Abyssal Road Trip

32 - Fire and Ice

With their business concluded, Naz’rilca had been quick in ushering her out. The shop’s iron-bound door looked as if it had the same rune formation to Julia, but opened somewhere different. Noises and smells washed over them like a force.

It set them out in what looked a city square, cluttered with stalls and ‘entertainment’. Sword swallowing with the receiver strapped in place and bleeding freely. A family-friendly dance troop of Succubi and Incubi. Well, at least they looked related, and they were sure ‘friendly’. Their routine made use of lots of enfolding motions, with the audience included. Or at least those who paid.

{{Want to play too. They’re in so deep! Why are we walking away? Not fair!}}

((They reveal what they long for in their excesses.))

That’s not an ordinary quartet, but they’re plucking her strings. I feel like I should walk funny after seeing that.

What else is there in this place?

The elevated stage made it challenging to avoid viewing the performers. The food offered among the stalls was interesting. Even if they didn’t need to eat, Demons looked to buy lots. Plates of regular stone, bone or sections of creature's backs alike abounded. Wraps whose ‘flatbread’ had required skinning instead of baking. Bowls made of sealed humanoid faces laden with wiggling food that steamed as it moved. Moving around the stalls following Naz’rilca’s path, she flickered analysis over the various items and tried to Ki calm her revulsion.

[Ki Meditation [J] (26->27)]

{{Oh, that one. Get the buns. Oh, fried meatballs. Not the pestilence bread. Bet it tastes worse than funky dretch crotch.}}

((They crave and consume))

[Analysis [J](5->6)]

Well, at least my internal revulsion got rewarded.

Odours assaulted her in a menagerie of conflict. Soft light cotton candy gave up its life, battling across the interior of her sinus. Rank meats, soured ichors ranged in war as reinforcements of citrus syrups, mints, and chicken coops arrived. Swarming, they threw themselves into the grand melee as the battle lines continually changed. Naz’rilca lingered among the stalls, apparently well at home, sampling the fare. While the Order’s uniform caused looks, she didn’t elicit the same mass exodus while alone.

If the food was kaleidoscopic in offerings, the residents were even more varied. From entities that seemed almost human with only their skin tones, teeth, or oddness of features calling out their inhumanity, to others appeared to challenge reality, their blurring lines making her eyes ache like the celestials. Swirling about without visible means of motion, they undulated and writhed against reality, forcing it to support them. Edges of their flesh licking the air, they completed their ‘mundane’ purchases.

Creatures, looking as if formed of translucent ichor, held upright unstructured flesh and bone. As they pressed food against their midsection membrane, the material within lapped in waves to consume it. How they even saw was beyond her understanding as Demonic lore, or Analysis provided little beyond the species. With many individuals higher in level, it showed only that info. Yet enough were close that simple classes like an Alchemist, Scout, Warrior, Hunter, mingled with stranger ones; such as Blood Reaver, Storm Eater, Dark Magus, Blight Lord. A number seemed to return Julia’s consideration with firming interest before she could move on.

Mystery meat is in large supply here. Don’t stare. He seems happy to see me, WAY too happy. Tuck the bat down in your pants, sir.

{{Yum. We should have some of that! Or him. Batter up and up in me again!}}

I thought Naz’rilca’s eye-fucking was terrible. At least her assaults don’t involve thirty eyes writhing across her face.

Are they reusing the river husks for this?? Does my form crave this? It’s so sickening. Long piggie, here pig, pig. Is this all made of husks? Better be real meat making things tempting, not the husks.

As they passed one building on the way out of the square, screaming drew Julia’s attention. A tinkling chorus of piercing shrieks that stabbed coldly through the air at her. Yet they sounded teasing, coyly enticing even in their cacophony; not threatening to break her mind, but reel her in with promises of pleasure. Beside her, Naz’rilca growled in delight, a low cascading pulse of sound that rumbled and purred against her pelvis.

{{Yum Yum. Make her scream that way. Vibrate her against us with cries. Get up on stage with her.}}

((Borrowed emotions. Seek your centre.))

Do I need to get you neutered? Are you always in Heat?

((Neuter her in death when it’s time.))

