Abyssal Road Trip

38 - The sound of Music

As Lêdhins departed, Julia moved away from the tunnel they’d used to enter the area. The lip of the depression almost seemed like a crater to her. A frozen wave that rose as it washed towards the cavern's interior before collapsing into the foam of the bleached bones. The atmosphere was clearer here than anywhere else in the Abyss. Even while darkness shone down from the roof, the Crystal walls' light continued to radiate the same starlit sky. The glow from them seemed to be continually in motion. Constellations she’d never seen before painted across the roof and drifted slowly over the stone.

{{Yuck! Rather be that snake bitch than stay here.}}


Without the duet of her Planar sense’s trail, the music's beauty was pure and more graceful. As if the other elegant tune had been but a distraction from genuine beauty. Walking meditation turned into a flowing dance as the tempo sang through her Soul. Julia spent some time held within that embrace until the reality of the Abyss disrupted pleasure.

In the reflected light of the grotto, what she saw ahead seemed even more repulsive. A sullen light showed through the surface of the rock, where her shadow touched the outer walls. A face of beauty shone within, and Elven childlike features matured into distortion. Smoothly proportioned limbs grew blotted by cancerous lumps. The Abyss twisted its face like pulled taffy as its eyes melted away. The figure’s wracked limbs looked like it should not stand upright, even though within its womb it turned, stretched and stood. Eyelids were blinking over empty sockets as if it could see her through the stone. Fingers elongated, and hands compressed to dagger-like points at the end of its long limbs. Cancerous lumps popped, leaking a putrid fluid that ran down to encase emaciated flesh.


[Gestating Nox Echo

Class: Fighter

Level: 24

Health: 285

Defence: 22

Melee Attack Power: 30

Combat Skills: Short Blades [Ad] (1), Bite [Ad] (1)

Details: Creatures born of manifesting nightmares, corruption and jealousy]


{{Kill this mockery. }}

((It grows from their fears.))

{{Let’s eat it. }}

“So do you want to play with me?" Julia asked, her voice almost a sultry breath.

Why is fighting this thing getting me so keyed up?

Julia moved closer to the curve of the wall, seeking to get clear of its line of sight. An unnoticed, predatory smile twisted her lips while waiting. Mentally, she shrugged and pulled at the sense of Lightning within her. With prior use of spells being minimal, she took time to set it precisely. When at last the energy shimmered into the form, she settled the cloak in place. A thread of Mana looped through the spell’s formation was tied off, waiting for something to break it.

[Mana Spent: 5

Cloak (12->13)

Lightning cloak in place till discharged.]

She set the inside of her palms with tiny steel scales, taking time to ensure motion range was unhampered. With that done, rigid arm guards formed along the length of each forearm. The wait was far longer than before, yet after consideration, she waited still. The movement would push, then cease, and then test the material again. Patiently, one straining gesture at a time, it finally caused it to rupture.

Dark Sight resolved the question, as she peered from a shadow towards the alcove. The power allowed her to see when its change completed. Even when the side of the womb fractured open, it took the time to flex within the confines of its former womb. As if it were a dancer stretching before its show, it sent a glance to meet her eyes through the Dark Sight. Yet otherwise, it ignored the peeping Tom looking into its change room. Though its full form wasn’t yet visible given only part of the womb's side had broken away.

[Dark Sight (10->11)]

When she thought it nearly ready, Julia released the Power. Yet still, it waited, holding fast where it lurked. Julia noticed the music had changed. Previously it had been upbeat and joyous. While the tempo hadn’t changed, the emotions it carried had deepened and grown sad to hear. At first, it was a tone of light sparking grief, but it grew into a mournfully eerie dirge. Drawing up another thread of Mana, Julia prepared and waited to see what would happen.

“You are not welcome here, intruder, they are our prey. I will burn your remains properly, like the refuse you are.” The voice echoed out into the grotto, the Abyssal sounding almost musical. Through it all, the Nox had kept itself hidden in the alcove, leaving Julia wondering when it would take action.

The figure appeared, dancing out from the rock face. Each step seemed on tiptoes like a weird ballerina. The exterior of its limbs having twisted like melting plastic, yet it moved with fluid grace. But it wasn’t on tiptoes; instead, with each step, the tip of a barbed spike dug into stone. Its flowing stride was causing chips to fly. Julia released the tracing missile as it appeared. Despite the spell’s design, it struggled to hit. The Nox almost spun away from its attack at the last moment.

[Mana Spent: 7

Tracing Missile [B] (2->3)

Glancing strike: 14 Damage applied]


[Species: Nox Echo

Class: Fighter

Level: 1/ 24

Health: 671   Maximum: 685

Defence: 46

Melee Attack Power: 64

Combat Skills: Short Blades [Ad] (1), Bite [Ad] (1)

Details: Creatures born of manifesting nightmares, corruption and jealousy]

Oh, it grew!

