Abyssal Road Trip

18 - You can ring my bell

Spotting two figures flying directly towards where she was practising Flight, Julia rose higher and slowed. She’d been doing figure eights in the gap between the outer wall and the stronghold. Each time her path headed towards a wall, she aimed to get as close as she could without hitting it.

She’d called it a courtyard in her head earlier, but it was doubtful that was actually the term. They called it a stronghold, but it didn’t fit her mental image, so maybe it was a courtyard. Nothing in this place fit any mortal terms that she'd ever learnt except for abomination. The dominant building was a tower inside a big circular wall, like a stake straight through a target. Thinking of it that way made her imagine it as a stake into a Vampire’s heart. The spires broken slivers spilling off the end of the weapon.


Woof woof, bow fucking wow. She likely knows it gets on my nerves.

Next time I even think it might be her coming up to me. I should use mana sense and see if I can spot the spell form.


[Summoning Notification

You have received a summons from Wajet of Memphis, via your 'Use' name.

Your willpower, intelligence, and total levels all exceed that of the summoner.

They meet no conditions to compel you to respond.

You can ignore this summoner.

Do you wish to accept the summons? ]

The summoning notification sat tingling in her mind, bearing a dull glyph that matched the pattern Tras’laqì had shown.

Oh, she’s going to be so Pissed. Ok, so that is a reason right there. Yes!

As soon as Julia acknowledged the summons, it felt like she’d plunged through a layer of ice.

The feel of frost vanished, and she emerged, racing through a wormhole, one that was better than any CGI she’d ever seen. It was so beautiful. The walls sparkled and shone with every colour of the rainbow, and more besides. Yet despite all the colour, she could see herself reflected in its surface. In that brilliant surface, the bleak Sisterhood sigil on her top seemed to smoulder. The wormhole’s end seemed to move toward her with a glorious luminance, or she to it, it grew hard to tell as reality wavered around her.

Oh crud, what if he recognises it?

A moment of focus dragged at her clothing, and while the apparel vanished in time; there was none left to form anything in its place.

Suppose you don’t escape this time. Next time, put on a change of clothes prior to accepting J.

You’ll just have to deal. Don’t want to risk freaking out the native before I can escape. So no Xenomorph inspired catwalk.

Senses snapped into focus with a once incomprehensible speed, that now seemed unchallenging. With the new plane stabilised, she stood in a dank room lit by fading blue light. Wings fluttered only half unfurled yet an instant before they had been fully extended, and Flight no longer held her aloft. Just arriving in this room apparently was already seeking to set limits on what choices she had. Tras'laqì had asked her to go to this summoner, yet she couldn't believe any individual using this room could be worthwhile.

Squalid furnishings cluttered the place, making a miserable chamber seem even more unimpressive. A few arms-length beyond the edge of a chalked circle, a long table butted up against a wall. It was hard to tell which would fall down first, the table or the wall itself. Books, scrolls, and various objects she couldn't identify were stacked haphazardly across its surface. Between the instability, of the table's failing construction and the piled materials; it seemed only a matter of what would trigger an avalanche rather than if it would occur.

The intact sections of the wall against which the table lent with piebald and uneven in colouration. Though most appeared as if sealed by a mix of white washed and clay that had been unevenly applied, even those areas appeared to the already cracking away. Uneven bricks of varying sizes provided unstable support for the roof above, with courses set with no care, it looked like river stones would have been more even. A few stools and a small chest lurked sullenly under the table, as if they begrudged their association.

Indeed, the place was so ill wrought and unkempt the smoothness of the stone underfoot captured her attention. Shifting balance to skim a foot across its surface, it felt as if it had been ground flat to a modern standard. Julia had no idea the type of stone. It certainly didn't appear to be anything particularly fancy. Yet the care that had gone into smoothing the hard lavender stone so much was impressive. On that carefully smoothed surface, someone had chalked a precise double circle. The void between them filled with an array of complex symbols that tried unsuccessfully to catch at her eyes.

This guy is careless. If that table collapsed while I was here, some of that stuff falling wrong would disrupt this circle.

