Abyssal Road Trip

35 - Sticks and stone.

Reaching the merchant caravans would have taken longer than Julia had expected. Naz’rilca had pointed out the direction to travel around the city. Yet hadn’t bothered to warn Julia how long it would take. Or suggest using a different gate to the one Naz'rilca had brought her to. Lêdhins, laughing at her expense, had added a tick of interest to Naz’rilca‘s tab. Fortunately, he had asked about which city exit she’d planned to use. Julia didn’t know if it was laughing, or just his general pissing in her corn flakes attitude. But it had her teeth grinding, and her arms crossed at present.

“You about done?” Julia asked.

“Oh, yeah. But it was amusing. This city isn’t a backwater trade stop. You’re in a major city. Nearly four hundred kilometres between that gate and where you need to go. It would have taken a while walking or flying.” said Lêdhins. Shaking his head at her, it even looked like his third hand was snickering to itself.

“So flood plain gate is where I need to be intent on getting to?” Julia asked.

“Correct. Glad you at least have that figured out,” said Lêdhins, snorting in disbelief.

Fucking Naz’rilca.

{{Yeah, we should. So.. should… do… that… and.. oh… knife there as well.}}

{{Then we’d have a grid for noughts and crosses.}}

{{Or we can both be very cross!}}

((Put her down fast when the time comes. Don’t play games.))

Shaking her head, Julia set aside the images in her mind and started walking intent on the different gate.

They quickly reached the gates, and Julia found the guard’s behaviour here was entirely different. Instead of laying about, playing dice or cards, they were busy doing what she'd actually expected from guards. Inspecting goods, looming to stop trouble, directing travellers, waving them through, patting them down, and of course, since Demons, taking bribes. Maybe bribes, but the way the money purse sneakily changed hands, it was a good bet.

It was unclear why the difference till they’d gotten past the outer gates and moved into the hive of activity. The succubi and incubi she’d seen in the square had just been objects of sexual entertainment. The overseer’s raised platform had them standing well above the chaos. Her focus was on directing progress near the gate like a conductor. Its attitude seemed more inclined to fuck you up then fuck you. In an outfit that seemed formed of thin metallic chains, it was clear from her conduct that this area belongs to her. Where the Castellan had been scary because of her fury, the area’s overseer radiated cold control. A flick of her fingers would have the Demons working in the place jumping to her command, guard or worker alike.

Lêdhins seemed to ignore the overseer, and his third arm pushed Julia. When the Succubus’ energy washed over her, Mental Hardening and Ki Meditation strained. Supported by their effects and Lêdhins eventually they got out of the area without Julia doing anything strange. The mewling purr would not merit any mention, well at least not by her.

Though even when away from the immediate proximity of the overseer. It was clear the rest of the camp hopped to her instructions. What she wanted happened, Demons or goods moved, signs went up or swapped on her orders. While there wasn’t a pattern outside of whim, they’d help them find a Caravan bound to Ternòx. Well, at least if there was one, and Lêdhins spotted the expected arrival and departures.

“We’re on the one leaving this cycle, or we’re waiting for four cycles,” Lêdhins said. His eyes were leading hers down a walkway towards the Caravan.

“Well, who do we see to get on it?” Julia asked, not liking its appearance. The wind also wasn’t doing it any favours.

“There will be a Caravan Master to ensure the crew does what it needs. Ensuring guards at present for departure etc.” Lêdhins said, reluctance to approach clear on his face.

“You sure we have to catch a caravan? You can fly, and I have options, the portal’s that way.” Lêdhins said, pointing out over the floodplain with confident speed.

“We’re catching a Caravan.”

“You sure you want this one,” said Lêdhins, obviously finding it as unappealing as Julia did.

“The one in four cycles, if it even shows, could be worse.”

“Yeah, but I’m optimistic that it could be a lot better,” said Lêdhins.

“I’m getting on that Caravan, are you going to do your job? Or return the coin to Usd’ghi. I’m sure it would impress her.”

“Fine, I’ll do the job,” said Lêdhins, stalking down the boardwalk the weight of his feet made it rock.

Heading down the boardwalk, Julia looked out for someone in charge. As they got closer, Julia couldn’t quite believe what she was seeing and stilled her disgust. Getting her attention off the transports, she looked over the workers instead. Most of them appeared to be from the same Demonic species. While bipedal they weren't humanoid, stout legs supported and let them move the mass of cargo they each carried.

