Abyssal Road Trip

16 - Terms and Conditions apply

How am I supposed to do that? I don’t know what it looks like, let alone where I am.

“Seriously, fuck you, Naz’rilca.”

“She, like most of your kin, would fuck a tree stump. If that was all there was at hand.”

A soft slithering voice coming from under a table, cause Julia to spin and crouch in reflex. Her eyes searching underneath tables to find the speaker. What the search revealed was the smallest, and least gross, non-humanoid Demon seen so far. It wasn’t imposing, rather it appeared as if someone had blended a ferret, and an armadillo then crafted its scales from obsidian. Its body was long and slender, yet there was nothing delicate about its hide, or the sharpness of its gaze.

“I could sell you information on proper Succubus care; that one sounded out of sorts, but then so did you.”

A minor knowledge Demon?

If that is a minor knowledge Demon, no wonder they like them in their Debt.

“I’d be more interested in trading for other information.”

“Such as where to find the stronghold Gate? There are other deals I could offer. Information in return for handling things I need an enticing aide to achieve. Nothing that would upset the Order. I might even consider including more Debt for your help. Along with telling things a little Demoness should know.”

“Why would you be happy to extend your Debt to the Order?”

“I’ve no wish to leave. I seek secrets and have learnt many interesting things while in their service. What are a few centuries of sorting things, compared to gaining knowledge? Yet you need to go, and my time is precious. I have an offer for your aid. Listen, then put your Heat in the gem again. I’ll give you directions and somewhat more.”

“Why do you want my imprint?”

“I hunger to learn, to know, all knowledge is Power. Heard Naz’rilca rant. Most amused. Potential is better than securing an ill wrought force.”

“She was yelling for you for a while before that rant.“

“If she called earlier, I was away; got back to hear her ranting at you. Most curious about your situation.”

The last thing I want is for more Demons to be curious about me.


[Demon Species: Gilöglp

Name: Tras’laqì

Details: Yes. I know. Do you?]

What the heck? No unknown, no class indicators at all, and that description. How is its profile like that?

“What do you need aid with?”

Knowledge demon. Does it know I used Analysis or is that something Profile Control allows? I stopped using it once I had the ‘hud’? I need to be careful and see if I can push all skills I learn to do more.

“To bring me a book with names from one who owes. Not right now, but in time, the summons will come.”

“Who has the Book? And when?”

“Mortal Summoner wanted demon use names. Name is Wajet of Memphis, in the Ten kingdoms. Book must come to me.”

The little Demon held out a paw-like hand, and two glowing images appeared, like cuneiform symbols.

“First is their sigil, even you will feel it in their magic little one. The second will be on the Book’s spine, and the cover is skin cut from a Malpliki back. Solid single colour green hide, with hooks all along the lip of its cover.”

I can get out. Well if they don’t bind me with my name.

“What plane are they on? How would they do this summoning?”

“The Mortal Plane. The Material plane. The Prime plane. Axis plane. Depends on one who asks. When he calls you to talk, then make sure you get a book. Stow Book. Bring back. Yes. I should use smaller words. Is that good? Your 'Use' name is the only thing needed to summon. J is your name. Such an easy 'Use' name, even for a dumb, careless summoner to use. Reckless ones with flawed protections in place, if has sight enough to see where flaws. Suggest you select a better 'Use' name stop from being called by truly stupid.”

Yes, J. Every Demon is a prick; there is a hint in their species’ name. Seems to want me to give up and say ‘yes’.

“So if I get the Book and bring it back to you. I get a reward, and you owe more Debt to the Order. Who determines the fairness of the reward?”

Like fuck, I’m coming back.

“Book has at least forty pages unless he’s damaged it. For each page, I’ll answer a single question if the subject is one I know or can out find information on. So your own questions will determine the value. Will also give two additional years of service per page as well for Order in your name.”

“That might be fair. But Naz’rilca gets to determine the number of years after examining the Book and before I provide it to you. You take on the Debt once she confirms its value, and the conditions related to that time being added to your service.”

Are they trying to avoid something, maybe? Sounds about as shady as you’d expect given hello, Demon.

“If you are fine to share credit with her, but she’ll take the full due I assure you. What conditions?”

Oh, you little rat licker. Did you not want me to tell her? Or actually, want me to get in trouble? How many loops of I know; that you know; that I know; do you have to play with these Demons? Likely more than I’d take time to do. Where’s the hook or spike it’s going to shove in me?

“Condition like this doesn’t invalidate your existing Debt and its terms, same conditions apply or something. I don’t want to get ordered to flay myself. And don’t tell me they wouldn’t do that or worse if I got them annoyed.”

I’m sure I’m missing something. What if there is some conflict if the same Terms and Conditions apply to a new deal? What’s in the fine print.

“Fine. However, none of the conditions can make my current Debt worse than the years’ addition. And if I don’t get the Book you and the Order get nothing more from me.”

Damm, I should say no, I feel like I’m putting my foot in something. Deal with the Devil; Demons are just as evil. Pretty sure this thing is way smarter than I am. Not a thug like the Cambion at the river. I can come up with all the conditions I want, and it likely has even more loopholes. But it’s a chance to get out, what happens if I don’t come back.

“Well, young Succubus. Shall this be the start of a profitable relationship? Much knowledge to gain for us each?”


“Good now, stone. Then I tell you how to get to Gate.”

Julia repeated the process she conducted with the gem and passed it to the waiting Demon.

“To get to the Gate, you walk, run or fly. Yes. There you go. Something more you now know all pieces matter.”

The little Demon vanished with a small snap before Julia could even try to grab for it.

{{Burn its Book and flay its hide.}}

((Trust no Demon, give them only a swift end.))

