Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 96: Love conquers all (2)




A salty breeze blew in from the ocean and washed over the Lethe siblings who were stationed at Seaworth castle.

"What are we doing here sister?" Kyle asked.

"Did you hear what Lord Aries said?" Lisa answered, leaving the sentence hang in midair as if she wanted Kyle to finish it. "He wants to surprise Arial with a gift."

"And the surprise?"

"You can't be that stupid. He wants to surprise him with his fiancée."

"You don't need to insult me." Kyle was visibly hurt.

'I mean can you be that stupid? Why else would we come here?'

'The food? The entertainment? The lovely maiden?' Kyle said jokingly.

His sister just rolled her eyes at him.

'Like you had in Seren? That tanner's daughter?' She said at him. Kyle sighed

'You always mention the tanner daughter. Alright, let your older brother explain. First of all, it wasn't my fault. How should I know her heart has already been spoken? And..'

'Shut it. I'm too young to hear your dirty stories, brother' she said looking disgusted. Kyle only smirks

'Seriously? What do you think of your brother?'

'Not anything good' she replied

'You will be pleased to know I treat her like a gentleman.'

'And how is that?'

'I bed her gently, give her a charming kiss in the cheek during the night, and sing her love song before she falls asleep blissfully on my chest'

'And disappeared' she said 'and how is that gentlemanly?'

'Of course it is gentlemanly' I said

'You do realize you broke her heart, right?'

'Why would she be? I told her I had to go trading in Vorthy, facing dangers an-'

'I told her that is not true' Kyle couldn't believe what she said. She told her?

'OH MY GOD!' He said looking truly incensed, shaking his head slowly at Lisa.

'I hope you're delighted with yourself.'

'WHAT!" Looking at his brother looking at her like she was the one making a mistake, she looks surprised and shocked all at the same time

'You broke that girl heart.' Kyle said

'Me?' She said puzzled

'Yes, you. She'll probably never trust a man again'

'You're blaming me?!' She asked like she couldn't believe what her brother just said to her. Kyle nodded and pointed at her

'Yes of course you. You should let her believe what she wants to believe' Lisa could not even speak because of how much injustice she felt right now. How could it be her fault when it is clearly his fault?

And every time she felt like she is about to lose she only have one trick.

'Fine! Then I'll tell mother' she threatened

Kyle knew she meant it and he quickly kneeled to ground.

'Alright dear sister, sorry.'

She glared at him. Kyle then said once again

'How about really, really, really sorry'

She sighed.

'You know brother; you should be careful. I am curious brother, why among the four of us, you, me, Arial and Helia, you turn like this'

Kyle looked at her.

'I wonder about that myself' he said, smiling a bitter smile.

She sighed

Then Lisa changed the subject. "Helia will meet us in the garden this evening, would you like to join us?"

"And exchange old stories?"

"And new ones!"

"No thanks. I'll pass." She nodded and then she looks back at her brother and reminded him

"And let me tell you," Lisa said judgmentally. "Don't go around the castle seducing the handmaidens or maids. I don't want you seducing women, then leaving them. Remember what happened with the tanner's daughter in Seren?"

'Always about the tanner daughter' Kyle groaned in his thoughts.

Then he said

'What if they seduce me? Is that allowed?'

'Don't flatter yourself, brother' She shakes her head

'Your older brother is full of charms. And you can't deny I have the perfect look. I am…handsome'

'Eww' Lisa said looking disgusted.


Lisa left the room, slamming the door in anger. Kyle went to the window to breathe some fresh air and clear his head.

The waves crashing on the shore brought him a sense of serenity.

The waves roll back and forth from the shore, crawling slowly. He sniffed and he could swear he could smell the salty air like the very water of the ocean.

He stares down at the lonely shore. The pebbles and the small stones at the shores sparkled in the sun; emitting light and the small waves till hit the shores, almost like beating it down.

"Helia," Kyle said in a whisper.

He spoke her name like it is a whisper, a dream he could never reach. He sits at the window edge feeling the air.

"So, this is where you live…"

Surrounded by beautiful beaches, and fresh air, living in a castle, a lord daughter.

Kyle…. he loves Arial. Even when he is feeling like this, he still loves his friend.

He is his friend first, lord last. And if that is not enough his family is also sworn to him. What he is feeling right now is more than just feeling sad.

