Abyssal Road Trip

29 - Going under...

There was only the softest click as the door shut, and Julia speechlessly stood regarding the yummy sight waiting for her. When she received the token and a wink from the cute server, this hadn’t been among her expectations. If Torm failed to rush in to smite her, or the lightning blue wards didn't explode, this could actually be a happy ending for her. Julia figured she might have a hope of that occurring, given the delights that lay out before her. Taking a step forward, Julia found that the desire to moan aloud was almost overwhelming. Inhaling the scents of the room, she let her eyes roam over the delightful surprise someone naughty had arranged.

Now, this is what I call a full-body service. At last, I can’t believe it.

Oh, my gosh... I already feel wet.

“Well, I hope you’ll be nice to me.”

Mentally storing the local clothes in her inventory, she swayed forward, her eyelids heavy with desire. The warm air of the room caressed her skin, each step a silken pulse of expected pleasure. Julia inhaled deeply, pausing with concern when wondering if she should do this now.

Got to some have fun, just don't break them.

With that thought firmly in mind, she closed the gap between them and allowed pleasure to enfold her. Skin shivering as the firmness behind contrasted delightfully to the warmth against flesh. Sighing, she leaned back against the marble bath's sloping side and looked around at the truly decadent bathroom. Golden oak panelling merged almost seamlessly with the flooring, broad cuts of the same golden oak had formed the floor. It had been slightly strange underfoot as if it had been holding each footstep. Reaching out to run a damp finger over polished flooring, she expected the wetness to slide across its surface, so the resistance offered to the motion was surprising.

Neat, a non-slip floor, made of this lovely summery wood. Wonder if its magic from the wards or treatment.

Settling on the curved seat set in the bath’s wall, she stretched out her legs and wiggled her toes, but still couldn't touch the far side. Tracing a finger over the tub's whitish-blue stone, the crystal bottles sitting within reach were tempting. Sniffing one after another before eventually finding a rose lavender mix that appealed, Julia settled in for a soak with the lovely scent. Eyes trailing over the fancy statuettes carved from the same stone, figures of nymphs and fauns. They cradled each other just hinting coyly at their evenings ‘plans’, and thinking about what fun 'they' might have had in this magical tub amused her. Length of sheer fabrics hung in arcs from the ceiling, softening the light that shone from various crystals set into its high arches.

A little piece of heaven at last.

A while later, feeling lovely and relaxed, she marvelled at what warm water could achieve despite her immunity to Fire.

The plans for the weeks ahead sat on her shoulders with mixed emotions. There was a clock ticking. It would likely be a rare chance of real relaxation available for some time.

Acknowledging yet another dawn’s alert, Julia accepted the option to consume a Soul shard. At first, it had twisted like a blade, wondering what was done was deserved. Yet via the same process used on Wajat’s Soul, Julia had discovered these Souls' misdeeds. Now the only issue was they were inside her, and that twisted her stomach with discontent. Reading historical accounts of slavers in school had been one thing; it was another to peer into Souls. Experiencing the deeds they’d considered just part of the job was bad enough. Even worse were the side benefits they’d sought. After her examinations began, more than a few trapped in the amber state had chunks missing from critical spots.

They had exchanged the chit given at entry into the town last week. It had been delightful watching the inner gate guard’s face when he’d been told of her extension of access rights. Julia had enjoyed giving him a smug smile as he noted the chit down in the ledger. It was quite clear that Torm didn’t quite approve of that conduct, but given the guard been such a complete twat, enjoying a bloodless victory was fine with her.

They had disposed the contents of the Priestess pouch, and Livia had a bit of a fund set up between a few merchant houses. While Julia knew Livia was out of the infirmary, she hadn’t seen her. There also was a lot of news other than Torm’s reassure that Livia would be a welcome guest in the Týr’s Temple. Returning to Janus’ novice training was something that Livia had dismissed entirely without prompting. Livia had decisions ahead, but she’d have time to think over her options.

