Abyssal Road Trip

37 - A little bit off Today

However, the Portal had come into being; something had crafted the ramp leading to it. The traffic had then smoothed the stone thus even in the Abyss’s chaos, the inhabitants ironically enforced order.

Away from the Portal, there was no such order, and the Plane made its nature clear. Abnormal mushrooms, moulds, and mosses provided erratic lighting. Rough stone catching at their feet, the sharp irregularities of the turns, and shifting widths made passage unpredictable. While the stone they walked on didn’t change, every bend seemed a different story as the surrounding walls breathed their energies.

Mists would form and vanish, shifting as quickly as breath exhaled into cold pre-dawn air. The surrounding tunnel filled with breezes, sometimes even strong winds that came and went with no regularity. A gusting gale in the tunnel could die instantly, and fog set in about them; thicker even than the cloud bank she'd climbed through. Yet other times an intense heat would rise. As if lava might spurt from the walls, to block the way against all intrusion. The main issue stopping them from using many of the tunnels was simply Lêdhins’ bulk. When their size meant Julia would have to shrink to use them, Lêdhins simply had no hope of entry.

The passages left behind nagged at Julia’s mind under the Castellan's instructions. It wasn’t until she accepted the necessity to come back to explore that the internal itching ceased. However, she didn't know how or if keeping track of what areas they had explored would even be possible. Yet neither the Oath nor the Castellan’s orders cared. Fortunately, as much as he annoyed her, Lêdhins seemed as skilled in navigation as he was at fighting. The way he walked through the passages with calm confidence spoke volumes.

They'd been walking for hours with no uncertainty evident, and Julia tried to get information.

“This place is a maze. How do you remember the way?”

“I don’t.”

“We’re walking blind?” Julia questioned, her voice rising with disbelief.

Have we just been randomly fucking walking? I thought he knew where he was going.

“Relax, I possess a skill to navigate. Learnt it years ago. Useful in mines if the shadow wars are too slow, for mercenary work.”


“I did, and they get slow sometimes for a month or two.”

“Care to share the skill name and how you learnt it?” Julia asked.

“Care to trade? It would be great to blow a load after that fight.” Lêdhins replied, his voice almost boyishly hopeful for such a deep rumble.

“Aren't skills part of the whole training thing?” Julia asked, annoyance clear in her voice.

“Maybe you’d consider it that, but I don’t,”

“Why not?”

“Because it doesn’t work that way. Telling you the name as it shows in an imprint will not help you. Not like you can just pick it from a list.”

“What does the imprint call it? I'd like to know if I gain the same one later,” Julia said.

“If you blow me. I’ll tell you.” Lêdhins said; coming to a halt, he turned towards her and placed a hand against the top of his belt. Ready to whip it out at a moment's notice.

“So if I give you a blow, you’ll tell me,”


“Then give me your hand, and I’ll give you a blow,” Julia said, gesturing outwards with her own.

“Why my hand?” Lêdhins asked, his suspicion clear to her.

“Just give it to me. I like to progress things in a certain way.” Julia said, her voice purring with delight.

Lêdhins looked her up and down before holding out one of his massive hands. Turning it, her fingers danced over the skin before leaning forward and exhaling softly across it. The Heat was shining in his eyes, making her smile. Julia leant close with pursed lips and blew a raspberry on his palm. Quickly letting it go and standing straight, the smile left her lips.

“Only type of blow you’re getting from me. So now you’ve gotten payment.”

“What!” Lêdhins said, his voice lifting slightly as he replied. The warmth and smoothness of her lips aggravated his state.

“You say you lost ‘my’ coins while gambling, even though you had some on you. To me, you lost your own. It's all about perception, right? Now, pay up with the name. You got a blow.” Julia said, smiling at him as she gestured for him to keep his voice low.

“Complete blackballing hellion you are,” Lêdhins growled.

“No need for that language. I’m certainly not a Hellspawn. Now pay up,” Julia said, giving him an edged smile. “If I had to tell folks you don’t stick even to the letter of deals, you might never get paid in advance again for anything.”

Julia didn’t have to act for something primordial to show in her eyes, as she cheated and sent Ki swirling together with Heat of form.