It is mixed with the feeling of guilt. He knows he should not feel like this

Arial was a person Kyle have always tried to emulate and each time he failed.

His character is as nearly as perfect as it is possible. He is honorable and kind. He grew up from being a son of a farmer to a son of a High Lord.

And if that is not enough, when he is at the same age as him, he is now the sole military commander of his House and a Count that rules the city of Acro.

He inspires people and he commands his soldier with his charisma.

Kyle have never encountered any man that possesses Arial bearing that is the same age as him. He looks far and high.

Where? To the highest mountain? Or beyond it? Or is it the sky and stars he is aiming for? he does not know. He never did know. And he fears that he will be left out.

One can't gaze too long at the sun else he be blind and burned. He sighed and he said her name again

Helia, he said her name like it is a chant

He closed his eyes and remembered their first encounter.

He had been enchanted by her the moment he laid his eyes on her.

She was beautiful, her eyes sparkles like the stars, her voice was like a song, her laughter is like joy itself.

And she was nice to him and his sister.

She respects them, and that made her even more attractive.  

And then she joins them in their quest and sooner, and inevitably he might say, he could not help but falling in love with her

How could he not? She was the perfect girl.

But he could, no, he has not the courage to let his heart, his deepest wish and desire to be known.

For at that time he was a son of a hunter and so he treated her kindly and hoping, praying someday she would open her eyes in the morning and felt the same emotion that he felt.

There was a time, when they were in the academy, that they almost…. but…misunderstanding and the mishap after that…prevent them from ever…falling in love.

He was shy, indecisive in his actions.

Maybe. Almost. These words…this thing called fate is…. torturing him for everyday of every moment of his life.

He like to at least gave it a try. He like to say that they fought for it. But he didn't even start anything. And that makes him felt...despair.

Yet, he is falling all in on her.

Thinking back, he thought that they were so many chances and then he thought maybe they weren't meant to be…. but when he searched deep in his heart, he knows that is just a lie he makes up to make him felt consoled.

He could have her….and that is what so sad about all of this. Because he knows he could have her.

It was so close when he thinks about it.

So close to being in love.

Or maybe, she always knew who she loves. Kyle would never blame her because she has no wrong in this.

It was never her fault that he fell in love with her. She just that kind of girl who would always be loved no matter where she is

It is not her problem to deal because it is his problem. The shock he got when he heard she has accepted the betrothal of the House of Vermont made him fell into a fever.

Then that means, when she marries Arial, she would be his lady and he will treat her as such though to be honest he doesn't know if he really could do it

Because it will hurt. But still he would do it no matter how it tears his heart apart seeing her in another man arms…. seeing her in Arial arms.

This feeling, this complicated feeling he is feeling on Arial and Helia is something he could not tell anyone.

Especially not to Lisa.

He just hopes his feeling won't show

Hide it he decided. But he need time. The feeling is bitter and everyday regret fills him. He would look at the ceiling of his house and wonder where he could make the change.

Question time whether he should have asked her, try to make a connection with her in those time they spent together, could it be, will it be that he might have a chance to win her heart?

He kept Agonizing over the things he has done wrong, of the things he says or didn't say, of all the life that he could have with her…. thinking, imagining a perfect life with her.

And knowing…. that it could happen

What heaven that would be!

But time has decided for him for he was too late in deciding…...there is too much misunderstanding not resolved…. A misunderstanding that he never had the chance to correct.

Since that night…...that night they never talked about…. she never treats him the same way ever again.

And then it became too late. She chooses him.

He knows who he is. He…is no match for Arial, either in prowess or the minds or even status. He was the perfect choice for any woman. He bitterly mused.

He was the perfect choice, true, but sometimes he wonders, could he make her happy? That is the only thing he hopes from his friend.

To make Helia happy…the way he never could.

Kyle opened his eyes and spotted Lord Aries and Lady Julia strolling on the shore.

There is the perfect embodiment of love, Kyle thought.

They respect each other, they help each other, they argue yet they forgive, and they will always have a kiss in the morning and at night.

And when they are in their leisure they will sing song of love to each other.

He sighed. Why does it look so easy for them when it is so hard for him?

His sister always complained to him that he likes to play around with woman. Truthfully, he didn't like it.

