Abyssal Road Trip

39 - Toe the Line

“Interesting wings you’ve got there now,” said Lêdhins.

Closing the distance he had just been watching the claws going about their deconstruction of Nox Armour.

Julia ignored him, trying to focus on what she was doing.

“So you’re more into fucking things up. Surprised you didn’t spawn as BrÍn with this much battle lust. Ten kills?”


“What part was that Yes for?” Lêdhins asked.

“Fucking them up. It’s the only reason to touch another Demon,” said Julia, not taking her eyes from the claws she’d shaped into scissors.

“Why the parts collection?” asked Lêdhins.

“I’ve got a theory. Hopefully, I have what I need to test it.”

“What’s the theory about?”

“A way to hurt some specific Demons,” said Julia. Hoping it would actually give her means at payback.

“Figures. Are you staying here longer or can we at least get somewhere that doesn’t feel this celestial rotting awful.”

The last snip completed, Julia stored the section.

“We can go. You said there are other places around like this?” asked Julia.

“A bunch of smaller ones, some with broken walls, a few large. One that barely looks to fit inside a massive cavern it’s in. It's a real pain if you need to get from one side to the other. Hundreds of kilometres detouring.”

“Chatty now,” said Julia, wondering what had gotten into him.

“Well, knowing this info is actually part of learning the ropes. Not skill names. Let’s go. I hate this place,” said Lêdhins, “Brought you here to warn you off them. Not so you could pleasure yourself with pain.”

“Tough foes come out here. Better practice than the Lesser Hümsi.”

“You didn’t ask me what species they were. Wouldn’t have expected you to know them.”

“I perhaps know more than you think. But far less than I’d prefer,” said Julia.

“That’s always the case. Let’s go,” said Lêdhins insistently.

“I’d prefer to kill more of these Nox,”

I need to buy time for Mana and Ki to recover. Feeling tapped out.

“One of Usd’ghi’s tasks isn’t far from here. Planning to take care of it, since we’re in the area. Your services got offered as a help for the teaching. We’re going.”

“‘Very well. I need to rebuild some Mana though,” said Julia.

“It’s not right next door. Maybe a four or five full cycles, if not more from the feel of Planar Sense.”

“Cycles of walking?” Julia asked,

“Well, not like either of us can teleport based on a name alone,” said Lêdhins

I’ll be back, folks. Somehow.

((We need to free them. Evil enough that the cycle of the song ended. ))

{{Eat them up. High in yummy goodness.}}

I need to get my teleport higher so I can come back here fast.

“Get used to travelling long distances. You’re not in a harem now.”

“Never,” said Julia, her tone snapping.

“Never what?”

“Never mind where I have or haven’t been. I need to know about Ternòx.”

“Out of this Grotto first. Something weird is going on with it,” Lêdhins said, picking up the pace.

Julia held her tongue till they were back in the passageway, blowing a mental kiss farewell to the singers. The big fellow seemed eager to leave the place behind them. The pace was far faster than the one he had used getting here.

Ki Movement training time. Lucky I’m not tanked out completely.

Since the claws had worked well, Julia set a quick form slot, before focusing on keeping up with Lêdhins. The drifting energy of the Ki empowered Ki Movement, and that was more than enough to keep pace. Especially since in places the size of the tunnels forced him to slow. Eventually, when the pace slowed enough that he felt less panicked, Julia went digging for information.

“How big is this place?”

“Ternòx, it's not one of the biggest planes, but still it's sizeable. Flatten out the world the mortals live on. Well, one of them, if you’ve been to any. Now rip a thread off the end of that flattened area, turn it into a string and run that string from one end of Ternòx to another. You’ve still not got to the end of what we know to exist here. Yet Factions will still fight over resources in it. Especially resources someone else has already mined.”

She really did never expect me to finish. How am I supposed to get an understanding of this place?

Just like an elephant, one bite at a time. Plus, why the fuck am I caring if she expected me to finish.

I’ve got thousands of years, hopefully before I’ve paid out all my questions. Learn the areas of this plane that let me get the most power.

{{Power for us}}

((Well said. ))

“You’ve been to a mortal world?”


“How do you know how big one is then?”

“I’ve seen maps. This is not about Ternòx.”

“You used a mortal planet as a scale. Where can I see the maps?”

“Not in Ternòx. Will you hush?”

Are we there yet?

“If it's so big, how will we get to the major places?”

“Teleport circles, gates, other ways. How do you know a mortal planet is big?”

“Would you use it as a reference otherwise?”

“You don’t add up, little Viper. You didn’t even blink when I told you to flatten out a mortal planet. Most Demons think they are flat like the planes of the Abyss. Also, most demons know fuck all about maps, too orderly for their tastes. So you’ve abilities you shouldn’t have, together with the knowledge that doesn’t match your age. Plus Logic. Change self, my arse. Let’s get going.”