When Naz’rilca strode inside, Julia could only follow along. Held hostage by Naz’rilca’s whim with no idea of the base’s location. Cold air pressed hard and rubbed against her skin, and Julia found an issue with the absence of a modern bra. She so hated majoring in peanut smuggling.

The mist swirled within the building, causing the screams to echo and distort. A massive demon raised its stunted reptilian maw and bit downwards into a bowl of smoking ice through a parting in the mist. Hunched over a table whose top sat nearly two metres from the ground, its scaled hide compressed and wrinkled each time it bent to consume. Vibrant red scales flowed outwards from the centre of its head, downwards along its shoulders. They were deepening into a black cradle of night over its torso and arms.

Its wide lipless maw gleamed with splintered ice as it chewed on its last bite. Eyes narrowed as it noted Julia’s gaze, and lids flickered across its purple orbs. The diagonal pupils shone with a bile green light and followed the broadening lines of its skull. Like a warning sign showing the gleaming horns pointed in her direction. Though the panda sized mini-me strapped to its chest, grabbed at Julia’s attention. Suckling it was holding its dinner steady with the flat of taloned mitts as its ‘mother’ ate.

Oh, it’s so cute. Can I get a stuffed toy that looks like it? Demonic Lore care to tell me anything. No.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. Then the Demons turn up, and everything is awkward.


[Name: Gra’nuk’sali

Species: Least Skëll Drake

Class: Farmer / Shaman

Level: 5 / 12 / 3

Health: 782

Mana: 30

Defence: 48

Melee Attack Power: 60

Combat Skills: Gore [Ap] (23); Trample [J] (1); Bite [J] (5); Channelling [B] (4)

Condition: Nursing. Pregnant.]

Don’t think it would respond well if I asked her the usual questions, though for all I know it counts as he.

As its eyelids narrowed again at Julia, she nodded in acknowledgement and walked past to find Naz’rilca.

Oops, don’t get between it and its pregnancy treat.

Deeper through the thickening mists, she heard something that drove fear through her spine. Naz’rilca was… laughing?

{{Kill her quick!}}

((This can’t be good.))

[Perception [Ap] (19 ->20)]

Staring down at the cup of ice held out from a laughing Naz’rilca, it was clear why Perception and not Danger Sense had triggered. There was no danger, but laughter was hard to recognise from her. Well, unless the ice was poisonous.

{{Kill her.}}

Can I choke her with her tongue?

“Eat some, it’s a treat,” said Naz’rilca, waving at the ice.

What the fuck, insert weird personality shift.

“What is it?” Julia asked. Hearing the screams all about with every crunch of teeth, it was clear now their origin.

“Eat!” Naz’rilca insisted, before munching on some from a cup she’d gotten for herself.


[Blizzard Gasps: Sweet treats]

“Buying me ice doesn’t make us friends,” said Julia, wondering when someone had spiked Naz’rilca with drugs.

Did someone order a personality shift? Options: torturous Bitch, randy nightmare, or amusement fair queen.

{{Let’s make option four, disembowelled.}}

Can someone kill her!

{{Oh me, me pick me. I want to do her. I mean it.}}

((Creatures of excess. All of them.))

“That’s okay. We can still fuck. Angry, violent sex is a great release. You don’t know if you’re screaming from orgasms or hate. Delicious.” purred Naz’rilca.

Oh brother, I so shouldn’t encourage her. Still, what is this stuff?

{{EAT IT!!!}}

Giving in to curiosity, she bit into a chip, and the popping of air bounced in her mouth, tingling across her tongue. Sorrow, sweetness, regret swirled and washed around in her mouth. The ice immediately melting as it hit her tongue, dripped down the back of her throat. The fluid spurted like jet fuel within, making Heat surge with energy, as smoke and screams rippled from between her lips.


[Blizzard Gasps: Essence milked from the last frozen breath of mortals dying together in the arms of their loved ones. Demonic Sweets. Harvested by wandering ice demons in mountain terrain.]

{{Oh, fuck, yes. It’s so good.}}

((That poor family.))

Fuck. Never eat demon food. Arsehole Analysis. That was the worst popping candy.

“Not for me,” Julia said, handing the cup back. Naz’rilca looked torn between disappointment and greed.

“Well. No appreciation of good stuff then.” Naz’rilca said as the greed won. Bliss from the chips fought with irritability, and the happiness won.

