Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 97: Blood brotherhood

Zhang Liao Bao

Many months had passed since Liao Bao had escaped a cruel attack on the pleasure house. He still is grateful for his luck

Some bandits had come down from the hills and wreaked havoc on the small city where Liao Bao was living.

He had not been able to check for survivors, but he was sure his mother was safe.

He had now found work at the Palace of Happiness, one of the many palaces in the Forbidden City.

He had managed to enter the city posing as a scribe, and miraculously had found work as a clerk for several officials.

There is a reason that he is posing as some scribe rather than travel out of the city.

one of the people that try to catch him is searching for him. Liao Bao steal a knife from one of the bandits.

And he probably is searching the city upside down for him. When Liao Bao think about it again, that person he stole the knife from seems like a great master in the martial arts world.

He works in the Palace of Happiness as a scribe for some noble's officials. He writes their contract among other things. This is all thanks to Drunk Wei. If not for his teaching….

Wherever he is now, though Liao Bao suspect he is in Hell right now, he surely would be very happy to know what he taught him is not wasted.

The palace was always full of life: a bounty of women, gold, and entertainment were present at any time.

There is the palace maid, beautiful and slutty palace maid he thought to himself.

Then there are the princesses, most of them is also slutty, and the other is a sadistic bunch.

Then there are also the mistresses of the Emperor, though of course he knew his boundary so he didn't approach them.

He doesn't want to get killed, cut into a thousand pieces and fed to the dogs.

Liao Bao had even managed to procure such bounty—the beautiful palace maid, who kept him fed with steady gossip and warm during the cold nights.

After finishing some work on a contract for two merchants from the Dukedom of Alan, Liao Bao sat on his bed, thinking about the war in the South, the Spear and the Shield—the war between two brothers.

Trouble was brewing everywhere.

Even in Vern, the Blood Brotherhood, an organization trying to install an Eastian Emperor on the throne, was moving silently, gathering allies.

The majority of the people in Vern were Eastian, but for thousands of years, the Caelum had ruled the land.

The bloodlines remain strong.

'I'm an Eastian but what do I care? As long as the people are happy and the country is prosperous I don't really care' Liao Bao thought to himself.

What does he care about the games of nobles and kings?

Liao Bao as the scribe also knew a few interesting and often juicy details of the workings of the Imperial Palace.

Lord Bradley, who was a commander in the Empire, was stationed at the border and rumored to be planning his own rebellion.

The Emperor wanted to convict him of some crime but since nothing could be proven, then the Emperor could do nothing to the lord.

Tomorrow the Princess from the Dark Lands, Princess Arianna is coming, a secret meeting to try open back relation between Human Continent and the Dark Lands.

Although from the hearsay, it seems like the Emperor just wanted to see this famed beauty and wouldn't care about any treaty.

It is a lesson that Kings, Emperors and great heroes apparently never learned.

How many great beauties has ruined nations, pit friends against friends, making brothers killed brothers, bring an entire Empire to crumble.

Like Leliana relationship with Levitia or Igrayne with the Four Brothers of Dragon Slayer or even the story of Alexander the Divider and her Empress Catherine.

They never learn. How dangerous beauty really is. It is not wise to worship beauty. You can admire it, love it, fuck it but you must never ever worship beauty or romanticize it.

He sighed.

Lai Bao do not know the Emperor personally but he knows his attitude. If he likes the Princess, he might even ask her for her hand.

And that wouldn't serve the Empire benefit at all. But it is not his problem to worry about.

After all, as the people working in the Palace how could he not know how lecherous the current emperor is.

He was about to go to sleep when he heard a commotion outside his door. The whole palace was in an uproar.

"Intruder! Intruder!" someone yelled.

Liao Bao stayed in bed. What could he do? Nothing. But he waited anxiously, and he had no desire to go to sleep now.

About half an hour later, calm returned to the palace. The intruder must have escaped or been captured, he thought.

Suddenly, he heard his door creak as his eyes flew open. The candles went out. "Silence," a voice whispered as a cold knife was pressed against Liao Bao's neck.

Liao Bao tried to grab his own knife made from Enochian steel, but thought against it. He did not want to anger the man. Also, knowing how fancy it looked, the knife would certainly bring him more troubles. He had managed to steal it from a weird martial artist at the pleasure house during the night of the attack.

"Who are you?" he asked, his voice cracking with fear.

The man breathed hard. "Silence," he said again, his voice exhausted.

"If you take away your knife, I will not tell the palace guards you were here."