The shape of its merged and elongated fingers had also changed, sending a chill through Julia at the almost bulbous spikes it now had in place of hands. Matching the starless night of its skin, and the long barbed points that formed its 'feet'.

Was that box made from one of these things?

{{Feed those spikes to it! }}

((Flow in creation's song. ))

It moved faster and smoother than any foe she’d fought before, yet its speed didn’t over-match her own. Metal hands brushed against cold flesh as they danced. Battle Trance allowed her to catch its pattern, but Julia couldn’t get far enough ahead of its movement to lay traps. Stabs and slashes parted the air with mournful cries. A stabbing strike deflected with a palm hand block almost cost her an opened arm. Even she brushed the strike its strike to one side, the blade pivoted sharply. Its merged finger grew to stab towards the side of her arm. A flurry of stabbing strikes had her falling back, trying to stay clear of biting tips and slashing edges.

This thing will not let me fight it straight up.

A sway instead of a block moved her from another thrust. Spike twisted suddenly down at full extension. Its reaction clarified that it had expected her to draw near instead. The thing’s face was twisting in a snarl. It lashed out a foot in a blur, and Julia rolled away, and then Blink carried her from another impossible lunge.

Well, Fuck! Stop restricting myself. Just kill it quick.

{{Kill it. }}

((Kill this abomination. ))


Julia flexed her shoulder and closed in. Analysis showing it had already recovered from the Lightning damage.

The first thing to do is to survive! Call now you too can have a dozen steak knives with a new f bombing Succubus.

Shifting her shoulders, she felt the new appendages on her back also flex and ready. Their metallic joints sang as metal brushed against metal and folded outwards around her. Even without their tips visible in her peripheral vision, their position seemed precise in her mind. The sensation of them flexed to curve around her back felt as one with her. Julia knew every shift in their placement, down to the way air stroked over them. When the Nox paused in its advance, its re-assessment of Julia was obvious.

Hands raised, she moved again, and the clawed spikes moved in harmony. The lunging strike of the Nox was just as quick. Yet the articulated claws arced to catch its attack and sent it twisting. The spikes extending from her right joined a dancing procession, carrying the strike downwards. Committed motion carried her inwards past the Nox’s guard. The claws were passing the guidance of its twisted ‘hands’ from one another. A stomp kick to knee ended its attempt to spike her with a bang. As momentum took her past, the free claws rattled against its armoured hide. Noise and vibration, yet no proper purchase gained—the only progress achieved by fists cracking armour along its side.

[Ki Strike, Armour breached Success: 58 Damage

Energy drain - opposed willpower check failed - Health drain resisted 10, Stat penalty resisted, the passive effect applied

Ki Strike, Armour breached Success: 58 Damage

Energy drain - critical opposed willpower check failed - Health drain nullified, Stat penalty resisted, passive effect resisted]

Yet as she damaged, it sought to return the favour. While the punches landed true, the notification in awareness spoke of the failure of the Energy Drain. It rolled forward as if to fall away from her. Spiked 'hands' hit the stone, its arms bowed, and then it sprang back along her path. Claws swept down to deflect its path, but they blocked only one leg as it spun against the intercepting spikes. The second dug deep into her thigh as it turned with impossible control in midair. The energy from the lightning cloak lit it up as Julia moved to respond.

Pivoting, with the force of the blow, freed her from the spike. The pain from it raced across the bone and deflected through the meat of her thigh. As the pivot twisted more, its spike came free with muscles and flesh. Protean sealed flesh the wound yet her form still wore the damage. While the health loss wasn’t as bad as it might have been. Losing over a tenth of maximum health from a single attack was a serious concern. The attack speared its way inwards, and the barbs ripped as the Nox moved away. The Nox rolled across the ground and flowed to its feet. As its alien expression twitched from the outcome of the exchange. Julia realised a stream of blood was running down her arm. The cut was so sharp it hadn’t been noticeable untill the blood trickled.

Fuck, it got me on the way through.

When the wound healed over with no sight of the rot blooming, Julia felt her nerves steady further under the Ki.

The energy drain isn’t catching properly. The passive effect, whatever that is. But not the de-buff. Plus the Ki didn’t load into the spikes.

Beckoning to the Ki, she felt it try to waft up within the new limbs. Only to stop confused and drift away. One moment she was trying to change the Ki’s flow, the next it was attacking again. Metal rang as the claws responded to deflect its flurry of stabs. This time she let its kick come up, instead of blocking it like earlier. As it stabbed with that barbed spike, she stepped inside the reach.

The credo wasn't from a martial art she’d studied. Not sure she remembered it right, but if so, it was simple. Attack the limb.