“More for you, though. Right?”Julia asked, offering the cup back to her.

“Yeah, so we can fuck. I’ll let you get on top.” Naz’rilca replied, giving her a push toward a smaller empty table.

We are so not doing it here, or anywhere.

“No,” Julia stated firmly.

“Okay, I’ll get on top,” Naz’rilca chirped, eyes brightening.

“No,” said Julia, letting her voice snap with her frustration.

[Seduction [B](4->5)

Domination (11->13)]


“Okay, so you like playing that way. I see,” said Naz’rilca. The look on her face a lecherous mockery of a wise sage.

{{Let me play with the bitch! We can get knives. They can go in so many places.}}

((Demonic mania. So….))

Fuck no you don’t

“Don’t you have to report to the watch commander?” Julia asked, keeping her tone dry.

“Yeah. Fine!” Naz’rilca grumbled.

Keeping well back from Naz’rilca across a broad table proved safer while she buzzed eating the ‘treat’. When they stood to teleport back, their departure wasn’t unobserved.

Their arrival back clearly didn’t go as planned as Naz’rilca instantly tightened. They’d appeared in a formal office. As she went to take in the room, its occupant seized Julia’s attention. An obsidian desk just in front of them and another member of the Order sat behind it reading a book. Looking up at their arrival, Julia could see the muscle in her jaws flex. The air in the room pressed on them through sheer malevolence of personality.

Is that Domination??

[Skill Lore (4->5)

Domination (13->17)]

“So the previous Watch Commander sent me a message that they were expecting you to deliver a report on a disturbance that impacted security. Yet instead of reporting, you left the Stronghold. Is this correct, Naz’rilca?” The tone was as soothing as a straight razor laid against one's crotch.

“Yes, Castellan.” Naz’rilca’s voice was unrecognisable in its submissiveness.

Is that personality option four bottom?

{{Disemboweled claimed spot four.}}

((She fears her.))

“So you departed without informing the Watch Commander of the requested details?’ the Castellan’s voice didn’t vary in its tone, but whispered lower, and pressed firmer still.

[Domination (17->18)]

“Yes, Castellan.”

“The Security on the gate disrupted. They disrupted not one but three training formations, by repeated disturbances in the forecourt. Is this correct?”

Julia went to reply, and the cold eyes locked on her. Where the Lady’s eyes were serene, the Castellan’s held fury. The Heat in them wasn’t smouldering at the moment. The moment Julia had flexed lips to speak, they’d shown an inferno.

Danger Sense (11->14)

{{Oh, play with me, please! I’ll be okay, don’t spank me. Oh, just spank me anyway.}}

((Careful child, she’s on the razor’s edge.))

Yeah, no shit!

“Yes, Castellan.”

“It presented you a book, for Tras’laqì. Is this correct?”

“Yes, Castellan,”

“When you return you are to come immediately to me, we’ll discuss the arrangements with Tras’laqì,” said the Castellan, the inferno in her eyes unabated.

”Take J back to the city. Direct them to the merchant camps, then return here immediately. J, you are to join a caravan to Ternòx. Scout every passage you find there. Every place where the armies gather. Learn the lay of the land. You will not use a planar portal unless recalled.” the Castelan said, her voice turning cold.

Don’t call me, I’ll call you. Oh dear, I don’t get the job? Such a shame. Fuck sticking me to one plane?

“I don’t like the smug sparkle in your eyes. I’d much prefer you destroyed. However, the Lady kept you, and I have my instructions. If you’ve not learnt enough when I recall you, I’ll have grounds to put you down. Enjoy what could be your last cycles. Leave,” said the Castelan. Her tones bitter and scrapped like a drawn knife.

The Castelan returned to her book, Julia taking it as a dismissal, turned and left. Naz’rilca followed closely on her heels, shutting the door, and simply said, “Wait.” When Naz’rilca's hand touched her, they were standing before Julia’s storage spot.

“Take the clothes intended for spare time. Make sure you leave everything with the Order’s mark behind. Ensure not to craft clothing marked with the Order’s insignia. You’ll waste the time of field agents that hear about it.”

