Abyssal Road Trip

17 - You are wind beneath my wings

The wind raced through the gaps in the broken spire's stonework, pushing maliciously as it buffeted against the rawness of her back. It no longer carried the din of the 'sky training' whose gauntlet she had crossed. Yet it still brought strange and frequently repugnant sounds with it. Noises similar to those that she'd sent rebounding from the walls of this place during the harvest. This broken tower, now stained with memories that she never wanted to dwell on, it's broken walls jutted upwards around her like teeth biting at the sullen sky. Yet it felt as if they had already consumed part of her in its maw.

Julia thought her wings had finished healing before she’d progressed on the first rope. With now finishing the third, they still felt wrong, constricted, painful, and inflexible, even if her health showed as full. It was clear Naz’rilca had done something to them that refused to heal completely. Under the excuse of harvesting the materials she now used to make the ropes.

The skill level-ups Julia received during this training had not been a joyous thing. It wasn’t even because only Leatherworking was the focus of improvement instead the required harvest that had sullied everything. Her fingers worked to check the knots on one band before she pulled the rope across her lap to examine another. Section by section, she studied the bands and the braiding in between as her eyes slid over the next length of the rope, checking for issues. Its core braided from sickly yellow tendons, wrapped with bands made from black strips of hacked hide. The memory of pain twisted her stomach in a way that was becoming a faded reflex.

The memories of the sensations, from tendons severed, hide slashed and muscles plucked had already dulled as she had worked. The pain that she recalled was already dimming, and yet even the faded recollections made her skin crawl. Indeed, it was the extent of lessening memory that raised the most concerns. The sheer softness of the shivers they elicited seemed to signal a growing decline, and those shivers felt indeed so wrong.

Your brain is getting more cracks than a site full of plumbers J.

I am trapped here, in this shell. What will I become?

{{We’ll grow strong.}}

((Calm, patience, seek answers, watch, learn.))

When I stop caring about my pain completely, what comes next? Do I stop caring about the pain of any I meet? Demons, yeah, so what, but when I meet a Mortal. What then? So you lost an arm; can’t you regrow that sucker? Too bad, so sad.

Am I merely making things worse faster? Survive one day at a time, till you see a chance. But what price survival? I thought the Inferno had made me numb or broken something. The spike’s Agony was far worse. It broke me, and I don’t know how I came back. Now pain even searing but normal pain, yeah you just a little monkey butt mate. Annoying, but when over, on your bike pal.

I need to get out. Need to get out and stay {{out}}.

Her eyes flicked over her now mussed pile of clothes and confirmed the rocks still held them down, as the urge to run screamed again.

Want to run. Yet what ways do they have for finding me? I don’t know yet. Can a Demon summon another with its True Name? The Lady used it to order me like a puppet. Expect the worst till proven wrong.

She was told to strip, yet not to dress, she suspected dignity's call a trap. As Julia she sat back on her heels, pulling first crafted first rope towards her again, she was uncertain of how to proceed.

Likely won’t have time to redo this, but geez it’s rough.

Carefully examining it, she busied herself with what aspects would be possible to correct. Taking care in securing the braiding along its length, then resetting and tightening bands while waiting. Even when freshly completed, this rope had been a collection of stray bits and pieces, and gaps in its braiding had spoken of its lack of quality. Now, having finished the third rope, more flaws were obvious to her. Yet it was unclear how it could be salvaged without pulling it apart completely, with no idea when the bitch would return.

[Leatherworking ([B] 2 -> 3)]

I thought she was going to resolve my lack of required skills. Seriously, why am I increasing Leatherworking? Does the Sisterhood need members to make their own bondage gear? Gimp suits? Think I’ll get to tell her to ‘zip it’ bitch? Is she just testing me? Or she just wanted an excuse to cut me up. All those options, or most at least?

I need to get out of here.

J, no shit.



Fingers tightened another knot she tried to steady herself, even as her revulsion tried to shake her loose from the Ki currents. Though she hadn’t said the rope’s purpose, Julia was sure the bitch would use their defects to justify what she already intended

I need to get out.

