Abyssal Road Trip

34 - His every broken enemy will know

They’d been chatting for a while, with Usd’ghi asking details about the Order’s stronghold. While Julia was pretty sure they were things that shouldn’t be talked about, her Oath hadn’t stopped her. A thump reverberated through the stone door before it opened. A pause followed before she heard a growling mutter.

“Get a bigger door sometime?” The bass from the voice outside ground up against her bones.

“Had that door before you spawned.”

“Well, if I break it one day, we’ll know its lived a full life.”

“Get in here, Lêdhins,” Usd'ghi grumbled, her tone holding more respect than Julia had heard her direct to her own kin.

“Alright, alright. Old Hag. Couldn’t have this chat out here?” asked Lêdhins, one hand grasping the doorframe.

Even while talking, they hadn’t expected a yes. Still speaking they’d ducked to come in the door, Julia wondered how they’d manage it. Mottled skin coloured like a purpling bruise stretched tight over muscles, setting out veins in bass relief. Despite his mass, catlike motions brought him flowing into the room, as if entering a familiar hiding place. The mass of muscles along his form bulged obscenely as if threatening to split the skin, yet their bulk didn’t hamper his grace. His features were solid, with short black hair, square-jawed and black human-like lips, which seemed the softest thing about him. His species' black facial ridges ran around his stark, pupilless white eyes, spearing down over his cheekbones and broad nose. Their edges swirled down along the column of his neck, and outwards along muscle thickened shoulders.

Julia had thought his shirtless state might be to show off his muscles. Instead, as he finally loomed within the room, the reason became apparent. Initially, the third arm was against his side, but it moved as he came through the doorway. The knot of muscle that seemed it's equivalent of the shoulder slid fluidly about his torso, with no apparent joint locking it in place. From his side, it slid across his abdomen. Then when he stood upright, it slithered around and perched out from his back. What Julia had read gave the limb a passing mention and nothing about this sort of behaviour.

The arm finally ended up hung over his shoulder with its elbow joint near the blockish chin. The limb was around the size of an adult man’s arm. Yet on his bulk, it seemed childlike and merely along for the ride. Even without its odd capability, it seemed intended for another being. So disproportionate to his mass, elongated fingers nearly twice the length of those on his other shovel-like hands and much thinner.

At least he’s wearing pants. Plus, they’re loose enough that he doesn’t need a codpiece.

He’s humanoid, and Usd’ghi already went on about his full trunk enough. Don’t need more eye-openers.

Analysis expectedly gave her a host of unknowns, except for his full name, ‘Dös Lêdhins Fy’, and species.

“Your flit said this was important, but hadn’t expected your lackey to let me through. What’s Job?” Lêdhins asked, the deep grinding bass filling the room, more so with him looming in it. The third limb’s fingers were fluttering with the vibrations his speech sent through his torso.

“I need you to handle some work for me in Ternòx.” said Usd’ghi.

“How long and what?” asked Lêdhins.

“There are some specific things I’ll need covered. Priority part is to show her around, teach her the run of the place.” Usd’ghi said, gesturing broadly towards J.

“I don’t know brothel work,” said Lêdhins, his tone flat with boredom.

{{Someone should fuck you up!}}

((Be careful.))

At that statement, J spat out the milk she’d made the mistake of drinking across her legs. Having planned to let Usd’ghi do the talking.

“So she’s a spitter. Most males don’t care.” Lêdhins said, apparent dislike for the discussion growing in his tone. Even as J tried to wipe down the leather.

“Lêdhins. She’s not working in a brothel,” said Usd’ghi, her tone growing stern, yet the BrÍn didn’t seem inclined to heed the warning.

“Camp whore. Yuck, even less interested,” said Lêdhins. His voice dry as his third arm moved away from its perch and reversed down his back, the elongated fingers waving in the air as it progressed.

“No,” said Julia, ground out from between clenched teeth.

“Yeah, No. Not interested in towing a whore between camps. Not worth the headache. Why even bother me with this? I owe you a favour, that means I’ll listen to your job offers. It doesn’t mean I’ll just take crap work.”

“Lêdhins, I have some contracts that have to be handled in Ternòx. You’ll get a full fee for all of them, along with your usual escort fee for teaching J how to get around the plane. The jobs will need some travelling. J will go along to help you out, and you show her around and look to keep her intact.”

“What sort of name is J? Someone squeeze a fart. And you thought it was your name?”

“Lêdhins, you’re not listening.”