Yeah, fancy pattern, but I can see smudging, isn’t that a bad thing? Well, for runes at least.

What did ferret boy say? Something about ‘eyes to see’? Are the runes actually meant to help subdue me or just hold me? I can still think clearly.

Mana Sense

That first smudged rune she'd spotted appeared unlit to Julia, as were others now clear. Even among the runes that appeared intact, not all looked healthy. While most of the runes still glowed, many were already fading or seemed never empowered at all. Yet the circle carried enough energy that a cylinder of mana reached upwards from the inner circle. In it a merry glowing net of light energised the barrier that entrapped her. It seemed formed from their overlapping glow yet more than a few bulbs were gone. The mana energy forming the barrier looked brittle and fractured, like a window hit by a spray of rocks; while not yet broken, it was certainly spider-webbed with cracks and chips.

[Mana Sense (4 -> 5)]

How does the summoner not sense the damage? Do they not have Mana sense? Call of Cthulhu memes right here. Why not summon something before you learn how to banish or control it safely?

Did they summon Tras’laqì in this thing?

As her assessment took her eyes around the chamber, she finally spotted her silent summoner. A scrawny fellow who must have been watching her arse while she had turned. At least the angle of his eyes appeared as if that had been the case, yet now he seemed content to be staring at her groin. The robes he was wearing looked in as rough a state, mana wise as his circle. Fancy looking purple cloth, with lots of golden stitching, but the only Mana left in them looked like a sun-faded paint job.

I’m going to die of embarrassment any minute. The Demons at the river didn’t leer like this guy. Yeah, Mate, my eyes are up here.

Counting breaths instead of stars.

How long is he going to keep me waiting, minutes, hours? Breath 30, Breath 40

Waiting still, mate. Did you lose yourself in a fantasy fap there?

Breath 70

Too embarrassed to speak. Cause if so, that makes both of us right now.

Breath 80. Okay yeah, he's breathing fast but still.

Should I clear my throat?

He looks human. No head hair though, but shiny scalp. Waxed it rather than shaved, hmm no stubble, eyebrows, or facial hair.

Still mute, try the Telepathy, maybe? Goodness, this is going to be bad. Yeah, compared to what now, your training session?

When she flicked on the Power and tried to hear his mind, it didn’t initially match her concerns. It was like tuning into a wave of static and trying to build concepts from white noise. Looking at a larger fracture in the barrier; she imagined listening to him through the break and focused again.

##This is a young Succubus? I thought Tras’laqì meant a child. By Set, she’s no youngster. Maybe I should… the arse on her was fine, but the lips of her valley. I could spend a lot of time with it. I want to make...##.

Julia turned it off in a hurry, but it had only taken her an instant to get a lot of meaning from racing thoughts. Especially with the images that had flowed with the words.

[ Telepathy (1 -> 2)]

Only provided a single point for this perv’s thoughts getting into my brain.

[Telepathy (2)]

Screw you!

Ok, so he’s a perv or at least male with blood having left his upper brain. Geez, hello, eyes up here.

Tras’laqì is so playing some game here. No way he couldn’t have messed this guy up if they had called him into this circle. It might be small, but I bet he could get out with magic or something. So how could this circle have held it when even I can see it has problems?

At this rate, he won’t have sufficient blood in his brain to talk about anything soon. If he passes out, will the summons disconnect?

{{Oh. Play with the little puppy.}}

Folding her wings out, she wrapped them like a leathery fan as she turned to one side.

“Do you like what you’ve seen of me, Master?”

Really, J. That line was lame and self-degrading, especially in Abyssal. What sort of idiot are you taking him for?

It was still a pregnant moment later before he replied, though Julia could see by the bulge in his robes his mind was still elsewhere.

Mate, that’s just not cool.

“You were not what I was expecting. Especially not with the simpleness of your name, J.”

Oh, that kind.

{{Yes, a fool.}}

“I’m sorry. Is there something you need me to do to you? Oh, I mean for you?”

What happens in the summoning chamber, stays in the summoning chamber.

