Awakened Earth!!

chapter 90: Battle

Meanwhile, the maid androids had already begun maintaining the house. I assigned 20 of them to start farm work, handing them a variety of tools before teleporting them to the lake. I also teleported some demon rice plants we got from Tempest. They’ve been in the storage room, so we didn’t have to worry about them dying. After teleporting all the plants, I instructed the androids to begin farming and create a rice plantation. With enough demon rice, we’ll have a steady supply. It’s absolutely delicious.

I haven’t eaten any food since leaving Tempest—not that I didn’t try. It’s not that I don’t like eating; it’s just that the food from Tempest spoiled me. Rimuru replicated many dishes from Earth, but there’s still one fundamental problem. Even the worst chef in Tempest is a renowned master by Earth’s standards, and as for their best? Well, no one on Earth could even come close. Plus, Tempest’s food doesn’t have any of those harmful chemicals or preservatives, which elevates the flavour immensely.

Since Rimuru uses various storage and preservation magic, it doesn’t ruin the flavor like Earthly methods, which rely on preservatives. Although refrigerating or freezing food slightly degrades its quality, that doesn’t apply to Rimuru’s fridge. That bastard created a fridge that stops time for whatever is inside, so the food stays perfectly fresh.

After tasting Tempest’s food, human food from Earth is disgusting in comparison. The ingredients are of far lower quality, filled with harmful preservatives and chemicals that are basically poison, making the taste revolting. The difference in cooking skills is also glaring, further degrading the already subpar ingredients. Naturally, I was hoping for some demon rice so I could at least have something edible!

Sophie had finally evolved—or rather, ascended—into a goddess. Of course, it didn’t change her appearance, and even her aura remained the same. However, her aura now has a divine element. It was always dark—not dark as in evil, but more akin to the darkness of night. Now, though, it feels divine in nature, a "dark divine aura." It’s interesting, since gods are typically associated with the light faction, but I suppose as a devil-god, it makes sense. From devil lord to devil-god, but still no visual change. That said, I could sense her power had increased to a frightening degree. I remarked that my method was slow, and she said the only reason Alex hadn’t become a god yet was because she was still trying to find a cosmic storm to absorb. Let’s be honest, those things aren’t exactly easy to find—they move randomly across the universe.

I was curious about how the androids were doing. It looked like they had started a little rice plantation, and soon, we’d be able to mass-produce some demon rice. After being spoiled by Tempest, I’ll never eat the disgusting food from Earth again. The preservatives, the chemicals, the lack of skilled chefs... Honestly, Tempest has truly spoiled my taste buds. Let’s face it—my standards are far higher than anything a human on Earth could meet. Even the most skilled chefs here possess the skills of Tempest’s lower-end cooks. Unfortunately, Earth’s ingredients just can’t compare due to their heavy use of harsh chemicals, which ruin the flavor.

It looks like there’s an alien invasion happening in New York City. I smiled—I’d been getting bored. Let’s go have some fun! Sophie teleported us to New York and even snapped her fingers to summon Alex. She shrugged and said, “Well, Reed still hasn’t located a cosmic storm like I asked him to.” He’s trying to refuse unless I tell him what I plan to do with it. I told him I wanted to absorb the storm’s energy, convert it into divinity, and then assimilate the divinity to become a god. This is literally the Marvel universe—how is that even the weirdest thing he’s heard? He asked what I was planning to do once I became a god, and my answer was simple: whatever I wanted, just like everyone else.

He tried to lecture me on humanity, but I told him that as a fairy, human morality doesn’t make sense to me. I also pointed out that holding me to human standards was pointless since we think differently. I explained that a fairy is a type of spirit, though I suppose you could call us something else. Anyway, he said it might take longer to convince him to do it—at least until I insulted his ego by saying, "I will just gone to Tony, who’s smarter anyway." The best part is, he knows I did it on purpose, but his ego is so big that he can’t stand being insulted.

“This isn’t the MCU, so it shouldn’t be Thanos’s army, right? No, it’s the Kree with their supreme intelligence nonsense. Why are they even on Earth? Whatever.” Oh, look, the Avengers have shown up. I just got my first bit of faith energy, so I quickly refined it into divinity. It didn’t take long, since it was just a tiny sliver. I noticed my power had increased, though it was still just a small amount. Sophie’s power, however, was growing at an impressive rate, matching Rimuru’s in quality. The benefit of refining her soul has resulted in quite pure mana, and her ascension to godhood has further changed her soul.

“Oh hey, Tony! Oh, Cap! Looks like the whole gang is here. Well, you’re probably going to need some help, and we’re not busy.” I was joking, of course. This is the perfect excuse to blow off some steam and unleash a godly amount of power. Maybe even gain a few believers. Actually, I already seem to have some, though they’re only shallow believers. It feels strange, but I bet people will mistake me for an angel. I’m not an angel, but once people make up their minds, they’re impossible to convince otherwise.

Cap issued some orders. I decided to pull out my staff and a nice halo made of condensed rainbow fire was floating above my head. Every time I use this staff, a rainbow-flame halo appears, and I can’t get it to disappear. It only adds to the angel look. The golden and silver wings probably don’t help either. I soared into the sky and knocked some enemies to the ground for Cap’s team to handle.

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