“You want me to drag miss suck by around Ternòx. Do some genuine work along the way. Whatever. When she gets herself killed, which she will, you’ll yell at me. Don’t think there is an upside. The coin isn’t worth the noise.”


((Calm. Listen. Observe!))

“Isn’t there someone less muscle brained?” asked Julia, feeling her anger roiling hard even under the Ki tranquillity.

“Youngling too many would attract attention. Lêdhins could travel nearly anywhere on that Plane by himself. His presence gives protection in the wilds and discourages interest in any size gatherings while you learn.”

“Usd’ghi why are you explaining to the whore?”

“I’m not a whore!” Julia snarled. She was tired of the dismissiveness showing in Lêdhins, word, tone, and even posture towards her. Even arguing with Usd’ghi, his body language seemed to convey more respect to her.

“Well, you spit, and you scream I’m sure you’ll get hired yet. Keep working at it. Or don’t. Most Demons want a hole to hide in, regardless of quality.”

“You run your mouth enough. Do they hide in it as well?”

“Your holes have seen far more action than my mouth,” Lêdhins replied.

“Not true. You seem to fuck up with it regularly.” Julia said, wondering how much trouble was coming her way if this was the best guide available for Ternòx.

“Enough!” said Usd’ghi, her tone a firm warning to both of them.

“Well, this hasn’t been fun,” Lêdhins said, as a repeated motion of his third limb’s hand now resting against his side caught her attention. A momentary similarity in finger movement to a deaf translator caught her eyes.

[Perception [Ap] (19->20)

BrÍn Hand sign added to exposed languages list]

Oh, you fucker!

Mentally spending a point, she caught the end part of what was being ‘said’. It made her realise his presence had absorbed far too much of her attention. It was a mistake. She’d not paid attention to Usd’ghi during the conversation.

“plus the weapon.” the unlocked language also providing meaning to the word's ‘tone’. It wasn’t a request or demand. They were haggling.

{{Playing us}}

((Layers of activity. Leave them in ignorance.))

This is bad. What else did they discuss?

“Agreed, and you keep half the children.” The fingers tapped against his hip.

“Agreed.” Usd’ghi’s fingers splayed against the arm of her chair.

“Lêdhins double your normal fees plus your weapons enchantment cost cleared.”

They fucking trade children?! Whose children?

Julia’s stomach wanted to clench inside her at the thought of even Demon children being sold. Especially given Usd’ghi’s matchmaking efforts.

“Should have just started there. But if she gets herself dead, don’t go hexing me.”

“Then you would have gone for more. Don’t risk her unnecessarily.”


{{Kill him when we can!}}

((Careful child.))

Fuck, do I still go with him? Learn fast, and as always, watch my back. Always be ready to run, not fight.

Fuck you Danger Sense, you need to earn your pay.

Usd’ghi moved to her desk and tossed him a metal cylinder. It disappeared from the air, and his hand just as quickly.

“That has enough for half the contracts I need you to handle. Details within it. Plus the first year’s protection and training pay. You’ll get the rest of the contract fees on completion from the Treasury in Qcppxtýpcd. I will pay extensions from there.” Usd’ghi said. A massive black metal weapon appeared soundless with no warning on the floor next to her. The weapon’s double-sided head had a scooping blade opposite a spike. They set its long haft with a blunt weight for the same metal.

The analysis had told her it was a War Mattock and been unhelpful, providing her with no details as to the material itself. Though combining it with Mana Sense had at least given her a level up. The runes crawling all over the weapons had been fairly obvious, but the way they focused force towards the weapons impact points seemed interesting.

[Analysis [J](7->8)]

Lêdhins looked it over before touching it, and the weapon had vanished.

Storage items?

{{Cut his throat in battle.}}

((Their plans do not have to be your own.))

I’ll get control of my fate.

“She’ll need better clothing than casual whore wear.”

“I’m sitting right here,” Julia said, annoyed this arse was just going to treat her like a wall ornament.

“And?” asked Lêdhins, his tone relaxed in his query.

“Lêdhins take her to the equipment suppliers. You’ve agreed to train her and accepted the coin. Teach her where to get gear and what to buy.”

Bow fucking wow!

“Right, come on Petal,” Lêdhins said, the Abyssal derogatory term for useless clearly aimed at her.

[Do you wish to accept Petal as a ‘Use’ name?]


Remove ‘Use’ Name Trouble.

Nothing. At least I tried.

“There are only three of us here. Losing your mind already?”

“I was talking to you, Petal!” Lêdhins said, his rumbling voice still deepening as he spoke.

[Do you wish to accept Petal as a ‘Use’ name?]