“Blood oaths, played by a Lesser Succubus. Fine, it shows up in imprints as Planar Sense.”

“Care to purchase my silence on that occurrence?”

“What would that cost me?”

“Coins of an equivalent value provided when I told you to pay the Caravan Master.”

Lêdhins drew an assortment of coins from a storage item and held them out.

“So you’ll keep it completely to yourself that you played me.”

“Agreed. Not even a joke at your expense,” Julia said, amused by his reaction.

“Done,” Lêdhins said, putting the coins in her hand.

[Haggling [Ap](5-> 6)]

Julia checked them over before putting them away. Though he hadn’t paid her the same mix, their value matched.

He even remembered how much I had given him. Though likely only got away with that stunt because of whatever deal he has with Usd’ghi.

I need to get free from him before he expects me to.

Analysis: Planar Sense

[Planar Sense: Provides the user with an indicator of direction and distance to a ‘named’ or ‘known place’. The skill’s rank determines the range at which the skill will work and the direction’s precision. The level determines how long the feeling lasts each time they activate the skill. It individualises the style of the indicator.

False leads from this skill reduce as the total of effective rank/level increases:

These false leads can occur in one of two ways,

1) The wrong direction. The user will continue to believe the path is correct until the last sense of ‘direction’ completely fades. Fading can require a period of cycles or bells, depending on the rank of the skill. Or they ask and receive correct directions.

2) The path is correct but isn’t passable to the individual. The skill doesn’t always consider needing to travel through areas impassable to the skill user. Due to say the lack of ability to swim, fly or exist in lava.

Restriction: Skill only available to planar entities. Not functional on their opposing planes.]


[Skills Points spent:

Planar Sense Unlocked

Planar Sense (1)

Synergy Skill Harmony Detected

Planar Sense (1) -> [Ap](1)]


When Julia attempted to spend a point to regain Acting, she got an alert that interested her.

[Previous occurrence of this skill subsumed into an Aura. While the aura is active, the skill will automatically behave in line with it. The effect of all subsumed skills will continue to develop with that Aura’s effectiveness. This skill will only need relearning if you wish to have it available when Aura is not active.]

Is that why it’s a bitch to level it? Because it subsumed so many skills? Too much I don’t know.

If I turn it off, I lose them. Not like I’d want in on around Demons like the Castellan.

She’d likely take it as an excuse to void my ticket to ride this train. Okay, let's do this.

[Skill Points Spent:

Acting Unlocked.

Acting (1)

Aura will overwrite this skill’s effective level if active until the level is greater than aura.

Sense Motive Unlocked

Sense Motive (1)

Aura will overwrite this skill’s effective level if active until the level is greater than aura.

Skill Lore (5->6)]

“So where are we going?”

“The ‘Burning grotto."

“How does it get its name?”

“You’ll see Viper. I shouldn’t have forgotten you have those little teeth to bite with. Battle gets my blood up. I knew you were uptight. I just can’t believe its this much. If only I had known, I would have haggled for more.”

“We should get moving.”

Lêdhins looked her over before focusing back on the tunnel they’d been following, his eyes still showing the Heat from her teasing.

Stop poking the bear, J. Just because he scares you. Doesn’t mean you have to keep showing how brave you are.

Her intent focused on Planar sense as she activated it, wanting to find the burning grotto. Julia smiled when a faint wordless song came from the direction they had been heading. It felt as if she was reaching inside the surrounding material, and though the plane itself was angry and vicious. The song that led her wasn’t anything of the sort. Instead, it swelled with sweet crystalline music.

A slight noise from above was enough, ‘Danger Sense’ and ‘Perception’ screamed loud. A glance showed booted feet coming down. The attacker was holding a spiked mace high overhead as they plunged. Julia dropped before they fully landed, and their weight bore down on her. Fluids splattering over skin as the weapon crashed down.

Lêdhins turned at the noise to see the figure held aloft. Its mace rattling on the stone next to Julia. An armoured figure forced down by its weight. Settling onto barbed spears that had sprouted alongside her spine. Each gleamed in the dull light with Heat. Drinking blackness from the foe’s form. Still drinking as more foes dropped towards the blood pooling below. Their eyes widening as they took in the sight to which they’d already committed.

