Abyssal Road Trip

16.5 - Reference Details


Most of the demon type/species share some essential characteristics.


Improved Senses

Ability to understand, if unable not also speak, the standard Abyssal tongue of the era when they arrive in the Abyss.

Immortal (unless destroyed on their home plane)

Resistance to materials or energies


Resistance ranks grow through the following order:







Most resistance ranks have a threshold of damage it allows the possessor to ignore before damage applies. Immunity rank doesn’t have levels and provides complete protection from a material or elemental effect.

Mundane Materials

Provides protection from damage caused by ordinary materials: rock, bronze, copper, iron, etc. It does not protect against elemental effects even if the source is mundane; fire hurts don’t play with torches. Getting hit by a thrown rock or a steel sword though will require more force or greater precision of a strike to result in an injury.

Elemental or Energy Resistance

These all protect from damage from the energy that matches to the resistance. These elemental effects can be the four base elements, quasi elements, or raw mana energy. This protection applies regardless of if the source is natural to the environment or magically formed.

Resistance protects against instant or ongoing damage that is less than the rank's threshold.

For example, getting hit with a torch. Firebolt. Going swimming in the elemental plane of fire, damage from these is offset by fire resistance.

Examples of these are:

Fire, Cold, Acid, Mana, Earth, Air, Lightning, Water, Darkness, Light and others.

Power and Skill Ranks        Requirements for Skills

Introduction    (20 Ranks)

Beginner    (B) (20 Ranks)

Apprentice    (Ap) (30 Ranks)

Journeyman    (J) (40 Ranks)

Adept       (Ad) (50 Ranks)    Int - 15

Master      (M) (100 Ranks)    Int - 25

Senior Master   (S) (200 Ranks)      Int - 35

Grand Master   (G) (500 Ranks)      Int - 50


Abyssal Adaptability

Allows a Demon to adapt much faster to the varied effects found within the Abyss. The adaptions range from adjusting to simple physical effects (increased gravity), elemental effects (poison gases, extremes of heat or cold) or the nature of a particular plane’s reality itself (Primordial). Entities other than Demonic Species or the Fallen cannot get this Power.


Allows the possessor and unsecured non-living matter to shift from place to place at will. The limit on the additional material is a combination of the physical ability to lift the object and a matching magic rating.

The Power range at the initial rank is ( 30 feet / 9.144 meters), each rank increases the maximum range by 50%. Levels influence the precision of a Blink and the required recovery time from the displacement. One can’t Blink into another object(s) instead will manifest in the Blink range’s closest available free space. If insufficient space is available, the user becomes stunned and shunted into an Ethereal state until retrieved by another.

Dark Sight

Grants the ability to see from patches of darkness within mana range of the possessor. High ranks of the Power allow the possessor to see out of more locations at once. It also can enable them to use patches as stepping stones to see from places that would otherwise be out of their perception.

Energy Drain

With physical contact, can draw life and or soul energy from the target of its use. Some entities can only provide life energy, while with others, the Power’s user can determine what they drain.


Determines the user’s ability to become and remain airborne and the speed at which they can move while off the ground. Higher ranks the speed of movement reaches into hundreds of kilometres an hour but doesn’t protect the flyer from striking materials or energies at that speed.


The Power enables Ki to grow beyond the boundary flesh. It allows practitioners to link their essence to the physical and spiritual aspects of existence. As they improve this Power, they unlock a range of additional Powers. They also gain synergy between various physical skills and their Ki depending on their Focus. As the Monk improves this power to the highest ranks, they establish a growing connection to reality's secrets.

Improved Regeneration

Increases the capabilities of the owner to recover from physical injuries. Recovery limits provided by this Power is determine by rank, while its level influences the healings speed. Low rank loses a limb, that’s okay is but a flesh wound. While wholly burnt to ash, yeah not so much, but upper Ranks even that won’t matter. Tales of Vampires being able to rise even from ashes are because of this power.

Ki Movement

The user empowers their physical movements instinctively with Ki energy, as long as the user still has at least some available Ki their base ground speed benefits. This movement doesn’t consume Ki energy, and if the user has even a little Ki energy within their body will harness the flow of its movements.

Ki Strike

The user empowers unarmed attacks with Ki energy, allowing them to overcome armoured foes’ protections or resistance to mundane attacks. The strike or kicks effectively become magical attacks with penetrative ability. Each successful attack consumes the Ki energy used in the attack to transmit the damage.

Mana Sense

Lets the possessor see the mana flows around them, both naturally occurring and the results of spell forms. High ranks provide the ability to learn more details of spell forms or the nature of enchanted objects.