He didn't do it because it's fun.

He did it because he is messed up. All he feels is sorrow. And he had bad thoughts, thoughts that he shouldn't have.

And he sleeps with girls, trying to drown that sorrow. Trying to drown this covetous heart.

Because seeing her with another man break his heart and he felt his falling apart, feeling like his heart is being ripped by a thousand shreds, bleeding and gasping for air…it hurts.

It is painful. And it is tormenting.

He tries to forget Helia but he could not. His head is filled with her memories, his heart beating uncontrollably seeing her.

She grows to be more and more beautiful each passing year but I could not bend her will to me. He could not make her fond of him the way she is fond of his friend.

She loves Arial. And this…what he is feeling…is like a betrayal to his brother. Will this pain fades? Will this feeling disappear? He hopes so.

Now all he had was this dream of her and the agony that accompanied it. He failed to grasp her, and she was Arial's, his dear friend.

The door creaked open.

"Who's there?" Kyle shouted.

"It's me, Kyle," said a pleasant voice.

Kyle immediately recognized the voice.

It was Helia.

Oh, how beautiful she looked in his eyes.

She entered the room, slowly.

Her white skin glistened like the pebbles he saw in the beach, emitting light and her gentle brown eyes look at me.

She is wearing a blue gown, hand stitched, seeing her in dress is a rare occasion for Kyle always see her donning her armor.

"Kyle, will you join us for tea?" she asked.

"Not today, Helia," he answered, a trace of anguish in his voice.

"Even if it is me asking?"  She is seductive even without trying.

"Won't Lisa be there?"

She chuckled. "Yes. Does it bother you that much?"


"Come on, Kyle. After the wedding, I will not have time to see anyone. I will have to help Arial govern and give him wise counsel. We would have no chance to meet again in such a casual manner."

"Would you not miss it?" Kyle asked.

"Miss what?" Helia responded, confused.

"The freedom?"

She chuckled again. "Why do you think my freedom would be lost?"

"You said it."

"I said I will not be that free. Responsibility is not a prison, though I suspect that Arial like to think so. He treated like his responsibility cannot be shared, like he is the only one fit to bear that burden. Arrogant isn't he?" Helia said looking outside the window, her eyes show a trace of loneliness.

She always wanted to save people. That is just Helia. If there is one flaw of Helia it is this. She believes everything that is broken could be mended.

But sometimes broken thing just remain…. broken

Kyle did not answer her question, he just admires her visage, trying to see through her.

She continued

'I want to soothe him, heal him for he looked like he bears a heavy burden and every time I see his melancholic look, my heart ache for him. Had any man look so beautiful?'

Kyle then pursed his lips before asking

"Do you love him?" he asked. Because it is the only thing that matters. If she did not love him…...if he would have the chance, he would have taken her in his arms right now, carried her off from this land, and married her.

She looks at Kyle, smiles bitterly and look back outside the window, looking at the beach. Then she answered

"Of course"

"I mean, really love him?"

She looks at him again. She stares at him intently. Then she said, like she has made her decision.

"I do. I cannot explain it to you but I do love him. I could drown myself in his clear blue eyes. And one day he will open up to me"

"Then it will be fine," KyIe said in a hoarse voice.

"I hope so. Love conquers all, doesn't it?"

"Yes. I do sincerely hope so."

She pulls his hand and brings him out of the room like she did so many years ago.

Kyle could not help but pray for their union. He saw how much Arial meant to her, how her eyes filled with hope and affection when she talked about him.

When will my turn come? he asked himself.


Lisa Lethe

The wooden gate was smothered by the big ivy vines that were growing from every direction. Near the stone path, an array of flowers bloomed.

Beyond the path, a huge tree with a swing under it stood in the middle of the garden.

Rich colors filled the garden: scarlet and saffron-hued primroses; iridescent blues and greens harmoniously blended together.

Just beside the big tree, Kyle, Lisa, and Helia sat below a canopy.

"Remember the quest we had in Salisbur?" Kyle asked.

Helia chuckled. "The Missing Hand Quest? Remember that Lisa?"

Lisa nodded.

"Yes, that was hilarious," Helia continued, still chuckling, remembering their days at the Academy. "Who would have thought that a man would try to disappear from his wife and cut off his own hand?"

