Abyssal Road Trip

30 - Siren Song

The scent of copper, iron, and ash that lay over the stronghold had barely registered when she was last here. Now they were seeping in through every pore of her skin, seeking an opportunity to invade her. While she had a plan, whether it would survive, contact with the enemy was still unknown. With the massive gates of the stronghold looming in front of her, uncertainty fought against will and focus, and its wards made her skin ache against bone.

“Novice, such a pleasurable chorus of damned there. Enter through the Sally-port now!” A tense voice called down, almost insistent with desire. Before she could ask what they meant, a spot past the gate’s edge split open. As it parted, its interlocking sections looked like a fanged maw.

The maw completed opening while Julia was still closing the distance. A Blink and she was stepping inside under the eyes of the murder holes lining the roof. Its confines barely gave space for wings, yet Julia kept them in case their absence would be an excuse for torture. Committed, she stepped forward into the maw's bloodied throat smelling of rust, burnt flesh, and dank acidic odours. As the door closed behind her, Julia's paranoia queried about the testing of the murder holes. A thought that made her aware of the coating on the stones oozing between her toes.

The deep red stones they'd set the length of the passageway seemed to shimmer like fresh blood in the light of the writhing Souls. Heat from the Abyss rolled into her and sheathed them in flames. The fire reminding her of the branding irons from the slavers’ memories. Their sick delight from marking men, women and children alike as property, that they valued less than the horses they rode. The dispelling of the original uncertainty of the harvested Soul’s nature had provided a cold comfort. Yet that cold comfort evaporated as she strode through this passage of grim death, illuminated by the power of their despair.

Memories were still not clear, yet the Demonic side had ignored helpless slaves and chased down Slavers once the camp came alive. The nature of their cruel Souls an alluring siren call beckoning her to prey. Her instinctive self had used Soul Sight that night, and the blackest Souls were its sweetest candy. It was hard to determine if it had killed the caravan leaders first due to them being a threat. Or simply because they promised such delicious darkness to tempt its taste buds.

{{Such sweetness. We should eat them all up.}}


{{WANT HIM MORE!!! They sing so sweetly.}}


Taking a mental step away from her morbid thoughts, Harmony settled back in place, and the mists of Ki swirled about. While the lights were shimmering off the walls, the door within the stronghold opened. The Damned’s concentrated screams cascaded from the tunnel as the structure acted as a megaphone to carry their cries. Finally, Julia was stepping out the far end as other sounds started up above the murder holes.


The greeting from Naz’rilca didn’t whisper into Julia’s ear. Instead, the skin of her neck pulsed as the word slid across it. A nuzzling of projected desire that slid breath down muscle line from jaw to the collarbone. The sound ended with a sensation like teeth nipping at the skin, seeking to drag her attention across the courtyard. Its desire was echoing the wet sound of flesh enclosing flesh that came from above with apparent rhythm.

That’s a duty station activity?

Eyes sharpened with a thought, and the beckoning figure was clear to her gaze. Julia pictured her placement relative to where Naz’rilca waited at a distance that Blink wouldn’t cover quickly. Flight lifted her clear of stone as she activated Teleport. A double crack sounded out as vacuum rushed in, even as the air displaced from her new location, the violent noises like whips striking flesh. As targeted, Julia found herself some two metres in front of Naz’rilca, and entirely above ground. Before addressing the Succubus, Julia let herself ease to stone, glad the line-of-sight teleport had succeeded.

[Teleport (Self): [B] (1->2)]

“Senior Naz’rilca,” Julia replied, endeavouring to keep her tone as professional as possible. Whatever was going on, she wanted to maintain control.

[Acting [B](5->6)]

Gladden with Heat and desire, Naz’rilca’s eyes swarmed over exposed skin, as the tip of tongue brushed and roamed against her upper lip.