'Let me sit down' Liao Bao said 'I won't yell for the guard not unless I want to die don't you think? Considering you can avoid the palace guard you must be an expert of some honorable school of martial arts so I who am a lowly person who learn no martial art is surely not a threat.'

The man stood silent, contemplating Liao Bao's offer. "Alright," he said. "But one false move and I will end your life."

He loosened his grip and Liao Bao sat up on his bed. "Tea?" he asked, trying to calm the man.

Liao Bao did not look at his face not to mention the night is dark and the candles are out because of his swooshing

He sits in front of him and Liao Bao lower his gaze.

"Look at me," the stranger replied.

Liao Bao could see his face, which was illuminated by the moonlight. He had a scar under his left eye.

His hair was curly, and his complexion was pale. He had long arms, and in his left hand was a gleaming knife.

His clothes were soaked in blood. A killer or assassin, thought Liao Bao. He has a lisp when he talks but his words are still persuasive

"Tea?" he asked again.

"No," the man said. "Just sit down and keep quiet." Then, after a minute of silence and waiting nervously he added, "Why do you serve the Court?"

"What do you mean by that, sir?"

"You are Eastian, correct?"


"Then why serve the Caelum race?" Liao Bao looked at him again. He must be Eastian

"The Blood Brotherhood?"

"How do you know?" The man was alarmed by that response.

Liao Bao chuckled. "You revealed much in your tone and prejudice against me, kind sir."

"I am not kind and I am not a sir," the man said forcefully.

"Of course you are. If you were not kind, you would have slit my throat and be done with me. But instead, you let me live. And if I may guess, it is because I am an Eastian. Which means you are also an Eastian. And a sir you are. You escaped the guards, which means you have knowledge in fighting. Are you a squire? And if that is not enough, your derision and apparent hate towards the very name of Caelum make it rather easy for me to guess who you are and what you are planning"

The man looked amused. "You are very observant."

"I'm a scribe."

"Are you really?"


"Pray tell, why did I come to the Forbidden City tonight?"

"Should I tell you or should I not?"


"If I answer correctly, you might kill me. I would be a threat to you."

"If you do not answer, I might kill you as well," the man countered.

"How about this, kind sir," Liao Bao offered. "If I guess correctly, you will let me live, and I will hide you in this room until you decide to leave. But if I am wrong, then you can kill me, and I will blame no one but myself."

The man pondered the offer. "You are quite the conversationalist. And very calm too. Pity you work for the Caelum."

"To each their own."

"I will accept your terms."

"Do I have your word?"

"Yes. But let me ask you this—do you believe a killer words?" the stranger ask posing him a question

"I believe you to be an honorable man, for you fight for our people, sacrificing your life for a noble cause."

"You believe our cause is noble, yet you work for the Caelum race."

Liao Bao laughed. "We can argue all day as to why I work for the Caelum. I would like to argue about why you are here."

"Fine. The floor is yours."

Liao Bao looked at him intently.

"From the black clothes, I believe you came here stealthily. You probably bribed an Eastian palace worker to let you in. I know many who would welcome some gold, and correct corruption is rampant' he said clearly recognizing the stranger shocked face

'From that knife carving, I believe you want to kill the Emperor and install a King of our people on the throne. The carving is meant to claim your responsibility in the assassination. The Imperial authority is weakening and you want to use it as a plea for the Eastian people to rise against their oppressors. Though, I believe that would be a futile quest. A rash and illogical decision to enter this vast city. Your mission from the start was doomed. Seeing the blood on your clothes and that you have suffered no injuries, I conclude that the friends you brought along with you have either been captured or killed. Yes, or no?"

The man smiled. "You are quite clever, scribe."

"My name is Zhang Liao Bao."

"Offering names?"

"You are a great hero to our people, it is only right I pay respect."

Flattery. It is the best tactics, he thought to himself.

Who knows if he did this the stranger would not kill him when he is about to leave? The palace guards are so far away from here, so even if he yells now, it's not like they will hear it.

So better get to know him, placate his feeling make him feel like a hero then maybe this stranger will spare him.

Liao Bao knew he has given his word, but if there is something he learned in the pleasure house, words are winds.

"My name is Wang Liao Ming."

"The honor is mine."

"Will you hide me in this room?"

Liao Bao looked at his knife.

"Do I have a choice?" He thought to himself.

'I will hide you. I have no intention of letting my own people get killed in this palace."

The man smiled his approval. He found a corner and went to sleep, and so did Liao Bao.


Zhang Liao Bao did not yet cross path with any of the main character. You must be thinking how he fits into the story right...Hehehe

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