Taking out a slip of paper, she held it out to Julia, who glanced at it before turning her back on her. She retrieved the sets of clothes intended for ‘free’ time; all but one set disappeared in the amulet. Wanting her crafted uniform gone, she restored naked skin, quickly dressed, and aware of Naz’rilca’s eyes watching.

As Julia turned back, Naz’rilca gestured with the slip of paper again.

“Write your instructions on here for Tras’laqì. He’ll know who it was that wrote it, just one of his tricks.”

“What instructions?” Julia inquired, wondering if she needed to flutter her eyelids to piss her off.

[Seduction [B](4->5)]

Oh, piss off!

“For the forty questions to be mine.”

“Oh well, I said I’d inform Tras’laqì of the trade. I’m very certain I said nothing about writing. And did I say I’d inform him immediately? Best hope I get back safe from Ternòx,”

“You won’t get back. Everything there out levels you. It’s a maze of tight tunnels, mists, and warrens. Everything is below underground. In larger caverns, it gets more dangerous. Her instructions don’t even let you just hole up somewhere. Scout and explore everything. The plane is an end to end of pathways. Endless kilometres of tunnels. Eight factions fight for the resources. That doesn’t even count the danger of the ruins. You’ll die near them, and you have to explore there as well.”

“Wow, even more reason to do that. Such a shame. Guess you have your orders, and I have mine. Aren’t you supposed to take me to the city?”

“I could just kill you at the merchant area. Getting you there completes my orders.”

“Thanks, I’ll pass on that offer. Do you want more questions or none?”

“What are you offering?” Naz’rilca asked, curiosity showing in her eyes.

“Follow your orders, but just point me in the camp’s direction. That will satisfy them if I want to get to Usd’ghi’s business. Focused Intent on it from the Gate will take me there?”

“Yes,” Naz’rilca said.

“I’ll drop by Usd’ghi’s and a few places for gear. Before I leave the city, I’ll leave a note for twenty questions with her to put in your stored ‘glitter’.”

“Once I get to Ternòx’s portal, I’d assume there is a way I can send a message back? Courier, or something?”

“Merchant caravans travel back frequently. They bring the metals and gems.”

Do I offer her regular payments over ten years?

”I’ll send a letter with another twenty questions signed over. A secondary letter via a different merchant letting you know what caravan had the first so they can’t screw you. That’s if Usd’ghi doesn’t have a better option. There’s more on offer.”

((Ten years is but a blink.))

I need to think on a different scale.

“Why the convoluted method? And what is the rest? And for what?” Naz’rilca enquired, her curiosity still clear.

“To encourage you to ensure I get to this posting. Every hundred years that I’m away from here, I’ll send another forty, same approach till I have around sixty questions left. When I get back, we’ll talk about trading for those. Just ensure that Tras’laqì gets as deep in debt as he should. You will end up earning so many questions if you do,”

The smile of greed on Naz’rilca’s face spoke volumes.

“Not that you seem to have a hope of influencing her. If you do, you get a reward.” Julia said, “Maybe you can bribe her with some questions. Go, oh yes, Castellan.” Her voice edged with a frozen mockery of passion as she embraced the Ki further.

[Sense Motive (12->14)

Domination (18->19)]

{{Leashed her! Now let’s get powerful enough to rip her to pieces. Slowly!}}

((She’ll serve her interests well, and yours while they remain aligned.))

((Know your enemy. Yet never forget they are an enemy.))

Be a stupid fuck toy, bribe her. You’re planning to collect everything you can.

Unnoticed Heat burned in Julia’s eyes, drawing a smile from Naz’rilca. It surprised Julia when she smiled and licked lips after there wasn’t any damned screaming.

Is she still buzzed from ice?

“We should..” said Naz’rilca, stopping as Julia raised a reproving finger.

“No,” said Julia firmly, Naz’rilca’s sly smile wasn’t a joyous thing.

[Seduction [B](5->6)

Domination (19->[B](1))]

Why do I keep falling for that?

“Fine! Let’s go,“ said Naz’rilca. She stepped forward, reaching for Julia’s forearm before slipping in tight and grabbing her arse instead. They were outside the city, even as she went to slip free.

{{KILL!! HER!!}}

((Patience, she has her uses yet. ))

Remember, don’t gut the new hires! HR might object. Or should that be IR here?

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