“My, you have brought a surprise, little reaper. How do you hold so many??” Naz’rilca’s words breathed against the air, wafting the distance between them to rubbing and roaming against Julia. The desire tingling in the air slid across her breasts and spread silken heat over the skin. Each syllable was tracing an alternative path, licking over the fullness of her breasts, teasingly brushing breathless against the curve of the neck. As others sought to press with urgency tucked in under her earlobes, nipping while more licked flesh over the muscles of her abdomen. An unexpected sensation was twitching deep under their attentions, as lower and deeper flesh tightened and pulsed with unfilled need.

That thought pulled her free of the siren’s call that sought to lure and enfolded her. Hedonistic pleasure amplified spread themselves in offering against the armour of psyche. Hatred, and Ego, stood firm against the psyche’s ID, as they locked armour in place, and raised the wall of defences. The coldness of intent holding firm as the fading sounds morphed into multiplying fingers and caressing tongues. Their motions were exploring, tasting so much of her flesh, as they sought places she’d never shared. Julia stood straight as Harmony joined the defence on the ramparts of her mind.

What the fuck. Keep control here, J.

Oh, fuck, no!

{{Fuck her! Kill her! RIP HER APART!}}


[Sense Motive (20) -> [B](1))

Domination Unlocked.

Domination (1)]

“I bring you a book requested by Tras’laqì, for your assessment,” Julia said, her voice sounding cold to her ears.

Torm, sorry for teasing with the Smiths.

“Why should I care for some book? You didn’t answer my question.” Naz’rilca stated, sounding distracted as her words pressed themselves bodily against Julia, hands of sounds pushing into intimate places.

Whatever the Succubus was doing, tried and failed to find enough purchase. Energy and Heat still clung to intimate places even as defences lessened the effect on her focus. They tangled themselves in the instinctive Heat of her flesh and sought to place their hooks. Even as Julia’s mind and control held firm, wetness worked its way with teasing, tingly vibrations from within.

Julia’s eyes coldly regarded Naz’rilca, as her combined control rejected her offers from her mind. Focused on her plan, she extended the book she held, the change in posture having an unexpected effect. Her arms’ extension caused biceps to press against her sides and lifted her full breasts as if to present them for Naz’rilca’s attention.

[Domination (1->3)

Mental Hardening [J](19->20)

Harmony [J] (33->34)

Seduction (20 -> [B] (1))]

“He’s offered service Debt in years for this book,” said Julia. Her tone a dry and scouring counter tone to Naz’rilca’s silken lushness. The professional conduct at odds in the extreme with the trickling sensation within her groin.

The desperate sounds of the damned almost overlaying her words, Julia wished them still. Harmony and Ki misted unseen through flesh, setting them back within the carbonite effect that had previously suspended them. The luminance of their energy stilling under her skin and the lily-white of her nakedness resumed.

[Harmony [J] (33->35)

Ki Meditation [J] (25->26)

Stimulation resisted.

Stimulation unlocked.

Stimulation (1)

Stimulation synergy with Harmony detected.

Harmony skill at Journeyman additional levels applied.

Stimulation (1 -> [B] 10)]

Naz’rilca stared with disbelieving eyes as the bouncer slammed the door of the personalised strip club in her face. Her eyes tracing lines on flesh, disregarding the book offered to her, digging with hardened lust too intimately for Julia’s taste.

“Two years or more per page depending on your assessment.” Julia recited calmly, her eyes returning Naz’rilca’s gaze with one that merely acknowledged and then gave her nothing in return.

“I had told him it was subject to your confirmation. He proposed that the new debt conditions were not to be worse, but the length of years was to subject to assessment.”

“How do you have so many Souls within your flesh? And how did you still them?”

“What can’t you carry this many? I told them to be quiet. You said knowledge demon’s in Debt is something the Order prize. Did you not? Would you prefer I just give him the book?”

[Domination (3->5)]


Don’t give her anything for free. Nothing offers, no answer.

Remember the rule. Determine the value first, unless it suits the plan.

“What is his payment?”