Fighting an urge to flip every damn table, Julia turned and yanked open the same door she’d come in. The sound of ringing hammers and metallic smells flooded in the door as it cracked open was not a comforting sign. Instead of a corridor, the door now looked out down onto the floor of a massive workshop.

Of course, she doesn’t tell me how the doors work around here. Remember, don't pay the ferryman.

It was a bustling place filled with forges, tended by what looked to suits of armour. They focused the face of the open helms intently on their work as if the air inside the helm could see. Some even looked to be making repairs and replacements for themselves or other suits, while others took themselves apart. Yet nowhere in there could she spot any doors.

Really. I’m not sure I want to risk looking to see if any Souls are in them. More than a little punch drunk, the numbness was almost better than how broken I felt in that chamber. Not sure what pushed me back together, but can’t just keep pushing this way.

I can I don’t have a choice. Need to keep going.

So I can, and I will.

Not seeing any obvious route from the room, Julia closed and reopened the door. This time it opened into a ghastly cellar instead. Husks hung like sides of meat, and the smell of blood was heavy in the air, dripping into casks from the hooks that rent flesh. The door closed even faster and repeated attempt after attempt just showed her one unfamiliar room after another.

It doesn’t seem to matter what I’m thinking about or my intent, it’s just random {{bloody rooms}}.

((Calm, relax.))

Yeah, lead me around in circles. So why tell me how to find my way. Make me figure it out and give me an unknown deadline to add fun.

{{I’m late. I’m late for a very important date.}}

Just reopen it and go. Look for any room with any window or break to the outside. If I can get outside, I should be able to use Flight to get to the front Gate.

Blink carried her across one room after another, down corridors, places that seemed familiar yet weren’t. She followed her decision never to go into a room if another door wasn’t apparent. Room after room, yet there was not a single Demon that could provide her with even scathing directions. There was no choice but to continue the hunt. Finally, she opened a door onto an enclosed balcony with the ground so far below it seemed distant. From that vantage point, there wasn't even a hint of the City.

Am I even in the same building still? Oh yeah, cause that would be good.

The wind howled through the balcony that overlooked a series of unfinished or perhaps broken towers nearby. From this height, any structure below was but a distant blur.

Too much time wasted haggling with bloody Tras’laqì, and more lost in chasing my tail. How long to get down safely? Which direction do I go to find a Gate? No worries, J. Down will be closer. Right?

Oh, no Pet, I meant the magical Gate on the highest roof. Why did you go down? Now I have to kill you. Too bad, so sad.

{{There, go, go now. Leave. Run.}}

Blink took her into the open air amidst the spires. Pushing with Flight angled downwards instead of free falling. It was only that shift in the direction that saved her from the blast. Lightning scorched by overhead just after the descent path had altered. With that crackling energy cutting the air, Julia pushed for more speed from Flight. The sharp cleanness of ozone was still in the air, as the next near-miss made her skin tingle. Contouring wings and body alike force the angle to adjust again, and another blast missed.

Where is the bloody caster? Have I pissed off security? So far, the shooting is as accurate as an imperial stormtrooper. You keep that up, please.

After a third near-miss, Julia spotted the caster standing atop the balcony that had been her exit from the stronghold. The figure in full uniform stretching out a hand with rippling energy. Her wings worked against her as catching the air, they flared them open and almost brought her to a halt. A desperate Blink straight down provided an escape from the spell energies flaring from that Succubus’ hand.

Zigzagging with Blink took her further away from one attack and then another. She kept skipping through reality till dizziness threatened immobilisation. Winging around a curve in the tower to get away from one attacker, only to find another. The ice that struck carried force enough to spin her like a top, yet at that moment she had spotted other Succubi also playing this game.

Wings folded and Flight pushing downwards set a fresh course. A hurried straight dive to gain speed and time for her mind to clear. Airborne figures all clad in training clothes swooped and flickered to avoid one energy attack or another. As the descent continued, the numbers grew, trainee and caster alike, and the air about thickened with energies.

Is this is a live-fire drill? Or just their idea of fun? Though the casters look like they’re enjoying themselves. The flying targets not so much. I need to get out of this mess and find a way to the mortal plane.

If I lose the wings, I’ll move faster, but I need to practice with them. Need to meet their ‘uniform’ standards as quick as I can, or it might be the excuse used to end me.

Dodging twists, Blinks and switching to free fall almost randomly did only so much to avoid damage. Especially when it often seemed those flying were as intent on blocking each other as escaping injury. It seemed only an unwritten rule, or maybe it was an order from more senior members that kept it from turning lethal.

Yet it was still clear many of them were playing for keeps, the novices more than the casters. With frequent mid-air collisions deliberately forced, blocking each other into blasts, or send them dodging into another’s wings. The impact onto spiked wings seemed to inflict more damage than the spells. Blood thickly coating her skin finally, the ground began to close, and while not all of it was Julia's, the passage had involved soaking and healing a lot of damage.

Full contact sparring, while being shot at and a side order of bloodshed.

Getting close enough to the ground made finding the Gate relatively easy. She had indeed meant a physical entry; they were a set of mammoth metal doors easily ten or more metres in height. The doors were spiked inside and out, with serrated ridges scattered in between them. It was obvious the Gate was as much to intimidate as to secure. A single figure stood near them, separated some distance from the casters who were tossing spells into the air.

“Land here Pet, you’ve taken too long. What shall I do with you?"

Julia couldn't even make out the moving of lips, yet the sounds seemed to whisper purring into her ear. Dropping through the air, and a series of Blinks took her closer. Julia was sure that if they attempted an escape, it would only get worse.

I need to get out.

{{It’s easier not to worry. Just live in the now, live it with delight in all. Pleasure, pain, sex or blood, it’s all just there to feed us sensations. Lovely sensations, their sensations or ours.}}

((Hope, keep hope.))

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