The dagger of torture and the slumber potion had contributed to lessons with Yngvarr in tearing apart enchantments. Afterwards, it had been delightful watching the blade go into an apprentice forge, mixed in with the rest of the scrap pile. The Journeyman in charge had only argued till he learnt the dagger’s history. With that information, he told the assigned apprentice to turn it into a blob. Julia hadn’t left till it was well and truly ruined. It was absolutely one hundred percent to ensure the dagger’s end. Certainly not because of the broad shoulders or flexing muscles, she could see about the forge. Torm’s grumbles about watching a meal being prepared were the amusing icing on the cake.

Spending the nights reading books on Abyssal planes and demonic foes, and the days in practice engaged with Temple guards had left her craving more than a bit of fun. Especially after discovering among the books of lore the fate she’d avoided on those cliffs. The constant patrols for new Succubi were to ensure the local Lord’s harems, and their army’s comfort quarters were stocked. The notifications of mental hardening announced its progress and told her of the nightmares she’d avoided due to not sleeping.

As Julia opened the tavern’s door, she let the draft in enough to clear the smokey air ahead. The sound drew the local’s gaze calling them to assess her. Yet her own perception had picked out the most dangerous in return. She glided with balanced grace to the bar; the fluid movements captivating enough to silence a few conversations. They didn’t seem to assess her now as a danger. Just perhaps wondering how much the company would cost them. Sultry eyes slid about the place, noting the individual she was interested in, but she was careful not to give them attention. The bartender seemed happy to stand where the cut of her ‘local top’ revealed a valley of honey tanned skin.

Julia had set the dark blond hair curls to cascade off her shoulders to a suitable length to attract attention. Shifting her head slightly caused the locks to sway in deliberate movements, teasing across the lush cleavage he was admiring.

“Ale,” Julia said. Her husky contralto still needed more practice to get the best purr, but it certainly drew the bartender’s attention to her mouth. The lush lips wider than some preferred, but they suited the broader cheekbones and the dark blue eyes.

“Two bronze. Not seen you about the dock district before.”

You come here often, honey.

Julia set down four coins instead of two but kept her finger on top of them.

“Boat came in earlier today. I’m looking for lodgings and work. Would you know where I could lay my head down tonight?”

“I’m sure there are a few places. But what brings you to Eyrarháls woman? With your looks, you must have someone at home.”

“Looking for work, my hand fastened got himself killed by hobs a few years back. Tried to keep patience. But I got tired and lonely with others not wanting to be friends. I can cook, sew, dance and a few other things.”

{{Don’t cook. Just cut his face off.}}

Don’t seem too eager, J. Just got to barf, at least pretend to mentally when done.

Turning on Telepathy, she brushed the mind of the fellow that had required attention. The thoughts were what she’d expected, and he already had set himself her way. In such a rough place his belt pouch heavy weighted with coin should have made him a target, but no one moved. His enormous frame carried extra mass, more than it had when he was younger, but he still moved like someone used to causing lots of harm to others.

{{Eat them all.}}


So glad I don’t have to breathe. Still smelt worse.

[Acting (19->[B](1))

Seduction (16->18)

Perception ([Ap] 12->13)

Danger Sense (10->11)]

Seriously, not sure they’re a danger to me. But okay, maybe because I’m picking up ill intent.

Maybe it’s just because I’m looking for folks, looking for prey. Need to be paying attention? Be Paranoid J?

“Well, I can’t let a new lady be buying her drinks.” A large hand reached past her to put two bronze coins next to hers. Mead laced the breath that wafted past, yet unexpectedly there wasn’t any bad breath, though his shirt didn’t smell the freshest.

Julia looked at the big man that had approached as if she was considering his offer—letting a half-smile flicker over her mouth before withdrawing two of her coins.

Yeah, okay, I can see where you’re looking.

[Telepathy [B] (9 -> 10)

Sense Motive (11->12)]

Oh, nice. You folks have time to stretch your legs again. Need to branch out from combat practice and hitting the books.

“You haven’t done this much before, have you?”

“What but…” Julia said as she let her eyes go wide with shock and then chuckled, “No, I haven’t. Name’s Runhild. I caught the boat south from Moorufell. I was told Eyrarháls would provide opportunities for coin and let me get my feet under me.”

She shifted her balance to let her hips tilt and cause the fabric of her dress to brush gently against his leg.