Provides the possessor to change aspects of their form. Some creatures possessing this Power only alter themselves in ways driven by their species, or Curse (Lycanthrope). In comparison, others are limited only by the individual’s attributes, imagination and overall level. Increases or decreases of physical mass are possible, and this capability for alterations increases with higher skill levels.

Soul Sight

Provides the ability to both sense and understand Soul energy. Allowing insights into the individual in question regarding their current or most recent past life. Also enables the possessor to read echos from the remains of a departed individual.


The user can speak into and read the surface thoughts of others. The initial range of this Power is only 30 meters, at lofty ranks, the effective distance could be hundreds of kilometres or across planes.

Translate Languages

It allows the possessor to comprehended words or script from any mortal tongue regardless of the physical ability to speak it. The user of this Power cannot speak or write the language; they can only understand what others say. The rank and level determine how quickly any translations occur and the accuracy of the translation.


Abyssal City Navigator

This Skill determines the user’s ability to understand and navigate the strange realities that make up the Abyss’ cities.


A combination of balance and training allows this Skill user to travel across locations where others would stumble or fall (Ropes, Narrow ledges or rough terrain). It also includes the ability to move in an extreme physical manner, either for travelling or entertainment. (Free running, parkour or professional acrobats displays all make use of this Skill)


Determines one’s ability to present yourself in a manner not matching your personality or normal conduct, for some time. This time can be as short as pretending to like someone you loathe at a party, or deep cover operatives taking on a role for weeks, months or years.


The possessor of this Skill opens themselves up to the world’s nature and can learn information about people or objects within it, and the underlying aspects of reality, aka the system. The rank and level determine the amount of information and the type they can learn, but information on items or individuals higher in power is miscellaneous at best.


The ability to get another individual to take action, the outcome of which could be detrimental to their interests if they are wrong. The tipping point could be as quick as getting someone to give up in a hand of cards of gambling, or believe you are escorting you into a place you shouldn’t be.


This Skill determines the ability to climb surfaces that otherwise would be too steep for the individual in question to travel over. The presence of natural or crafted hand and foot position, appropriate tools and environmental factors influence the difficulty of applying this Skill.

Danger Sense

This Skill enables individuals to recognise when one’s instincts are telling them to move right now. It can set off by nearing waiting ambushes, dangerous individuals, or the potential for things to go FUBAR. It doesn’t provide one knowledge of a specific way to avoid danger, only that there is an immediate risk of injury or loss.


This Skill enables the user to resemble another and provide the correct physical cues. The task’s difficulty is influenced by if the goal is to look exactly like another or merely fitting into a particular region or social group’s appearance. This Skill covers physical appearances only and doesn’t extend to social interaction or conversation.


This Skill doesn’t give the user the ability to travel through the air. Instead, it determines the trained ability in performing aerial maneuvers while airborne. Be it swooping in to make a fast landing, flying between walls or dodging other flyers, regardless of the means of obtaining flight.


The Skill enables the user to better a deal or exchange, whether dealing in physical goods, more abstract favours or terms of an agreement. Use of this Skill is an opposed check by one opposition and their Skill ranks and levels.


Like all craft skills, this determines the possessor’s ability to fashion objects in its sphere of focus. High rank and levels determine the quality of the item made, and the time required for crafting.


The Skill enables the user to present themselves threateningly that encourages confronted individuals to rethink their life choices. The Skill’s application is an opposed check, the opponent’s willpower, varied skills, and knowledge of each other influence its success.

Ki Meditation

Requires the possessor to have unlocked their Ki pool and then evolving this skill from meditation. Ki Meditation allows the user to immerse themselves in the calmness and tranquillity of the Ki. The rank and level determine their ability to overcome mental and physical fatigue. They also can avoid the distractions of physical or psychological pain.

Mana Manipulation

The Skill enables the possessor to draw on mana energies either in themselves, their immediate vicinity or via conduits of one type or another. It is the basis for the construction of Wizard Spell forms and isn't used by other casters due to the nature of their castings.


Though it is a potential foundation Skill for Wizards, not all practitioners utilised it. It allows one to achieve and hold a centred state that is useful for large arcane working and ritual magics. The Skill provides an experience synergy with Mana Manipulation and a number of other Wizard skills, allowing them to be progressed easier.

Mental Resilience

This Skill enables an individual to increase their ability to handle mental distraction, pain, and stress. Also, to recover from mental injuries and trauma, higher ranks and levels allow the possessor to continue despite trauma suffered or progressing.

