Abyssal Road Trip

15 - Oath of Blood

As Julia returned to herself, her mind twitched and shook as tremors of continuing shock raced around inside her. Voices in the distance were speaking, and only vaguely was it understood that it was about herself. At first, the fragmented snippets fading in and out made no sense. She slowly noticed fingers in her hair and knew that they were all that had kept her upright. Yet their hold seemed deliberately positioned to force her body into an awkward arch. They compressed her like a drawn bow between the grip in her hair, and an unrelenting force holding her shins.

"Well. It seems you didn't break. Yet even in that state, your mind remained protected."

The voice of Lady Balnérith yanked her awareness back into reality and anchored it in place. Despite her now coherent attention, Julia felt pieces inside still shuddering and screaming for mercy. Her voice held Julia's attention in its grasp, despite the turmoil inside, or the pressure on her body.

{{Such Pain. Need to flee.}}

I need to get out of this place. What the fuck was that thing. This place is vile enough by itself. Trying, no it wasn't trying, it was munching me down a piece at a time. Fuck. I was getting eaten alive. Did it get at my Soul? That wasn't just painful. It was living Agony.

Balnérith picked the core from where it now sat nestled in wilted petals, rolling it over in her fingers, and seemed to see into its depths. Then, as if having seen enough, brought it to her mouth and bit smoothly through its surface. Each measured bite sounding like cracking stone, she consumed it all.

The words spoken next made no sense to Julia. Intoned they lingered in the air, a mix of decadent decay, and bile laced through with gagging sweetness. As Balnérith finished, a vice's jaws locked on inside Julia, landing on brittle wounds laced with broken glass. The pressure felt as if it was ripping into her flesh and scrabbling to claw into Soul and chain her in place.

What the heck. How much more? No. Keep it together.

Focus and reach for the Ki. Nothing else matters at the moment.

Ki that felt like it had been so long out of reach willingly flowed in to help block out the pain. Yet its very touch felt like her family's hugs, so that even as the tranquillity trickled in; grief hit hard.

I miss you all so much. I'll never see you again.

The spike of emotional pain threatened to burst that tranquillity; even as it ebbed away. It was only by the barest margins that she floated within it. All the while, the falseness of the Heat's veneer seemed to mock her with its presence.

[Complete Intonation of Form's True Name Detected]

"In the common Abyssal dialect of this era, it would mean Blighting of the Innocent. Acceptable," said Lady Balnérith.

['True Name' confirmed: Blighting of the Innocent

Error: A false True Name has been gained through a 'nominally' successful ritual.

Details: This name is accessible through imprints to protect the hidden. It has minimal resistible effects to indicate when it is being used.

Note: You're hidden. The only being that can find your True Name is you or one of the realms' five founding primordials.]

Julia gasped in shock at the notice, and Balnérith smiled in smug satisfaction.

Her tongue flickered across the last fragments that dusted her lips, her eyes devoid of anything sane, as they shone with cold Power. When she spoke long moments later, the Chamber was still quiet as none had dared to disturb her thoughts.

"You have some useful skills, but not enough of what we require. And none of the classes that normally set one on our Path. Yet without guidance, you found your way. This is how she tripped the wards at the Gates. No Traitors, just an unsworn having found her way. Interesting."

She gestured for the Sister who had fetched the object to remove what little remained of it.

This time when they carried it, there was no sign of any care being required. The grasp on Julia's hair relaxed, and no longer forced to lean back, Julia knelt shakily upright. Balnérith continued to wait till no distraction remained before speaking again.

"By the Power of your True Name, I command you. Repeat now this Oath and let it Bind you to the service."

What the hell! No. How do I get out of here? Let me go.

"By the Levithan's blood upon which I kneel."

Feeling her lips move to repeat the words, she heard her voice echoing Balnérith's in the still chamber. It suddenly felt right to do, yet so wrong her flesh moving without direction. The sensation of wrongness burnt away at the calm of the Ki, but something touched its mist and lent its strength to remain.

"I swear my flesh, blood, and hunger to the service of the Sisterhood.

I swear always to uphold it.

What my Superiors instruct me to kill will die.

What my Superiors instruct me to protect, I will secure.

What my Superiors instruct me to betray will know my treachery.

In all things, I will obey the orders of my Superiors to my utmost.

None but the Sisterhood will have my loyalty, not faction, nor kin.

All this I swear to uphold till my essence is dust onto the Abyss."

