Abyssal Road Trip

33 - Gonna make you an offer.

Walking through the Gate, it was clear the security was just as pathetic. Intent on getting to the Treasury, Julia merely picked the first visible road. Each step let her sense what she’d missed on the original trip through the city. Reality shifted and rippled underfoot, Harmony allowing her to feel the energy in motion, not that the city changed. Rather intent changed how the traveller touched the power, each step triggering a wave in reality. This energy was what the traveller rode forward. Connecting to that energy turned out to be easier than Julia expected. Perhaps since with Harmony, she was open to it even as it reached up to touch her with every wave.

[Mana Affinity Spatial Unlocked

Compatible spell forms are known: Cloak, Trip, Tracing Missile.

Ki Movement [J] (1->2)]

Oh, baby, come to mama. Will so need to try those out.

It seemed she’d only walked a block’s length physically, before arriving close to the Treasury. Disbelief clashed with Ki Meditation as she headed towards the iron-bound door. The stage more than full, with a male Skëll Drake Demon, demonstrating their ploughing techniques to the cheering demons.

I know they have brothels. Otherwise, I’d be doubting it about now.

Entering the storefront, several other customers were present this time. Making Julia glad they’d come earlier and avoid showing her unusual harvest in front of more Demons. Stepping through the wards provided the same painful sensation. The energy in her sternum was back, having faded with the earlier departure. Standing in line was never her fun activity, but she waited her turn.

It was a stereotype for all Demons to be into black or dreary stuff. It had been wrong with Usd’ghi's glittered bombed bag. Again it was wrong as a Demon stood in front of her wearing the shiniest of armours. The Ten Kingdoms' areas had used chain hauberks and lighter armours, nothing like the full plate worn by this Demon had been present. Not only was it shiny, but it was also so polished it was practically a mirror. For the first time, she saw her Succubus form; and the occurrence made her sigh inside.

Julia had been in full Succubus form since arrival, and in it, there was nothing of Julia’s features, let alone build. Bluish black hair cascaded down her back, though loose locks lingered forward from her shoulders. Their presence was framing her heart-shaped features, an eeriness of beauty that turned Julia’s stomach. Her face now an unfair airbrushed temptation, with dark bedroom eyes whose shading made them pop, a delicate, straight nose and lush lips. While the redness of her lips, alluring to modern preconceptions, made her lip curl in frustration. Seeing her appearance so unexpectedly caused both her Ki Meditation and Harmony to slip away.

Where the fuck am I?

Who am I becoming?

{{I’d fuck me. Gosh, we look hot! Better than the uniform. Should ‘craft’ some toys next time we get to relax! They say masturbation is lonely; however, at least you always go first.}}

I didn’t even consider using my old body when I got back here. Even a different version of it, I just left it behind with the humans.

I’m not the beautiful, perfect princess. I’m a monster that Mortals fear.

The perfection I used to hate in the fakeness of advertisements. Fuck.

Calm. A journey always changes a traveller. Look for the strength gained, rather than allow the loss to wound.

Awareness of the Ki that had been pooling into clenched fists let her feel the sharpness of anger. Letting the Ki flow away as the Demon ahead turned her way. Its closed helm hid most of its features; yet clear within were eyes shining with orange flames instead of pupils.

[Intimidation (19->20)]

“Problem Succubus?” the demon asked, its voice hollow and echoed angrily in its helm.

“No, I’m Trouble, not Problem, that’s my sister,” said Julia, trying to lighten the mood with a quip.

[Additional ‘Use’ Name Added to Profile: Trouble

Profile Control (17->18)]

Well, fuck!

“Trouble in bed can be fun.”

“I’d be more trouble than you’d think,” said Julia, the retort following off her lips before she considered the consequences. The Ki's tranquilness made her voice soft and distant as she replied, almost ethereal in its coldness.

This is feeling like post happy hour.

[Domination [B](1->2)

Seduction [B](6->7)]

“That is fun. Don’t have time for a romp.”

“Well, have a profitable cycle then,” said Julia. Wondering what the heck made her say that.

Guess it was better than ‘have a nice day’, cause that would be WTF from everyone around here.

“Curious, saying.” It replied.

“Something I heard once, not sure where.”

“I guess if you are interested in counting coins like this place. I’d prefer to be counting kills.” the voice from the helm sounded almost wistful.

“Kill first and fuck the questions,” said Julia, surprised at its sudden change in tone.

“Questions another of your sisters?”

“Perhaps. I’d have to ask around. So many of them about.”

The armoured Demon laughed. The sound bounced around inside it as it turned.

Wards in here keep trouble from occurring, so no one wants to start trouble.

Wait, that’s me now. Yeah, don’t start me. My mouth gets me in enough trouble.

Keeping calm, she waited out the rest of the queue without incident.