Pain Tolerance

This Skill enables an individual to block out the distraction of physical pain and continue without reacting to it. At higher levels, this skill's effects can be dangerous in combat situations as the possessor might bleed out, or be unaware of the severity of an injury sustained till it is too late.


This Skill allows the user to notice things that their senses might not otherwise pay attention to and take notice. This Skill extends to the full range of a possessor’s senses but doesn’t provide them with any perceptions they otherwise do not. Nor can they tell anything, not in range of that sense.


Those that refuse to take the simple path find this Skill beneficial. It boosts willpower effects to continue along with a chosen course of action when others grow disheartened or broken. It doesn’t provide any benefit in recovering either physically or mentally from life’s trials.

Profile Control

This Skill allows the user to control how the system presents information to them and control the imprint's information.


This Skill is a combination of an ability to project sexuality and lure another into expressing overt or subtle forms of desires in return. Higher ranks and levels allow the user to overcome even a targets’ natural inclination or preferences towards particular activities, such as giving gifts or forms of intimate contact.

Sense Motive

This Skill allows the ability to perceive motivation involving an emotional context. The subtle queues of body language, choice in words, and other indicators enable the possessor to gain insight into another’s motivation and emotional state. Be that motive looking for a reason to punch you in the face, or notice someone flirting. Encountering unfamiliar species can mute, or mislead this skill's insights if they don’t possess similar indicators.


This Skill is a mixture of various forms of remaining unnoticed, rather than just unseen and unheard. It covers the combination of line of sight, sounds, or just taking action to blend into a crowded street.


This skill provides those trained insights into the immediate or impending situations in a battle. Allowing them to either position to take advantage of their strength or mitigate their own vulnerabilities. This Skill allows the possessor to see the flow of combat, patterns in opposition behaviour, and either make use of or cause weakness in positioning to occur. It can also allow the possessor to see the tactical situation and probable reason. (Ambush, restriction of movement or combat options)


This Skill allows the user to distract or provoke one or more targets into a course of action they might not have otherwise taken. This ability can be as subtle as a scornful look at the right time, or as blunt as loud, insulting language. They can also apply their effects over an extended period to lead to a breaking point in the target’s behaviour. The mix of rank and level will allow the target to both resist and determine what happened.

Time Sense

This Skill provides the ability to notice and track the passage of time either by or without external indicators.

Unarmed Combat

This Skill comes in many forms: formal style(s), instincts or informal street brawling.


These skills are both a measure of one’s ability to understand matters in a field of expertise and unassisted knowledge in the subject.

Abyssal Lore

The Abyss existed before the current species of Demons came to inhabit it; this represents knowledge of the Planes, their unnatural processes, and environments. Gaining this lore requires extensive travels and exposure to multiple planes, or more safely through lots of studying of tomes written by once curious individuals. Individuals who may or may not still be sane while recording their collected knowledge.


This Skill provides knowledge of the forces of the universe behind the veil of the mundane. Higher Skill level shows a greater understanding of the hidden forces: divine, magical, or planar. And understanding, spell forms their structures and use in enchantments.

Celestial Lore

This lore provides the possessor with knowledge of the forces and entities on the higher planes. It covers knowledge of the gods’ ranks, their various servants, and their ability to ascend or fall from grace.

Demonic Lore

This lore covers knowledge of various Demonic entities found in the Abyss in the current era. Still, it doesn’t provide insights or understanding of primordial entities before the Mortal species’ rise.

Hidden Lore

This lore covers an understanding of the ‘Hidden’. How their secrets are both perceived by others and how they perceive the reality of the ‘System’. Generally, this Skill is only possessed by a Hidden, but some rare scholars also learn it via tomes or even more rarely via personal interactions.

Planar Lore

This knowledge is a measure of one’s general understanding of the planes of reality. The topography, interaction points and entity types encountered on planes are within this lore’s scope. However, it is a general knowledge only, so an entity types specific powers, abilities, weakness and strengths are not.

Planar Portals

This knowledge represents one understanding of planar portals. It covers their possible locations, appearances and means of prying them open if they are inactive.

Skill Lore

This knowledge covers the skills frameworks' general details and how skills can evolve naturally into other skills, or forced to do so by particular repeated behaviours or focused uses.

Special Abilities


Allows the possessor to up to a limit of mass in an Extra-dimensional space that appears to be outside of Time but connected on a personal level. As objects stored by this ability, do not age or decay, and nor do they appear to be detectable by any means while stored. Only non-living or at least once-living no longer animated objects can be stored. Undead or constructs under the mass available cannot be stored, nor strangely can intelligent magical objects.