Dangle the carrot

“Questions answered one per page of the book,” Julia said, still looking to maintain control.

“You are curious, Pet. Most would have sought power. He has personal items and spells.”

“Knowledge is power. Understand someone completely, and victory is yours. The questions have to be something he could answer, either known by him or information he could learn.”

“The imprint you provided me didn’t do you justice, Pet.”

“I might be open to trading questions with yourself.”

“For what?”

“You prefer not to waste Order resources on me, is that not the case? And my lack of class levels will make the training time-consuming?”

“Correct. It seems you're not a complete moron,”

Seriously? Gaslight yourself, bitch!

“I would offer an alternative.”

“I could order you to use the question for the order. We could trade the answers to restore spent resources.”

“The Oath doesn’t command me to surrender my possessions, nor use them for minimal value. I need to do my utmost. You wish me to grow stronger, to resolve my deficiencies. I offer an alternative that will free your time and resolve the requirement to grow stronger.”

“How many pages?” Naz’rilca asked.

“Tras’laqì said the book would have fifty pages if Wajet hadn’t damaged it. So it gave his offer per page,” said Julia.

“How many questions will you trade for me considering your offer?” Naz’rilca asked.

Seriously, so you can say no?

“None,” Julia said, an unintentional scoff marking her tone.

The quick response earned an arctic stare from Naz’rilca, but Julia just let the Harmony soak it up.

[Domination (5->7)

Mental Hardening [J](20 -> 21)]

“None, now you are insulting me,” Naz’rilca said, her voice edging with violence.

“You asked how much I’d give for you to consider the offer. I’m giving nothing for you to say No. How many questions for you to say yes to my suggestion?” Julia asked.

“I’d have to hear it first—one to hear it out,” said Naz’rilca.

“No. I’ll offer the questions to someone else, the Castellan perhaps or the Lady herself”

“They’d kill you, for disturbing them,” Naz’rilca remarked, pleasure lighting up her tone.

“Well then, he’d be pretty happy about that Debt being gone. You’d also lose the chance to profit. Though if they’d take such offence. What would they do to you? Oh mentor. Yet if not them, I’ll use a question about who I should trade with.” Julia responded, her tone digging at Naz’rilca’s pride.

“You’d waste a question. He would name a Dretch just out of spite,” said Naz’rilca, her mood the same whiplash as Julia remembered.

“Less for you to gain could be a good thing,” Julia said, smiling tightly.

[Haggling [Ap](2->3)]

“I’ll flay you alive,” Naz’rilca stated, the growl seemingly her standard tone while haggling.

“You do that, anyway. Try again.” Julia said, raising her eyebrows at her.

Yeah, we’ve been there and done that. Hmm, wonder if she'd even be able to now.

Could flow the flesh away from the blade, then restore it.

Julia withdrew the Ki from the Souls, and they quickly blazed into life. The look in Naz’rilca’s eyes shone with Lust and craving for hedonistic pleasure. The Demoness slid forward a step as her eyes drove against flesh. Julia let the Ki waft across the Souls again and sent them back into their torpor.

Wow, talk about getting eye fucked.

“Oh Pet, you play a dangerous game.“ said Naz’rilca, her purring delightfully lighting up her tone.

[Domination (7->8)

Seduction [B](1->2)]

Oh crap!

“How about a suggestion?” Julia asked, ignoring the temptation to respond with snark.

“What is it?” asked Naz’rilca.

“Hear my offer out, if you find it acceptable and say yes. I’ll trade you forty questions. If you say no, you get none to..”

Naz’rilca interrupted with a snort and as she went to growl a demand. Julia cut her off with a raised palm, as she let the Souls scream again. Desire raged in Naz’rilca’s eyes and oozed from the expression of rapture on her face. As the noise sounded, other Succubi flew in their direction, attracted by the fuss. Julia let the Ki waft through the Souls again, mentally sighing in relief as they calmed. The Succubi moved closer, their hands caressingly over their bodies and reaching out to others as they advanced towards the pair.