Their torsos were a flat-based v shape from their hips and supported six arms in total. Unlike Lêdhins, all of them seemed fixed in their location and spaced out evenly from just above the hips to the upper shoulders. They had a triangular-shaped head and a narrow maw sporting serrated teeth in the middle of its 'face'. Yet other than beetle-like black eyes located just above that maw, they were featureless. Their hide appeared bluish-black and almost shiny; though they hid most of it beneath clothing. Picking one of the smallest Demons, Julia activated Analysis on it.


Species: Least Üvgzc ßaaov

Class: Hauler

Level: 1/ 3

Health: 48

Mana: 0

Defence: 30

Melee Attack Power: 16

Combat Skills: Claws (17), Bite [B](1)

Details: Commonly called Beetle Backs, these are born Demons, not transformed Souls. The non-combatants of this species usually find work among the Abyssal merchants and construction groups, because of their ability to handle heavy loads. Bipedal their internally armoured hide makes them challenging to hurt when fully grown. Only those with enough knowledge or a way to penetrate its protections can easily damage a matured specimen. ]

Unnamed? So some demons don’t have a ‘Use’ name. What do they call each other click and clack? If I ‘Named’ him, what would happen?

The workers weren't what repulsed them about the Transports; instead, they both had trouble with the smell. Though it was understandable, and it wasn’t because the caravan transports were massive. Each individually was taller than an ore haulier she’d seen on TV. Given these were also over five times the length, their size was far more imposing. They weren’t trucks they just stood that high at the shoulder. From their blunted snouts, past their long bodies, onto the bony tips of their spiked tails. From looking at them, the amount of fertiliser one alone would produce - massive. Well, if they were still alive.

Instead, they were masses of rotting meat, dripping ichor, and other bodily fluids held in a decomposing state by necromancy. Their exposed meat glistened with decay, and the odour from it seemed almost a living entity. A heavy load of leftover eggs and cabbages rotting continually in the summary sun would smell better than what they were approaching. Mothballs, rotting garbage, and sun heated shit, were just the icing on the cake of the odour, and taste of rotting meat that began coating her nostrils and tongue. She couldn't throw up, and couldn't even gag, but didn't mean the assault from this was bearable, yet she had her orders to catch a Caravan.

I miss that bathtub. A bath here? Good luck with that. Travel time by Caravan, city to Portal was a week. Just a week! I can do this, maybe.

As they drew closer, a blister in the side of a ‘Transport’ burped and its gases roared towards them. If they’d been closer, she’d be as coated as some cargo handlers. Still, she was wearing leather at present, and the smell was thick in the air. How long was the smell of undead going to linger on it? Yet it explained why the harnesses looped over each had solid plates facing the flesh. The massive harness was a series of platforms jutting out from a reverse U harness. They had set it up in a way to leave a gap between interior walls and hide, apparently for gore to flow.

What I want to know. Do these guys count as roadkill?

{{Yummy meat. Ribs.}}

Also, why am I thinking of BBQ? Oh, ribs. Lots of ribs to see.

“I see the Caravan master,” Lêdhins said, “I’ll see what they’ll charge us for the trip. “

Lêdhins went off up a ramp to chat with a Beetle Back. A distance bell echoing the time drew a deadline within her mind even harder.

“So how do you feel about providing services for the Caravan Master during the trip?” Lêdhins said, after coming back shaking his head.

“What?” asked Julia, frowning at the question.

“He wants services from you as part of the fee. No discount and he wants daily services agreed to before he lets us onboard,” said Lêdhins, not seeming at all fussed by passing on the request.

“What no!” Julia said, disgust colouring her tone, “that’s not happening."

“Fine, I’ll see what I can do. He sounds stubborn on that point though,” said Lêdhins, looking back at the excited looking Beetle back.

“No. No servicing from me. Not happening.” Julia said, given a firm reply before looking back towards the city. Wanting this discussion over and already feeling Heat and anger rising sort to head them off with Harmony and meditation.

The analysis didn’t want to play with the caravan master, unlike some of his crew. All she knew he was Beatle Back, so a full rank above her and who knows what levels.

Julia sighed as Lêdhins continued to negotiate for passage. Yeah, why have a standard rate?

“He says he’ll drop the request for service to two during the week,” said Lêdhins as he walked over again.

Over forty different payment packages requested, but all of them have included me.

The transports leave in a bell, and Lêdhins has already spent three bells haggle. The arse has agreed to other groups while we’ve been here.

We’re still not allowed on, because we’ve not agreed to a price.

Who knows what the freaking Oath will do to me for not doing my utmost to get on the first transport.

“No. Don’t ask again,” said Julia.

“You holding out for a particular discount?” asked Lêdhins, looking slightly bored, apparently was his default expression.

It was resting bored face. I guess it’s better than resting bitchy face.