((Oh, be careful. He’s smarter than he acts. Demon’s prey on those weaker.))

{{Not his prey.}}

I need to get him on the back foot. Fuck Usd’ghi for hiring this prick. Oh...

“No,” Julia said, taking a step backwards.

“What now?” Lêdhins asked, a growl of annoyance in his voice.

“I said, No. I don’t have to add up to you. Why should I tell you anything? You’re such an open book yourself. Leave.”

“Leave? You’re supposed to help me with these jobs? You and Usd’ghi went to the trouble of hiring me. Now you want me to leave?” Lêdhins voice deepened into a growl as he spoke.

“I’m also supposed to be learning from you. And helping you in the jobs for Usd’ghi while I learnt. I never heard that part of the deal was that you got to pull shit on me. Or needed to go digging into what I have learnt. I must have missed those terms being mentioned in the finger waving.”


“The BrÍn hand speech whatever its called. I didn’t understand most of what the signs said. The key thing I caught, though, was one word. Agreed. Which speaks of a deal being struck where I didn’t get the details. So you can fuck off. Leave. I’m sure Usd’ghi has ways to get her funds back from you and the weapon.”

“Now hold on Viper,” said Lêdhins, his tone suddenly far calmer.

“No. Leave,” said Julia.

“I could chop you up and take you with me in pieces. You’re a pain in my arse.” Lêdhins stated, merely a statement of fact, rather than threatening.

“That would just cost you coin, and likely annoy Usd’ghi. I'm certain she disapproves of adjusting conditions.” Julia said, before smiling at him.

“Cause it’s really not me you have to worry about, is it? I have nothing over you. Yeah, you could kill me, or just tow me around in pieces. Then I’ll let Usd’ghi know after I get back to my home plane. I know how to get in touch with her from there. I’m sure she’ll have words for you. Like, sit, stay, beg, and die. She wouldn’t know where your home plane is, would she? Cause that would be really uncomfortable.” Julia finished.

“What do you want then?” asked Lêdhins.

“For you to leave,” said Julia, feeling annoyance and anger bubbling away under the Ki’s calm.

“Not happening,” said Lêdhins, his eyes watching her posture, and weighing the distance separating them.

{{Feel so fierce. Could we fuck him first?}}

“Fine, here are some initial conditions. For you to not steal from me again. Two. You don’t get to ask me questions related to what I know or can do. You’re training me, not the other fucking way around. Third, services that you’d expect from any Succubi are off the table; for you or everyone else. You make sure it stays that way. If not, I’ll consider you in breach of protection clause of the contract with Usd’ghi. I’ll make sure she knows it after I skip out on you. Fourth, you do your job and protect me, from yourself, if need be, and others.”

“What do I get out of it?”

“I don’t skip right now. I really don’t care who else you fuck over. But you’re getting paid by someone I’ll owe a favour to. So I want my share from this deal, or the whole thing is off. No regard, no answers, no consideration and certainly no services.”

“You’re showing more than just tiny fangs here. Think you’re already prepared to throw down?” Lêdhins asked.

“Usd’ghi. Am I wrong? You tell me? How dangerous is it to annoy her? To get on the wrong side of her ledger?” Julia asked. The questions came in a flurry, giving him no chance to respond.

“Logic again.”

“Instinct. You didn’t give her shit. You behaved respectfully to her. She’s far older, and you're cautious with her. So am I wrong?”

“No,” said Lêdhins, the word coming out grudgingly.

“I knew I wasn’t. So let's not have any more of your shit. Notice I didn’t demand to know the deal between you. I didn’t pry, now neither do you,” said Julia, letting the stillness of the Ki chill her tone. She didn’t notice or feel the flare in her eyes.


[Dominion [Ap](4->6)

Haggling [Ap](6->8)

Mental Hardening [J] (20->21)]

Hope the leash holds.

((At least while you find your ground.))

{{Better to die roaring than squeaking.}}

A rapid flurry of hand sign followed from Lêdhins.

#Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone at home?#

Julia’s eyes widen before she could stop them. The memory of the music echoed in her mind.

He just quoted Pink Floyd.

#You know more than Accepted. And you know those lines. The BrÍn call this Battle Cant. The other calls it Brin hand speech. That, along with the sudden knowledge. I know you didn’t recognise it to start with. I waved my fingers right at you while you watched them. You add up to one thing. Don’t trust me. Don’t trust any of them. Let’s go.#

“What?” Julia asked, her voice numb with surprise.

“We’re not having this conversation ever.”

Lêdhins turned and walked away, and Julia just stared at his back with widen eyes.

The third hand suddenly on Lêdhins’ back signalled in her direction.

#Move J#

"Lêdhins?" Julia questioned, not yet moving.

#Play with my full 'Use' name if you can see it, not just Lêdhins. Now move.#


Julia let Ki Movement empower her motions and moved to keep up.

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