Abyssal Road Trip

31 - Don't even fix same price.

As Naz’rilca swayed ahead of her, leading the way to the Treasury. The effect of the Damned’s screaming didn’t look like it was fading quickly. Either that or she was really enjoying her afterglow. The twitching in Naz’rilca’s hips reminded Julia of her flatmate’s behaviour one weekend. Rach’s boyfriend had convinced her to use a new toy that day. He’d triggered it so often Julia hadn’t been sure what would happen first, the battery going flat, or Rach passing out. In the end, it had spent a few hours playing blowfly in her bedroom before Rached sent him a text to confess. Memories of that not innocently shared amusement helped buffer her from the futile desire to barf that Naz’rilca’s oh baby routine had invoked. Plus, at present, she had her own issues, and something kept clenching.

{{KILL HER!! FUCK!! Fuck her! Then kill her! We can kill her twice!!!}}

I am turning into the naturist, darn it. I didn’t even think about putting on clothes till I was watching her leather-clad arse.

Wait, why was I watching her arse. I need a cold shower. Still tight leather, I like the look.

The shiver that wanted to run up her spine went unheeded. Julia continued to follow along, not even aware of the different Heat set in her gaze as she looked ‘past’ Naz’rilca. Things feeling sensitive, she morphed on a novice uniform between one step and another. The ‘clothing’ provided an illusion of decency, plus lessened sensation.

Fucking Naz’rilca.

At least you aren’t doing the stupid wing flipping. Yet still want to tear them off. Then shove them where the sun doesn’t shine.

{{Press her against a wall. With Knives!}}

The main doors Julia noted posses the bleeding purple matching that on the tower door. Navigation between areas of stronghold Julia figured might get easier. Yet time spent at their stronghold was best avoided.

Not matching between doors, but regions of the stronghold?

Darn profile not having a notes option. Or do I need to increase the control? At least my memory is a lot better now.

Analysis: Stimulation

[Stimulation: This power allows the projection of physical sensation and receiving feedback to gauge reactions. Possessor can send any type of physical sensation desired. Control over sensation and understanding feedback increases with the skill of the user. A power that finds favour by both torturers and manipulators alike. The feedback is informational or sensation as required. Target’s willpower determines the difficulty in influencing them, and mental shielding can completely block it.]

Geez. That could be nasty.

Though some fun pranks.

Aware that Succubi and other Demons were still watching her, she kept pace with Naz’rilca. As they slipped through corridors and rooms, it seemed the rumour mill was doing its normal light speed passage of information even here. In many rooms they moved through looks from Succubi, and even a few others weighed them up. Those eyes that followed them through the next few chambers certainly misunderstood the pleased smile she had.

The trip finally brought them to a very different door compared to others in the stronghold. Rune marked and solidly reinforced it didn’t look or even feel like any previously seen. Naz’rilca opened it and stepped in without hesitation. Yet moving through it, things felt weird. Her body shivered with the sensation of motion suddenly halted, even as stepping again. The room itself gave off a smothering sense of weight, like a deep cave tour.

The gated barrier in the middle of the chamber seemed to be their goal. A demoness type she’d never seen before looked up at them when they started across the chamber. It seemed vaguely female, draped in loose strips of cloth. Its skin seemed as mottled as the mat chitin used to blend into the cliff face. Its face was a mishmash of irregular features, its nose splayed away, appearing long ago broken. Her mouth had few teeth left remaining if the gaps were a sign. Dark, empty hollows where a person’s eyes were the most unsettling. Those Julia felt might take the cake for eerie, especially given the red specks held within seemed so far away.

Even as she fixed her gaze on them, Jula felt the energy of wards digging painfully into her skin, distracting from her assessment. Static crawled over her skin before collecting like a burning weight in her sternum. When Julia was clear of the wards, she activated Analysis on her. The results didn’t even include her name, just tags of unknowns with Abyssal Stone Hag species.

Wow. Yes, high-security section, thanks. Wouldn’t want to throw down. Also, let’s avoid the cavity search.

“She has Souls for transfer, lots of them.”

Rising from its stone desk, the hag moved towards the chamber’s rear. Already apparently dismissing it, Naz’rilca looked back at Julia. Her gaze not taking Julia’s focus when the Hag stepped through stone like it was displacing honey with fingers.

Illusion, stone shaping or species power?

“Where did you get the clothes?” Naz’rilca asked.

“I imaged having them. They grew from my skin.”