{{Crown us, Queen!}}

Blink carried her clear from unwanted meat. The discarded body dropped to the ground; as the clarity she'd lost hold of at the Portal lived again. Details, positions, numbers, weapons were slipping into her awareness. Information settling without a ripple of distraction. Foes entered her arena, and she moved with them. She swayed aside from a broad blade. One tendril yanked at a landing foot as another pulled from behind it. Julia sent them sprawling to stone under its allies’ landing bodies. Analysis added his details to the knowledge within before she truly struck.

[Species Lesser Hümsi

Class: Fighter

Level: 5 / 21

Heath: 424 / 434

Defence: 34

Melee Attack Power: 41

Combat Skills: Long Blades [J] (1), Short Blades [J] (3), Shields [J] (1)

Details: This Demon is one of a species controlled by Lord Qjiadlóv for his army. Rarely among his elite troops, their numbers form the backbone of his armies in the Abyss’ shadow wars.

Condition: Poisoned]

Bad crash on runway three. Four on one, I'm not that kind of girl.

{{Take their hearts.}}

((No mercy. No malice. Be True.))

The motion continued as the unbalanced foe slashed across her side. Leather parted by the cut, revealing rippling flesh. A hand smacked a neck and darkness pulsed. A scream froze in its throat from pain. Julia flowed inside their weapon’s arc. Left hand driving forward not to hit them. The purpose was never just to hit. It’s punching through. Julia twisted at the hips in perfect form. Arm snapping to full extension, flesh, bone, and armour compressed. Strength far more significant than she’d known in life focused with intent. Ki, cloaked in its veneer of Abyssal Heat struck hard. Power seeking to buckle plate, as darkness drank.

[Ki Strike, Armour breached Success: 58 Damage

Energy drain - opposed willpower success - Health drained 41, Stat penalty applied, the passive effect applied]

((Let the Ki guide you. Flow with their motions.))

The notifications pinged against Zen-like awareness. With no urgency or focus needed; they simply pooled. Julia stood within the moment and acted. In motion, even as they fell among the others. Strikes and kicks rained among them. Always, she swirled around them. Using openings to provide a map of pain. Actions reinforced to shift them to mistakes that cost them. The energy that had merely prickled under the skin in practice. Now, in battle, it breathed the flows.

Mortal limbs and demonic tendrils injuring and disrupting alike. Yet these foes weren’t inexperienced, and finally rose bloodied, not beaten. They went rolling away from each other as far as the passage allowed. Only when clear they stood again. Their attention focused on her, poised for battle yet without support. They were sneering at a foot sweeping through empty air before Blink positioned her only at the last. Knee in the smashing blow’s path. A suddenly falling foe found its weight against a spiked hand. Flesh opened even as reality swallowed her. A wound left bleeding in her wake.

Instead of the lowly delicious Succubus; they’d found a beautiful teasing predator. Their blows shifted a touch offline, found nothing. Limbs moved impossibly, screaming wanton possibility. Their motions guided instead of blocked. Her ripe body swaying before their gale. The air about them filled them with desire. Aroused and enraged, they sought it, needing to break its pride. To conquer its challenge, they considered no retreat. Yet their brutal force met collapsing guidance. Force met a mist that faded only to strike again. The balance shifted one way and then another. For they adapted and learnt, attempting to cope. As their blood wet the ground, they fought back.

Tongues flickered to taste lips. Their desires drove them to seize. The lush, delightful treat they craved seemed mostly mist. Blood infrequently shed, teasingly, as if to raise their lusts: lush flesh, fair limbs, and biting blows. A poisonous butterfly that frequently seemed so close to being theirs. A victory so close, so ripe, they rush for victory. Landing within order’s deadly traps. The last one quivered, aching in his desperation. Flesh seeking strength to sheath a blade within the whore’s form. Their once-powerful hand twitched and merely fell open. Blade clattering to stone. A final sucking blackness pulsed. Thumbs rested and flexed within the brain, as a breath sighed across its ear.