No, fuck off, I already said No.

“My name is not, and will never be Petal,” Julia stated, her tone firm as she stared at him, wanting to head off his bullshit.

[Domination [B](1->2)

Profile Control (18->19)

Use name Petal added to the previous entry on the blocked list.]

“Whatever Petal, I’ll call you ‘Suck by’ instead.”

[Do you wish to accept ‘Suck by’ as a Use name?]

“I’m not answering to that tosser. Do your fingers get that stretched, jerking? Or is it a whole-body experience?”

[Use name 'Suck by' added to the previous entry on the blocked list.]

“Oh, she’s got teeth. Well, come along, Viper. Let’s find you some gear.” Lêdhins said. Her language and Demonic lore both providing a reference to the same creature. A small primordial water serpent with a bite poisonous even to most Demons.

[Do you wish to accept ‘Viper’ as a ‘Use’ name?]


Julia went to reject it, yet the system’s acknowledgement showed up.

[Use Name ‘Viper’ has been added to Profile]

[Profile Control (19->20)]

WTF! Trolling stupid system. And why did that go up?

No ‘Use’ name to be accepted from other entities.

[Confirmed ‘Use’ Name addition access now locked.]

“Fine!” Julia said. The word growled unnoticed, at least by her, in multiple octaves at once from her mouth.

((Careful little one!))

“Now let me show you out. I’ve things to do.”

“Fine. Clothier, Weapon shop.” Lêdhins “You need more than your mouth. Then an Alchemist store.”

Well, he seems to know some of what he’s doing.

Julia couldn’t help but admit some respect for his competence after seeing him dealing with the various store holders. Even though he was still a complete arse. Equipped now in 'death worm' hide pants, top and arm sleeves. They fashioned the top to curve around where her wings anchored; magic adjusting the pre-made garment to fit like a glove. Together with her fighting spear so far, the shopping had cost her a good chunk of coin. Just observing his haggling sessions had caused it to level up twice.

Though the edged smile was making her smugness abundantly clear to him at present.

“Where did you steal these?” Lêdhins asked, looking the glands over, nostrils twitching at their scent.

“Oh, they aren’t stolen. Freshly gathered.” Julia said, gesturing at the cluster of the smallest lurker glands placed at the assessment station. Glad she’d asked so ‘cluelessly’ how much the preserved glands in the supplies area were selling at. Learning fresh was even more potent was a boost now to her haggling. Since Lêdhins had been out of the loop, he hadn’t even understood the purpose in her questions.


“Now, since these are so fresh. I’m sure you can add four each of the air stops, earthen and lightning spike runes to the list.”

“They’d better make it at least six.”

“When you said Alchemist, I didn’t realise the range,” Julia said.

“We try to keep in stock most magical consumables. The makers hate dealing with customers directly, and we take a cut from the sale. Less risk of destruction occurring in a city region. We make all the potions ourselves, though. Do you have any more? These all look to be scouring plains?” The storekeeper asked, turning over another gland in gloved hands.

“Yes, they are. I have some more and larger ones. What’s it worth to you?” Julia said, letting happiness purr into her voice. She’d had this stuff in her inventory for so long.

When they finally left the store, she was even happier. Her inventory space had more in it since Julia had added items, but had levelled up as well. The alchemist had sold her kits for rune inscribing, field alchemy, and materials processing. Though he seemed surprised when she turned down the manuals to teach the basics of their use. Unlocking, inscribe, and alchemy might have been a waste. Yet Julia figured the months of training saved that way was a value add. Plus her Wizard class gave her bonuses to using them, and the rune lore knowledge. Ditching everything one item at a time and putting the new items in her personal space had also proved useful since she’d pulled hundreds of the smaller glands out.

The final level-ups had been nice as well.

[Haggling [Ap](7->9)

Inventory (6->7)]

“Viper, how did you gain and store those? They were still dripping blood.”

“Oh, I ripped them out with my claws. Bare flesh is very vulnerable that way.” Julia said, letting her glance flick over his crotch. Smiling, she tapped the fingers of her left hand against her chin.

“Don’t we need to find out when the next caravan leaves?” Julia asked, purposely avoiding his second question.

You have your secrets I’ll keep mine mate.

“Only since you insist we go with one.”

“Yes, I do. At least till we cross the portal. Let’s go, mate.”

“I’m not your mate.” Lêdhins retorted, his tone a flat rejection.

Oh fuck, I said that aloud. Too happy, let down my guard already. Lose the Aussie lingo J.

Well, at least I said it in Abyssal.

{{So fuckable!}}


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