Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 599: Duty, honor or an old promise i

All over the Three Kingdoms right now, chaos reigned. In Dorsea, a foreign Empress is searching news for a white haired young man. 

In the Southeast Luxermbough ruled by a Lucian royal family had also mobilize their soldier to guarded their norther and western border.

They might even send some of their Gifted to infiltrate the two kingdom and secret orders is probably being relayed all over the Three kingdoms right now

Lucians gifted could skin change. They were probably the most informed among the Three Kingdoms of everything that is going on in the Shadowlands.

The western border movement by the Lucian royal family is because they fear for Iathus kingdom sudden attack

The Three Kingdoms before the sudden disappearance of the Darkness were all united. They help each other

But the moment that the Darkness receded they all close their borders from each other. The brooders that used to be only lines in map now were treated carefully as they all send soldiers to guard it

Each of the royal family of the Three Kingdom wanted to snatch the fate of Asrana. Thus, Lucian action of reinforcing their western border is wise.

Iathus would not let go of such chance if Luxermbough is stupid enough to just give it away 

Iathus after pacifying the rebellion by that Scarlet general has been doing well. 

The King of Iathus had pacify the hearts of his High Lords and trying to use a gentler way of persuading them to fight for the royal family.

Luxermbough did not have such disaster befallen them but they know the military power of Iathus. 

While Lucians are not weak, Iathus is not too shabby. 

As for mobilizing soldiers to the northern border it is not only to guard against Vernium but probably also to take advantage of the current chaos in the western border of Vernium.

Luxermbough is different from the other two kingdoms as they were not injected with new blood

they are not many people of the Ten tribes that went there other than the Leviathan tribes that could easily sails the seas around the shores to reach Luxermbough

Most people pass through the gate on the far west of Luxermbough. If people use land route, they would either pass through the three gate. 

The center gate would put these people near Maroth. 

Then there is the forest. 

If one walks the forest toward the north, then they would reach the state of Balhae. 

If one chooses the upper gate on the northernmost point from the center gate, one would probably come out in Nuath.

If one chooses to go to the southern gate, then the people that use that gate would end up in Iathus kingdom near the state of Fyre and Xandor. 

For those who use land route to go to Luxermbough they first have to walk past Iathus kingdom and walk a few thousand miles before they could reach Luxermbough.

Hence, right now Luxermbough have the crisis of not having enough people in their army compared to the other two kingdoms. 

Numbers of soldiers does play a part. And the military power that could be replenished with a large amount of soldiers is not something that should be underestimated

The Three Kingdoms is moving.

By noon, the Lord Commander saw the High Lord of Maroth and his entourage appearing outside of his fort 

Vaishraya quickly went to greet the High Lord. The entire fort was in abuzz. 

Just by looking at the High Lord one could understood why he was able to hold the other state of Vernium in awe.

Like Vaishraya, High Lord Varnikar is an old man. But he had no white hair, instead his hair is as black as night

Even when he was wearing his iron armor, he could not hide his muscly figure. He walks with his back straight, like a pillar that holds up the Heavens. 

When he talks his voice is loud and deep making people to always pays attention. He had an intimidating aura around him and he was tallest man among all the soldiers in the fort.

This is the strongest man in Vernium. His feat of lifting an entire house and fighting ten thousand men without fatigue is a story widely known in the Three Kingdoms.

Those who were from the Outside of the Shadowlands would not know him. But to all the warriors inside the Three Kingdoms, they all know too well the name of Varnikar 

This is an old man that had kept the two kingdoms wary. It kept the Iathus border on the south wary. 

It is the reason why nobody had ever try to overrule the autonomy of Maroth for the past few decades.

As long as Varnikar stay on Maroth, it would be hard for Iathus to move to the north. 

But Vaishraya knows that with this sudden excursion out of the capital city of the state of Maroth, that Iathus might have some thoughts

Without Varnikar in the state capital, they might be bold. 

Though when he thinks about the current chaotic political situation in Iathus, they might have a trouble of their own.

Ethania might have to bear the brunt if Iathus attack. But Vaishraya did not show his worries.

What he worries is this sudden visit toward Balhae. The central authority had already been very patient with Maroth.

And now suddenly the High Lord of Maroth wanted to go to Balhae. 

'Hahaha' the laughter brings Vaishraya back from his thought. He looks at the crowd forming around Varnikar. 

'Old friend…. you are making a very dangerous move here' he thought to himself. 

A few feet from him, Varnikar is talking with some of the lords that follows him in his entourage.

After looking at the soldiers and giving them some motivation, Varnikar retreated toward one of the castle inside the fortress

It was then that Vaishraya had the chance to schedule a meet with the High Lord. 

Varnikar was never a very formal man. 

The Vernium kingdom might try to emulate the royal etiquette of the other continent but it does not mean that all of his vassal was quick to abandon the custom of their tribe.

If there is one man in the entire kingdom of Vernium that had never bow and kneel before a King, it was Varnikar.

This is a man who had saved the kingdom many times. 

Even when the current King was young, the High Lord of Maroth had been fighting the Darkspawn in many parts of the kingdom, winning the admiration of the world

In the three kingdoms, he is known to be a great warrior and a benevolent leader to the people under his rule. It is that same reputation that made Maroth united

Maroth had even been dubbed a kingdom inside a kingdom. 

While the people of Maroth and the lords of Maroth do follow the royal order from the Vernium royalty, when an order that is given to them is something unreasonable, it would not be odd for the lords of Maroth to decline.

Unlike the other continents, loyalty is very highly regarded here. Oaths and promises means something.

It shows how Maroth itself do not have that much loyalty toward the King.

But the King itself would not insist as long as the people of Maroth do not rebel and do not betray the kingdom

Such luxury of freedom is not afforded anywhere else in Vernium. The reason is simple. There is no such unifying force in Vernium other than in Maroth

Such practice did not erode the royal power. 

But, now everything changed. Talks of Asrana, of Vasir, of lore and myths are all abound

The Old Stories coming back to life. And loyalty and allegiance would shift. 

And it is known that Varnikar is also the Seer. 

Many communities of the Veranians believe in him as he was not only their political leader but also of their spiritual.

He had long said that the only person he would kneel and bow his head to is the promised Savior, the Great Conqueror of Darkness Asrana

Vaishraya was thinking of this as he waited the arrival of Varnikar in his office. And he could only sigh.

He had an inkling of why Varnikar wanted to go to Balhae. He hopes he is wrong.

'Duty, honor, or a promise?' he thought to himself.

Vaishraya was in his office when the guard outside announced that Varnikar was outside his door.

Vaishraya was shocked with his arrival. He did send an invitation but he did not expect it to be answer this quickly.

Nonetheless he ordered the guard to open the door quickly

Entering the door with a smile, Varnikar immediately hugged him. Vaishraya could only smile and shakes his head.

'Old friend. It has been a long time' Vaishraya could only smile as he closes the door. Yes, he and the High Lord of Maroth is actually good friend since they were a child.

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