[Seduction [B](2->3)]

“Seems we’re running out of time to haggle.”

“Then STOP doing whatever it is you are doing. You’re a teasing pain in my cunt.” Naz’rilca snarled, the Heat not having faded from her eyes after the Souls ceased screaming.

So anywhere, any time, any day, anyone?

[Domination (8 -> 10)]

“Naz’ricla how does the novice have so many Souls contained?” One of the Succubus poured from the Order’s standard mould landed nearby. The crowd of trainees, taking the landing as a sign to gather, tentatively moved closer, still careful of the Senior’s ire.

“Leave this to me.” Naz’ricla snapped out, waving a hand dismissively at the questioner.

“The watch commander ordered me to find out.” the Succubus replied, apparently not inclined just to leave.

“I’ll report to them when I have the information.” Naz’ricla turned her attention from the questioner to snarl at the landed trainee’s. The Heat of the lust within her turning to rage in the blink of an eye. “Go. If you are not all airborne…” Whatever threat she was about to offer ceased as the trainees fled en masse.

Naz’ricla stared at the questioner, and Julia used Analysis.

[Name: Fórlaÿreaî

Demon: Greater Succubus






Melee Attack Power:

Combat Skill (s): ]

“Very well, Naz’ricla. I’ll let her know you will report personally,” said Fórlaÿreaî, before she flew off.

They don’t have Analysis. The celestials that I spoke to in training didn’t know what it was. How the fuck do I have it? How can they tell each other apart?

“How do you tell each other apart?” Julia asked. Her voice acting on the stray thought before she considered the wisdom of it.

Though I guess if people had it, the Order’s standard mould wouldn’t have been setup.

After the others all had some distance from them, Naz’ricla looked at her and spoke again, “Just continue. Or you can put your tongue to better use than flapping.”

fuck no!

“Very well. If you say no, you get no questions for listening. However, I won’t waste the questions, and I will still trade you questions for other considerations. We negotiate those for each. Also, I’ll want to know each question and why it’s worth asking to my satisfaction.” Julia said.

[Domination (10-> 11)]

“You’d want the answer?” asked Naz’ricla, her growling tone laced with suspicion.

“Not necessarily. Just the question. Interested to see how you’d word them.” Julia stated, giving an explanation that was hopefully sufficient.

{{Kill the lady, smash her girl club}}



“It seems you’ve learnt some things. The imprint showed no skill at haggling or the force of personality you’ve used.” Naz’ricla said, her eyes roaming over Julia disconcertingly.

“I have my ways, and I seek to improve just differently to you.”

“How did you learn?” Naz’rilca questioned.

“Hunted, listened, poured over lore in books, places, and conversation uninvited. I killed those that annoyed me and chewed on their Souls.”

Julia had to wait for the edged laughter of Naz’rilca to fade, but it seemed lessons about Demons had paid off.

Yep, she so enjoyed that answer.

[Demonic Lore [Ap] (22->23)]

“Speak your suggestion Novice,”

“All the Sisterhood have multiple classes before they get here. The Order also has agents in the field, besides full members of the order.”

“Yes. Go on.”

“Instead of training me, send me off to function as an agent. I’ll learn to survive and in the process prove I’m worthy of being more. Set my duties on another plane. If something breaks my form, then I’m back here. Then you can decide if I’ve still got worth and train while I’m planar locked.”

“You would go where we send you.”

“I would. However, I would like flexibility in fulfilling specified goals. As long as it’s not a go, get myself ripped apart. I’ll do my utmost. I can’t serve the order if destroyed.”

“Your suggestion is useful since it costs the order nothing, and will in time resolve your skills if you survive. Very well, we can begin this way.” Naz’rilca said, surprising Julia by actually agreeing.

“Though I’ll need a new imprint and one regularly to know you aren’t idle. Either by meeting at an Order location or via agent connections. You will not wear any uniform or carry any token of the Order till you earn the right.”