I could get the Ki into a tendril. No wait, I didn’t. But lamprey teeth. Why not the claws? I usually have teeth, but I don’t usually have claws.

Oh yeah, I do now.

Pivoting, the claws turned from spikes to metallic pincers. Julia clamped onto its arms to hold them at bay as she flowed alongside the kick. As it tried to withdraw, her arm was already underneath. With the weight of the leg across the hollow of her elbow, calf clutched close, she smashed repeated blows into its exposed thigh. Organic cancerous formed plates buckled as Ki and Mana filled every strike. Caught between its leg perch and claws, the Nox flexed and jumped. A restrained hop, but still dangerous. It's back foot lashed forward towards her. Even as it left the ground, instinct urged the same. Legs no longer holding weight, Flight took them aloft. A shin block turned its thrusting kick wide.

[Danger Sense (15->17)]

((You fear them. Trust yourself. ))

Blocking another raking kick as they wrestled in midair, Julia tried to relax. She met the Nox's lunging bite with a headbutt to its jaw. As it immediately bit again, reflex had her casting it away. Julia landed near where it crashed down. Claws clashed against spikes as it wove a pattern of defence, imagination in conflict with its greater skill. It parried, causing her additional limbs to impede each other. Her skills and Powers trying to co-ordinate as ringing filled the air. Advances met with retreat and crossed spikes as it looked for the next opening. Julia had to wonder if it was buying time. When she saw the cracks along its side healing, that seemed to be the case.

Turning as if to flee, she glimpsed it leaping towards her. As it was airborne, Blink moved her. The Ki had seemed reluctant to go into the Claws. Yet she found, as before, the Ki had no concerns about empowering a spear formed from her flesh. As the Nox had leapt, Blink set her in its path. A broadhead boar spear manifested and rippling with both Ki and Mana. The Nox's leap drove it onto the set point. The crossbar intended to keep the prey from running the user down while it died served the same purpose for this demon.

The blood from the wound spat across the ground like thickened mucus, the stone drinking it up where it landed. The spikes of its hands rang against the metallic flesh Julia had imagined for the spear. Her hands pulled upwards, bracing the spear's butt against the hollow of her foot, as it grew longer to keep the Nox out of reach.

With the spear embedded within its flesh, the darkness, at last, caught hold and drank from its life force. The flurry of blows it sent against the haft slowed as its life drew away. Julia tilted the spear to stand upright, with blackness pulsing it grew slowly still.

Well, it seems I got it up.

When its final twitch came, the Song soared again. The mournful feel of it changed to rejoicing, as if one lost was being welcomed home. Activating Soul Sight, Julia saw two things. A net of black cords dredged rippling Heat away from a golden Elven Soul. Even though the net couldn't contain all the mass that encapsulated it, somehow it left the Soul untouched. The Soul seemed to regard her sadly for a moment, before racing towards the Grotto’s centre.

[Combat Summary:


Nox Echo x1

Killing blows: 1

Solo kills: 1

Exp Gained: 2,170

The defeat of entity one Tier higher: 450

Total: 2,620

Demonic Shards Gained: 1

Experience distributed between classes:

Blood Monk : +1,200

Wizard: +220

Succubus: +1,200

Unarmed Combat [J] (26->27)

Ki Strike [J] (16->17)

Protean [Ap] (24->25)

Ki Infusion (1->5)

Dominion [Ap](1->2)

Acrobatics [Ap](1->2)]

Energy Drain is what is harvesting the Shards. Is that what reeled in the Damned Souls with no contract?

I so need to find out what powers are available to a normal Succubus. Other Demons might not know what I am, but Lêdhins at least is far too curious.

Wonder if I can pay one to give me an imprint? Though first I need one of those gems.

Turn towards the grotto her Soul Sight played briefly over other Souls in the grotto's rock, though none at present seemed to be gestating. Julia didn’t know how that worked. Since all the other Souls, when caught in the rocks seemed immediately to begin gestation. It wasn’t necessary to her at present though; instead, curiosity called to learn more about where the Soul had fled.

At the top of the rise, the grotto was alive with light under Soul Sight. The Soul looked to have joined other Souls standing near one of the crystal walls. Their voices were blending into that never-ending seamless music. The trees she had made out deeper within the grotto also shone with Soul Energy. As did a group of living Elves barely perceivable deeper within. Though she could not see their flesh, in Soul Sight, they still shone through the crystals.

{{Larder. }}

((How did they come to be here? ))

Aware of the bones at the bottom of the slope, Julia still felt tempted to step forward toward the beauty. The Soul she’d freed had moved to take up a position among the others. It seemed to have joined the song from its posture, the resonance of the place now stronger than previously.

That fight pushed me till I provoked it into jumping at me. With Dominion going up, I wonder if I was affecting it and the other Demons earlier. Did my running taunt it? Kiss my arse, see if I give a stuff, Nox old boy.