{{Oh weenie dog!}}

“No!!! If he puts his dick near me. I’ll make him eat it.” Julia hissed the words, the tone, unfortunately, carried clearly with her ire.

[Seduction [B](7->8)

[Domination [B](2->3)]]

Well, Fuck!!!

“Whole or in slices?”

Julia looked over at the visible evidence that had caught Lêdhins’ notice. Then gave him a flat look that left him unmoved.

[Sense Motive (14->15)

Domination [B](3->4)]

“Flirting with me isn’t helping anything. Unless you want to get them hot with jealousy.”

“Just pay his fee, this should cover it,” Julia said. She pulled out the coins left in her inventory and shoved them into his hands. It was an amount that should more than cover transport; As it was nearly what the caravan master had charged a group of five miners and their gear during a break haggling with Lêdhins.

Fucking price gouging.

If I shift to look like another Demon thoroughly, could I avoid this? Or would they recognise a Succubus, regardless? Just think it’s a kinky roleplay?

{{We’re not doing that. Kill it. Fuck it. But we're not ugly.}}

((Find your peace, child.))

Julia tried to tune out the argument; she tried, Heat and Ki whirled around inside her.

Lêdhins offered the coin, and the caravan master refused it over and over. They were whirling around.

Just over this.

Physical sensations grew distant even as she was ignoring the pair, focusing on the whirlwind.

When she reached the Caravan master and step in close, Julia saw his confused smile.

The impact of a Ki ladened knee strike directly in his groin lifted him off the ground, and the energies soared in harmony.

Even then, she was still trying to tune their words out. Instead of their haggling, she was now ignoring the cries of pleasure from the caravan master at her feet.


Julia tilted slightly to look up at Lêdhins and raised an eyebrow.

“Couldn’t you have just done that two bells ago?” Lêdhins asked, giving her a confused shrug with all three shoulders.

“Again?” The delighted cry made her look down at the healing Demon. His black eyes were meeting her gaze with its swirling energy.

[Domination [B](4->6)

Harmony [J] (35->36)]

“Shut up,” Julia whispered. The words carrying the Ki coldness sealed his lips for a moment.

[Domination [B](6->7)]

“You may go onboard now. We will talk again.” The caravan master’s voice sounded far too happy.

“Lêdhins, is there a particular reason you arranged this outfit?” Julia asked.

“Well, you said you aren’t a whore. So that makes you a dominator right?” Lêdhins asked.

“That’s what he meant by services?” Julia asked.

“Well, yes. Certainly seemed to have delivered a real down payment,” said Lêdhins, a slight smirk followed the pun.

“You said I needed more suitable clothing,” Julia said, glaring at him.

“Yes, that’s a sturdy set of dominator travel leathers. It seems like it was worth every coin.”

Lêdhins took a stack of coins from the now smiling Caravan master and helped him to his feet. She walked in the direction of the loading ramp, leaving Lêdhins in her wake. Harmony swirling Ki and her Abyssal Heat in orbit around each other as she moved.

I hate him already.

{{The inside of this outfit is so lovely and yummy on the skin. Let’s break his knees next time.}}

As orbiting energies caused the charge icon to tick over, she turned and used it in a form.

When it hit the caravan master, his moans of pleasure became quite ecstatic.

[Tracing Missile [B] (1->2)

Arcane [B] (5->7)

Torture (10->11)]

{{We should get more outfits like this, they’re yummy. Better than human clothing. So soft on all our parts.}}

((Seek your centre. Don’t let frustration draw you into the whirlwind instead be apart from it.))

Am I worried about clothes? Fuck!

[Achievement: Primordial Arcane Insight

Condition: Having empowered a standard spell form with a source of Primordial energies.

(Special) Primordial Mana Affinity unlocked.

(Special) Primordial Resistance - Lesser unlocked.

Primordial Resistance - Lesser (1).

Note: Primordial Mana existed before any form.

It is neither order nor chaos, good nor evil, but embodies the potential for everything within the universe.

It is the raw, unstructured building blocks of existence.

Tread with care, when touching the material used in the Titan’s foundry.]

Great, something else to worry about.

Julia let go of the swirling forces inside her. Without a charge buildup, it didn’t damage. Instead, the Heat rushed through every fibre, carrying the Ki as a steaming sauna mist.

As she walked on the misted Ki cooled the Heat in a rush of rain and cold winds.

I want, need to control myself, not others.

((Bringing another pleasure, regardless of form, can be good.))

((Yet delighting in the pain of others sets one on the route to self-destruction.))

((Act with peace in oneself. Even when the moment calls for violence, be true.))