“I agree, and will inform Tras’laqì that forty of my questions belong to you.”

“You don’t seem bothered by giving up forty questions. How many pages are in that book?”

“Well, I counted eight hundred and twenty-seven. I checked it three times.” Julia said, a slight smile dusting her lips.

“Oh, well played Novice. You are a tricky little one,” said Naz’rilca, the tone almost possessive.

{{You get close. Then I’ll take her throat.}}

“I’m open to sharing the wealth for considerations.” Offered Julia feeling more than faintly disturbed by the way she spoke.

“Where did you gain it?” asked Naz’rilca.

“Tras’laqì passed my ‘Use’ name on to a summoner called Wajet. He had it. The book I retrieved from his summoning chamber.”

Indeed, that is where I retrieved it from both times after Yngvarr finished the adjustments.

Hope the hiding spot for the bowl is as secure as he claimed.

“Very well. Agreed in the Order’s name.” Naz’rilca said, her tone formal.

“Agreed in the Order’s name,” Julia said, nodding in acknowledgement.

“Your first exchange, Novice. May there be many more profitable ones you bring to the Order. Give me the book. I‘ll assess it and pry the debt from him—over sixteen hundred years of service. Oh my, if I weren’t already wet, that would do it. I’ll take the Castellan with me, and we’ll secure the debt of years and questions with his ‘True Name’.”

Julia handed over the book and noticed that Naz’rilca touched a token on her wrist as it vanished.

Fake gesture to mislead, or is it tied to a storage item?

“Now, how many Souls are you carrying?”

“One hundred and fourteen.”

“WHAT!” Naz’rilca exclaimed, her eyes widening in shock.

“What do you mean?” Julia asked, wondering what difference she’d fallen into now.

“You’re a Lesser Succubus. How is that possible?” asked Naz’rilca.

“I don’t know I just killed them and grabbed their souls. What’s the normal limit for a Succubus to hold?”

“Let’s get you to the treasury,” said Naz’rilca, even though her expression seemed to imply she wasn’t hurrying to move.

“Two Souls per tier, for Greater and under, I hadn’t heard of more. The Named and Lady keep their own council. How did you have so many contracted?

I needed to have them contracted. Oh Boy. Better ask a question instead of answering.

“Ever heard the saying let the buyer beware?” Julia asked.

“No, yet such a fine principle, Pet. Though I can tell, you’re hiding something more.”

“Everyone’s got secrets..” said Julia, hoping to move Naz’rilca along.

“Indeed,” Naz’rilca said, moving closer to Julia and trailing a lingering gaze over her skin. “Where is your training uniform? I saw you flying in it when you left?”

“It got trashed during a bloodbath.”

Naz’rilca closed the last of the distance and pressed her leather-clad form against naked skin. Hands were resting on her shoulders, fingers flexing possessively as she bent to lick an elongated tongue along Julia’s throat. “I can taste them within you even when you quiet their screams.”

Yeah, so didn’t want you moving along in my direction.

Julia shivered and fought to hold on to her calm, yet Naz’rilca seemed to mistake the reaction.

“Oh, fun for us both. It seems.” Naz’rilca murmured and dipped close.

Her mouth moved and pressed kisses like poisoned honey into Julia’s throat. Heat stirred between their bodies, and sensation threatened to spill things within Julia.

Fuck no! Stop you stupid horny succubus.

{{Fuck her! Kill her! Fuck!}}


“Shouldn’t we get them to the treasury?” Julia asked, surprised by her own reaction, sheltered with Harmony.

It’s not as distancing as Ki Meditation. It helps me understand and feel things, but if it gets past Mental Hardening.

Well, not so good.

“Yes, but so enticing,” Naz’rilca said, turning away as lingering fingertips traced over the skin. Julia’s quickness and clarity letting her see what Naz’rilca intended, and the foreknowledge let her prevent herself from twitching away.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.