[Acting ([B]2->3)


“Leidolf, it's good to meet you. Moorufell’s well north. I hope you have family in these parts.” Leidolf said, introducing himself.

“No, but there were no opportunities left in my village. A few former friends suggested a fresh start.” Julia said, amused that he seemed to be buying things.

“Former?” Leidolf asked.

[Mana spent: 5

Charm Mortal (5-> 6)]

“They got married before I did. Then after he died before the solstice festival well years went quick. One’s husband had a lazy eye that always seemed out of control. Well, at least out of her control. She didn’t like him looking, never believed me. Nothing happened, didn’t fancy him, yet they still set against me.” Julia said, letting the bitterness she remembered from his old betrayal edge her voice.

[Acting ([B]3->4)]

“I think we can talk about opportunities for you about the place. I had been going to eat dinner soon. Care to join me?” Leidolf asked.

[Mana spent: 5

Surge Emotions (9->10) [Lust]]

Yeah, you like the girls, don’t you? Succubus issue for the win.

“That sounds good, Leidolf. I’m sure we can find lots to talk about, lots and lots” Julia said, as she smiled. His eyes were too busy elsewhere to notice it didn’t reach her eyes. His gaze seemed riveted on her breathing, or perhaps the valley at hand.

[Acting ([B]4->5)


Later that evening, there were some muffled cries and screams from the cellar of a business. The silversmith wasn’t one to go near; he was a very touchy fellow, quick and known to anger. Mostly especially when he had an intoxicated lady present. However, the cries seemed much deeper pitched than usual, well, at least at first. They never saw one stranger named Runhild leaving, but there were fewer valuables inside the building when she did.

The aroma of baked bread had enticed her from a distance, even before the shop came in sight. Stopping in line behind others, she took in the serving lady's red eyes. Putting their fresh dough into trays and giving them the chit tag. She stepped forward when it was her turn and gave her a smile of concern that took no acting.

“Eivor, how’s your girl?”

“She still won’t tell us who attacked her. I’m sure she knows, but I can’t get her to open up.” said Eivor, red eyes threatening to renew with tears, as she lowered her voice “Hermod is furious, but no one he knows has heard a thing.”

“Maybe she’s afraid for you. Have you taken her up to the temple of Eir? The cuts should be seen to soon. More than the tinctures and clean bandages.” Julia said, keeping her voice as soft as Eivor’s. The ladies who had joined the line, moved further to block any passerby’s view of the counter.

“No, we’re not among her followers, and..”

“They’ll expect a donation since you’ve not been supporting the Temple before now. Here,” Julia said, grabbing up her hand from the cloth she was twisting and pressed a weight into her palm.

“Why don’t you see if they can help her today. Go soon.”

“I can’t,” Eivor said, trying to protest and push back the purse.

“You can, I insist. Folks need to protect each other from predators, especially two-legged ones. Make sure they clean it completely. Best be sure nothing foul’s set its way in.”

[Surge Emotions (10->11) [Hope]

Mana spent: 5]

Just a little nudge of hope.


Buying a small loaf from the Baker’s stock, she left an emotionally buoyed Eivor and continued towards the common.

Will need to see what else I have to clean up around here. Priests of Tyr can only tend to things when they're allowed. With a monster’s threat scaring the victim, there isn't any testimony for judgement. Speaking up doesn’t always feel like an option. Yet silence can’t help them determine crimes.

Practising in the dawn’s light always made the day feel better, yet today that wouldn't be an option. Torm was monitoring Livia since she liked the dancing from her dreams. The mental Kata practice, while she'd been in Harmony’s hold, must have sent more than emotions over.