Well, sort of. No idea how the protean manages it.

“You seem to have more tricks than I’d expect from a whelp. We’ll get an imprint from you after we’re done.“ said Naz’rilca, as her eyes slid over the details of Julia’s uniform, their intensity weighing.

“So you said. Did you forget?” Julia asked dryly.

[Taunt (6 -> 7)]

“I’ve already warned you about your flapping tongue, whelp. Or did you forget?” Naz’rilca asked, her voice drawing out parts in a husky heat.

Oh, crud.

“It’s engraved within my mind,” Julia replied, her tone kept dry, trying to avoid providing any clues.

[Acting [B] (6 -> 7)]

From repulsion.

“In that case, stop flirting, you have no skill at it. I’d hear better from a lurker wasted Dretch.”

“Lurker wasted?” Julia asked.

“You are so ignorant.” Naz’rilca said, shaking her head is dismay even as her lips twisted in delight “Maybe you should ask Tras’laqì with one of your questions. I’m tired of hearing your mouth open with nothing useful going on.”

“Maybe I should offer someone a question to answer a range of common knowledge without complaint.”

“Maybe you should offer more.” Naz’rilca purred, the motion of her tongue drawing on the words.

“It’s common knowledge, but then so are some individuals,” Julia said, shifting her weight.

“When did you want to use your tongue?” Naz’rilca asked, biting at the words.

The rear of the chamber suddenly became utterly fascinating. The bars in front of her crawling with runes unlike what she’d seen anywhere else in the stronghold.

“Pity. I’m already bored. You should have been nice.”

{{Kill her slow.}}

Only if nice means I get to kill you nice and slow.

Is this her version of banter? How do you get Lurker wasted? Didn’t sound like being chopped up. Oh boy.

The hag had only partly cleared the rock when the motion caught Naz’rilca’s attention. In its hands was a cube that seemed blown from impure discoloured glass. Through its translucence, Julia could see a bitter green bubble formed on one side. Mana Sense showed lines of runes illuminating the interior of the cube.

“I said lots, bring the largest processing canister out here, and blanks. Better make it a few canisters. This isn’t something you’ve seen before,” Naz’rilca said, her tone snapping a harsh growl as she bit off every word.

The hag looked Julia over before she replied.

“This will be enough. This one barely has her tits in place.” The hag’s voice didn’t match her face. Rather than aged and cracked, it was young, enticing, almost innocent in pitch, unlike its attitude.

“Wake them,” said Naz’rilca looking at Julia, excitement gleaming in her eyes.

Fuck, she’s already on edge. Ticking Bomb.

Julia withdrew the Ki from them just enough that the Souls started shining through her skin. As the Hag eye ridge’s lifted, she allowed them to rest again.

“By the eldest.”

With that murmured response, the hag backed up into the liquid rock. Naz’rilca’s eyes studied Julia again, lingering over all her lines.

Fucking horny Succubus put your eyes back in place.

The stone arc at the back of the chamber rumble sometime later. Julia had endeavoured to perfect a bored look. Even as Naz’rilca continued her detailed study with her tongue flitting across her lips when she lingered.

Abyssal HR Department, please hold, your call and concerns are important to us. We’ll be with you right damned soon.

Beyond the new archway seemed an empty room, though metal on stone echoed out. When the large glass container started rolling into view, it was apparent it was just the cross-section of a corridor. The container stood taller than Julia, and wider again than an outstretched wing. To her ‘Mana Sense’ the container had not one but multiple layers of runes, and the platform on which it sat glowed with power.

Why would they have something that size?

Though it was clearly a different hag was pushing it, she brought it forward until the platform clicked up against the gate. Instead of cloths draping it, it wore a long frumpy purple dress. Though it still wasn’t the nicest of sights, especially since the broken nose and freakier eyes had in common. Smacking her lips together over a mouth that seemed empty of teeth, as she made sure the container was tight against the grill.

“Naz’ricla, how’s your tush today.” the hag asked. Dry amusement from a seemingly old joke settled in her innocent voice. The familiarity apparent in her tone when addressing the Succubus.

How does she know who she is? She’s in ‘uniform’ at present.

“I’m fine, Usd’ghi,” said Naz’ricla, her voice brightly covered with venom.

“Seems you stirred up a bit of a fuss. Right, youngling hand through the bubble, then shove them out. Just through your fingers, don’t squirt them onto the floor. We’ll see how much you’ve got stuck in your gut.” said Usd’ghi, her attention already focused on Julia.

