Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 98: Summons



Silas read the letter from Vern that Adrian had received the previous day. His eyes squinted under the candlelight. In it, a deal was offered.

Yesterday Adrian got a letter from Vern, an offer, a deal in secret

No one knows about this letter but him.

And now Silas. The content of the deal tempts him but he need counsel and Silas is a good counsel, his wit and mind serve as his weapon in the court though his apparent fondness for the Vermont's do make him and himself clash opinion sometimes in the court.

"Should I accept it Silas?" Adrian asked. "I need your wise counsel."

Silas put down the letter on the wooden table. "What about you, my liege? What are your thoughts?"

"What do you think of this offer, Silas?"

"Tempting, but then again, all bad things are."

"Bad things?" Adrian was confused. "Please explain."

Silas cleared his throat. "Vern offers their assistance to attack Alderam from the South, allowing us to attack him from the North which will trap Alderam's forces."

"Isn't it a good idea?"

"A fine idea. Your victory will be swift and painless."

"Then how is it bad?" Adrian said, still perplexed.

"After the war, do you not think that Vern will want something in return?"

"And what do you think they will ask for?"

"Our fealty, my liege. Your fealty to be exact, enabling them to once again create an empire. Re-establish the glory of the Vern Empire."

"Would it be so bad? I'd still rule."

Silas laughed. "You will, but you will rule in a land filled with rebellion, people plotting your death behind your back more than they are now, friends turn to enemies, faction sprouted like mushrooms, and uneasiness will follow you until you reach death door my liege'."

"Why do you threaten me so?" Adrian asked, puzzled and slightly wounded by Silas's words.

"I'm telling Your Majesty the truth. Our people, they kneel to the crown, my liege, this crown. Not the Crown of Old. This crown. If you force onto them an Emperor, you will endure all these horrors and much more."

"But if we keep going at this pace, the war will become more severe. The people will suffer."

Silas smiled a knowing smile.

"Using our forces is wiser. It is more time-consuming, sure, but the reward will be worth it. Think not of this offer from the Empire. Stay true to our course and believe in your people."

Adrian looked at him. "Are you sure?"

"I have faith, my liege, and sometimes that is enough."

Adrian smiled. "Thank you, Silas. Now I can go to bed with a light heart."

He rose from his chair and was about to blow out the candle when Silas said: "My liege, what about the matter with Ser West?"

They both were arguing about this matter in the court in the morning

'Will you not cease from this talk Silas?'

'Not until a decision has been made'

Adrian sit back down

"I will not hear of it."

"That, I cannot accept, Your Majesty, you have to make a decision."

'Will I have to, always, accommodate the Vermont's? He asks for Ser West and I have to hand him? The young lord has me at his beck and call. The Vermont's are really powerful and audacious! Does he not put me in their eyes? Five words in his letter. Bring West to my castle, the letter said'

'My liege, as you know the young lord is not a man of many words.'

'But I'm his King!'

Silas sighed and then he said

'Aye, but do not forget my liege who seat you in that throne of yours. As easily his family seat you in that throne, he can easily unseat you'

"Is that another threat?"

"A reminder'

Silas look at Adrian and then sighed.

He then said

'My liege, I know your opinion of me. You believe me to be an ardent supporter of the Vermont's."

"Do you deny it?"

"No, I do not. But my liege, that is only because I truly believe that they are loyal to you. The young lord and his family are only thinking about strengthening your rule. I could not, by my honor and dignity, let their names be smeared and tarnished by rumors and false words spread by irresponsible people. Can you not see my liege?"

"See? See what!"

'Someone is plotting in this castle wall to sour your relationship with the Vermont's using their tongue casting the Vermont's as disrespectful, treasonous family. Who whispers these words to your ears?'

'No one whispers words to my ears!'

'Are you sure my liege? Or is this sinister forces work so silently, so bold that he is in front of you all this time?'

Adrian said nothing.

"The young lord knows manners and etiquette, but why did he send me such short words?"