The wind roared across the floodplain, as the colossus transports continued their relentless thudding walk. It had started raining after they set out, yet already the waters were nearing the top of their massive feet.

Time Sense [Ap] (7->8)

Julia finished the kata she’d been executing in a drifting state, working on awareness of form rather than power or speed. Something was tickling under the skin since she’d started practising, and elusively rubbed up against the edges of Harmony. Rather than try dragging it to the surface, Julia had tried to find peace within the practice. The wind rustled against the edge of the pixie cut adopted since the caravan had started out. The Caravan Master having provided them with a private section of deck on ‘His Transport’.

“Interesting dance.”

As she stopped, Julia let off both Harmony and Ki Meditation. Having them active caused her to feel too calm. At present, there was reason to be angry with Lêdhins.

“I think you’ve done enough. I told you just to pay him. Instead, I’ve now got two sessions to deliver on.”

“You interrupted the haggling. Since he’d been holding at two sessions, it was a deal done.”

“I’m not a whore, nor a dominator. Don’t put your fucking labels on me. You assumed you didn’t ask.” Julia said, hissing in anger as Heat burned in her eyes.

“For ‘nor a dominator’, he’s singing your praises. That is once he could stand. How did you cut through his resistances?”

“You almost sound like you know him,” Julia said, not wanting to give anything away.

“Met him when he was a starting crew member. Guarded on his first caravan. Though didn’t know he was a Caravan Master now.”

“Well, I suggest you go catch up with your old friend. Go find fulfilment with each other.”


“Both of you can go fuck yourselves,”

“I’m flexible, but not that flexible.”

Julia’s sharp look got merely an amused look as the first response.

[Domination [B](7->8)]

“See. Now you’re flirting again,” said Lêdhins, laughing as he moved past the cargo framing their section.


What the heck am I doing here?

Julia stared distantly at the Caravan Master at her feet. He indeed appeared to be enjoying the pressures being applied via her Ki charged feet. Her focus on the Alert within her awareness. While it also seemed to exist within a gap in time as the profile, her mind raced in a way that felt the time was short.


Do you wish to evolve Torture into Bondage? [Y/N]

The Torture skill is for inflicting pain on a helpless individual, either for interrogation or pure sadism. Bondage uses pain, physical or mental, for sexual gratification without physical intercourse, though it can also occur.

This skill allows a Dominator to gauge their pet’s limits and desires.

Notice: Skill subsets detected. Evolution of skill will subsume this and other skills into the Power: Dominion.

Skills to include in subsuming are:

Acting [B](9). Bluff (16). Bondage (11) [Formerly Torture]. Domination [B](8), Intimidation (20). Rope Use (9). Disguise [B](9). Seduction [B](8). Sense Motive (15). Taunt (7)

Closing her eyes didn’t help with it.

I hated gaining torture. At least this is what, not pure sadism. But if I take it, what the heck is this Power.

[Dominion: This power causes the projection of an aura of authority around the user. The higher the rank, the greater the area of influence and submission caused even without a direct line of sight. While some may give way, others will regard it as a challenge to their power, or be able to ignore it.

It provides the user insight into the wants, needs, desires and limits of their ‘subjects’. While this understanding includes physical gratifications, it goes further. It also provides additional details when the subject is more familiar or receives a singular focus.

Application of this power is a direct clash between the Levels, Charisma and Willpower of the individuals. For those without this power disinclined to submit, it also conducts the challenge. Yet it only determines if they can behave normally, they cannot ‘win’ the contest. Failure results in the authority being compelled upon others by the victor. Various mental powers and skills provide bonuses to this contest.

The winner has the option to selectively de-buff those that submitted to them willing or not. Reducing skill and power effectiveness till it fades.]

Hope I can get some of those skills back again. But an aura effect. Heck!


[Skill evolution confirmed.

Skills subsumed (Acting, Bluff, Bondage, Domination, Intimidation, Rope Use, Disguise, Seduction, Sense Motive, Taunt.)

Power: Dominion [B](11) Acquired.

Power synergy with two other Powers detected Harmony and Stimulation.

Dominion [B](11) -> [Ap](1)


As the shift completed, time resumed, and the Power made some things clear.

You could have told me the flow-on impact, but at least you didn’t subsume Harmony as well.

Locations on the Caravan Master’s body highlighted. Awareness of his submission and excitement to her was clear. Yet though excited, he didn’t want sexual contact. Instead, she saw and even vaguely understood what he needed. Though of concern was how she already knew why he needed pain so badly. After a moment’s consideration, she acted; slowly pressing a Ki charged knee into his torso, where one arm joined his body.