Instead, she worked, waited and waited. When the crack exploded behind, she just reacted like a jumpy cat. As hands opened to let the rope fall, Blink carried her up past the tower’s broken top, Wings useless Flight alone kept her aloft. The figure now visible beneath didn’t even glance about as their voice murmured in Julia's ear.

“Lucky you completed all three ropes, Pet. Come back here while I check them.”

Here, not back to my spot. Go to one side.

Reality flickered as she stood again on bare stone, keeping quiet and clear of the loops as Naz’rilca inspected them.

“The training ranges don't have targets simple enough to teach you anything but failure. So you will provide the materials for their construction, plus since all you are presently is cannon fodder. So we’ll ensure you can stay up, if only for a short time.”

Gaslight someone else, bitch.

“What did you do to my wings that they won’t currently unfurl?”

Naz’rilca’s mouth twitched for a moment, though nothing in her eyes hinted at mockery or spite. Then again, they showed nothing in their depths at present, but a serial killer’s void.

“A specific query is safest; you have some sense, Pet. I spliced tendons from one wing into the other during the harvest. You need a better healing power; your Improved Regeneration just grew the pieces together where they kissed.”

She spun a finger in an unmistakable gesture, and Julia turned around, feeling far too exposed. A sensation of pressure and a snip came together, yet with it, the tension in her wings relaxed, and suddenly they could flex again.

“You may have a single query at most between each session. Now stretch your arms and hands out to each side, level with your shoulders.”

Oh yes, you’re a good little bitch aren’t you Pet. Here have your reward, sweetie. Aren’t I nice? I gave release from the pain I caused you. Prance for me again. Yeah, yeah. Demon manipulative bitch, check off that stereotype, please.

She selected the best of the ropes Julia had made and bound a loop around an outstretched wrist.

“You were so sedate during the harvest. I thought you had passed out as a mortal might Pet. Well, except for still staying on your feet. No more distancing yourself with your Powers or Skills. You must embrace the pain, cling to it, devour it whole.“

She hasn't mentioned or asked about either Ki Meditation or Harmony. I wish I knew what the imprint had shown her.

As soon as they secured the rope, she stepped around and tied Julia's other wrist with a second rope.

“Your Mental Resilience is closest to acceptable for a recruit, so we’ll concentrate on that first. That Skill is useful in preventing mind and will, from becoming broken; Whether via mundane means or arcane. So while I work, you will count aloud every cut, every stab, every sweep of the blade, to confirm your focus hasn't wandered.“

No matter how factually Naz’rilca put things, what followed next was anything but reasonable. With the ropes secured to her wrists, they looped the other ends through struts, and she found herself hoisted in the air. With her body forming a Y, and pointed toes just above the floor, it settled her within Naz’rilca’s reach.

So the session began as repeatedly the pain faded and spiked, as the blade wiggled or sliced deliberately deeper. Its point invading with measured slowness against the pulse of healing flesh. She would sense her healing flesh squeeze it tight, and the force of it would resume. Onwards it would press, slice, sweep or even just forcefully carve deeper still; the frigid metal excitedly quivering in its wielder’s grip.

Each time it moved Julia tried to call out the right count even as pain spiked,

Naz’rilca would greet failure with a powerful strike, her blade’s point or edge pushing inwards, seeking joints. The pop of a joint would sound, then cut after cut followed raining till the wing was severed, and so before Julia, a pile had grown. Each time after Heat and Power renewed the flesh, the count would reset again.

Each layer set out a detailed account of the damage, one wing extracted, then another. Each time she threw a wing, it slapped again stone like a fresh-caught fish, and she’d wait again. With fingers dipping into sealing flesh and trailing blood about, she’d wait out Julia’s renewal before the blade and count would resume.

{{We need to kill her}}

((They should all die))

“We’ll stop for now. Sixty wings, will be sufficient materials to make your targets for now, and you ceased the fading. Though your highest count was short of two hundred. It needs to reach at least three thousand before we'll call it enough. Each session must improve on the last.”