Wow, history much. Push, push and push.

Moving over to the desk, Usd’ghi dragged out a large canvas bag. In appearance, it seemed a long-suffering glitter bomb victim. Julia had to blink in surprise at the outrageous contrast of bling to grim.

The bubble didn’t look appealing, a more chemical residue staining water than a fluid when she got close to it. Stretching through the bars, it was a simple matter to get her hand inside. Inside it felt colder than the air outside, but not even close to needing energy resistance. Withdrawing the Ki completely had Souls wailing loudly within as she called it back its source. By that time, Naz’rilca was tight against her lost teddy bear.

“What happens if one gets out incorrectly?” Julia asked, her voice soft because of, well, distractions.

[Seduction [B](3->4)]

“Wasted resources. Little or a lot you’ll see.” Naz’rilca breathed in her ear, arms wrapping tight as she clung.

“Could you move back a step? Or five?” Julia asked, working to keep a straight face despite the situation.

“I enjoy standing here, Pet,” Naz’rilca said while trailing fingers along exposed skin in time with other undulations.

Stop humping my leg, I can’t touch the Ki to meditate.

“If you keep doing that, Souls will go astray,” Julia said, firming her tone.

[Acting [B] (7 -> 8)

Domination (11 -> 12)]

What does that skill do? Check later.

“Stand back and put your fucking fingers inside your twat, you idiotic fuck toy. Or at least keep them to yourself.” Usd’ghi growled, the innocent voice mixed with livid anger.

Fuck, I miss that lovely bathroom! I’d bless you, Usd’ghi. However, you’d likely take offence.

Naz’ricla drew away slowly, trying to seem as if daring Usd’ghi. But her tension felt as if she was ready to leap away.

Once Naz’ricla was more than an arm’s length away. Julia worked through options before trying what felt right. Focused on pulling the Heat from the flesh of her fingertips. When the power pulled away, Julia could feel the Souls stream out of flesh in the gap provided. As they did so, the inside of the container started glowing brighter. Still keeping the Heat from slipping back into the form of her fingers was hard-fought. As a process, it seemed like forming a dam from the sand as Heat lapped past her control. Her flesh forming a competition against her will. Whenever control slipped, the tap would close on the Souls.

[Mana Manipulation [J](5->6)]

So the Heat is Abyssal Mana. Darn. Think about it later.

Still, the glass was glowing brighter than a LED spotlight. The glow of swirlingly combined colours, somehow even luminous black, showed through the glass. An absence of light, still glowing amid the other colours, though it saturated the interior in places. Usd’ghi pushed the second container into place further down the cage wall.

“That’s enough, youngster. Hey Stupid. Stop eye-fucking her. You could have told her when to stop,” Usd’ghi said.

Looking over at Naz’rilca she’d expected to see her ready to rage. Instead, she was brushing herself down as if she hadn’t been doing exactly that just moments ago.

At the words, Julia stopped fighting the heat, and it rushed back into her fingers again.

“How many Souls remaining little one?”

A quick look at her profile confused Julia. Given the amount of space there had been available in the container, it wasn’t what she’d expected.

“Still another seventy-four.”

“By the Dark One’s rear eye. I’ve not seen that done before. Those sacks on your chest hollow? Or do they stack up in your arse?”

“I have hollow legs, like all young.”

“Right. We’ll have to process them. I’ve only got one more container this size, and processing takes awhile. Move onto the other.”

“Do you have Debt to the Order?” Julia asked.

Usd’ghi just laughed as she waved Julia toward the other container.

“This is the Treasury, not the Order. I don’t work for them. I run this place. They’re just one of those that pay my fees.”

“This isn’t at their Stronghold?” Julia asked, confusion showing on her face as she wondered how the link worked.

“Naz’rilca is not one for answering questions is she, youngling?” Usd’ghi asked, shaking her head. “You stupid bit, I remember when your mum popped you. And when you came ripe from the brothel bringing in your first big tip to exchange it. Her arse was likely still gapping from the big ‘one that took a fancy. Couldn’t walk straight. Still, a stupid cock wobbler after twelve centuries but thinks she’s a scary bitch now.”

“Usd’ghi will you shut it. You’ve fewer teeth in your head than you have brains in your skull.”

“And I still got more brains than you Naz’rilca. Not like I need Souls playing bounce around in these bars. She brought them in clean, no distortion at all. I remember your first single Soul. It looked like a dretch had used his loincloth as a snot rag and wiped all over it.”