'For he treated you like a friend, my liege. He believes you will understand his intention. Right now you have not done anything to regret about but I assure Your Majesty that if my lord start distrusting the very same family that came to your defense, who gambled their life for you, raise their banners for you, win your battles for you, the very same family that seat you in this throne, then sooner or later he too will no longer trust you. And then and only then tragedy will happen. More bloody than the bloody feast. Tragedy at its best. Oh how that story will be remembered. Song will be sung; tales will be told'

Silas has always had a penchant for the dramatic.

Adrian calm himself.

'Do you then know who is the one spreading the false words and whisper things into my ears?'

Silas nodded yes.

"Who is it then?"

"I cannot tell you. You must spot them yourself, for even if I tell you, your heart will be full of doubts, doubting if what I have told you is another plot."

"Are you saying you do not plot in my court?"

Silas chuckled.

"I do plot, my liege. I have plotted hundreds and hundreds of times, but against you? I dare not entertain such treasonous thought. Plotting against kings and great nobles is not the level of courtiers. We are here because of you. Some are tasked in counseling you, like Baldwin and I, while others entertain you. Our life and well-being depends on the King therefore we do not plot against you. We plot against each other to gain your trust, to gain your affection and attention."

"Then who would want to plot against me?"

"People who stand to gain something, my liege."

Silas looked at Adrian pitifully.

"Why do you look at me like that?" the king asked.

'I pity you my liege. How heavy the burden you bear but not many understand the heaviness of such burden. Acquiesce to the Vermont my liege. Show that you trust them. Do not let doubt and fear creep in your heart. I have seen you in your throne and I could observe you are very uncomfortable in the throne but I saw this. I saw that even though you might not possess great wit like your father and even his cunningness, or the charisma like your brother or the bearing of a king like the young lord, you possessed something unique and special in these dirty games of politics'

"What is that?" Adrian asked curiously.

'Your faith and kindness. Have faith. Trust and you too will be trusted. You have a making of a great King. In times of these wars you cannot shine. But I believe in peace, you shall make a great king, one that is kind and wise, who deliberates his decision who will stress peace and justice.'

"Why do you believe in me, Silas?"

Silas looked outside and stared at the crescent moon.

"Do you mind if I tell you my story?"

"I would not."

'This lowly subject came from a farmer family my liege. A pig farmer' And he smiles a bit at that

'My life is peaceful but we are poor. My sister died of the Winter Cold. My other brother died of consumption. My life was a tragedy. But then the Vermont rule. And they rule wisely'

Adrian nodded

Silas continued.

'Settlements turn to villages. Villages turns to cities. Progress and development started to dawn on the back corner of the Dukedom because of their family. And their family is charitable helping giving cheap education, giving food and gold to the less fortunate and invests in my father ideas.

'And so a few years later my father idea bear fruits and I became a son of a trader. I am used to life then, in the small world that felt like paradise, in the city that the Vermont created, socializing with trader's sons and merchants, learning foreign language from Asteros sailors and whalers from Vorthy. Acro is a city which is peaceful and happy, a city of knowledge and culture, of joy and happiness and then the war came.'

'Duchess Julia, the beautiful fair lady sent me here to serve you for I was one of the most accomplished in the school. So I halted my studies in the university and came here. But I saw how dirty the game is played, here in this castle walls, the war in the courtroom, of words and intrigue, secret war between courtiers, smiles that hide blades, words that drip poison, so I make allies here, make alliances, collect information and rise here as one of your trusted counsel. But why? To counsel you from the snakes that slithers your court, the one who hides themselves in shadow whispering doubt and fear. Believe this my liege if you have to believe one thing from me. You are a King. And one day you will be a great King.'

Adrian was speechless for a few moments. He then smiles finally.

Then he asks

"You did not answer my question, Silas," Adrian said as the counsel rose from his chair.

Silas turned back and replied, "But I did, my liege. You just do not understand it yet. I bid you good evening."

Then with a knowing smile he goes out of the room


Silas and his motives. Adrain and his dilemma between tursting or not turtsing the Vermonts

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