They all laughed.

"What do you think? Will he like the surprise, Lisa?" Helia said, changing the subject.

Arial parents decided to bring Helia back with them to Acro, to live with them for a while.

Lord Helve has agreed; after all it is common practice. It can also strengthen the bond between the betrothed.

"He will love it!" Lisa answered.

"Do you think Arial loves me? I love him, so I hope he loves me too. He has never been too clear on this. He is always stoic and full of worry."

"He loves you." Kyle said. "He would be stupid not to love you."

Helia chuckled nervously. "Truly?"

Lia notice that his brother smile is bitter. Why? She thought to herself

"Yes, truly." Kyle replied. "A handsome young lord and a beautiful lord's daughter. It's a match made in heaven."

Lisa looked at Helia.

She was the perfect girl for Arial.

Kind and clever, a perfect companion.

Arial parent is also very fond of her, Helia even started calling both of them as father and mother. They are pleased of course, to gain such a beautiful daughter in laws.

Helia speak with her brother and she looked at the huge tree in front of them. Helia and Arial.

From the time of her childhood, Arial is her friend and their leader. He would play soldiers and she and her brother would follow him in his mischief, in the jungle, in the creek, in the river and they hear his order.

She was born a hunter daughter; and they live by what her father caught and hunted. And in her childhood she was weak and frail so nobody really plays with her.

But not Arial.

He plays with her, guarded her, teaches her, accompany her and protect her from the village scoundrels.

For her, Arial was like a prince found in the old stories.

Handsome and charming, honorable and strong, commanding and inspiring.

By the time she could know the feeling of like, she knows she like him.

It is not that surprising. The four of them is always together. It is normal some of them developed feeling towards each other. Not to mention, he always helps her.

But Helia beat her to it. But she is not complaining. She was late. Helia was fast.

And in the end, Arial make his choice. He chose Helia. And even though it hurts she is happy for both of them.

They're both her friend, so she could not help but be happy. Arial always complimented her saying that she is a brave woman.

'Forget it, let it blows by the wind' she mused

She is not a brave woman. Killing people? Now that's easy. Yet confessing her feeling? Now that's hard and terrifying.

She could not tell him, tell him that she loves him too, and she do not have the courage to tell him to be hers.

And so…. now they are just friends.

She will not ruin their friendship just because of some lingering feeling.

"Lisa, what are you thinking about?" Helia said, her question bringing Lisa back to reality.

"Nothing, just thinking about old memories."

"Which ones?" Kyle asked.

She smiles and said "The good ones," Lisa replied.

She looks at the garden and the flowers and the vegetable patch and she looked back at Helia and her brother teasing each other.

This is good enough. This friendship.

She still remembers when they go hunting together and messing around with Arial, the brooder one in their group, pranking her brother and sometimes even pranks Helia, the kind and gentle Helia, who never did get mad at her, though sometimes she plotted with Kyle to prank her back, the flour falling in her hair the second year in the academy comes to mind.

Lisa also remember Arial and her stuck in a forest behind the school, and he saved her, though that was a long time ago

Arial the most mature one in our group. They man she had a crush on

He is smart and capable, the strongest in our group of four, but he also felt distant sometimes. Like he is older than them. Like he could disappear and leave them, anytime he wants.

And the only thing they could do…is look at his lonely back.

He sees more than us, his eyes always looking at the future. For what? They never know. They just keep trying to match his pace

She also remembers their rest in this one beautiful river, though she doesn't know what the river is called because it was in the middle of nowhere, just sitting there laughing and singing and dancing, a river so still that the moment seems so precious.

That friendship.

She felt a little jealous of Helia, but that would not mean she would try to steal Arial from Helia. Not that he would respond. He is too clueless sometimes.

She thinks if she has learned anything about friendship, it is to fight for them, make an effort in it and let them fight for you.

Don't walk away, don't get distracted, and most importantly don't take them for granted. Friendship is a powerful bond, not to be ignored or underestimated.

And then they all got up and began rushing to the beach, and she smiles. There will be many more days like this.

A day of love and peace.


This is the reason I wrote short chapter yesterday. This a three thousand word chapter since i think it is better to put the feeling of the sibling in one chpater instead of cutting it.

Anyway, hope you like it and leave some comments

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