Usd’ghi was there with the other hag. She’d already been dealing with another customer, yet they switched as Julia stepped forward.

“Back so soon?” Usd’ghi asked, a glance going past her.

“Need help with some things before I head out,” Julia said, trying to get it simple.

“So where are you going?” asked Usd’ghi.

“Ternòx,” said Julia, hoping that Naz’rilca had been overstating things.

“By the Dark One’s berries! Whose stupidity was that? Right, come on through. The rest of you can move the fuck back from the gate. Or you’ll regret it!” said Usd’ghi, the tone of her voice cracking against the air.

The sound of Demons moving backwards was the only response.

“I only need some things,” said Julia, trying to register her protest.

“You’ll need more than that. Come through. Don’t argue, youngling.” said Usd’ghi, her voice firm with the ultimate grandmother tone, of 'do you want me to fuck you up'.

A section of the gate opened, and Usd’ghi waved her inside.

Feeling like sighing, Julia tried to keep up a smile even while going through the gate. The metal quickly clicked in place behind her. Putting a hand on Julia’s shoulder, she moved them towards the stone arch. As soon as they got near the stone, Usd’ghi pushed Julia through the surface. The mud pack sensation only lasted a moment, but it was eerie. Especially when partway through the energies of another ward roamed over the skin. It seemed to feel Usd’ghi’s presence and backed off rather than claiming a toll for passage.

Usd’ghi stepped past and led Julia in the direction she pushed the container from earlier that cycle. The sense of the corridor beyond almost echoing like a warehouse, devoid of life.

“Alright spill, who gave you that posting?” Usd’ghi asked, her steady walk down the passageway reassuring as Julia moved to walk beside her.

Don’t think it’s polite to walk at her back if she wants to chat.

“Castellan, I annoyed the fuck out her. I caused issues with the Damned when I got back.” Julia said.

“Darn it youngling, that’s what you get from the Order. All they know how to do is kill, spy, break and fuck. No finesse. Did she even ask how a Lesser Succubus had enough screaming souls to cause a fuss?”

“Well, saying anything besides yes Castellan, Yeah that would not happen,” said Julia, “Just lots of this happen, is that correct and oh yes Castellan.” Julia couldn’t help adding the last in a breathy voice, and the odd laughter of Usd’ghi echoed loudly in the corridor.

“Oh youngling, you’re certainly a character,” said Usd’ghi, shaking her head in amusement.

“Oh yes Usd’ghi, yes Usd’ghi, oh,” Julia said, letting the last noise squeak.


“Stop it, I’ll think you’re flirting me as well,” said Usd’ghi, her tone not hiding a mocking amusement, or least affecting one.

“Very well,” said Julia quietly.

“Darn, you could have at least flattered me with another round of that breathiness. Haven’t had a Succubus squeak at me in eons.”

{{Oh yeah, such Power it makes me squeak.}}

“Usd’ghi,” said Julia, letting the word tremble off her lips.


One way to get acting to progress, hope I don’t have to deliver on it.

“Right enough, you’ll make me laugh too much. Ruin my reputation.”

“As the evil bitch not to cross?” Julia asked and wondered where her discretion had gone.

“That’s only because you’ve been speaking to my sometimes allies. Those that have crossed me can’t talk anymore,” said Usd’ghi, her tone matter of fact.

“Yes, Usd’ghi,” said Julia, keeping her tone respectful even while part of her still wanted to tease.

“Good youngling. Comes a time to end the jokes, if you’ve not ended the fool. Plus, laughing at life's fools is a waste. Just destroy them first.”

“Right, tell me what happened. Then let's keep you safe. Can’t let profit dry up before you’ve shone.”

Recounting events touched on the deal she’d made with Tras’laqì and Naz’rilca, and ended with her arrival at the gate. Julia hadn’t entirely intended to include the adjustments made to the book. At least she had kept it who had done the work to herself.

“So you’ve got his bowl stashed in the material plane, I take it,”

“What bowl?” Julia asked, trying to keep her face straight, the Ki Meditation helping her still any shift in her voice, but apparently, that didn’t help.


“Youngling please, I know about that little ferret fucker. He’s had an arrangement with some Mortal summoners for years. Harvested a few too dumb to figure out the cost of it too often. Still good try, you’ll need more practice lying to older Demons.” Usd’ghi said, before turning slightly towards her to give her an eerie warning look.

“Then don’t get arrogant about it, and you might stay alive longer,” Usd’ghi said as the look eased.

Heading inside a room with a desk and several comfortable padded chairs, Usd’ghi waved her to one before sitting down herself.

“Now, first thing. Planar Portals are just the most common way between planes. The stupid cow should have told you to remain there unless recalled. Still leaves five, maybe six other options straight off the top of my head.” Usd’ghi said, digging a piece of jerky from a pouch and sucking at it.