Afterwards, with desires dead, and its twitching stilled. Thumbs withdrew from sockets that suckled lustfully for her flesh. Julia rose and let the slab of meat beneath her slump to the floor. Eyes filled with Ki cloaked in Heat they seemed to shine hungrily, where she stood amid the fallen.

Blood pooled and held within a crumpled mass of bodies. Lêdhins still stood where she’d seen him last. Two more foes lay ignored, as if unworthy offerings at his feet.

Her cut and torn outfit vanished only for another, just like it to appear—her momentarily naked form showing streaks of blood, yet no wounds.

“No,“ said Julia before he could even ask.

[Combat Summary:


Species Lesser Hümsi x4

Killing blows: 4

Solo kills: 4

Exp Gained: 4,216

Demonic Shards Gained: 4

Experience distributed between classes:

Blood Monk : +3216

Wizard: +0

Succubus: + 1,000

Unarmed Combat [J] (25->26)

Ki Strike [J] (15->16)

Protean [Ap] (23->24)

Energy Drain (17)->[B](2)

Harmony and Ki Meditation have evolved Tactics into Battle Trance.

Battle Trance [Ap] (2->6).

Power Ki Infusion Unlocked

Ki Infusion (1)]

Shards gain is by Tier? It’s a theory. But why else would the bestial be just one-tenth each and these guys one?

“I was there when you brought only one? And how did you do those spears from your back?”

“These insignia are these fellows from a faction?”

“Yeah, Lord Qjiadlóv from their gear and insignia,” Lêdhins said, bending to look at a clasp. "Just one faction that gathers resources in Ternòx."

“Know where we can find more?.” Julia asked.

“The trick with the spears, how did you do that?” Lêdhins asked as he looked back at her, eyes speaking of his hunger.

“That No. Meant exactly that,” Julia said, shaking her head.

“That sure wasn’t change self,” Lêdhins said, the look in his eyes showing he was reassessing her.

Change Self?

“Well, I sure thought it changed me.”

“That might be, but was sure a lot more than it allows. More like Shapeshift. Which you shouldn’t have at your Tier.”

“Perhaps I have a very vivid imagination, for desired changes in position?”

“Like to give a guy black balls. Don’t you!” Lêdhins said, Despite the phrasing, it wasn't a question.

“Your choices are your own, as are the consequences,” Julia said.

Julia watched the health status in her hud ticking upwards. The life force provided by Energy Drain hadn’t left many wounds. It had drunk deep, healing most of the injuries she’d taken. The rest they had inflicted already fading. It might have been different if the fight had drawn on. Yet through it all, their strength had become hers. Till right now, they were but meat on the floor.

That was intense

((Careful of overconfidence.))

Smiling at Lêdhins, she activated Mana Sense. Following a glance, quick movements swept up what might be of interest—a scattering of rings, the dagger that had opened her face, and their belt pouches. Lêdhins finished gathering from the three close-by well before her gathering completed. With everything wanted now held in inventory, she flicked her eyes upwards.

“Should we check where they came from?” Julia asked.

“It’s not unusual for a patrol to seek travellers to ambush,” Lêdhins said, looking up at the break in the passage. The gap near the ceiling seemed unlikely to offer him enough space to fit.

“Not worth determining if they have any backup?“ Julia asked, glancing back at Lêdhins.

“If they’d had more support. You’d still be fighting.”

“What you wouldn't be fighting as well?” Julia asked, her clarity in the conflict having noted the single blows that slew the two near him.

“It was a chance for you to practice. Though given all the surety of the Usd’ghi, that you need protection and training. You were doing fine. Sure you won’t set a price?”

“Lêdhins, I’d rather destruction. In the Abyss, you nor anyone else will get between my legs.”

Lêdhins went to say more. Only to face a serpentine form slithering with slow hideous movements towards him. Familiar burning eyes glaring at him from the flayed visage of a Ka’larg.

{{Yuck! Get out of this shape.}}

“You nor anyone else!” Julia said before the undulating form rippled seamlessly away. Her former lushness restored, standing where the flayed serpent had been an instant earlier. An outfit that should have ripped to shreds in the transformation clung to her contours. His gaze carefully noted the ichor that had dripped and remained.