Items can be retrieved from the space no matter what plane the individual in question was on when it was stored or is on when it’s retrieved.

This ability can’t be gained only granted by the ‘System’.

Main Caster Types


These casters construct their spell form via mana, both their personal as well as available in a location, rather than channelling or manipulation of elemental forces of nature. However, their spell forms can carry elemental energies. Their Mana Affinities determine what element affinities their spell forms can influence or be imbued with.


These casters use mana to cause a reaction with a catalyst, or a raw element present suitable to their casting, Their most flexible spells require gemstones specific to the school of the magic used. However, with the right element affinities, they can use raw element objects with their line of sight to create offensive and defensive spell forms.


These casters use their mana to channel energies directly from other planes. They start their career with a single affinity, usually innately gained through a bloodline. They can only extend their affinity to elements or planes directly in contact with their own. For example, a Fire Sorcerer can gain an affinity for the quasi planes connected to the Fire element, but not an Affinity for Water, Air or Earth.


These casters operate by summoning entities from other planes, and the entity’s presence then lets them form spell forms relative to their home plane. The range of ‘Use’ and ‘True’ names they have gained, and their preparations, is the only limit to a summoner’s versatility.

They can form a contract with an entity through these names and then call on them when they choose. When a summoner draws forth an entity from another plane, failing to contain and bind, the entity will often be fatal. A summoner can only have one entity called forth at a time.


The caster themselves do not possess personal mana; instead, they channel mana from Worship’s focus (God, Demigod, Demon or Devil). Usually, the key factor in what spells they can channel is their personal Faith. However, religious situations, relics and artifacts can alter these limits, as does the Power portfolio, and intended use.

The servant of a water Demi-god will never channel a fireball. While the servant of a major Goddess of Healing, good luck, when trying to call on offensive magic. Unless it’s protecting the innocent or faithful from immediate harm.

Demonic Tiers of Ascension (Tiers of Evolution available to non-bestial Demons)

Tier I   Least -> Lesser.

Tier II   Lesser ->

Tier III    -> Greater

Tier IV Greater -> Named

Tier V    Named  -> Lord / Lady

Standard Tier Demons have no suffix shown in species when Analysis or Imprint become available.

A Named Demon does not refer to a ‘True’ or ‘Use’ name, but by accumulating enough power to be a major influence in multiple Abyssal planes. They also have also gained a connection to one or more home planes in the Abyss.

Named Demons and higher are among the Powers within the Abyss and have multiple home planes, making them difficult to destroy. As they need to be defeated on each of their home planes within a century of the first form being destroyed. Each additional home plane effectively providing a line of retreat that they can use to upon their form's destruction in another location.

Attributes (Fairly Standard)


Measures an individual’s physical strength, ability to lift or push against a raw mass, or efficiently apply force. It is a combination of the sheer mass of muscle possessed by an individual, muscle density, and supernatural or trained ability.


Measures an individual’s health and stamina and marks their ability to continue physical endeavours. It influences an individual’s ability to endure fatigue, damage, illness, and recovery time.


Measures an individual’s general co-ordination and their natural ability to interact with their physical environment. Motor reflexes, balance, flexibility and coordination, are all aspects of this attribute.


Measures an individual’s combination of analytical ability, their ability to memorise information and influence how well they learn, adapt, or work through mental challenges


Measures an individual ability to focus and keep going while controlling their habits and emotions. It also determines an individual’s susceptibility to the influence of their environment or other individuals.


Measures the combination of an individual’s physical attractiveness, personality, and the ability to interact with others convincingly.


Measures the capacity of an individual to channel Power from a higher or lower being. It both indicates how difficult a spell they could handle and the effectiveness of their divine castings. More powerful blessings require high Faith, and the Faith also determines the difficulty in overcoming unwilling targets’ resistances.


Measures the capacity and effectiveness of a caster’s mana manipulation; for some entities, it also determines their innate Powers’ effectiveness. The higher an individual rating, the more powerful spell forms/summoning they can control, and if they can overcome an unwilling target’s resistances.

Mana Affinities and their Tiers


1 Earth Fire Air Water

2 Dark Light Nature / Wood Decay Ice Ooze Smoke Magma

3 Spatial Gravity Life Death Lightning Metal Radiance Steam Void Dust Ash Salt

4 Abyssal Infernal Celestial Arborea Positive Negative Time Mental

Jade Court (Eastern Celestial)

5 Primordial Chaos Order Destruction

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