“What are the other ways?” Julia asked, not wanting to know about jerky.

“Planar pools, learning dimension shift or gate forms, finding or causing a planar rift. Getting summoned, those are conduits. All those options technically aren’t portals. So you can thumb your nose at her stupid order and fuck off out of there. Though you don’t have the information, she wants you to know when she catches up to you. Dead J it is,”

“Anyway Ternòx, going alone bad things," said Usd'ghi, tapping her long fingers against her chin. "Now that BrÍn I mentioned on your last visit, the one I was trying to set you up with him for spawnings. Should ask him to go along. He’s been there more than a few times, knows a lot about mines. Works in them for darkness knows what reasons. When he isn’t doing straight mercenary gigs, he's a strange one but reliable, unlike most Demons.”

“If he's experienced, I doubt I could afford to hire him for long,” refuted Julia, shaking her head reluctantly.

“There are things to be done there, so get him to deal with them. I’ll also have him guide you and show you the ropes. In exchange, you’ll sell any harvests you gain to me, between now and getting to Named?.”

“Me, get to Named?!" exclaimed Julia. "That’s a long way off.”

“Little youngling, I'm not talking about reducing your rate. If you bring in enough, I might even up it. I want to make the coin, not let it go to the competition. ”

“Just tell me what’s in it for you?” interrogated Julia suspiciously.

“Profit. Youngling profit. I don’t want you in Ternòx alone. I’d prefer to get you protection and protect future earnings. The wild bestial demons in Ternòx would eat you up. Then you’re stuck here for a century with no profit, and in the Order’s backyard. Or worse, some can anchor you, and use you as a brood mother. To find you, let alone retrieve, would be expensive. Have you hatching little spawn by the hundreds. Then worse are the armies or miners. Ternòx is dangerous, more than here.”

Brood Mother, shit, the queen bitch was almost funny till she said that.

“Succubi I’ve met fit in two camps. Those like Naz’rilca with simple moods, kill or fuck, their lusts are straightforward. Then there are those that lust for control, power, and dominion; it’s a different game for them. It’s a long-term endeavour, which I also prefer. Could see you thinking about gutting Naz’rilca, yet didn’t even twitch. So it was clear you fitted in the second group. I help you. You help me. As senior partner, I’ll make more, just like my cut processing Souls. But you’ll make far more with me than you will if dead. Which you’ll be without me.”

{{Did she just threaten us?}}

((She’s explaining things. Careful traps of logic are hard to spot.))

((Or she is seeing if you are reasonable for a piece on her board.))

“I’m looking to get control of myself,” Julia stated, and regretted the wording just as fast.

“The only time you got it under control was when the Souls stopped flowing. Hard to shove them out the door and control your anger as well. Work on splitting your focus. So cold at the time, tiny little domination skill cranking up, pity it just turns Naz’rilca on.”

((She sees, yet doesn’t see, the filters of perception required are beyond her keen.))

I had been moving Heat. Was it that or something else?

“No need to ask how recently you Ascended. Your energy flows are so raw still. Still surprised you were ignorant of things, won’t ask which brothel they had you in this last century before Ascend beckoned. Not my business less you want some payback on those organisers. They fleeced so much coin from you if you’ve never seen a jot. I could help with that for a cut.”

“Can we just talk about Ternòx?” Julia asked. Even as her mind raced, she had to wonder what else showed on her features.

It takes a century for a demon to ascend? WTF!!!

“Ahh youngling, I’ve got you all shook up. I’ll send a flit to Lêdhins, and when he gets here, we can talk.” Usd’ghi said a spot of flame appeared in the air in front of her before it disappeared.

“Now care for some husk cake, it's baked fresh. They brought in some young pickpockets from the river. Ground-up nice, and smooth after I shucked them.”

“It’s okay. I’m not much for sweets. I ate little between the cliffs and Ascending. Eating things is weird.”

“Suit yourself. Some take centuries to find something tasty. Try some Skëll Drake’s milk, got a nice burn to it.”

They sell their milk as well? She’s going to do the grandma routine and fill me full of food. Please don’t.

“Maybe just a little,” Julia said, trying to avoid the subject of cooking children.

Skëll Drake’s milk turned out to taste like liquified chilli, the Heat in her form heartily approved.

It tastes of rage, but also their sheer delight in raw strength.

{{Oh, this is yummy. Not as hot as that show, though.}}

Thoughts of the stage show tried to jump around in Julia’s head, almost making her spit out some 'milk'.

Well, that certainly wasn’t a ‘Manpower’ show. Hen’s nights were far calmer.

Fuck, I can’t even ask her what makes her trust this fellow. Cause she doesn’t.

He’s just a resource that is useful for the job. But I’ll never be completely sure of what job he gets or if he’ll betray me?

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