The Lady paused after each line, and like a puppet, Julia repeated each without fail. With each word spoken, a Heat like her Ki's veneer rose from beneath her shins, enfolding her. She knew it wasn't Ki under this falseness but did not know what it actually was. Something powerful reached inside her Form and brushed the Ki. The Ki merely shifted in response, as if tumbling in a stream. The energy from it a cascading spray like water cooling the fire-ravaged remains of self. She felt gossamer threads reach between the fragments within. Silken girders grew to link them, and the shattered glass washed away. As the Oath continued, Julia could feel flesh regrowing from her back and shoulder despite the collar's power.

I will make you pay! I can still think it, so there are loopholes.

The Lady simply nodding as they finished regrowing in a rush.

As the Oath continued onwards, she felt energy returning to her, and the skin of her stump and back itched and writhed. This time it was her wings flexing out, causing her separation from the guide.

"The Blood has embraced her. Now and for all eternity, you are a servant to the Order. Yet for now, you are but a Novice among us. Subject to the commands of all till given authority over any."

Without pause, she looked past Julia; her attention directed at her guide.

"Naz'rilca, you will instruct her. She has some interesting skills, yet few of those expected. Resolve it."

The Lady gestured for Julia to stand, and unsurprisingly the binding force and Heat from the block vanished.

[Home Plane Culerzic is overridden to Hrz’Styrn, by Servant's Oath to the organisation ‘Sisterhood of Blood’, Faction: ‘Unbound’.

Achievement: Feet First Only

Trigger: Swore a binding Oath of service to a stronger planar entity. (No Faction Allegiance)

Reward: Organisation membership

Bonus trigger condition(s) met:

Bonus Reward[1]: Inventory Size increase (2 -> 4)

Bonus Reward[2]:

Achievement: Here, little bird.

Trigger: Having lived through a brief meeting with a (fallen) Angel.

Reward: Celestial Lore unlocked.

Celestial Lore(1)

Achievement: 'Tis but a flesh wound (in reality)

Trigger: Survived your first Abyssal Corruption crisis.

Reward: Abyssal Adaptability raised by one full rank.

Achievement: And the Abyss looked back

Trigger: Make even fleeting contact with an ancient force in the Abyss

Reward: ]

Before she could take in the notifications, the guide's hand used the leverage of a wing and forced her to turn. Then without a pause pushed her on still unsteady feet towards the door, and out into the corridor beyond.

Naz'rilca only waited for the door to click shut behind them before Julia's face smashed against the far wall in a blur. With no chance to turn, or even shift position she kept Julia pressed bodily against the stonework. The cold and oh-so-ordinary stones under Julia's skin felt almost reassuring in their sense of reality.

"Let's make one thing clear. You do not rate whelp. For any bits of trouble, you cause, I'll remove bits from you."

Quick fingers removed the collar, and the Abyss's Heat rose in a flurry, skipping across her skin. She felt the Succubus' claws brush, almost as if a caress, down between her wings, before Naz'rilca squashed Julia harder still. Then the pressure vanished, and Julia had to catch herself to keep from falling.

{{Oh, that touch. Should I kneel again to eat her? Better than being eaten alive.}}

Julia tried to shake a sudden eerie shiver from her mind.

"Follow me."

Releasing Julia from her grasp, Naz'rilca turned and strode away. Savage anger expressed in every rustle of her wings, as she clenched the collar so fiercely that even good steel should bend.

"I should have just killed you at the Gate. I will find a use for you."

This is that {{bitch}}!!

Oh great. Even with whatever helped me in there. I feel like I should be curled up in a corner somewhere. While someone force-feeds me meds. Yet I have you to ride me. And seriously help in the Abyss, was it just locking chains in place? Fuck. Wait, does Naz'rilca want to fuck me or kill me? Both?

((She is a creature of chaotic instincts. They need care in dealing with. Yet they are their own worst enemies.))

The Ki's calmness was unruffled, as yet more new thoughts filtered within the depth of her subconscious.

[Sense Motive (3 -> 4)

Mental Resilience [J] (6 -> 9)

Demonic Lore (19 -> 20)]

Well crap. Still can't believe I'm still alive.

That 'true name', am I the innocent being blighted. Why? Just why? No, your choices are yours.

((That which is ill can be healed.))

No one can decide your Soul is screwed but you. Need to not give in to them.

They fight other Demons in the Abyss. Just protect yourself and don't get pulled into corrupting mortals. Can killing Demons be wrong?

True Names are a scary amount of control over a Demon - and now everyone in that Chamber has heard mine. Fuck. I couldn't even think about not following her Order. First forced into the Abyss and now I find there is another way others can control me. I need to learn more.