Blades of ice shot out their course, taking them through Julia’s forearms like a razor through silk. As blood flowed from the wounds, her hands dropped away. The fall took Julia by surprise, but she caught her balance and avoided falling to the floor completely, as she gathered her handless arms inwards. Flesh and bone sounded a wet thump as the rope finished drawing a bloody line.

“Next time ensure the ropes are a better quality than the first I used. Now grow everything back and fly your wings down to the tanner. Face the gate from inside and go towards your left. It’s near a quarter away around the wall. Tell them to turn the hide to leather and treat the tendons. Ensure you carry them one at a time as you need lots of Flight practice from what I saw. Also, no flying straight for too long I want lots of erratic patterns, I’ll have someone watch for a slip-up. Someone that needs target practice.”

Julia felt wounds seal even as hands fell and focused on catching herself from the near stumble. Turning back towards Naz’rilca with barely held restraint and waited for the instructions to end. Yet even before she could voice the question, Naz’rilca’s mirthless smile vanished and Julia found herself alone with the dreadful wind.

I really hate her Teleporting arse.

Bitch. So no question answered this time. Oh yeah, yet another part of brainwashing, reward erratically.

((Find your own truths, do not let them set them for you.))

{{Burn them all}}

Checking on the recent level-up notifications, she just nodded at the updates.

[Mental Resilience ([J]( 10 -> 11)

Improved Regeneration ([Ap] (18 -> 19)

Perseverance [Ap] ( 11 -> 19)]

Well, coupled with the Ki Meditation levels I got from my initial wing clipping for tendons and scraps - Woot level-ups, go me! Crap on a cracker.

Looking around to reorient herself, she saw the stump that was dripping black blood onto her pile of folded clothes.

“Bitch did that on purpose.”

And I’m speaking Abyssal wonder if she’s or someone else is watching remotely.

Moving to the growing mess, she used an elbow to pin the rope still tied to the remains to one side. Touching her foot to cloth, she focused on putting the clothing into her inventory without the blood laying over them.

Stock: Clothing

The clothes vanished and the black blood appearing on the floor seemed to show she figured right.

[Inventory (4 -> 5)]

Ok, so I figured out a new trick, and I get thrown a bone - woof.

Seriously, what is it with the inventory command? Someone had their brain on stocking a store when they set that up?

Wonder if they are scrying with a mirror, or just someone flying close enough to hear

Detecting magic in games lets you see energy from scrying

Let’s give it a whirl. I need to practice more things. She might decide to cut my eyes out for not using them correctly.

Mana Sense

Looking around the broken chamber, spots and lines of energy flickering under the surface of the outer walls. However, nothing looked like a crystal ball-sized spot or a flat panel hanging in the air. An extensive collection sat like a seal over an intact door within the chamber. The top of the tower appeared broken and then cored out leaving broken fragements in its wake. The door was a misplaced reminder of the past, an unneeded connection point left within destruction.

Just like the hole in the stone?

“Why does mana still coat it? Leftovers, maybe”

Walking over she bit her lip and touched the back of her forearm to the door carefully, as if expecting a shock.

Cause yeah, make sure you play safely with electricity J. Not sure that applies to mana or spell dear.

She watched as the mana’s colour shifted its way along the spectrum and then when it stopped, pushed down on the handle with a regrown hand. As the door swung away, the sound of singing blades was immediately clear. Stopping the door’s swing with gingerly placed fingertips, she peeked through the expanding gap. The first figure Julia spotted in training clothes, flashing blades, and with a hungry, excited sparkle in her eyes told her all she needed to know.

[Mana Sense (3 -> 4)]

{{oh she looks tasty, she needs to scream for me}}

Pulling the door shut, she leant her head against the aged surface and breathed slowly.

Weird, I swear she looked good.

Crap. Beth told me I needed to bat for her team after him. Never felt that before. What the heck! This succubus’ body better not be trying to throw me at folks. Beth, how did she take it. That fuck’s Soul could have at least paid attention to who was at my funeral.

Wait, a funeral doesn’t happen fast. Did I leave behind a body?. How did I miss that? How much time has already passed? I hope Andre is okay if she went down the stairs with him. Please don’t let them charge her. Fuck, why didn’t she tell me? I would have helped her do something. Fuck Fuck Fuck. Can’t even fucking cry now.