True Name


Lesser Succubus


1 /10

(Variant: Hidden Mortal Soul - Cursed)


(0 / 20)

Home Plane






Blood Monk


122,499 / 180,000



2500 / 4000



32,140 / 40,000



Melee Attack Power


























Darkness, Time, Mental, Abyssal, Jade Court, Lightning

Spell Forms

Charm Mortal (6), Dream Sending (5), Implant Command (5), Surge Emotion (11), Tracing Missile [B] 1, Trip (9), Cloak (12)


Air (2), Acid - Improved (6), Cold (5), Fire - Immune, Mana - Improved (1), Mundane Materials [G] (1), Poison - Minor (10), Electricity - Minor (10)


Abyssal Adaptability [Ad] (6), Blink [J] (2), Corruption (5), Dark Sight (10), Demonic Pact (5), Energy Drain (14), Flight [J] (1), Harmony [J] (33), Ki Movement [J] (1), Ki Strike [J] (15), Mana Sense [J] (15), Protean [Ap] (22), Soul Sight [J](14), Telepathy [B] (8), Teleport (Self): [B] (1), Translate Languages [J] (6),


Active -

Abyssal City Navigator (1), Acrobatics [Ap] (1). Acting[B](5), Analysis [J](5), Bite [Ap] (5), Bluff (16), Claws [J] (1), Climbing [Ap] (1), Danger Sense (11), Disguise [B][(9), First Aid (1), Fly [Ap] (1), Haggling [Ap](2), Intimidation (19) , Leatherworking [B](3), Ki Meditation [J] (25), Mana Manipulation [J](5), Mental Hardening [J] (19), Pain Tolerance [J] (4), Perception [Ap] (18), Profile Control (17), Rope Use(9), Seduction(20), Sense Motive (11), Spear [J](1), Stealth [J](3), Taunt (6), Tactics [Ap](2), Time Sense [Ap] (7), Torture (10), Unarmed Combat [J] (25)

Knowledge -

Abyssal Lore [Ap](1), Arcane [B] (5), Celestial Lore (15), Demonic Lore [Ap] (22), Hidden Lore (11), Planar Lore [B](14), Planar Portals [Ap](3), Skill Lore (4)

Available Skills Points


Available Knowledge Bonus



Abyssal, Infernal, Common Celestial, English, Norse

Special Abilities




Max Capacity

26/60 Kilograms

Stored Materials

Assorted Lurker glands, meat and materials. Ring of Silent Motions. Scorpion’s Kiss. The Agony of Horus. Bracers of Missile Negation. Pouch of Shielded Treasure (Empty), Norse styled cloths (4 Sets)


Tras’laqì’s book of names.


Harvested Damned Souls


Innocent Souls Corrupted


Soul Shards Available


Innocent Souls Bound


Soul Shards Consumed


Corruptions Failed


"If you can return that for me," Julia said, sliding the chit across the table to Yngvarr.

"Take care, Julia. I'll make sure Livia has a good chance to grow up safe. The celestials found a Monk tutor for her."

Standing up as she felt the final Heat in her form fade, she mentally tucked her clothes into her Inventory. Taking Tras’laqì’s book of names into her arms, the now flaccid state of the hooks along its edges amused her. Especially since once Yngvarr had completed the adjustments, they'd also lost their edge. He'd also made some other changes that had kept her laughing for hours.

Fuck you Tras’laqì

"Cool, at least one of us will know what we're doing," Julia said, letting Harmony settle around her. Then, as the alert came up, she mentally choose returning to the Abyss.

Instead of being pulled through the ice, she felt as if she was being dragged into a furnace.

The light of the tunnel wasn't the lovely colours of the last trip. Instead, they seemed to herald her destination, as the colours in the walls were the sick defiled shades she had seen from the altar of Set.

The tunnel seemed to twist in on itself as the last moment, and as she came out of the blighted far end. She stood outside the massive metal gates of the Stronghold.

"Novice J, reporting back. I need to speak to Naz’rilca. I've retrieved an object for her assessment." Julia said, letting the guards see the mucus green covering. When presenting the book Julia got a surprise but not from it. As even without Soul Sight activated, the Souls of the damned were clearly visible and glowing through her skin.

As each had contributed a shard to maintain her presence on the material plane, they had entered that frozen state. Over the months she had grown used to them seemingly in carbonite. Yet now they were no longer frozen, they also weren't just flailing about. No, they were clearly screaming, and as she stood there waiting for a response, the wails of the damned from within her filled the surrounding air.

I saw what you did to those people. The torture, the rapes, I don't know the fate in store for you. With what was in your Souls, I'm not sure I care.

"Welcome to the Abyss, Bitches!" Julia said, not bothered one bit by the harsh Abyssal tongue on her lips.

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