Well, time to find some more Nox to kill. Will see if I can get the Souls down below help somehow. Even if this just buys them time.

Analysis showed their species as Night Elf, but neither it nor Soul Sight could gather more from their beauty.

Removing the items retrieved from the Hümsi that Lêdhins’ pace hadn’t let her check. She quickly used Analysis on them while they rested on the ground.

[Messenger’s Loop: This ring allows the wearer to use the Flit spell form once per Abyssal Cycle. Base range ten kilometres. If the user can access Mana, they can increase the range by five kilometres per point spent. Flit allows the user to send a brief message to one or more individuals within the spell range. It is possible to tailor the message content to each party. Yet the spell cannot carry over one hundred distinct words in total. The spell uses the mana energy to vibrate the air so the individual can hear the message, regardless of resistances.]

The other rings turned out to carry the same enchantment, so Julia slipped them back into her inventory before checking the rest.

Guess that makes sense for a patrol needing to keep in touch, still seems limited at once per day. I’d need to learn that spell form. Well, if I had anyone I wanted to speak to at all.

[Dagger of Tracking: This dagger bears two enchantments. The first improves the balance of the blade during combat, providing an increased chance to hit. The second allows the holder of the blade to track someone whose blood it has tasted. The ability extends for one cycle per point of total damage taken in the wound that inflicted the blood loss.]

Looking at the count of Demonic shards in her profile, she tried the same trick she had with the skills seemingly so long ago. This time it didn’t return her a list, but something made sense.

Analysis: Shards

[Shards (Demonic Essence Shards): Aside it flowing through them, Demons coalesce the Abyss' energy within their form. These energy fragments manifest within their form directly. For most Demons, each fragment takes one or more years to coalesce within a Demon. Some unique Demons seem to possess an increased ability to accumulate this energy.]

{{We should eat them all! }}

Well, fuck! Did Naz’rilca think I’m over a century old when she was calling me pathetic?

Well, you go, girl. Completely underestimate me.

[Profile Control (20) -> [B](1)

Profile override options are now unlocked. Providing default settings when imprint generation occurs.]

Analysis: Profile override options

[Profile override options: Allows the possessor to determine which entries and their rating show on any imprint they generate by default. This applies to skills, powers, affinities, spell forms.

This does not stop individuals with profiles from manually deciding not to include specific information in an imprint.

Note: Imprints never include Special Abilities.]

Wait. What if it's right in front of me?

Analysis: Lesser Succubus

[Lesser Succubus:  The second Tier of Lust demons have learnt to transform their bodies to match the desires of their summoner and/or victims. Commonly their power set includes Change Self, Detect Thoughts, Taste Emotion, Vampiric Caress, Blink, or Teleport. Seduction skills and others lending themselves to physical activities are common, Some rarer ones have rudimentary Mana Sense, and if they can gain other classes may have unlocked a caster class.]

Oh, I so need to see an imprint now.

Analysis: Night Elf

[Night Elf: Given form by the Titan's will, the Night Elves, and their brethren, the Sun Elves, helped sing shape into the Titan's reality. They brought to life plants and animals, using the guidance of his forge's tempo as their muse. For them, the Titan formed the conduit by which the courts of Elven Gods joined his creation.

The Levithan's rampage brought the beginning of the end for this species. When the Sun and Night elves guarded their lesser kins retreat, it wiped most of them from the Material plane. At the conflict's end, with the Sun Elves already wiped out, temptation completed their destruction. Lured into darkness by the fallen celestial, now known as Lady Balnérith, it transformed them into Succubus and Incubi in her service. The eons since have seen the destruction or conversion of the Incubi, as a lover's rejection has led Lady Balnérith to despise males.]

Did they form the Sisterhood?

[Elven Lore Unlocked

Elven Lore (1)]

Time to hunt more

Pulling back from the temptation of that beautiful song, Julia moved outwards along the slope again. Curious to see if she could provoke other Souls in the rock into gestating. Though before she got too far, a slight detour added two freshly detached spikes to her inventory.

They look like the spike from the box. Wonder if it’s these or something else? Maybe an enchantment required? If so would love to shove one at least one into Naz’rilca and the Lady.

As her shadow touched the stone over another Soul, its presence stirred and twisted.

{{We hunt! }}

((Please return them to their brethren. We failed them.))

Julia was recovering from her tenth kill by the time a bored Lêdhins came to see what was taking so long.

"You are a pervert. This place is even more unpleasant. Yet here you are looking like someone's spent hours pleasuring you," said Lêdhins, grumbling. He seemed to walk along as close to the outer wall as he could get, without risk of hitting it.

"Let's go." He continued, the deep voice grinding against stone as he grumbled.

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