Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 597: The affairs of the three kingdoms

On the border between Maroth and Varnikar, a blue pigeon landed on one of the towers that overlook the state of Balhae. 

The Lord Commander of the Fortress was quickly informed of that matter. A letter was attached to it. The Lord Commander of the Fortress was an old man.

But as most of the people of the Three kingdoms, he is still sturdy and his back is straight, and possessing an imposing aura even when he is walking

A man of the Three Great Tribes

He was overseeing the new recruit training when someone from the Tower of Letter informed him that a letter with the seal of the lords of Maroth had arrived.

It did not shock him. 

'More problems' he sighed as he thought about all the disturbing news he had heard since a fortnight ago

The Fortress that they are in is close to the fortress near the border between Balhae and Maroth. 

As the Lord Commander of this Fortress area he had heard that an Outlander Monarch had taken over the state of Balhae. 

Of course, from what he had seen and from what the scout had told him, that Outlander Monarch did not yet take over the cities around their western side and their northern side.

The only reason why people said that the Outlander Monarch had taken the state of Balhae is because they had taken over the capital city, Balhae. 

Most of the other cities probably did not possess military power strong enough to halt the advance of this outlander invader.

But, it still will take time. The initiative did not entirely fall to the invader yet. By now, all the Three Kingdoms is in chaos.

Warlords is rising up all over. Some come from distant land, others are the inhabitants of this continents, wanting to take the fate of that holy savior.

He could only sigh thinking of the cause and effect of this matter.

He himself was not a believer of the story. 

Before a few months ago, he believes that the lore about Darkness would one day leave the Three Kingdoms is merely a tale meant to inspire hope for the people of the Three Great Tribes

A story so that the tribespeople will have the desire to fight against the Darkly Spawn. So, that they could endure living here.

Every one of the Three Great Tribes know that they would have no foothold in the land of the New World

Where the sun shines and life was blooming, that was reserved for the Ten Tribes. 

As for the Three Great Tribes, the land they were allowed to have in the fairer part of the continent is the land near the Darkness.

If they were to venture out from that place and try to settle in a land other than that land, the ten tribes would unite with each other and forces them back

To the Ten Tribes who were always at each other throats, the one thing that would unite them into one cause is the disobedience of the Three Great tribes about the matter surrounding the Darkness

Yes, the Three Great tribes possess great influence and power in Novus Gaia. They roamed the land but they could not make settlement and stay in the fairer part of the continent.

Such act to the Ten tribes would be akin to disobeying divine decree that states the Three Great Tribes have to fight against the Darkness to expiate their sins of the past.

No matter how much influence they have, they could not fight the Ten tribes in the land that they were accustomed to.

Arakians have the power to wield fire because of their Orb of Fire. 

Nasranian who lives near the Red Shore also have their own prowess and their ability made them even a formidable enemy of the Leviathan tribe.

They could summon storms some would say making them the natural enemies of the Leviathan tribes.

Then there is the Negevian who lives near the Black Hills. 

The hill folks. Their weapons are a tier high level than most grade of weapons among the other tribes.

And only they could withstand the smell of the black water around the Black Hills. Then there is Leviathan tribes, referred to most as the Conqueror of the sea. 

Among the ten tribes, they possess great influence, they have many ships that terrorize the Dark Sea

The could sense the wind and when is most suitable to set sail. They ride the wind and aided by the blessing of the God of the Sea

Then there is Cassini, the heroic tribe who worship Asrana as their primary god. 

Hardened by battle, no-nonsense attitude toward life, possessing regeneration ability their champion is usually one of the most formidable among them and feared greatly by many tribes. 

Then there is the Eradites who excel in illusion magic

There is also the Vergonian who is said to have extensive knowledge about formation magic. They like the tribe of Nasranian could summon Storms and Thunder.

It is said in the primordial era Barash-Dur the God of Storms and Thunder and the God of Wisdom Orhan Erlang the patron god of Vergonian and Nasranian respectively had an alliance.

It is then being not uncommon for the Gifted of Nasranian tribe to possess the ability to command thunder and storms just like the Vergonian possess the extensive knowledge about formation magic

It is said in the lore that Orhan Erlang the God of Wisdom trade the knowledge of words toward Barash-Dur and Barash-Dur in equal reciprocity gifted the ability to the believer of Orhan, the ability to summon thunder and storms as a seal of alliance between the two divine beings.

Then there is the Saranites that lives in the Green Plains with their hordes of beast. They ride the tiger and they speak with animals.

Then there is Ragran tribe who look out for each other. 

They are peaceful but when the occasion calls for it, they would be formidable warriors. Blessed by the God of the Sea and God of the Sun, they are favored tribe of the Gods.

The Ereshdu tribes is mysterious and their methods are terrifying. 

They rarely fight against other tribes as they live near the Great temple of the Thirteen Gods and when they do come out, they brought out wisdom and a great source of lore.

Funnily enough, most of the ten tribes have bad blood with each other. 

But even the worse of blood feud amongst them would not stop them to unite against each other if the Three Great tribes that live in the New World tries to make settlement other than the place that they were decreed to live.

It is not out of hate. But out of duty that the ten tribes would fight against the Three Tribes. 

He once thought the ten tribes were quite the idiot one to believe such a story. It turns out the one who is stupid is him.

The signs are real. 

And omens of darkness have appeared. Cold winds have been blown. Everything that has been said before for a thousand years is now coming to pass

For denying the world a savior in the past, they are now burdened with the task of saving the people of the New World.

As such, there is no love lost between the Three Great Tribes and the Ten tribes. 

People who did not know this rift between the tribes would always referred the races of people in the New World as the Thirteen Tribes

They were not wrong. 

The thirteen tribes were once a family.

They only divided against each other during the time of Nasrana. Some of them believe and some of them did not

It wasn't until the Creator himself hurl flaming balls of fire from the sky, thunder ripping the heavens apart and earthquakes crumble mountains and hill, that the people of the Thirteen Tribe believe that there is a power above themselves.

But their belief was shallow. They only believe after they were shown concrete proof. The proof had been given a long time before in the words of Nasrana.

But they deny the truth and even harm the beloved of the Prophet. 

For such transgression, the punishment was not meant to instruct but meant to show the anger of the Creator.

And because of that, the Thirteen tribes were both blessed and cursed. 

No tribespeople of the Thirteen Tribes could go on long outside the continent before they would be called back by the land.

Instinct, fate and destiny would guide them back to the continent. 

It did not matter if there is no such story, how would then the people of his tribe would keep fighting the Darkly Spawn and make sure that the continent was not overwhelmed by evil monsters from the darkness

But then the Darkness recede, a great wall erected by some magical force, and trees, plants flowers all bloomed beautifully. 


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