{{I need to get stronger, forge myself a new name. Why Blighting I'm not someone to wilt plants. Let's burn a forest down, and fuck in its ashes.}}

I still have my Soul, it's mine. They might force my actions, but I know what they've done after, and I can choose right over wrong.

{{Why does a Soul matter except to corrupt or consume? Power matters.}}

A tough road can either strengthen you or break you. Fallen is when you refuse to stand again.

Feeling she was missing out on something at present, Julia looked back at the notifications there hadn't been time to review in the Chamber. As her mind presented the various around achievements again, her footsteps turned mechanical as she tried to make sense of them. Trying to recover her already fragile mental balance, she let herself drift with the Ki and movements of the flesh.

Lady Balnérith is a fallen Angel?

{{So much delicious Power. I can grow strong in her service.}}

Unnoticed, even to herself, Julia shivered as if something had walked over her grave.

Julia noted Naz'rilca's wings had ceased twitching by the time they had gotten through her being issued actual clothes. The steward of the process was a Demon, that while humanoid appeared formed of ash floating in congealed blood. Fortunately, it hadn't needed to touch her, just set things for her to take that fit perfectly. It was good to have some clothes finally and not just clad in her chitin, even better after the parade of her birthday suit.

Another way for brainwashing to start, isn't it? Treat you like crap and then give you 'rewards' and pat you on the head.

So you crave the rewards and fear the fury. Well, these training clothes are supportive at least. The wobbles were getting annoying. Jealous of bigger boobs, no more.

So far, none of the Succubi she'd seen belonged among the support roles of the Order. Yet she had seen mostly collars among the non-Succubi. On their trip down they'd veered off to take more new corridors yet, and many doing menial work. It had seemed so far that other demons, yeah they were fit to clean floors, mend things, haul away broken things and bodies, but not join.

Clothes for training, clothes for relaxing, though it was pretty clear she'd be not getting time for that soon. Novice uniform for duty, though she would need to learn to wear it properly, apparently. They even issued, well as close to Demons get to bras since the even standard 'form' needed some support while fighting, not top-heavy but not flat. Succubi were weird, apparently too vain to be in a form that didn't scream to the stereotype of male wet dreams.

She had informed there would spend weeks, months, but best not years spent practising to get the appearance precisely right. Advancement from Novice required everything about it: right - posture, body language, style of the hair. Not being able to advance from Novice would mean her demise. Since this was now her home Plane. If Naz'rilca felt she was a failure; she'd kill Julia and feed her essence to the Abyss. She'd smugly told her the full member's home Plane wasn't here, and she doubted a whelp would ever learn more.

Anal-retentive Demons, they conscripted me into an Order of anal-retentive demons. Having worked with a few people with OCD issues; she mentally sent them sorry notes for thinking their habits were annoying. Compared to them regarding using this Order's 'form', her former workmates' issues were nothing.

When they dropped off the issued equipment to her 'assigned personal space', she found it was a storage closet. Various shelves and racks were there to handle clothes, boots, accessories, and weapons if she survived to earn them. Sullen red light from a crystal set overhead was the brightest part of the space; with just enough room to get inside with the door closed. Yet they made it clear it was always to be closed when changing into uniform. As being seen doing so would be grounds for extreme punishment.

Since Demons didn't have natural body processes, it made sense why those training had no real personal space. Maybe that explained why they were so erratic in their use of rooms. The apparent randomness of trashing a room full of furnishings. Had that been a training drill? A way to gain combat experience in a room filled with fancy stuff? Maybe that was it; unless it was from boredom and breaking stuff was their version of fun.

After another maze of a weaving path from her personal space, if she could find it again. Their travels had finally led them to a room filled with impressively shiny rocks. Well, crystals or maybe gemstones, but she did not know their names and the odd colours looked nothing she remembered. The otherwise uninhabited room drawing frustrated ire.

"Tras'laqì I hope someone is using your cock for a knife rack. Miserable little Gilöglp. I just told him I was on my way, and yet he's gone."

"How did you tell him?"

"Telepathy. Were you too weak when you Ascended?"

"I have it."

"Then what did you think I meant. Ask another question. If it's also obvious, you'll lose something."

"What is Gilöglp?"

She paused before answering as considering if she should still punish Julia for the question.

"Gilöglp are minor knowledge demons. Know that the Order likes to have them in our Debt. Knowledge Demons, the more powerful especially, are a prize."