STOP. Whoa girl backup, you can’t lose your shit right now.

Focus, Focus J. What did we learn. More of the weirdness here, but the mana colours shifted. Then I opened it.

When the colour changed again, Julia pulled it open to find the courtyard far below.

Oh, the gate is close; I think. Let’s block the door open, insert evil laughter is redundant about this place. So maybe I need to think angelic giggles instead. What about something to brighten my mood? I wonder if Demons are like cockroaches and would survive a nuclear blast? Likely. Oh yeah

((Warming laughter)

I’m waking up to ash and dust.

Oh yeah, that’s amusing.

Mentally humming the tune in her mind, she pushed the door fully open. One piece of Lurker shell plus some wiggling later and it seemed like it would stay put.

Time I should put clothes on now? What do you think, J? Do you think you should get dressed? Hmm.

Sure wasn’t a naturist previously, my inhibitions get removed?

Mentally retrieving her clothes, she grinned as she looked over the rumpled unmarked cloth. Pulling them on in a hurry, she blew a mental raspberry in Naz’rilca's direction.

These wings are going to be awkward.

Roll them up. Nah, bone ridge across the top will stop that from working.

Grab each one by the stalk and fly it while towing it like a fallen leaf it is.

Grabbing the base of one wing, she dragged it out into the sullen light of the courtyard. She stopped and turned it in the light a pattern catching at her mind.

Weird magic eye photos. The veins on it appear as if feathers where the hide meets the joint.

Weird. Get busy. I need to locate that tanner before Annie Oakley turns up to shoot me up.

Lifting the first aloft, she pushed into her Flight and despite the awkwardness of the burden raced around the line of the outer wall.

Maybe I should try Harmony instead of the Ki Meditation, see if that lets me handle pain, without Fading.



True Name

Species Lesser Succubus Level 1 /10

(Variant: Hidden Mortal Soul - Cursed) Shards (0 / 20)

Home Plane Hrz’Styrn

Class Blood Monk Level 14

Exp (109,999 / 110,000)

Wizard Level 1


( 0 / 2000 )

Defence 35

Melee Attack Power 48 Health 353


Strength 20 Faith 5

Endurance 24 Magic 21

Quickness 25

Intelligence 25 Ki 63

Willpower 40 Mana 51

Charisma 20

Affinities Darkness, Time

Resistances Air (2), Acid - Improved (6), Cold - Minor (11), Fire - Immune, Mana - Improved (2), Mundane Materials [G] (1), Poison - Minor (5), Electricity - Minor (11)

Powers Abyssal Adaptability [Ap] (6), Blink [Ap] (20), Dark Sight (1), Energy Drain (9), Flight [Ap] (1), Harmony [B] (1), Improved Regeneration [Ap] (19), Ki Movement (1), Ki Strike [B] (15), Mana Sense (4), Shapeshift [Ap] (10), Soul Sight (6), Telepathy (3), Translate Languages (1)


Active - Abyssal City Navigator (1), Acrobatics [B] (4), Acting (9), Analysis [Ap](3), Bluff (10), Climbing [B] (20), Danger Sense (7), Disguise (9), Fly [B] (9), Haggling (13), Intimidation (2) , Leatherworking [B](3), Ki Meditation [Ap] (11), Mana Manipulation (9), Mental Resilience [J] (11), Pain Tolerance [J] (4), Perception [B] (18), Perseverance [Ap] (19), Profile Control (16), Seduction(11), Sense Motive (3), Stealth [B](12), Taunt (1), Tactics [B](4), Time Sense [B] (1), Unarmed Combat [J] (9)

Knowledge - Abyssal Lore [B](6), Arcane (3), Celestial Lore (1), Demonic Lore (20), Hidden Lore (3), Planar Lore (7), Planar Portals (7), Skill Lore (1)

Available Skills Points 33

Available Knowledge Bonus 10

Languages Abyssal, Infernal, Common Celestial, English

Special Abilities


Level 5

Max Capacity 50 Kilograms (20 / 50)

Stored Materials Assorted Lurker glands, meat and materials

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