. A magical nuke has the potential to wipe out an entire country, so limiting its power and target required everything I had.

After I wiped out the remaining enemies, Iron Man flew over, smirking. “So, you can’t use that often, huh?” he asked.

“Only when it’s absolutely necessary,” I replied, exhausted. “It’s powerful enough to destroy a country, but the strain it puts on my body and soul makes it a last resort.”

As I began to lose consciousness, I felt myself plummeting toward the ground.

Before I could hit the earth, Sophie teleported me back to her realm. Half-asleep, I lay there as she hovered over me, chastising, “Using a spell like that is reckless. If you hadn’t destroyed all the enemies, we’d be in serious trouble.”

I smiled weakly, knowing she was right. "If I didn’t wipe them out, I’d probably be dead," I muttered, just before passing out completely.

Sophie snapped her fingers, returning New York from the Shadow Realm back to its original place, as if nothing had happened. However, the damage done to the city made it clear that the alien invasion had been real. Iron Man asked, “Is she going to be alright?”

Sophie replied, “She’ll probably be asleep for the next year at least. It wouldn’t surprise me if it took a few decades or even a century. Restraining a spell like that, to only target specific individuals instead of indiscriminately destroying everything, is much harder. It also increases the burden on the caster. It’s a double-edged sword , which is why she hasn't uses it before it's a trump card. Given that we were already exhausted after hours of battle, I suppose it wasn’t entirely the wrong decision to use it, even though it left her completely vulnerable afterward.”

I woke up in my bed, and Sophie appeared instantly, as if she sensed me stirring. “How long was I out?” I asked, but before I could get an answer, I felt a massive wave of faith energy hit me all at once. It was overwhelming, and I started refining it into divinity as quickly as I could, but it didn’t seem fast enough. All the faith energy I had accumulated over the past year hit me now that I was conscious again. Though I managed to refine it into divinity, the stream of faith energy kept coming faster than I could refine it. I absorb the divinity slowly.

As I continued to refine the Faith energy to divinity and absorb the divinity, I felt a profound transformation taking place. My soul underwent a qualitative change, taking on a radiant divine glow. Though my soul’s size and appearance didn’t change, it now radiated divine energy. My aura had shifted, becoming that of a god, and my body began to glow. Once the light faded, I realized I had ascended to godhood. I continued refining the surplus of faith energy, and after becoming a god, the refining process became much faster, allowing me to easily handle the massive influx of energy.

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