Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 598: Magic fortress

The fields had bumper harvest, cold places that use to breathe cold winds that freezes the river water now blows breezy and cooling wind that brings about the scent and fragrance of flowers

Rivers flows without obstruction, life blooms and dark things are slowly dying in the Three Kingdoms

Monsters also seem to be dying. Some of them rushed to the sea, and others flies in the sky leaving the Three Kingdoms

Others crawled the ground and some burrow beneath the Earth. No one knows where they are going but if the lore is to be believed, it tells the matter in detail

It spoke of the day that Asrana would awaken. 

That cold wind will blow, colder than any winds of winters, and this will force the dark forces that have always been inside the Three Kingdom to find another refuge. 

The dark things would heed this omen and warning signs like the fish that would jump before a large destroying wave would come.

They would fly the sky, burrow underneath the earth, swim toward the ocean, ran on the ground toward the outside of the Wall of Repentance to join the Army of Darkness

Those who were late, those who did not heed this warning of holy proclamation, they would be weakened and die under the light of the Sun

Thus it be to the denizens of darkness. 

The Lord Commander had never believed. He heard the Songs and he knows the lore. But he had never believed.

Tall tales and stories of a savior, nothing but the figment of a madman living a few thousand years ago.

But now as all thing that have been mentioned in the stories of the tribes, in the lore that some Pancadongeng would sing about, it is without a doubt that he felt fear

Things that people don't understand always invite fear. He wonders, whether there is are really such a savior figure that is sent to save humanity a

And he wonders among the many warlords that rises up, who is supposed to be the Savior Asrana, the half mortal, half divine that would inspire hope and be a force of light and good against the forces of evil and Darkness?

And whether the resistance of the Three kingdoms are pointless. 

He who had disbelieved fears more when the very subject of that disbelief is challenged. Today, he sees the sign and the omens and he wonder whether he is in the right side.

The Three Great Tribes seems to want to snatch the destiny of Asrana. As one of the members of the Three Great Tribes, he had his pride.

But Asrana is a figure of redemption, of good. He understood that nobody wanted to be ruled by an Outlander, to bend their knee and prostrate their head under a foreigner.

But Asrana is not human in the first place

The Cassinian even worshipped Him as a God even when he did not yet appear. 

He was sent to be the champion for humanity to fight against the Darkness that have always been present in the New World and to usher upon a new era of prosperity and peace.

He was to bring hope

He felt quite torn right now. the duty to his kingdoms and the duty to his tribe. Prosper and wither. Wither and prosper.

He had been reading some of the old lore of the Thirteen Tribes starting a few months ago. And he fears that the Three Kingdoms would choose the wrong path.

"And those who disbelieved him as they have disbelieved those who had come before, then We would inflict upon them a punishment that have never been inflicted on anyone before"

He was reminded of this verse in one of the lore that he had read

He sighed again. Most of the time, he could only sigh. Then he shakes his head, trying to ease the anxiousness in his head.

He looks back at the servant in front of him and thought to himself

'Let's hope there is some job for me to do so I could ease a bit of my mind' His job is quite casual and there is not much to do in time of peace

But considering that war is breaking out everywhere right now, it would be weird if he could still maintain the same kind of lifestyle as before. 

He had been waiting for some directive from the lords of Maroth. The old man knew why the war will be fought and he know what the prize is

Divinity. Is there is any worthier prize to be fought for? He thought to himself. 

He sighed as he accepts the letter from the servant. 

This Lord Commander rule the Fortress of Fire. Arial probably did not know this. And most of his soldiers probably also did not know this as they come from the outside.

But there is a reason why the people of the Three Kingdom could still live inside the darkness.

Magic is strong here. It is even stronger than even the lands of their ancestral thirteen tribes land.

Fortune and calamity sometime reside together. 

Even though the Darkness is moving outside the gate and the Three Kingdoms is no longer shrouded by it, magic energy around the Three Kingdoms did not dissipate. 

Instead for some reason it become more in abundance. 

Maroth is a state under the rule of a great Seer of the Veranian tribe. Most of the people in power is from the Veranian tribe. 

Or mixed blood but nonetheless still Veranian

Those who learn history of the Three Great Tribes knows that before the Three Great Tribes occupied these lands, they are already inhabitants in the darkness infested land. 

The Three Great Tribes at the time then intermarried with the people that lives inside the Shadowlands. 

Only then they could live in peace. And after a thousand years of coexisting and intermarriage with each other, there is as many mixed blood Three Great Tribes as there is pure blooded.

Maroth is one of the most important state of Vernium. The reason is simply because the ruler of Maroth is High Lord Varnikar, the One Man Army.

He had once held off an entire army on a bridge by himself, killing from dawn to evening. 

By the end of the evening, the bridge had been cracked, arrows fill both sides of the bridge and corpses block the river water below.

He is also a proficient user of magic and Maroth is the only state other than the capital to have magic tower.

Magic tower is said to be the knowledge of the First Generation. Some of them intermarriage with the inhabitants of Novus Gaia.

They were the one that name this continent Novus Gaia and they sail the sea with iron Whale. They have weapons that could chase flying creatures with ultimate precision. 

They could shoot toward the sky and split the Heavens apart. They were many fantastical story about the First Generation in the New World

He shakes his head as he shakes the thought out of his mind. 

He looks at his magic tower and the soldiers that he is training. He sighed thinking that these young men, most probably many of them would die in the wars of these warlords.

He looks at the sky and wonder whether up there, in the Heavens does the Creator look upon them and scowl or is He laughing looking at the plight of the humans he created?

'Haish. I am too old for this' he mutters to himself.

'Four magic Fortress, with magic towers, is it enough to survive in this brand new world?' he thought to himself.

In the Maroth state there is four magic Fortress, each one is built on the four corners of the state.

It is one of the reason why even the King at the capital did not dare to rashly attack Maroth even when Maroth disobeyed the royal order.

But Maroth alone could not fight the world. The High Lord needs to make a decision and he needs to make it quick. 

This old commander name is Vaishraya Son of Dharjana. He opens the letter and read it and he frowns

'What is my lord is thinking?' he muttered to himself after reading the letter.

In the letter, it informed him that the High Lord of Maroth, Lord Varnikar himself is coming to the border with some of the lords and an entourage of horseriders warriors and archers with him

There is also an order that if for some reason that the soldiers of the new Outlander Monarch were to arrive at the border, to try to resolve it peacefully.

Vaishraya was undoubtedly perplexed and confused. A few mountains away, riding his large warhorse, it is Varnikar, smiling as he rushed toward the border.

He has a feeling that he would meet Asrana. Right now he felt like he is guided by the hand of the Divine.

But he need to confirm it for himself whether the man that called himself the Outlander Emperor is really Asrana.

His horse gallops through the muddy roads easily.

No one knows about this matter not even Arial who was still in his office. If the King of Vernium knows that Varnikar is trying to go to Balhae to meet Arial and to submit to him if he passes his test, he would be losing his mind.


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