“Blow bubbles in a cum shot. If your Ladyship doesn’t like it, take her glitter elsewhere.”

The retort seemed to shut the steam valve on Naz’rilca. However, Julia grew concerned about where she’d direct it to afterwards.

What the heck. I’m skating thin ice, and I’m not even the only one cutting it. Way more going on then is clear.

“Though girl seriously, you had to go nibble on them all. Drops their value. You’ll get droopy lips, and tits like me if you keep doing that. ”

“I had things I was working on,” said Julia dryly.

“You nibble on the lot, or did you keep some from between your lips?”

“The lot. I had a slight run-in, drew shards to keep from getting disrupted.”

“Succubi always sucking on something. But yeah, that will burn them up. Still, they are clean that raised their value. Some bring in one looking worse than a troglodyte’s arse pit, then think to get nice obsidian coins. These are a clean lot. Any harvest you bring, come here. Don’t go to those other fellows you hear me now.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Usd’ghi wandered to the desk, her shadow looking like she sat down. Though the glowing container meant she couldn’t clearly see her.

“Name youngling?” Usd’ghi asked, her voice coming from the shadowy form masked behind the shimmering lights.


“Yep. What’s the rest I can write faster than that.” Usd’ghi said.

“That’s it.”

“Really. Want a better ‘Use’ name otherwise you’ll get passed between all kinds of stupid.”

“There’d be one less at least each time,” Julia said. Her voice was as grim as her thoughts of another life used to summon her unnecessarily.

{{Kill them if they do.}}


“The last one in among this lot?” Usd’ghi asked, her youthful voice lighting up with clear, bright tones.

“Indeed,” Julia said, her voice cold at the thought of another like Livia suffering.

The hag’s laughter bounced off the stone’s wall, snuffling, echoing sounds that didn’t fit either voice or face.

“What was his name? I hear tales about bone chanters sometimes. Good to know when they’ve shucked it.”

“Wajet, Ten Kingdoms. Bone Chanter?”

“Yeah, boneheaded summoners. Low power counting on grimoires whose power they’ve not earned. Not heard of that fellow. But they come and go so fast. One of young of the coven dealt with one a few circles back. Come back without the grumpy cunt one time, and I’ll chew some gris with you.”

They have kids. Is that other hag a member of her family?

“I’ll keep that in mind. How many children have you had?”

Even as she considered the question, her Demonic lore pushed into her awareness. Demons she didn’t even remember studying ticked off as those that could breed, and it included Succubus.

Information from skills darn. Thanks so much for things I didn't want to know.

“Indeed Hags, not one for getting on with mortals, no stamina. As for the count with my eons, they blur. Just bring some Ÿru lava we can chat awhile. It’s quiet around this time of a cycle.”

“Gris?” Julia asked, her mind still trying to determine the slang.

“Gristle, information. Hmm, child, how fresh are you?”


“Enough. Why do you have to act like a dretch brain?” asked Naz’rilca, her growl showing some recovery.

“Enough? Enough, she says. Like we can do anything.” said Usd’ghi, voice girlish light with amusement, obviously delighted at annoying Naz’rilca. “Until they’re good and settled down. Then we can process these two. Take your hand out J, that one’s full as well now.”

Coming past the container, Usd’ghi leant against the bars, chatting as if Naz’rilca hadn’t said a thing.

“Look, I know a tough BrÍn. Great catch, so if you want a spawn, he’ll rock the plane with you,” said Usd’ghi.

Pictures of the BrÍn species came to mind, and she worked to keep composed.

Strongmen with so much muscle. More than Torm, even. Mostly human features, form. The swirling ridges over their faces, arms and well, the third.

“No, it’s alright. I’ve got to prove my worth yet. Aren’t those the fellow with a triple?”

“Yep. Three arms. Plus, what their kind have packed, they don’t even need those long fingers of theirs. This draw is more than some reaper types bring in a century even nibbled. Still, let me know if you change your mind, he’s an old-timer so he’ll not get ganked for stupid. I hear he knows how to tickle your insides right. Now if I were a few eons younger, yeah, I’d milk his balls till they were black.”

Julia was having a hard time keeping a straight face, given the weirdness that chatting with Usd’ghi was giving her. The oddness of her, while acting like the roughest of neighbourhood matchmakers, was unbalancing. When Usd’ghi’s words came as a flood, it was hard to catch everything.