She threw him a slow blink as she smiled and tried to test out the classic anime head tilt on him.

[Acting (9 -> 10)

Seduction (9 -> 10)]

On your bike, bitch!

I thought the blood had gone somewhere else before. Now he looks like he’s about to explode in a happy ending. It seems he must have the soul of an Otaku, even in whatever culture this is.

J concentrated on an image. With an exercise of will, a white material grew from her back, rolling around to sheath her body even as wings vanished in the change. By the time it was done, a white dress had fully formed, gleaming from its strapless bodice to now hidden feet. Turning back to face him fully, Julia hoped it would provide dignity and yet distract him enough to hide things as she worked. A pair of unblinking eyes grew on her back, guiding the motions of a tendril that slowly extended from her spine.

Heard of folks wearing a hair shirt, but this is extreme J.

[Mana Sense (5 -> 6)]

“Yes, your purpose. I need you to deal with Manetho. He is the favoured son of Lord Khafre, who rules in Memphis for the Pharaoh.

Manetho. What? I thought I was here for a courier job to retrieve Tras’laqì’s book? He wants me to deal with someone?

So how does my brain cope with the weirdness of my perspective now? Someone had better issue me a guidebook of what the fuck questions to ask first. Babble brightly and distract him.

{{Shiny stuff about. All Mine.}}

“Deal with Manetho? You want him killed?”

The tendril had mushroomed to the barrier’s edge, yet when tried to wriggle through its fracture, the very air seemed to hold her back.

Fuck. So much for that idea. What’s next? I’ve got to get out of here before he makes me accept a bond or contract, whatever the control form.

Mana Manipulation? Haven’t tried it yet, so that’s out. Since no idea how obvious it will be. Could completely tip your hand with it.


“No, you must not kill him. He needs to live and suffer rejection by the Eye of Osiris at the harvest celebrations.”

For two hundred points, name the Egyptian god with the fake dick? How the heck can I be in Egypt?

The circle needs to get broken, or he needs to cross it. Yet it doesn’t look like it could stand up too much abuse.

My telepathy got through, can I get through with Blink? Dare I risk it? What if it doesn’t work? Will it bounce me around in the circle and give things away?

Try something else first, maybe? Lure him to cross it? What if he passes me something through it? Would it pop if I grab any object coming through? Piss poor preparation, J.

“Why do you need that?”

If he tells me he’s going to take over the world, I’m going to call him Brain, or maybe Pinkie. Since his brain sure wasn’t working earlier.

I need to get {{out}} of this circle.

“His father and family will lose much if disgrace touches him before Osiris. My Lord’s influence will rise in their place.”

“Okay, but what’s in it for me?”

“Wealth, or sacrifices either could be yours.”

“Shiny things?”

Julia almost rolled her eyes, as his smirk seemed so like a bar sleaze plotting his next move.

Oh, baby yeah. Fuck you, jerkwad.

[Sense Motive ( 3 ->4 )]

Another one point. Well, I guess his earlier distracted state took little effort to notice.

Still a skinflint!

[Perception [B] (18)]

“When is this harvest thing, Master?”

Julia tried to put a vapid purr into her voice, suddenly glad she could no longer puke.

“Just over a moon away. I want him thoroughly corrupted by then.”

So wonder what he means by corrupted? Ok, get rid of that tendril and ditch the extra eyes for now. Leave Mana Sense on and discover the biggest fracture?

Then Blink through it? Hmm? Still don’t like the risk.

Stop. You’re overthinking things. Try a simple approach first.

You have a damaged energy barrier. Ki can react with magical entities.

“Well, why don’t you tell me all about him, Master? I wish to make certain I can help you.”

Julia turned and moved to the rear of the circle, making certain he had plenty of time to watch her sway. Ki pooling in her hands, she kept her motions graceful and slow, even as his intent gaze made her skin want to crawl.

So Less is More. Put on a dress, and this guy loses his shit.

“He’s an arrogant young man, much taken to flirting with women..” Wajet said, his voice distracted and absent, as he struggled to recount his disorganised thoughts.