“You don’t deserve my fingers on you. Do you?” Julia asked, with a cold purr, knowing he needed to surrender control.

“No” He gasped, agony and ecstasy mingling in the reply.

Demons are a lot more complicated than I had thought.


((Yes. But have no mercy.))

Or my sanity has just wandered off long ago. Both? He wasn’t a Soul tossed into the Abyss he was born from it.

Who am I?

Julia stood at the lead edge of the harness towards the ramp that led to the Planar Portal for Ternòx—turning as she heard footsteps approaching slowly from behind her. The Caravan Master one, ßäth’pl, was coming to see her likely attempting again to get her to change plans.

He craved pressure and pain because of the earliest memories within his egg. He’d somehow grown in an awkward position within. Towards his last stage of growth, his limbs had cinched painfully inwards, before instincts had finally led him to break free. The pain reminded him of being in a place he still thought he could be safe. She didn’t know what to make of a Demon that desired safety.

{{Let’s hurt him some more!}}

((He might even miss you. Miss not taking the chance to seize you.))

“We’ll stop before the portal for yourself and Lêdhins to alight as he requested. Are you sure you won’t come with us directly to Qcppxtýpcd?” ßäth’pl asked. “I wouldn’t even charge you any extra for the additional distance.”

“We set our plans ßäth’pl. Ensure you deliver that letter and see it into Usd’ghi hands for me.” Julia said, simply amused that he still implied that he’d charge Lêdhins and likely double.

Lêdhins, the smug bastard, still hadn’t given her back any of her money. Even though he’d gotten coins instead, sneaky fuck had got the cost down to her servicing ßäth’pl twice during the week. Served her right for tuning out on the haggling conversation. So ßäth’pl had given him coins for her delivery of the down payment. He’d been nice enough to tell her after their second session of pressure therapy.

Cause that’s such a better way to think of it. Right?

“Are you sure? The crew in this transport are more focused on their duty with you about,” ßäth’pl said, “perhaps I could pay you instead both for that and another session.”

“ßäth’pl don’t make me cross with you. If you do, I’ll never touch you again. No matter how you beg.” Julia said, feeling the ‘pressure’ Dominion placed on him expressing her potential crossness.

Seriously, the lines out of my mouth.

Aura is proving a bitch to level, it’s been on for almost six cycles straight, and it hasn’t gone up at all.

Don’t know if it’s because of how few crew members usually are in my area of effect at once. Well, at least it started at apprentice one.

“You have everything, Viper?” Lêdhins asked, calling up from somewhere below the deck.

“Yes. I had nothing I wanted to leave out. Waiting till we’re closer or going now?” Julia asked, not bothering to figure out where exactly he was.

“Yeah, let us go now. We can outpace the transport and get the clearance I want through the portal before they enter it.”

Turning on her mana sight, she did, however, watch through the deck.

“If you can send a flit to Usd’ghi. Let her know ßäth’pl will have a letter for Naz’rilca. Then we’ll get going.”

The form she’d seen Usd’ghi cast lit up with the same pattern against the background of the necromantic energies that kept the Transport moving. Though instead of flame it lit up with lightning blue, before racing off.

“Right,” Lêdhins said, leaping out past the edge of the transport. Given his considerable size touchdown should have left an impact mark; instead, it looked like he didn’t even scuff it.

Turning back to ßäth’pl, she paused a moment to press hard, having learnt where armour didn’t properly protect a joint. Without a further word, she flew off, trying to catch up to an already racing Lêdhins, and ignoring the sound of pleasure behind her.

Don’t know what to be more afraid of anymore.

He can really move for a big guy.

Julia sat down next to where he stood at the planar gate, having only been able to watch him extend the lead.

“Okay, we’ll do this just as discussed. Go in, keep low, move forward slowly and head to the first passage on your left. We’ll take time for our eyes to adjust once there. Unlike here, there is no sun." Lêdhins said. Taking out his weapon, he set it down while he took his time pulling on some gloves.

"Most places have something or other that glows enough once your eyes get used to it. Don’t throw out any big light spells unless you're open to more company. Now the first step is the big one. Try not to go sprawling.”

Nodding to Julia, he hefted the war mattock in a single hand and stepped forward.

Looking at the black rippling 'mirror' of the Portal reflecting her features, with a quick thought, Protean absorbed the wings. She already had equipped her rings and bracers, so there was no further preparation to make. With the warm air of the floodplain at her back, she crouched and stepped forward into the blackness. For whatever reason, she didn’t feel any disorientation. With the portal glimmering softly at her back, a flicker of movement towards her face was all the warning she had to react.

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