“What does Lurker wasted mean?” Julia asked, hoping she could get some information from the chatty Usd’ghi.

Geez, so need to find out more. Though what’s her angle?

“Yeah, don’t you go getting involved with that type you hear? Bad idea to go drinking the runoff of the Lurker brews. Idiots think they can handle the boost in rage. Morons fresh hatched that think it’s going to give them the edge.”

“Sorry Usd’ghi lost me at Lurker brews,” Julia said. Giving her an apologetic shrug.

“You’ve not seen those. Naz’ricla what is your Order stooping to now? How fresh are you J?”

“The Order isn’t stooping to anything.” Naz’ricla retorted, but Usd’ghi just waved to shoo away her protest.

“Oh, you so are. I can see you’ve got your sigil on her, and she doesn’t know nit. Could you have at least let her settle her buns somewhere first? Though given this draw she harvested no wonder you want her.”

“Very fresh,” Julia said. Naz’ricla butted in before she could continue.

“She's being posted to learn.”

She’s must really know something to get under your skin, Nazie.

“Where are you sending her? I don’t want a good reaper like her sent somewhere stupid.” Usd’ghi said, the lines deepening around her sockets perhaps signalling a glare. The empty hollow began pulling at Julia, even while not their focus.

“That is Order business,” Naz’ricla said firmly, apparently trying to shut down the line of questioning.

“You talking out your arse. By Angel’s pink perky tits, you’ve become a right git.” Usd’ghi said, the words riddled with frustration. They averted the focus enough from Julia so that she felt free to move.

“You have no say in the Order’s activities.“

With Usd’ghi’s face signalled her ready for a verbal tag, Julia spoke again, not wanting to experience the crossfire again.

“Lurker brews?”

“Yes. Alchemical brews depending made from differing treatment of the acid glands. Morons drink the off flow - cause they’re cheap, a lesser version of the brew’s boost, but also a berserk rage. Then eventually they get to craving it too often. Make the dumb arse move to use the brew where they shouldn’t, and their allies cut them down instead cause they don’t want to die.” said Usd’ghi, shaking her head at the stupidity of the behaviour.

“Makes sense. The cutting down part,” Julia said, “I take it they look to sneak a swig before a fight?”

“You got it. They look for any excuse.” Usd’ghi said as she carried black clinking tubes over to the first container.

“So what are you doing now?”

“What the Titan allows with the damned we harvest. It's been this way for these last eons. Free-range the Abyss gets, harvested we have to process. Use the result for coinage.”

“Titan?” Julia asked, wondering what Greek myth she’d wandered into.

“Only one Titan, reality spire, the crafter. Those like these we’re allowed to harvest the Soul’s accumulated corruption. Bloody catch and release. Oh, for the days of savouring those damned you caught through your own skill.”

As Usd’ghi spoke, she clamped the tubes onto the metal platform under the container. Runes that Julia hadn’t seen came alive within the tubes pulsing irregularly.

“There we’ll suck out the juices. Afterwards, the rest of the Soul goes on the next caravan bound for the Grey fields.”

So I’m not just bringing them for the Abyss to grind up?

"What and where are these Grey Field?"

"The plains of judgement, they wait there till their Gods call them. Or whatever fate they deserve finds them. This is what we do with the juices."

Pulling out oddly shaped disks, she showed them to Julia. Each shape was the same colour but varied in their tone. The largest ranged from washed-out black through to translucent dark obsidian. There were also others set in distinct variants of red, green and yellow. While the black had seemed stark, the ranging tone of others all looked ill.

“Let me guess. You ain’t seen the coins of the damned either?”

“No, I’ve not,” Julia said. Her eyes shifting from the metal to Usd’ghi‘s toothless mouth, worrying at the frown forming.

Usd’ghi just looked at Naz’rilca. The grandmotherly vibe the hag had projected disappeared into flat disapproval that held a dangerous edge.

“Not going to end well for you.”

{{Make her pay for all her insults!}}

“Don’t pull your seer crap on me.”

“I warned you long ago what I saw. There is a difference between watching your back and inviting the knives.”

“I am watching my back.”

{{Then we’ll gut her from the front!}}

“You may say kin has no hold on yah anymore. Your mother’s still my lineage. Stop being stupid and See.”

Okay, no wonder she knows you so well. Family spat much. Can’t see the resemblance. Wait, she’s just ugly on the inside.