Already tuning out the rest of the details, Julia focused on the fractures moving about as if preparing to sit within the circle. Where the tendril had met blunt resistance, slight contact via Claws and Ki seemed to gouge it. Mentally pushing to close her hand, the air against her flesh suddenly seemed like thickening mud. Mana swirling in her sense, the barrier shook and shed flakes that were melting from sight. Ki surging in her hand, the energy of this Plane began swirling inwards to fill the fracture. A whirlwind of energy came to life before the barrier blew apart in a flash of light and Power.

[Mana Sense (6 ->7)]

Changing her stance, Julia snapped a look over her shoulder, crouching as Blink shifted her location. The distance closed, and her elbow struck backwards with brutal force. His shrill scream still ringing in the air, Julia's sure hands pulled him over her shoulder and he crashed to the stone. A blow to his solar plexus had him gasping for air before her claws turned his robes into strips enough to hogtie him. Pushing him around to secure him in haste and pressing a wadded cloth into his mouth to muffle the whimpering.

“Oops, I broke it, and then you.”

Crouching near his head, she looked down with her face cradled in her palms. The first smile of genuine delight felt in some time already gracing her lips.

“Oh, I’m such a clumsy girl, Master.”

Yeah, need to get adjusted to my new strength. He’s going to be pissing blood.

Playing out a tendril from her side, her imagination guided it to loop around his throat as she rose to her feet.

“Don’t move, little one. I’d have to choke you out.”

If you were going to do that, why not just grow tendrils instead of bothering with the ripping robes thing.

Yes J, why did you do that? Haven’t you learnt anything yet, just be freaky

Me and myself, you need to get back in your box, no backseat fighting. Leave this to ‘I’.

[Rope Use unlocked.

Rope Use (1)

Torture unlocked.

Torture (1) ]

What? I incapacitated him. Ok, so could have used less force.

Yet better him in pain, then me back in the Abyss. Or forced to corrupt someone, cause hard pass on that.

Ugh, that air brained act left me feeling slimy.

Oh wait, he's a spell caster.

Tendrils snaked out to form a mesh around his fingers, holding them in place. Meanwhile, the one around his neck grew a cover for his mouth to ensure the gag didn’t get loose.

Yuck J. Clicking some of those chat links really scarred your brain.

Hentai much, miss tentacle girl. How strong can I make these things?

Play with your toys later, me.

“Time to find the prize.”

{{Hurt him.}}


Giving Wajet a sharp push, she resisted the temptation to hit him again before moving to start on the long table. Planning to loop her way over every surface and cupboard in the place until the prize was found. Though it turned out spotting Tras’laqì’s book was easy enough. That would have likely been the case even if it hadn’t turned out to be sitting on a table by itself. The size of the book had been far larger than expected. A bulky thing it was fifty centimetres at least from base to top and the same across its front.

Its construction was disturbing, the deep green of the cover looking like hardened mucus; with yellow translucent hooks rimming its edges. Whenever her flesh neared the book’s cover, the hooks had flexed and clicked. Their waving edges were sharp enough to sever a chitin ridge she'd extended experimentally. It had taken care to open it while losing nothing more to them; once open, the hooks at least dropped into torpor.

Inside the front flap, it looked like a large metal bowl had been set into the cover. Though the material obviously wasn’t thick enough to allow for its depth. Though sight and Mana sense both said there was a curvature to it, nothing could reach below the bowl's rim. Julia's knowledge did not allow her any idea what the spell woven into it did, yet it seemed anchored to the tiny Abyssal script around its rim. Fortunately, even with the weird dimensional effect involved, her inventory ability worked without issue in both storing and retrieving the Book.

Only four wands along with a few mana stones had joined her collection before an unsettling discovery halted her search. A lingering spell’s mana that was barely present on a Pot, dissipated from its surface even as examination started. It didn’t appear an object that would warrant much interest in either of her lives. A simple glazed clay pot appearing crafted by a hobbyist, with a closely fitted lid. Nothing particularly attention-worthy outside, yet inside it a lump of meat dripping fresh blood grabbed her attention.

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