Protean [Ap] (24->26)

((Be careful, child. Show not your hand without need.))

“Yeah, so not change self.”

“The ‘Burning Grotto’, isn’t it that way? Julia asked, gesturing onwards, deliberately ignoring Lêdhins’ eyes lingering with desire over her body.

[Acting (1 -> 2)

Sense Motive (1 -> 2)]

The war mattock vanishing from no longer clenched hands. He nodded before turning to move onwards. Julia followed carefully after checking what she’d learnt.


[Battle Trance: This skill enhances awareness of the immediate battlefield. The skill’s user gains insight into information, positioning and foe’s intentions in the chaos of battle. It allows them to understand, predict, and mould the battle. To draw their foes into potentially costly mistakes of position or applied force.]

[Ki Infusion: Ki can be one with all aspects of reality. Ki, flowing in flesh, now can draw Mana with it. Initially, it will draw only raw mana, which provides a flat damage increase by total effective level. Additional ranks beyond Apprentice, allows the user to learn the process for carrying specifically attuned Mana. Holding any mana except death or negative enables the possessor to inflict further damage and strike incorporeal foes.

From the rank of Journeyman, it is possible to infuse aligned Mana. Upon advancement to each rank, they can select an additional type of aligned Mana; or can continue to refine the use of a previous type. If multiple types are available, only a single aligned Mana can be active at any type. Changing aligned mana requires discharging the mana currently infused.

The unlocking of this power also gains them a Mana pool, and an initial affinity if none previously gained. If spell forms relating to a Ki’s trained affinities are known, the wielder can hold a single pre-cast form. They maintain the spell form in their Ki, available for release against touched foes. The spell formation and its actual release consume the same amount of Mana, doubling its effective cost.

Using Ki Infusion without Ki Strike will only spend Mana and not Ki.

Warning: If the use of Ki Infusion ceases or Mana reaches zero, any held spell form will instantly trigger internally.]

Holy shit!

As the crystalline music beckoned her onwards, it would grow slowly inaudible till she activated the skill again. The few times it seemed as if to lead her astray, there was a simple way to reset it. Activating it while taking ‘directions’ from Lêdhins’ path was often enough to set things right. By the time they had reached their goal, she had received several notifications from it and Time Sense. However, it was unclear if the use of Harmony with it was speeding its progress.

[Planar Sense [Ap](4 -> 5)

Time Sense [Ap](9->10)]

The last increase notification had pinged on her awareness, as she could hear another sound from ahead. A ringing sound like echoing crystal slowly became louder, rising in a sweet duet to her Planar Sense’s music. It still took another bell, or hour for the grotto to come in sight. She was standing on the lip of an opening in the surrounding stone. Down past a sloping depression, crystal walls shone, emitting what felt like the peace of a starlit sky. The vibrancy of the air seemed to shake through her Form, even as the Ki revelled in its touch.


((Stay! Find peace, renew.))

Deeper within the grotto, she could make out what looked to be the swaying of branches from living trees. Somehow the leaves of them alive, a delightful vibrant green in this darkest of places.

“Don’t go any closer than that point,” Lêdhins said, gesturing towards a mass of bones down the slope. “Some bestial just think to attack. But none within the Abyss can get closer than those bones.”

“What is it?” Julia asked.

“No idea, I’ve only heard rumours, and I give little regard to those.” Lêdhins said, “What I know. They’re dangerous, never cross the lines of bones you’ll find around them. I’ve seen places where crystals like those lay shattered. Those are safe to venture near, but while they stay intact, keep your distance.”

“Do bestial’s come here often enough for it to be worth ambushing them?”Julia asked.

“You have an odd way of thinking. I’ve never thought to use a place like this as bait. Makes my skin ache.”

“My flesh shakes from it, but if it distracts a bestial, it could be useful.” Julia shrugged if unconcerned.

“True. Not sure how often they’d show up. We can stay for a bit. I’ll even let you fight them. Though if you get tossed down into that, it’s your fault.” Lêdhins said with a shrug. “I’m going to be back there somewhere more comfortable, scream if you die. Then I'll know to stop waiting.”

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