So that’s why she felt ready to run? Wonder how hard Gran hits?

“Enough, just process the damned will you.”

“Fine. But you will explain the coins to this little chick before I hand them over or I’ll be keeping the Order’s share.”

Fuck, I still have to pay taxes? Bastards.


{{She needs to die!}}


You go Gran, but sorry, not sorry. She still needs to die! So many questions.

“What does the Titan do if you break his rules?” Julia asked.

“Child, don’t go looking to draw trouble. You’ll find his mountain maze holds all fast.”

“Novice quiet. Let her work, still the screamers in you unless you want to entertain me while we wait,” Naz’rilca said.

Julia let the Ki drift out, directing it to still them as she bit off the retort on her lips. When Naz’rilca, took out various coins and actually explained their exchange value, her conciseness was a surprise.

They didn’t leave till what Julia felt was an hour later, the last of the Souls processed. Their value wasn’t anything like she’d expected. They were far more. The minor storage item offered for most of her share seemed like it would be a useful cover. Especially as after Naz’rilca’s explanation, it was clear she’d have plenty left for useful weapons and equipment.

It’s a useful cover for drawing from my inventory.

Analysis: Amulet

[Amulet of Portage: This amulet, when bound correctly, will allow the storage of up to 30 kilograms of objects.]

Analysis: Domination

[Domination: This skill allows the user to project an aura of control, that even when not overpowering can be useful in making others take note. Typical user: Strict school teachers, military leaders, and of course, dominatrix, well plus others.]






True Name


Lesser Succubus


1 /10

(Variant: Hidden Mortal Soul - Cursed)


(0 / 20)

Home Plane






Blood Monk


122,499 / 180,000



2500 / 4000



32,140 / 40,000



Melee Attack Power


























Darkness, Time, Mental, Abyssal, Jade Court, Lightning

Spell Forms

Mental: Charm Mortal (6), Dream Sending (5), Implant Command (5), Surge Emotion (11)

Lightning: *Tracing Missile [B] (1)

Time: *Trip (9)

Darkness: *Cloak (12)

*Denotes forms available allowing casting with alternative Mana


Air (2), Acid - Improved (6), Cold (5), Fire - Immune, Mana - Improved (1), Mundane Materials [G] (1), Poison - Minor (10), Electricity - Minor (10)


Abyssal Adaptability [Ad] (6), Blink [J] (2), Corruption (5), Dark Sight (10), Demonic Pact (5), Energy Drain (14), Flight [J] (1), Harmony [J] (35), Ki Movement [J] (1), Ki Strike [J] (15), Mana Sense [J] (15), Protean [Ap] (22), Soul Sight [J](14), Stimulation [B](10), Telepathy [B] (8), Teleport (Self): [B] (2), Translate Languages [J] (6),


Active -

Abyssal City Navigator (1), Acrobatics [Ap] (1). Acting[B](8), Analysis [J](5), Bite [Ap] (5), Bluff (16), Claws [J] (1), Climbing [Ap] (1), Danger Sense (11), Domination (11), Disguise [B][(9), First Aid (1), Fly [Ap] (1), Haggling [Ap](3), Intimidation (19), Leatherworking [B](3), Ki Meditation [J] (26), Mana Manipulation [J](6), Mental Hardening [J] (20), Pain Tolerance [J] (4), Perception [Ap] (19), Profile Control (17), Rope Use(9), Seduction [B](4), Sense Motive (12), Spear [J]1, Stealth [J](3), Taunt (7), Tactics [Ap](2), Time Sense [Ap] (7), Torture (10), Unarmed Combat [J] (25)

Knowledge -

Abyssal Lore [Ap](1), Arcane [B] (5), Celestial Lore (15), Demonic Lore [Ap] (23), Hidden Lore (11), Planar Lore [B](14), Planar Portals [Ap](3), Skill Lore (4)

Available Skills Points


Available Knowledge Bonus



Abyssal, Infernal, Common Celestial, English, Norse

Special Abilities




Max Capacity

60 Kilograms - Used: 29

Stored Materials

Assorted Lurker glands, meat and materials. Ring of Silent Motions. Scorpion’s Kiss. The Agony of Horus. Bracers of Missile Negation. Assorted Abyssal coinage.

Carried / Worn Amulet of Portage.


Harvested Damned Souls


Innocent Souls Corrupted


Soul Shards Available


Innocent Souls Bound


Soul Shards Consumed


Corruptions Failed


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