Then clearly running out of tolerance, either for answering questions or for waiting. She turned and started pushing through various clusters of scattered stones. It took nearly ten minutes of searching before the frenzy of activity came to a halt. With a displeased grunt, she thrust out her arm towards Julia.

"This should be the one, take it. Push Heat into it."

The 'this' turned out to be crystal about the size of a duck's egg, the colour of dank green moss. Julia took it quickly from her, not daring to ask how or why from her at least, but caution warranted no trust.

Look at the stone she triggered 'Analysis' on it, hoping to learn enough.

[Empowered Dusk Emerald (Trait):

A Dusk emerald is a potent catalyst for divination magics that looks into a single individual's secrets and capabilities. The enchanter empowered this emerald to record the Traits (Class / Levels / Attributes / Skills / Powers) of individuals passing any energy into the gem. Once the information is recorded, it is readable by retrieving the energy used for storage]

I sure hope this doesn't give me away. I don't want to tell her; I'm hidden. Does that count as unwilling to spill secrets in this gem?

Julia tried to push the Heat within her skin into the emerald, via various mental images, sheer willpower, yet nothing seemed to do the trick. By the time Julia had made various attempts, Naz'rilca looked like she would pull parts off her.

No, I need to pull; I pulled it like spinning wool when I Ascended. How the heck can you push a flame, anyway. How can I draw a thread through it?

Shaking her head as she stepped back from her 'so helpful' mentor who looked ready to snap. Instead of pushing it out visualised, a Yo-Yo string formed from the veneer that covered her Ki. Focusing on the end of that Heat sticking into the emerald, she turned it over and over in her palm. First, it showed redness of muffled embers but encouraged by the success; she kept turning it till it was as if a candle lit inside.

[Profile Control (11 -> 16)]

"Took you long enough. Forget what push meant?"

Snatching the gem from her even as Julia held it out, with a glance and the flame snuffed out.

"Only fifteen steps along any paths and two of those don't count. I knew you were pathetic, but not that low. You have a single level in Wizard, yet no spells, and the most common of Affinities. Absolutely no weapon skills, and stealth not worth mentioning. Minimal knowledge of anything. The only thing of any interest is the attributes you somehow have gotten."

Wait, she didn't know what level I was? How can she not see it?

"I must have offended the Lady, so she's set me to deal with you. Find the way to the stronghold's main gate. Be quick about it."

Smacking the emerald hard into Julia's hand, she vanished.



True Name

Species Lesser Succubus Level 1 /10

(Variant: Hidden Mortal Soul - Cursed) Shards (0 / 20)

Home Plane Hrz’Styrn

Class Monk Level 14

Exp (109,999 / 110,000)

Wizard Level 1


( 0 / 2000 )

Defence 35

Melee Attack Power 48 Health 353


Strength 20 Faith 5

Endurance 24 Magic 22

Quickness 25

Intelligence 25 Ki 63

Willpower 40 Mana 51

Charisma 20

Affinities Darkness, Time

Resistances Air (2), Acid - Improved (6), Cold - Minor (5), Fire - Immune, Mana - Improved (1), Mundane Materials [G] (1), Poison - Minor (5), Electricity - Minor (5)

Powers Abyssal Adaptability [Ap] (6), Blink [Ap] (18), Dark Sight (1), Energy Drain (9), Flight [B] (11), Ki Strike [B] (15), Improved Regeneration [Ap] (12), Mana Sense (3), Shapeshift [Ap] (10), Soul Sight (6), Telepathy (3), Translate Languages (1)


Active - Abyssal City Navigator (1), Acrobatics [B] (4), Acting (9), Analysis [Ap](3), Arcane (2), Bluff (10), Climbing [B] (20), Danger Sense (6), Disguise (9), Fly [B] (9), Haggling (13), Leatherworking(1), Intimidation (2), Ki Meditation [Ap] (9), Mana Manipulation (9), Mental Resilience [J] (9), Pain Tolerance [J] (4), Perception [B] (16), Perseverance [Ap] (11), Profile Control (16), Seduction(11), Sense Motive (1), Stealth [B](12), Tactics [B](4), Time Sense [B] (1), Unarmed Combat [J] (9)

Knowledge - Abyssal Lore [B](6), Arcane (3), Celestial Lore (1), Demonic Lore (20), Hidden Lore (3), Planar Lore (7), Planar Portals (7), Skill Lore (1)

Available Skills Points 33

Available Knowledge Bonus 10

Languages Abyssal, Infernal, Common Celestial, English

Inventory(4): Assorted Lurker glands, meat and flesh materials (Max Weight: 40 kilograms)

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